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RLLD last won the day on May 10

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    A world where people are accountable for their actions

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  1. We already know they focked, which of course has nothing to do with the lack of any crime being present....but that is not really the goal anyway. I am rather curious to see if we end up with a directed verdict, we should.....but this judge has been very tilted toward the prosecution....so its not as simple as it normally would be.....
  2. In other words, she lied.....your insistence to ignore this element highlights your own zeal to allow the legal system to be abused to take down your ideological opponent, you represent something lesser than what we should aspire to be
  3. But, are we sure its true? Which version of the events should we now believe happened?
  4. So then, you defend a liar.....because that liar is doing something politically convenient for you. And you do not see the problem with this?
  5. I already did, your inability to accept that she lied is a curious move. Why might you seek to defend her?
  6. In 2018, she specifically said that she was asked to make it about "me too" but since it was entirely consensual she avoided all that. Its all good, people lie all the time. Look at the crazy Kavanaugh b!tch who lied. This is not new.
  7. Not lying, she lied, plain and simple. Which happens I guess, so which version do we then believe? I note the concern where it arises that Trump lies, I infer she is also under the same expectation for truth? Or not really.....since she is being used against your political opponents? I asserted no lie, your defense of someone who clearly lied is a curious move though.
  8. Daniels said he then pressured her into having sex. She actually did.....which is what Maher was calling out. She lied, one could say fairly that she has lied at least once about the encounter......but it would seem that before she was recruited into this current legal abuse prosecution, she described the event differently... Maher noticed she lied, he called her out for it.....I think that is fair....
  9. RLLD

    The state of the Presidential race

    Correct!! Yes! Thank you, look at how the system is working.....they have perverted the law to a remarkable extent, but the system is still working.....much to the dismay of liberals and their propogandists in the media. It could be true that they eventually find some way to ding him of course, and they seem to be intent to chase this rainbow.....still not realizing that we are on to the game, and their fraudulent legal abuses wont sway us. Its not perfect, but it continues to work.....
  10. I dont much care, if he thinks colluding with the National Enquirer is the best way to get the word out, good on him.... Gratefully, the DOJ did not collude to suppress it, then I would have a problem with it.....
  11. Since all of them are liars, I will prefer to have the one that does not harm our nation over the one that does, so returning Trump means we can hope for better things....
  12. RLLD

    The state of the Presidential race

    This is essentially correct. If the left does not like something they simply throw a negative label at it, instead of explaining themselves.
  13. RLLD

    The state of the Presidential race

    The American system of government of course