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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2023 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    It can work because Norway is a tiny little country were it is easy to get the necessary infrastructure built. Norway is half the size of Texas and the average person in the US drives twice as far in a year as the average person in Norway.
  2. 4 points
    Wait, your McClane tripe wasn't a strawman to begin with?
  3. 4 points
    Everyone is scared and paranoid. Fear being fed to us 24/7.
  4. 3 points
    Looking & sounding intelligent starts with looking & sounding intelligent....fail. People don't just start being scared of their own shadow. If they are, they have been that way a long time, would have owned a firearm for a long time & more than likely made this bad decision long ago. It was A BAD DECISION & cost an innocent child. I don't believe there is any justifiable reason to use deadly force unless there is a clear threat....which doesn't appear to be that case here. Sadly, no matter the outcome, the result doesn't change. Your statement that gun owners are a bunch of John McClane's is moronic. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible citizens. I carry daily, have for 42 years. In that time, I've had to unholster my weapon twice, never needed to discharge it. The mere presence changed the dynamics of the situation. Having a firearm doesn't guarantee a favorable outcome in a bad situation.....in the right situation it may give you a fighting chance. Your attempt to malign a large population based on the acts of a statistically small group falls short. It exposes both your ignorance & agenda. It seems that it's YOU that s scared of their own shadow.
  5. 3 points
    If someone born with a dlck thinks they are a female you don’t think they have mental illness. What qualifies someone as mentally I’ll in your world?
  6. 3 points
    If there were 10 priests, it would be covered 24/7 and a national crisis. It is sad how the media shapes reality by what and how it reports things. People who follow mainstream media have a very distorted and manipulated view of the world.
  7. 2 points
    Really? If you could even read your own links All that amounts to the courts keeping them from releasing it. You're a foking retard with a 3rd grade reading level.
  8. 2 points
    If you magically replaced 70% of all the vehicles in the US today with electric it would only offset the C02 put out by China with cement production alone. Also, lots of phags in Norway apparently.
  9. 2 points
    So what needs to happen. What prevents this? Tougher gun control prevents this specific incident? Is that what you are saying? Yeah there are mental issues in this country. We have thrown more and more money at it and it seemingly is only getting worse. Love your agenda. Old white people. Lol. You hate white people. You would never blame (insert race) on anything. You wouldnt utter the phrase African American violence in a Chicago thread. But your little 24 7 news cycle makes you see a handful of old scared white folks and think there is now an epidemic. Maybe old white people are the new greatest threat to democracy? "Trained" lol. Maybe old white people just see more and more drug use and shltheads out on the street. I know the town I grew up in where my parents still live has gotten much worse. Drugs and stealing for drug money. When I was growing up like 20 years ago you didn't have to lock up anything. People didn't even lock their doors when they left. Locking your vehicle was hardly a thought. I actually commend you for talking about society rather than guns. Guns haven't changed really. Society has. If you think gun violence is worse now look at society before you look at "evil guns". Every household near me probably has at least one firearm in it. No one gets shot here. That may change as crime seemingly is seeping out into the country. Throw in scared old white people scared by news and ill raise ya toxic masculinity and screams of white supremacy scaring women and other races. So when the GC shows you countless videos of violence and intimidation on subways. Old business owners getting beaten for trying to defend their business during the Biden riots. Random asians and old people getting suckered in the middle of the street in broad daylight. Black panther cult with masks on intimidating asian old business owner....that is all an illusion. But your 5 scared white folks stories is proof of a huge problem. Lol. It is hilarious at this point.
  10. 2 points
    I've already talked about the need for tougher gun control and better mental health services. Related to this case in particular, I believe that a certain segment of society has been trained to be scared of everything thanks for 24/7 news cycle and social media. We've seen this recently, scared old white people trained to rely on their guns for safety
  11. 2 points
    This is the type who feels the gravitational pull of the far-right mindset, of violence and destroying those who do not share this mindset. This violence mindset is more pervasive and far more dangerous than anything on the far left. This extremist killed eight times as many people in one incident as Antifa as a whole has in the last quarter century. Let that sink in.
  12. 2 points
    Right. Some of us would say the obvious connection between shooters and white supremacists and trannies is mental illness. Others refuse to acknowledge that fact.
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
    The only whites I know of that are racist towards Asians are the admissions offices at Ivy League schools.
  15. 2 points
  16. 1 point
    I would think that someone with a pemus that tries to menstruate should be diagnosed with a mental condition, in my world.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    And they keep leaving out he got booted from the army for psych reasons. I guess that had nothing to do with this. Except it’s the reason for this.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Great topic great director. Can’t wait. About 30 years ago there was another film on the same subject matter: Fat Man And Little Boy. I can’t remember much about it except that it starred Paul Newman as Leslie Groves. But I remember enjoying it.
  21. 1 point
    Celebrities have no spine or conviction. Just cave in to the fake outrage mob. Worthless.
  22. 1 point
    Black on black killings go ignored in Chicago but a Hispanic on Hispanic massacre is white supremacy
  23. 1 point
    You are funny; when you THINK you know something that someone here doesn't you aren't at all shy to tell them they are ignorant, but when you don't KNOW something the other person is suspect. (I don't presume to know what you know-stop presuming you know what I do.) Well done, making this about me instead of answering the question of why Thomas didn't do what was legally required of him.
  24. 1 point
    If parents refuse to homeschool , than they the parents are also to blame also, it doesn’t matter if it’s taking place in all schools, when a parent sees this type of crap going on, they need to wake up remove your kids from being able to be harmed. And stop taking your kids to listen to men and women freaks dressed up in clothing of the opposite sex.
  25. 1 point
    Hispanic shooter that killed a bunch of white people is a white supremacist. Got it.
