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  1. This is the first of what may be several threads on my thoughts about cultural existential threats facing our nation, depending on how it goes and how much stuff gets swept under this topic. Marxism and Moral Relativism: Definitions of Marxism abound; for our purposes, I'll call it the support of the worker class over the ownership class, or the oppressed over the oppressors from an economic standpoint. Marxism also supports moral relativism: https://www.google.com/search?q=marxist+moral+relativism&sca_esv=4771c1dce5b9df5f&sxsrf=ADLYWIKmN0GtIzO1s5LmuDWRPAuBlaa9Uw%3A1715614907871&ei=uzRCZqHzNMT1kPIPr5iD8AY&oq=marxism+and+moral+rela&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp For most of its existence, Marxism and economics were closely intertwined. But in recent history, we have seen the tenets of Marxism extended to other areas. - BLM and anti-racism are racial Marxism, where the oppressed are black people. We are led to believe that white people (the oppressors) are inherently racist, as are all systems developed by the oppressors. Biden's administration has enacted many policies supporting this. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/19/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-administration-advances-equity-and-opportunity-for-black-people-and-communities-across-the-country/ - The allowance of biological men into women's safe spaces and sports is sexual Marxism. It places the needs of the oppressed (the men) over the needs of the oppressors (cis women). Biden's recent Title 9 changes show clear support of this. - The support of Palestinians over Israel is... terrorist Marxism? religious Marxism? Obviously the Palestinians are the oppressed in this model. We see Biden's support for Israel waning in deference to the Islamic State of Dearborn. I do not believe in moral relativism; I believe there are some moral absolutes. But you need moral relativism to defend men in women's prisons, or woman-raping child-burning terrorists. Existential Threat: I do not believe that a nation can survive in the long term on a backbone of moral relativism. While the above specific issues are not likely to cause the demise of our nation, they are part of a clear pattern and trajectory towards increasing relativism. What is the American Way? Is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness good? How about the American Dream, that any person through hard work can achieve his/her goals? Is that good? We seem to be increasingly celebrating people for being on an intersectional scale more than people who achieve great things. Anyway, I've typed enough for now. I look forward to @BeachGuy23responding with a grammatically challenged one-liner, but hopefully this can generate some discussion among intelligent folks.
  2. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    Yes, because salespeople are very rigid and bean counting number crunchers are nuanced and flexible. I don't know why, but your lack of self awareness continues to amaze me. You would think I'd be used to it by now.
  3. jerryskids

    ***EdEx PGA Championship 2024*** edjr OTC

    Dayum, that's good.
  4. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    I'm glad that I could educate you on the definition of existential, which was not your initial position, as seen here. Also, didn't your mother teach you how to apologize? Insulting the recipient of your apology does not typically make it effective. Nevertheless, my bar is quite low with you, so it will have to do. I will begin my discussion on the topic shortly.
  5. jerryskids

    ***EdEx PGA Championship 2024*** edjr OTC

    Sorry to hear. Hopefully not somebody very close to you.
  6. jerryskids

    ***EdEx PGA Championship 2024*** edjr OTC

    Well, poopy, those were the three guys I had hoped would fall to me... 1.09 Wyndham Hotels Clark 2.01 Joaquin Niemann Marcus @WhiteWonder
  7. Me: Rusty is conservative except for Trump. Rusty: Is that not Cruz? Me: Yes. Rusty: Still waiting for those non-conservative positions. Me: Are you special needs? I commented on your Cruz post. What does that have to do with you being conservative except for Trump?
  8. Rusty is a conservative except for opposing Trump. Just ask him.
  9. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    This is like your leftist lack of expectation of anything whatsoever from Hamas or the Palestinians who support them. Why is it unreasonable to have BeachDope admit he was wrong about what an existential crisis is? Instead, I'm supposed to waste a bunch of time posting defenses of it when he hasn't shown he even understands what it means? You used to be better than this. Now you are his lackey.
  10. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    I got called out for racism in this thread? Did you bang your head before posting this? I want your butt buddy to admit that he was wrong about existential crises before wasting my time. There was a time when you would have totally agreed. But now, you F5 a guy who doesn't understand basic grammar to agree with him. Sad.
  11. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    First, as I said in another thread, and any functional adult would understand: if Israel wanted to genocide Gaza, they'd have been done last October. Second, how many people do you think have been killed to date in Gaza? And how many women and children? And do your sources come from Hamas? Sorry, you are a child listening to what China is telling you on TikTok.
  12. jerryskids

    The state of the Presidential race

    Plurals? Existential? Two simple questions, beany.