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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Well, I see your argument, but Hillary's response to having an unauthorized offsite work server with confidential data was to destroy it; there isn't really much leeway to interpret that either, yet she isn't selling smokes in the joint. Then again, she is part of the system, and the system takes care of its own. Trump of course is NOT part of the system, which makes this interesting. What also makes it interesting is: does the system actually want to get rid of Trump, or does it benefit too much from keeping him in the news/relevant (see Jan 6 neverending hearings)? And is the state of Georgia influenced enough by the federal system to accede to its wishes? It all would make a fascinating fiction novel if it weren't actually happening. Anyway, that's why I say let's do it and actually reach a conclusion. I'm... not confident that that will happen however. I think the system wants Trump around and the system usually gets what it wants. We shall see.
  2. 2 points
    I've always said that if he did anything wrong during the election cycle, this was it, not the Jan 6 "greatest threat to democracy since the Goths invaded the Roman Empire" circus. Plus it is a legal proceeding, not a never-ending publicity stunt. So let's do this thing and settle it once and for all.
  3. 2 points
    Stop voting for Democrats. It's that easy. Democrats are the rulers of Identity Politics. Our FBG refugee Tim is one of them. The Democrats are putting race above everything. They've completely 180'd MLK and they're ok with it. They want people to be judged by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. The voting ID laws are the perfect example of it. Democrats are perfectly ok with people needing an ID to exercise your constitutional right to buy a gun, right? They also want it even more restricted. Do they not? YET, they complain when laws are put forth requiring people to have an ID to exercise their constitutional right to vote. The Democrats are the party of "The Victim". The only way the Democrat elites can stay in their all white-gated, crimeless, ivory tower communities, is to convince people that they are victims. When one isn't there, they create them. That's why they've basically labeled every Republican voter as a fascist, racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc. Also, it's not just the politicians either. The people have bought into the Democrat brainwashing. We know this because of the "ABT" crap. Trump was a racist, homophobe, fascist, right? That was the rallying cry of the Left. People bought it hook, line, and sinker. They've convinced the majority of the voting public that the people who voted for Trump are no different than the narrative they put forth for Trump. Honestly, I don't see a way out of this. I think Justin is nuts about the nuclear war thing, but I think he's dead on right about a Civil War. I think it's unavoidable at this point because the Democrats are going to continually push left and get towards a more socialist country and the Republican's won't let it happen without a fight. When that fight is no longer working at the government level, it'll happen at the ground level. That's just the way I see it.
  4. 2 points
    It can't, because it would be racist. Any time something affects minorities disproportionately, that's racist. The majority of illegal gun use is at the hands of minorities. Certainly, there are white people and a good portion, but the majority are disproportionately not. Hence, that law would be racist and therefore, can't be passed (or, it would be passed for a few years, then removed).
  5. 1 point
    Today's Liberal: 1. Fully supports a fascist alliance between the federal government and huge monopolistic corporations to suppress the 'spread of misinformation', previously known as free speech and a free press. 2. Fully supports a hierarchy structure of citizens where rights, benefits and legal protection are purely based on race and gender identity. 3. Fully supports the state being the primary authority on the raising of your children. 4. Fully supported state run universities in in their purge of all dissenting non-leftist ideologies from its ranks and supports the current effort to do the same within federal government bureaucracies.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    There is no way to see his call to Georgia's SOS as anything other than intentional interference. Whether it is deemed criminal or not is the purpose of the Grand Jury. It was a really bad idea and he was getting really bad advice from people at the time.
  8. 1 point
    It was referenced in the 3rd post.
  9. 1 point
    I had Tiki Barber on my fantasy team in 2004.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I bought it. God willing the ball and chain drives it for 200k. We’re coming up on a year in April and it has 8k so far. Sure drives like a dream.
  14. 1 point
    Well, the part where you equated your thinking skills with a pile of dung certainly rings true. If you're such an almighty arbiter of truth and falsehood and independent, critical thinking, why do you only parrot the most extreme views of the right? And label ALL liberals as if they're a monolithic group in some sort of twisted Marxist lockstep? If you can't realize how jaded and ridiculous that is, then I will happily point it out to you, over and over again.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Outside Providence, a Farrelly Brothers movie. Outside Providence (1999) Trailer (VHS Capture) - YouTube
  17. 1 point
    I saw Kate Maras boobs on House of Cards.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    In 2022 half of all gun related crime was committed by blacks. Sad but true. and it is raciss to speak fact nowadays.
  20. 1 point
    Parties = Capitalism No parties = Socialism (see Canada).
  21. 1 point
    To note, any deviation of a two-party system in this country will eventually lead to a two-party system. That 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th party will need help from one of the bigger sides. They'll need to pick a side. In the end, you'll just end up with X-number of Left parties and Y number of R parties, which will eventually lead to 1 and 1. The main reason for that is the media dominance. There's only one major media outlet that's conservative, the rest are all liberal. Do you really think that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC are going to welcome in a Libertarian outlet? Libertarian's will most likely hurt the Democrats more because they're more likely to split the Democrat vote leading to more Republican's getting elected.
  22. 1 point
    Sorry, but you're in denial if you don't think that every D or R (elected official), is siding with the party line. Whether it's Podunk, Iowa or Los Angeles, CA, every D and every R fall in line. With social media, everything that is going on in a local area is going to be broadcasted nationally if a story can be made from it. Once that happens, it's straight party line thinking. You've seen clips of School Board meetings in small towns and they're all of a sudden national stories. Once CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News gets their hands on it, everyone in the country is an expert and their expertise is party line. It became that way, because of Identity Politics. The Democrats are pushing Socialism. It started out with Bernie, but his followers are growing. Millennials are the first the to be hardcore Left or Right. The majority are either full on leftists pushing for socialism (Equity) or far right (anti-immigration). Every day that goes by, the divide gets wider and wider because the Millenials are going to push for Socialism and the Gen-Z's are either going to push further left or further right. You stop Identity Politics, you'll stop the widening of the divide. The only way to do that is to stop voting for Democrats who are pushing it (which is all of them right now), and maybe you send a message. The problem is that Democrat party has convinced too many minorities/immigrants where they only need a few white people (hence the "victims" of the LGBTQ - who are majority white), to come on board. After that, it's the "White Guilter's". Look at the first bar graph. The people who are voting for the Democrat party are about 40% non-white. Meaning, Identity Politics is working. More and more minorities are buying into it and because Identity Politics is working, it's not going to stop. I disagree with you on your last statement in the sense of parties and haves/have nots. People are absolutely worried about the haves/have nots, the thing is, the majority are buying into "Equity". They're buying Identity Politics that the white people are rich and control everything (but by white, they strictly mean white Republicans), and that as a country, we can only increase the number of haves and decrease the number of have nots, by moving towards Socialism (Equity).
  23. 1 point
    A.K.A random idiots on Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, etc..
  24. 1 point
    The nuclear family is the enemy of the far left
  25. 1 point
    If a Civil War does break out, watch all those liberals rush to buy ammo and AR-15's, demanding that it is their God-given right to own an one!
