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Good vibes for the Colts thread

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Ok so aside from Pats fans and other Manning haters, probably most of us are sick of New England and hope Indianapolis wins. Sure there are things not to like about the Colts but I think we can mostly agree that we would not like to see the Patriots get to another Super Bowl. Maybe we can accrue some good karma on Indy's behalf in the next week or so!


So let's use this thread to:

1. Send good vibes the Colts way

2. Talk about what the Colts need to do to pull off a huge upset and beat New England

3. Note anything that Patriots fans or players do/did this week that might give them bad karma


And let's NOT use this thread to:

1. Jinx the Colts with idiotic trash-talk on their behalf (hint: when in doubt, assume any trash-talk on their behalf is idiotic)

2. Provide bulletin-bored material for the Patriots fans who post on this here bulletin bored

3. Take the bait and get sucked into responding when Pats fans inevitably invade this thread


Go! :unsure:

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All I'm saying is the Manning boys were personally handing out supplies after the hurricane. Come on, God, hook em up.


Peyton was handing out the most stuff.


We should be able to figure this out.


This is a seriously tough assignment for the Colts. Their o-line is not as good as the Chargers and in the second half, the pats were able to get pressure on Rivers at will through various blitz schemes. On the flip side, Brady was getting harassed in the first half, but barely got touched in the whole third quarter and only sporadically in the 4th because the Pats made some hela-great adjustments.


The key for the Colts is to get pressure on Brady. The only time he made less than stellar throws against Brady was when he was getting hurried, but even with Freeney and Mathis, I don't think the Colts can get pressure with their front 4.

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This is a seriously tough assignment for the Colts. Their o-line is not as good as the Chargers and in the second half, the pats were able to get pressure on Rivers at will through various blitz schemes. On the flip side, Brady was getting harassed in the first half, but barely got touched in the whole third quarter and only sporadically in the 4th because the Pats made some hela-great adjustments.


The key for the Colts is to get pressure on Brady. The only time he made less than stellar throws against Brady was when he was getting hurried, but even with Freeney and Mathis, I don't think the Colts can get pressure with their front 4.


It would be impossible for me to agree with you more than I do right now. :unsure: The Pats are so good with halftime adjustments. It's almost like Charlie McO- I mean Weis never left. I don't think New England's offense will have any trouble as the game goes on as long as they can remain balanced.


Really Indy's only chance is if they get a big early lead, but when was the last time they scored any points early against a good playoff defense? No first half touchdowns against Baltimore, no first-half touchdowns against Pitt last year, no touchdowns at all against NE in '04. They didn't even score a first-half TD against Kansas City this year and the Chiefs don't even qualify because they are terrible. The Colts were obviously reaching for something to give them an edge with the whole third-down hurry-up thing against Baltimore and that was a disaster. Honestly what they need is to just learn how to call plays in the huddle that they have confidence in and not try to out-smart the Pats with audibles, the audibles just play into their hands of what they want Manning to do. But, I doubt we'll see that part of the Indy offense change.

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It would be impossible for me to agree with you more than I do right now. :clap: The Pats are so good with halftime adjustments. It's almost like Charlie McO- I mean Weis never left. I don't think New England's offense will have any trouble as the game goes on as long as they can remain balanced.


Really Indy's only chance is if they get a big early lead, but when was the last time they scored any points early against a good playoff defense? No first half touchdowns against Baltimore, no first-half touchdowns against Pitt last year, no touchdowns at all against NE in '04. They didn't even score a first-half TD against Kansas City this year and the Chiefs don't even qualify because they are terrible. The Colts were obviously reaching for something to give them an edge with the whole third-down hurry-up thing against Baltimore and that was a disaster. Honestly what they need is to just learn how to call plays in the huddle that they have confidence in and not try to out-smart the Pats with audibles, the audibles just play into their hands of what they want Manning to do. But, I doubt we'll see that part of the Indy offense change.


If I was coaching against the Pats, I'd do the following:


1) Delay their players from getting up. Make them feel that play clock a little more. The extra 3-4 seconds you can delay them from getting their play called is crucial for #2.


2) Blitz the hell out of Brady. Change up your formations. Let your LB's run up to the line and back off as much as they want. Brady is very very good at picking out blitz packages, so you cannot line up as you normally do. The less time he has on the playclock, the less time he has to recognize the package and adjust his protection. You'll get burned sometimes, but the effect of this over the course of the game will pay off.


3) Practice Special Teams. Don't give them 7-10 free points off special teams blunders.


4) Run sweeps/pitches and then misdirections in addition to blasts and iso's. They are very good at flying to the ball, and very good at sniffing out screens. See if you can catch them off guard with something different. I would avoid the off-tackle run plays, the DE's push in too well for that.


5) Don't be afraid to go over the top. The only way to get the DB's to play less physical vs your WR's is to burn them on fade routes. This must be done on 1st down as it will have zero effect on 3rd.


6) Use the TE's. This is the 2nd way to loosen up the secondary, get a 280lb guy to catch a pass and make them tackle him a few times.


7) Avoid the short screens to WR's and 3-5yard outs to WR's. The payoffs are small since the Pats secondary tackles so well, and they are very opportunistic on interceptions on those routes.



This is all out of my ass, but it's what I'd do.

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6) Use the TE's. This is the 2nd way to loosen up the secondary, get a 280lb guy to catch a pass and make them tackle him a few times.


I was thinking this too. Not to wear the down the Pats secondary, but because I think one of the few favorable matchups for the Colts is Dallas Clark on their linebackers. The one thing that the Colts have that the Chargers don't are NFL caliber receivers. So the Pats might not be able to assign a DB to the tightend like they did Gates.


The Pats really dictate matchups well. The Colts might be able to flip this by putting Rhodes and Addai in the backfield and motioning one out to the slot, but I'm not even sure if either guy can beat the Pats linebackers.

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It`s hard to call NE an "Evil Empire" when the league has had a salary cap and Rev sharing for a long time. Baseball has evil empires, the NFL has smart front office and player personel people. Pats 27 Colts 24. GO SAINTS :clap:

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Didn't the Colts spank the Patriots rather convincingly AT NEW ENGLAND earlier this year?


You guys speak as if they have no chance. That seems silly.

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Didn't the Colts spank the Patriots rather convincingly AT NEW ENGLAND earlier this year?


You guys speak as if they have no chance. That seems silly.



If you call 27-20 convincing then I guess you're right. With that being said if I had to pick a winner in next weeks game I'd take the Colts simply because they are at home. If they can beat the Pats I'll be rooting for them in the SB as I have a lot of respect for Dungy and Manning. If they play the Saints I'd be happy no matter who wins. I still love to see all the jealousy of people like tj year after year as the Pats keep rolling and his team keeps sucking

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It`s hard to call NE an "Evil Empire" when the league has had a salary cap and Rev sharing for a long time. Baseball has evil empires, the NFL has smart front office and player personel people. Pats 27 Colts 24. GO SAINTS :dunno:


Oh they are the evil empire all right..... most non-pats fans are ceratinly tired of watching other teams hand the games away to the pats game after game. Give NE credit for making some plays down the stretch but its getting to be like the Pats are similar to Paris Hilton or a multiple powerball lottery winner..... luckier than good and everything just *seems* to fall into place. People hate that.


It has nothing to do with caps and revenue sharing. Thats a whole other issue. If they dumped the cap then teams would have to win the old fashoined way which is to beat your opponents with skill and superstar talent, not smoke, mirrors, and hope like teams do now. :thumbsup:


Oh yeah.... casual and even some hardcore NFL fans want to see someone different in the Super Bowl. Remember all the whining ( which led to salary caps and socialism )when the Cowboys and Niners won too much? The Pats do it now but everyone is OK with it because they didnt do it with mean, evil owners like the Cowboys did. Total double-standard....

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If you call 27-20 convincing then I guess you're right. With that being said if I had to pick a winner in next weeks game I'd take the Colts simply because they are at home. If they can beat the Pats I'll be rooting for them in the SB as I have a lot of respect for Dungy and Manning. If they play the Saints I'd be happy no matter who wins. I still love to see all the jealousy of people like tj year after year as the Pats keep rolling and his team keeps sucking


Sorry, Rocket.....I was thinking of the 40-21 game the year before. This year was closer. You're right. My apologies.


Still, Indy has won both of the last two head-to-head meetings and both have been in New England.

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Oh yeah.... casual and even some hardcore NFL fans want to see someone different in the Super Bowl. Remember all the whining ( which led to salary caps and socialism )when the Cowboys and Niners won too much? The Pats do it now but everyone is OK with it because they didnt do it with mean, evil owners like the Cowboys did. Total double-standard....


I miss those days.... :first:

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It`s hard to call NE an "Evil Empire" when the league has had a salary cap and Rev sharing for a long time. Baseball has evil empires, the NFL has smart front office and player personel people. Pats 27 Colts 24. GO SAINTS :thumbsup:


This has nothing to do with baseball. The standard that applies to an evil football organization is completely different.


Didn't the Colts spank the Patriots rather convincingly AT NEW ENGLAND earlier this year?


You guys speak as if they have no chance. That seems silly.


This kind of talk is not welcome here! :thumbsup: Please re-read the thread guidelines in the first post.


If you call 27-20 convincing then I guess you're right. With that being said if I had to pick a winner in next weeks game I'd take the Colts simply because they are at home. If they can beat the Pats I'll be rooting for them in the SB as I have a lot of respect for Dungy and Manning. If they play the Saints I'd be happy no matter who wins. I still love to see all the jealousy of people like tj year after year as the Pats keep rolling and his team keeps sucking


This has nothing to do with jealousy. If a team you didn't like kept winning, you'd be sick of them too. You've been trying to take shots at me left and right, even incorrectly calling me a Chargers fan, but you don't know what you're talking about. If anything I have come to terms with New England's dominance and am having fun with it now.

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5) Don't be afraid to go over the top. The only way to get the DB's to play less physical vs your WR's is to burn them on fade routes. This must be done on 1st down as it will have zero effect on 3rd.


I like this suggestion. I think the Colts have gotten too much away from their downfield passing game against New England in the past. Maybe it's just because of good coverage or pass rush, but it has always seemed like the Colts went too conservative with their game plan. But I agree that you have to open things up and try to make some big plays, the Pats are too solid to allow long drives down the field consistently. And they are too tough to score on in the red zone, gotta try to get some 20+ yard TDs. I think you have to be unpredictable in terms of passing and running situations.

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Manning himself called Montana and told Joe that he was No Tom Brady.


You're following his rules.....good for you. :mad:

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Manning will win because ALL great QBs have championship rings. Dan Marino is the ONLY exception to that rule. Montana, Elway, Young, Bradshaw, Unitas, Starr, Namath, etc.................


I think it's only a matter of time for Manning and now it looks like this will probably be his year.

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Manning will win because ALL great QBs have championship rings. Dan Marino is the ONLY exception to that rule. Montana, Elway, Young, Bradshaw, Unitas, Starr, Namath, etc.................


I think it's only a matter of time for Manning and now it looks like this will probably be his year.


:dunno: What is this crap, some sort of a joke? Thread guidelines, first post, read them!


We all know that Manning can't win the big one and The Belichick/Brady combo are going to win this game unless a miracle occurs.

:mad: <- Pats

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Chuck Norris went up against Brady in a playoff game and threw two picks - one to Troy Brown and the other to Brady himself. :mad:

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Colts in a total rout ! Indy 42 NE 10 ! Brady is silently shaking in boots thinking of Colt D , Harrison and Wayne tear up the ME corners for total 350 yards. Peyton goes for 450 and 5 . NE has absolutley zero chance at this focking game.




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Colts in a total rout ! Indy 42 NE 10 ! Brady is silently shaking in boots thinking of Colt D , Harrison and Wayne tear up the ME corners for total 350 yards. Peyton goes for 450 and 5 . NE has absolutley zero chance at this focking game.



:D If you have any decency, you'll delete this post and hide the proof of your ugly, ignorant intolerance.

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:D What is this crap, some sort of a joke? Thread guidelines, first post, read them!


We all know that Manning can't win the big one and The Belichick/Brady combo are going to win this game unless a miracle occurs. :D <- Pats

Looks like your Karma approach is not going very well! Maybe voodoo next? Ridiculous! Later!!!!

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:D If you have any decency, you'll delete this post and hide the proof of your ugly, ignorant intolerance.




Belichick is a mere novice compared to Dugy's greatness :D


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Belichick is a mere novice compared to Dugy's greatness :D



Who's Dugy?


Dugy Howser??

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Who's Dugy?


Dugy Howser??


him too - but


in this case it's Dungy . Even Dungy though is novice to Dugy :D

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Belichick is a mere novice compared to Dugy's greatness :dunno:



Just so you know, those of you who are trying to jinx the Colts because you want the Pats to win, you will only do New England's karma harm because you are defiling a sacred thread! :D

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Just so you know, those of you who are trying to jinx the Colts because you want the Pats to win, you will only do New England's karma harm because you are defiling a sacred thread! :thumbsup:


Dungy's stare 100 New England 2 -- an thats without Indy players taking the field ! :dunno:

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I've been giving this some serious thought, and I think the key is Jabar Gaffney as crazy as it sounds. Ever since he became a full time starter, Brady's rating has gone from about 82 to 97. Maybe the key is to contain Gaffney, but you have to figure the Pats are going to be run heavy in this game since that is the Colts weakness, so it might be a moot point.

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Manning will win because ALL great QBs have championship rings. Dan Marino is the ONLY exception to that rule. Montana, Elway, Young, Bradshaw, Unitas, Starr, Namath, etc.................


I think it's only a matter of time for Manning and now it looks like this will probably be his year.


Fran Tarkenton should be included with Marino as a great QB never to win a Super Bowl


Oh, and GO COLTS!

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Fran Tarkenton should be included with Marino as a great QB never to win a Super Bowl


Oh, and GO COLTS!


And Jim Kelly, and Warren Moon, and Dan Fouts... which just goes to show that being a Hall of Fame QB (which Manning certainly will be) does not add any inevitability to winning a Super Bowl. The Colts have a lot of things going against them, inferior defense, inferior coaching, bad track record for their offense against tough playoff defenses, possible confidence issues... granted, some of these overlap with each other, but all in all there's no way they should be favored in this game. If home field is worth 3 points then Indy should still be dogs by at least a few.

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Superman and Brady had an arm wrestling contest. The loser had to wear his underwear on the outside for the rest of his life. :banana:

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Superman and Brady had an arm wrestling contest. The loser had to wear his underwear on the outside for the rest of his life. :dunno:



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Superman and Brady had an arm wrestling contest. The loser had to wear his underwear on the outside for the rest of his life. :first:



:pointstosky: :pointstosky:

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Superman and Brady had an arm wrestling contest. The loser had to wear his underwear on the outside for the rest of his life. :pointstosky:



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Superman and Brady had an arm wrestling contest. The loser had to wear his underwear on the outside for the rest of his life. :pointstosky:


You're really on today....epspecially for a Monday. :pointstosky:

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it wasnt a fumble :cry:



also, i could give a rats ass

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I wonder if Dungy is preparing for the Patriots quasi-hurry up offense that they've been running in the playoffs. You know what I'm talking about. It's not a no-huddle per se, but it's that quick tempo offense where they call the plays fast and get to the line fast and then snap the ball fast. They broke it out a little versus the Chargers, but they annihilated the Jets with it.

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I wonder if Dungy is preparing for the Patriots quasi-hurry up offense that they've been running in the playoffs. You know what I'm talking about. It's not a no-huddle per se, but it's that quick tempo offense where they call the plays fast and get to the line fast and then snap the ball fast. They broke it out a little versus the Chargers, but they annihilated the Jets with it.


Since the Colts run a no huddle, and practice the no huddle, I am sure the defense is prepared.


Now, as for the Colts offense, I hope they euthanize those "hurry up 3rd down plays" that backfired against the Ravens at least three times on Saturday.

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I am not a huge colts fan, i root against them more weeks than not, but they are better than the other choice. Go colts.

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