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Iran: it's been about them for a long time

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It's now crystal clear that Iran has no intention of acceding to the

demands of the international community and stopping their uranium

enrichment program. As set forth in numerous United Nations Security

Council Resolutions, Iran has been offered every possible incentive to

quit their pursuit of a nuclear technology that includes within it, the

means of making of a nuclear weapon.


However painful and dangerous confronting the Ayatollahs is today,

waiting will be hundreds of thousands times worse. That is the

approximate number of dead we can expect when Iran uses their bomb on

Tel Aviv or any other city they might choose to destroy. Just the threat

of an Iranian attack opens a Pandora's box of nuclear blackmail that

could cripple the world's economy and bring the West to it's knees.


The hard truth is that the longer the Western democracies wait to act,

the options become fewer, worse, and the consequences of further delay

more dreadful.

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Ah yes the weekly FF Iran post. Almost missed it.

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Guest Davaco

too bad dubya invaded Iraq. saddam was isolated and a threat to no one.


at least Iraq kinda sounds like Iran

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It's now crystal clear that Iran has no intention of acceding to the

demands of the international community and stopping their uranium

enrichment program. As set forth in numerous United Nations Security

Council Resolutions, Iran has been offered every possible incentive to

quit their pursuit of a nuclear technology that includes within it, the

means of making of a nuclear weapon.


However painful and dangerous confronting the Ayatollahs is today,

waiting will be hundreds of thousands times worse. That is the

approximate number of dead we can expect when Iran uses their bomb on

Tel Aviv or any other city they might choose to destroy. Just the threat

of an Iranian attack opens a Pandora's box of nuclear blackmail that

could cripple the world's economy and bring the West to it's knees.


The hard truth is that the longer the Western democracies wait to act,

the options become fewer, worse, and the consequences of further delay

more dreadful.


Moot point because there is nothing we can do about it. Our Armed Forces are stretched to thin as it is because of Iraq.

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Why we half assin it? Seriously, ask yourself why? Nuke em or don't. Or pick up a gun and go. Otherwise, fock off. George.

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wow....could have knocked me over with a feather


Every time I see a post like this... my eyes glaze over. Same old nonsense without a plan. :dunno:

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Every time I see a post like this... my eyes glaze over. Same old nonsense without a plan. :dunno:


I should have used :clap: instead of :mad:


Because I have no f**king clue as to what this post is about.


But why am I even trying to understand what fartfish posts

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I should have used :dunno: instead of :clap:


Because I have no f**king clue as to what this post is about.


But why am I even trying to understand what fartfish posts


Just know... you are in a league with several conservatives. We don't care about your nutty politics. Pay up! :mad:

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Just know... you are in a league with several conservatives. We don't care about your nutty politics. Pay up! :shocking:


That's no problem...My local league which I have played for 20 years has a bunch of right wing nut jobs...And we get along fine :banana:


But the check never made it?? I mailed it out early last week

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That's no problem...My local league which I have played for 20 years has a bunch of right wing nut jobs...And we get along fine :banana:


But the check never made it?? I mailed it out early last week


I don't know. I am just messing with you! It will be a fun season. :shocking:

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I'd support air attacks against Iran until they submit. Who wouldn't at this point? :thumbsup:


I wouldn't. What are we going to hit? Their weapons facilities are beneath residential neighborhoods. They are years away from having nuclear weapons. Are you really going to carpet bomb thousands of innocent civilians for the sake of ending a threat that's years off? This is just crazytalk by neocons who are humiliated by how badly they've messed up Iraq and want to start fresh on a new target. Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008.

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I'd support air attacks against Iran until they submit. Who wouldn't at this point? :thumbsup:



That's not enough. If we want peace, we need to Democratize the Iranian people. It's about Regime Change. We need to depose the Evil-Doers and install a provisional government just long enough for the Iranian people to form their own peaceful, democracy-loving, ever-tolerant government. This'll be EASY; The Iranian oil will pay for the whole thing and you KNOW the Iranians will greet us as Liberators.


- Man, why didn't we think of this before?

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I wouldn't. What are we going to hit? Their weapons facilities are beneath residential neighborhoods. They are years away from having nuclear weapons. Are you really going to carpet bomb thousands of innocent civilians for the sake of ending a threat that's years off? This is just crazytalk by neocons who are humiliated by how badly they've messed up Iraq and want to start fresh on a new target. Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008.


You are a sad man. :pointstosky:

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I wouldn't. What are we going to hit? Their weapons facilities are beneath residential neighborhoods. They are years away from having nuclear weapons. Are you really going to carpet bomb thousands of innocent civilians for the sake of ending a threat that's years off? This is just crazytalk by neocons who are humiliated by how badly they've messed up Iraq and want to start fresh on a new target. Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008.


So you we think we should wait until they have nuclear weapons before we act? I disagree.


You give diplomacy a chance, which we did, and then you back it up with force. This isn't some harmless disagreement we're talking about. Nuclear weapons are serious business.

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So you we think we should wait until they have nuclear weapons before we act? I disagree.


You give diplomacy a chance, which we did, and then you back it up with force. This isn't some harmless disagreement we're talking about. Nuclear weapons are serious business.



So, shouldn't we bomb NoKo since they already HAVE nukes and are developing the capability to deliver them to our soil first?

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So you we think we should wait until they have nuclear weapons before we act? I disagree.


You give diplomacy a chance, which we did, and then you back it up with force. This isn't some harmless disagreement we're talking about. Nuclear weapons are serious business.


So what exactly is this force you're talking about? Iran's weapons facilities are beneath residential neighborhoods. You start bombing them and you're killing thousands of innocent people. How's that going to help our "hearts and minds" approach to the middle east? Even if you think that's a good idea, our military is stretched to the limit as-is. You really want to put Donald Rumsfeld in charge of another war? I'd just as soon ignore Iran for the next two years and hope the next administration is a lot smarter than the current one.

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And you're a focking dolt.


Until you can tell me what was wrong with my analysis, just sit there at the kid's table looking stupid, junior.


Ok fockface, I'll tey ya exactly whats wrong with your wonderful analysis and the fact that you are one of the saddest individuals I have come across on the internet. You have one agenda. To bash Bush. We all know you don't like him. This Iran thing has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the whole focking world, where 90% of it agrees that an Iran with nuclear arms is not a good thing. So it's not just the US and Bush. It's other countries too you focking dolt.

Good Lord........

It's always about Bush with you......


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Ok fockface, I'll tey ya exactly whats wrong with your wonderful analysis and the fact that you are one of the saddest individuals I have come across on the internet. You have one agenda. To bash Bush. We all know you don't like him. This Iran thing has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the whole focking world, where 90% of it agrees that an Iran with nuclear arms is not a good thing. So it's not just the US and Bush. It's other countries too you focking dolt.

Good Lord........

It's always about Bush with you......



uh, you didn't actually address the analysis at all. And, his first analysis didn't mention Bush at all.


- But other than that, you OWN him. :bandana:

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Ok fockface, I'll tey ya exactly whats wrong with your wonderful analysis and the fact that you are one of the saddest individuals I have come across on the internet. You have one agenda. To bash Bush. We all know you don't like him. This Iran thing has nothing to do with him. It has to do with the whole focking world, where 90% of it agrees that an Iran with nuclear arms is not a good thing. So it's not just the US and Bush. It's other countries too you focking dolt.

Good Lord........

It's always about Bush with you......



Scroll back. Now read my first post. Did I mention Bush? No I did not.


Now shut the fock up you focking focktard.

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"Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008"


Focking idiot.



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That's not enough. If we want peace, we need to Democratize the Iranian people. It's about Regime Change. We need to depose the Evil-Doers and install a provisional government just long enough for the Iranian people to form their own peaceful, democracy-loving, ever-tolerant government. This'll be EASY; The Iranian oil will pay for the whole thing and you KNOW the Iranians will greet us as Liberators.


- Man, why didn't we think of this before?


Guiness Guys "Brilliant!" :mad:

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"Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008"


Focking idiot.





Are you talkiing about the Bush administration?


- 'Cause I'm pretty sure RWB didn't say anything about Iran "going away in 2008"


You are SO MONEY in the thread! Yer kickin butt!! :bandana:

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too bad dubya invaded Iraq. saddam was isolated and a threat to no one.


at least Iraq kinda sounds like Iran


I bet that Dumbya looked at a map after hearing about Iran and just thought it was spelled wrong. So he said, "Let's invade Iraq".


I get it now. It was all a mistake. Oh well. :mad:

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"Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008"


Focking idiot.




The wingnuts I was talking about are the neocon chickenhawks who've been calling for war against Iran for the last few years.


Now please, STFU and stop embarassing yourself.

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Its been a long time since I rock and rolled,

Its been a long time since I did the stroll.

Ooh, let me get it back, let me get it back,

Let me get it back, baby, where I come from.

Its been a long time, been a long time,

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

Yes it has.

Its been a long time since the book of love,

I cant count the tears of a life with no love.

Carry me back, carry me back,

Carry me back, baby, where I come from.

Its been a long time, been a long time,

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight,

Making vows that just cant work right.

Open your arms, opens your arms,

Open your arms, baby, let my love come running in.

Its been a long time, been a long time,

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time.

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Are you talkiing about the Bush administration?


- 'Cause I'm pretty sure RWB didn't say anything about Iran "going away in 2008"


You are SO MONEY in the thread! Yer kickin butt!! :D


You sure love to suck the cack don't ya?


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You sure love to suck the cack don't ya?



POW! ZING! You are REALLY REALLY good at this! Wow! And the :D emoticon? - Whoda seen THAT coming? - Damn boy, you are on FIRE! :banana:

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Now please, STFU and stop embarassing yourself.



You're a secretary and you focking wear mascara for fock's sake. :banana:

And you're a poosay who worries about Toro too much. Get back to me when you aren't a woman and a Toro stalker and also when you can discuss something without involving our administration, especially when it's the whole world that agrees that a nuclear Iran is not a good thing, not just us. Focking dolt.

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You're a secretary and you focking wear mascara for fock's sake. :banana:

And you're a poosay who worries about Toro too much. Get back to me when you aren't a woman and a Toro stalker and also when you can discuss something without involving our administration, especially when it's the whole world that agrees that a nuclear Iran is not a good thing, not just us. Focking dolt.


Such witty responses... :D :banana: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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POW! ZING! You are REALLY REALLY good at this! Wow! And the :banana: emoticon? - Whoda seen THAT coming? - Damn boy, you are on FIRE! :rolleyes:


Yes, you have added a whole lot to this converstaion as well. :banana:




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So, shouldn't we bomb NoKo since they already HAVE nukes and are developing the capability to deliver them to our soil first?


Since North Korea has nukes, we should let Iran obtain them too? What kind of logic is that? Wouldn't it be easier to attack Iran prior to them having nuclear capabilities? Plus, there are other differences between Iran and N. Korea such as supporting Middle Eastern terrorist groups, and hampering reconstruction efforts in Iraq.


I'm all for diplomacy first. But it hasn't worked. So what should we do now? Nothing?


I'd just as soon ignore Iran for the next two years and hope the next administration is a lot smarter than the current one.


That's your solution? Just ignore them?


C'mon, we have to do something. We CANNOT allow Iran to get nukes. This is very serious sh*t.

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