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RLLD last won the day on April 9

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About RLLD

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    FF Geek

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    A world where people are accountable for their actions

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  1. RLLD

    Trump/Biden in a Nutshell

    Would love to engage here. Maybe when I get back, heading over to the middle east this week, arbitrage opportunities abound, Biden has substantially focked up and we can make some dollars as a result, this one might be an extended stay.....good luck to you .....
  2. How voters feel about the economy: 4 takeaways from the latest polls Going to put this here, people are realizing more and more that Biden is the biggest mistake we have ever made
  3. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Projecting who you are on to me is not even clever, you describe how we perceive you.....and to some extend how you understand you are.....on to others...... you have been shown to be a liar, how can we even be sure that this is anything approaching an honest assessment? its just hard to accept anything you say, aside from the occasional juvenile rock throwing you like to do.
  4. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Hard to believe you, you lie pretty often.....so no....I cant trust that you did any search, I think its a lie....I know I posted it.... I am not buying your lies today..... but keep trying, by all means....
  5. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Hard to believe a pathological liar such as yourself, I doubt you actually tried to find it given your propensity to lie for really no good reason....
  6. RLLD

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/11/us/elections/poll-voters-election-biden-trump.html Good news, people continue to poll in a way that suggests they have learned the lesson, and the worst economy in their lifetime might have a way to be closed out.....getting rid of the retard in the WH. This is very good news.
  7. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Its there somewhere, I posted it.....not my problem....
  8. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

  9. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Except that its not, you are lying again. I have posted this twice.....and now you lie because you presume perhaps you can get away with it, more likely lying is so part and parcel of who you are you simply cannot help yourself.....
  10. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

  11. Yeah, I am registered with one of the legal firms.....my neighbor was also in the suck and spent longer there than I did, he has one of the cancers, has so far been able to fight it...but he is pretty wrecked by it.
  12. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    I posted from multiple sources, notably at least one from MSNBC.....now I do not presume that you will accept any source.....no amount of evidence or proof will ever move your position, so part of me really does not care too much.....not unlike the President who care nothing for these people, you will find every reason to pretend it away....and that is all fine.... some of us will care, and perhaps enough of us....
  13. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    As with the other gent, I am not going to repost something over and over, you can search or accept it....I am just not going to keep going back, and pulling these things up for people..
  14. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Since that was what I posted.....yessss....I am admitting that only a handful of media are saying it, setting the irrelevance of that to the side....."I" remain firmly fixed in my position based on the polling and interviews as well as general reporting on what people are going through; along with the known impacts of inflation of course.... I mean in three to four months......when I say "later"......everything in the markets is pointing to this getting worse yet, and eventually even the media cheerleaders will have to give in and accurately report, as they eventually had to do with the Russian Collusion lie, and the laptop is not real lie.... they cannot hide it forever... The statement is not absurd, since its accurate. I get it....you want to pretend it away, but its not going away....and its only getting worse...
  15. RLLD

    This economy is so bad

    Well not yet.....they are still defending Biden though.....while they acknowledge people are feeling it, and hurt, only a handful are acknowledging it the worst for them since the 1970's.....but later, I predict these people will be forced into honesty......and I surmise YOU with them.....which is why I want a list of economists YOU look at as credible, because later you cant backpedal.....that is the plan....