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There are no atheists in foxholes.

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I concur, you are either asking God or mommy for salvation....

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Pretty straightforward dude. What movie did I first hear that in? Heard it again on TV today too.


Maybe no atheists but probaly a bunch of agnostics.

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Lets see how long it takes Voltaire to log out and log back in as "Flying Spaghetti Monster" :sleep:

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I concur, you are either asking God or mommy for salvation....



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This saying has been around for quite a long time and gets used with some regularity, but it became even more popular after the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. As Gordon B. Hinckley told Mormons back in 1996:


"As you once knew so well, there are no atheists in foxholes. In times of extremity, we plead for and put our trust in a power mightier than ourselves. "


Hinckley's quote explains the purpose behind saying that here are no atheists in foxholes: during times of great crisis, in particular those which threaten a person's life, it is no longer possible to "hold out" and maintain disbelief in a higher, saving power. During such experiences, the "natural" and automatic reaction of a human being is to start believing in God and hope for some form of salvation.


For theists it may be natural to assume that such a thing is true. Theistic religions teach members that God is always there whenever circumstances are troubling or threatening. In the Western monotheistic faiths, believers are taught that God is ultimately in control of the universe and will eventually make sure that everything turns out well. Because of this, it may be understandable that a person who is part of such a tradition would assume that difficult circumstances would lead to theism for everyone.


Is it even true? There must surely have been any number of atheists who, when faced with a deep personal crisis or life threatening situation (whether in foxholes or not), called out to a god or gods for safety, help or salvation. Atheists are human, of course, and have to deal with the same fears which all other humans must face. This is not, however, the case with every atheist in such situations. Here is a quote from Philip Paulson:


"I suffered through horrifying moments, expecting to be killed. I was convinced that no cosmic rescuer would same me. Besides, I believed life after death was merely wishful thinking. There were times when I expected to suffer a painful, agonizing death. My frustration and anger at being caught in a dilemma of life-and-death situations simply infuriated me. Hearing the sound of bullets whistling through the air and popping near my ears was damned scary. Fortunately, I was never physically wounded."


Quite aside from the fact of so many atheists who have not started believing in God during times of intense emotional experiences and extreme fear, there is a serious question as to whether or not those experiences can generate authentic faith. Would God even want people to believe merely because they were under great pressure and very afraid? Can such a faith lead to a life of faith and love which is supposed to be the foundation of religions like Christianity?


In addition, there is also the fact that extreme battlefield experiences and the dangers of foxholes can undermine a person's faith in a good, loving God. Quite a few soldiers have entered battle devout believers but ended up coming away without any faith at all. Consider the following:


"My great-grandfather returned from the Somme in the winter of 1916. He was an officer in a Welsh Guards regiment. He had been gassed and shot and had seen his platoon numerically wiped out and replaced more than three times since he first took command of it. He had used his side arm, a Webley revolver, so much that its barrel was pitted into uselessness. I heard a story about one of his advances across no-man's-land in which he set out with a full company and by the time he arrived at the German wire was one of only two men left alive.


Until that time, this branch of my family had been Calvinistic Methodists. . . But when he returned from the war, my great-grandfather had seen enough to change his mind. He gathered the family together and banned religion in his house. 'Either god is a bastard,' he said, 'or god isn't there at all.'"


(Paul Watkins, "A Friend to the Godless," pp. 40-41, in A Tremor of Bliss: Contemporary Writers on the Saints, ed. by Paul Elie, Riverhead Books / Berkeley, 1995. Quoted from Shy David's Higher Criticism Page.)


If it isn't true that there are no atheists in foxholes and that many theists leave their foxholes as atheists, why does the above myth persist? It certainly can't be employed as an argument against atheism - even if it were true, that would not mean that atheism is unreasonable or theism valid. To suggest otherwise would be little more than an ad hominem fallacy.


Is the claim that there are no atheists in foxholes meant to imply that atheists aren't "really" disbelievers and actually harbor a secret belief in God? Perhaps, but it is a false implication and can't be taken seriously. Is it meant to imply that atheism is inherently "weak" while theism represents "strength?" Once again, that may be the case - but it would also be a false implication.


Regardless of the actual reasons for any particular theist to claim that there are no atheists in foxholes, it simply isn't true and should be rejected before the discussion goes any further.

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And as long as there are tests in school there will be prayer in school.

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yeah..fear breeds ignorance.


You are a true Jedi master...

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And PaulinSTL Said it all...wow...a simple statement, with the word "Discuss"..a.nd Paul comes up with that...


Bravo...good show!!!



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I concur, you are either asking God or mommy for salvation....


Why? Neither one can help you. Why not be realistic and ask the guy kneeling next to you?

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And PaulinSTL Said it all...wow...a simple statement, with the word "Discuss"..a.nd Paul comes up with that...


Bravo...good show!!!




You know he copied that from a website right?

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You know he copied that from a website right?


yeah, but at least there was some effort into the response...sure, "Cut n paste" isn't tough, but it brought more to the table than anyone else brought...so even if it was easy work, and not original, it still contributed to the conversation...

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yeah, but at least there was some effort into the response...sure, "Cut n paste" isn't tough, but it brought more to the table than anyone else brought...so even if it was easy work, and not original, it still contributed to the conversation...


Who are you?

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Who are you?


Who am I? Who are you? who are any of us?


Do you like, seriously want me to post my resume', or is it sufficient to say I'm just some guy who recently found this board, who loves football, politics, my family and hot women (not necessarily in that order)?

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Who am I? Who are you? who are any of us?


Do you like, seriously want me to post my resume', or is it sufficient to say I'm just some guy who recently found this board, who loves football, politics, my family and hot women (not necessarily in that order)?

Hi, Burt

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No one ever dies an atheist.


That's just bullsh1t. The lack of belief is as strong as belief. Are you claiming that when facing death, everyone turns to a higher power?

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Who am I? Who are you? who are any of us?


Do you like, seriously want me to post my resume', or is it sufficient to say I'm just some guy who recently found this board, who loves football, politics, my family and hot women (not necessarily in that order)?



Please post your resume.



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That's just bullsh1t. The lack of belief is as strong as belief. Are you claiming that when facing death, everyone turns to a higher power?


atheists lack hope.

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religous nuts lack intelligence



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I may not be an athiest, I'm sure the fock aint no believer either.

And I've been in foxholes :doublethumbsup:

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I may not be an athiest, I'm sure the fock aint no believer either.

And I've been in foxholes :doublethumbsup:

do you believe in a higher power?

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do you believe in a higher power?

Not to sure, I've read countless books about it and find myself not willing to take that leap, blind faith is impossible for me.

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do you believe in a higher power?


George Bush?

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Not to sure, I've read countless books about it and find myself not willing to take that leap, blind faith is impossible for me.


Sounds like you are more agnostic than atheist.

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atheists lack hope.



So you're saying faith=hope? That's quite a leap in logic Toro. I know you're fishing, but that comment is blatantly wrong. One can be an atheist and still have hope.


Faith: 1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions

2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust



Hope: 1 : to desire with expectation of obtainment

2 : to expect with confidence

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So you're saying faith=hope? That's quite a leap in logic Toro. I know you're fishing, but that comment is blatantly wrong. One can be an atheist and still have hope.


Faith: 1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions

2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust

Hope: 1 : to desire with expectation of obtainment

2 : to expect with confidence


So what happens when you die? Nothing?

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So what happens when you die? Nothing?


Same thing that happens to you. They dig a hole, throw your sorry ass in it and forget about you.


Now move along.

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Same thing that happens to you. They dig a hole, throw your sorry ass in it and forget about you.


Now move along.


That's sad. :banana:


You must be captain cheerful during the Christmas party.

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Please post your resume.




Name: Turd "Bert" Ferguson

Occupation: Resident bad-Ass


12 year FF player, 2 time champion, though coming off my worst year ever (4-10).

Registered Independent, tend to vote more conservative than liberal, but open to idea on both sides, depending on the issue.

Dude with a hot wife who lets me golf, go to strip clubs, or play fantasy football whenever I want. Did i mention she's hot?

Ex-Military (Air Force)...during time of peace, fortunately for me.

Genius (at least i think so). :banana: (said tongue in cheek, of course).

Steeler fan, Godiva Truffle fan.


How's that? Am I still allowed to post here now, Toro? <_<

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I'm not an atheist but this is a silly argument. Is it really "faith" if a non-believer prays to God out of fear? That does explain why so many old folks start going to church but it's not really belief IMO. Also, seems to me it'd take more strength to disbelieve in God and accept responsibility for all of your actions than to put your fate in the hands of something greater than yourself.

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Name: Turd "Bert" Ferguson

Occupation: Resident bad-Ass


12 year FF player, 2 time champion, though coming off my worst year ever (4-10).

Registered Independent, tend to vote more conservative than liberal, but open to idea on both sides, depending on the issue.

Dude with a hot wife who lets me golf, go to strip clubs, or play fantasy football whenever I want. Did i mention she's hot?

Ex-Military (Air Force)...during time of peace, fortunately for me.

Genius (at least i think so). :banana: (said tongue in cheek, of course).

Steeler fan, Godiva Truffle fan.


How's that? Am I still allowed to post here now, Toro? <_<


Link to pic of hot wife.


Also, there is a pinned thread of all the geeks pics. Please feel free to join.

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