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*** Official Bears - Saints Thread ***

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The notion that these are the 00 Rams is just silly.



twice youve said this....


i dont recall anyone calling the saints the greatest show on turf..they arent the 00 rams.....


and if you believe this bears D is the same as the one from earlier on this season..well, thats just silly also...


tb, det, gb, sea...excuses were made for each individual game..but each time, the team they played went up and down the field..


if the hawks wouldve had to face the bears playing like week 4..id be happy they made it hat far, but i wouldnt expect a thing...


it was painful seeing the hawks go up and down the field at will..not able to stop an erratic offense..maybe having starters play week 17 DID cost seattle..


all i know is..had seattle been routed..you could tip your cap..but you walked away knowing this was a game that shouldve been won..


when seattle had the chance..they either couldnt do it because of lack of manpower or their play..


when NO gets into that spot..they will have the manpower...


sean payton has seen how det and sea have spread the bears off and made urlacher nonexistant..


I don't know how Brees' game vs. NY has anything to do with the game he'll have vs. Chicago? If you actually watched that NY game, the Saints literally ran the ball 90% of the second half, just totally owning the Giants defense and gutting them up the middle with Bush and Deuce. There was no need to throw the ball. As a matter of fact, I don't think Brees threw a pass past the early portion of the second half. Point is, recalling Brees' mediocre numbers from a game the Saints won 30-7 is ridiculous.



my original comment wasnt about brees vs the bears D...


it was about the saints D vs the bears O...


and the fact that the giants and bears are similar offensively...when they click, they click...when they dont..they panic...


if i were the bears..i would throw balls deep and hope for quick strikes..they wont move down the field on the saints too easily..no loan officers in this secondary <_<


the seahawks moved up and down on the field with an offense forced to be as basic as just the bread and butter..it was amazing thatthey could still do THAT...but seattle couldnt fling the 8 yard pass..and never threw any hb screens....thats just another wrinkle the saints can throw in...

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twice youve said this....


i dont recall anyone calling the saints the greatest show on turf..they arent the 00 rams.....


and if you believe this bears D is the same as the one from earlier on this season..well, thats just silly also...


tb, det, gb, sea...excuses were made for each individual game..but each time, the team they played went up and down the field..


if the hawks wouldve had to face the bears playing like week 4..id be happy they made it hat far, but i wouldnt expect a thing...


it was painful seeing the hawks go up and down the field at will..not able to stop an erratic offense..maybe having starters play week 17 DID cost seattle..


all i know is..had seattle been routed..you could tip your cap..but you walked away knowing this was a game that shouldve been won..


when seattle had the chance..they either couldnt do it because of lack of manpower or their play..


when NO gets into that spot..they will have the manpower...


sean payton has seen how det and sea have spread the bears off and made urlacher nonexistant..


But they don't have that manpower. Everyone is calling Colston a weapon - at this point there's no indication that he is. He has 1 TD since he came back from injury. He's averaging about 45 yards a game. He just isn't much of a weapon at this point.


Many are acting like Brees will be able to light them up - but he hasn't lit up ANYONE but Dallas in the last 6 weeks. His usual statline is 200 yards, 1 TD and Dallas is the only multiple TD game he has had in 6 weeks. Without Colston, and with Horn being banged up, that offense simply has not been running the same.


The Saints don't have the weapons anymore that people want to give them credit for. They aren't the same team that allowed Brees to lead the league in passing this season. They'll be able to run, and they'll have a lot of trouble passing the ball just like they have for weeks now.


You can say that Seattle marched up and down the field on them all you like, but the fact is they had the lowest offensive yardage output outside of the Indy/Baltimore game and the game went to OT. The only reason they weren't blown out is due to several costly mistakes by the Bears offense and ST.

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marching up and down the field may be a stretch...


i guess considering what everyone was saying befroehand about the bears D and how seattle had no shot..it seemed as if they marched up and down..they ran it, at least...


but still....if i feel that injured seahawks team could score 20 on the saints in NO..i was certain of this....


im sure the bears can expose michael focking mckenzie..who is no stranger to the bears from his days with gb...


ill temper my pick....berrian will catch a td deep...



saints by 17

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marching up and down the field may be a stretch...


i guess considering what everyone was saying befroehand about the bears D and how seattle had no shot..it seemed as if they marched up and down..they ran it, at least...


but still....if i feel that injured seahawks team could score 20 on the saints in NO..i was certain of this....


im sure the bears can expose michael focking mckenzie..who is no stranger to the bears from his days with gb...


ill temper my pick....berrian will catch a td deep...

saints by 17


They did run the ball, just like a lot of teams have. And that's going to be the #1 concern for this Bears Defense.


Colston isn't torching anyone, and they'll leave Tillman on him all day long and he'll handle him effectively. Vasher can easily handle any of the Saints remaining WR's, and Ricky Manning in the nickle package is a mismatch against anyone they throw out there. Todd Johnson will get more reps in place of Chris Harris, which will also help out the pass D. I just really do not see Brees and company coming in here and passing for big numbers.


The Bears like to run their package, not double anyone, and do their thing. This Saints team is a perfect fit for that - they have no WR that needs to be doubled at this point.


It's the running game that will be a concern. But this Bears team has enough speed that Reggie Bush isn't going to be getting outside much, or reversing field on them. And that's if the weather is "nice", and it doesn't snow. Up the middle is where they will be vulnerable, and Deuce will get his yards. It's not going to be enough to get them 30 though, more like 20.


On the flip side, the Bears are going to be able to run the ball themselves. Benson is getting better, the coaches are obviously confident enough in him to use him in key situations. And the Saints can't stop the run themselves, so the Bears will be as good as the Saints will running the ball. But passing is where they're going to have the edge. Rex Grossman will be able to find some guys during the course of the day, more guys than Brees will. Not because he's better than Brees, but because the Saints passing D is that much worse than the Bears pass D. Take away Moose's interception, and Rex was probably close to a 100 rating this past week. And New Orleans pass D just isn't any better than Seattle's. The only mistake the guy really made was the fumble. This offense is fully capable of putting up 30 on New Orleans' crappy D.


Hester is the X factor. If he ends up returning one, the Bears could blow this thing wide open.


I know you want the Bears to lose, but you and most of the country are going to be disappointed. Especially all of the nuts that are driving the line down to 1-2 points. Vegas of course is going to be thrilled, like they always seem to be.


Bears 30, Saints 17.

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Dr J brings up an over looked point -


The Bears O > Saints D


Everyone seems to agree that Duece is the biggest fear vs the depleted DTs. The Bears running should also be effective and Grossman should be able to pick apart the secondary.


Overall, the Bear team seems to do what it needs to to win. They are also due for the big defensive play that has been absent of late. The forced fumbles, INT returns or Hester are long overdue


Most games are decided by turnovers and trenches and this one is no different.

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Then again ...


Psychic's a freeze spirit


January 18, 2007




Sonia Choquette wants Bears fans to take a piece of paper, write ''Freeze New Orleans'' on it, then place it in a freezer.

Crazy? Maybe, but as sure as some believe there's voodoo brewing in the cemetery under the Superdome, Bears fans are looking for ways to counter whatever mojo has been fueling the Saints this season.


Enter Choquette, a Chicago-based psychic, sixth-sensory ''Bears fan'' and author of 13 books on psychic energy.


''I'm good at this,'' she said. ''Bears fans should put countermojo on the Saints by using the deep freeze. And we have the weather for that.


''I've written about this in Trust Your Vibes. You write things down and put them in the freezer.''

It appears that the weather will cooperate. The forecast calls for a high in the low 30s with a chance of snow showers when the Bears host the Saints for the NFC Championship Game.


Choquette, who believes she lived in New Orleans in a past life, said whatever supernatural forces the Saints are conjuring reflect a lack of confidence.


''They're only putting mojo on the Bears because they're scared,'' she said. ''And they have a good reason to be scared. They're not all that confident.''


Choquette doesn't believe in a hex on Rex Grossman, despite the schizophrenic season of the Bears quarterback.


''Rex is hitting his own feeling,'' she said. ''I feel his energy is getting scared of his own success, so then he trips himself up. It's almost predictable.''


Choquette said Bears fans can help Grossman.


''What we all need to do is raise the ceiling for his success, so he doesn't think he's reached that ceiling,'' she said. ''I don't know if there are evil forces involved, but he's out of his element because he's surprised he's so talented.''


Choquette won't predict a score, but she likes the Bears' chances Sunday and in the Super Bowl.


''I feel the Bears have it over the Saints,'' she said. ''And they have a real serious crack at the Super Bowl.''




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All this banter is fine and dandy but it's nothing but mere jibberjabber at this point. IMO, the Saints have played with more heart and fire than Chicago of late, they just beat the hottest team in the NFL (Philadelphia) and they will never be simply skunked. They have too much to play for.


Chicago's offense>N.O. defense? Is this notion THAT significant? Um, no. Who are their weapons?? Mushin Muhammed? Bernard Berrian? Thomas Jones? Whatever you say pal. Chicago's only hope in this game is to get some key turnovers and rely on some long scoring plays on offense. The Saints simply have too much going for them. We shall see on Sunday.

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So Reebok just couldn't go ahead and release the Bears version early. What a bunch of douchebags. :bandana:


Sonia Choquette wants Bears fans to take a piece of paper, write ''Freeze New Orleans'' on it, then place it in a freezer.

Crazy? Maybe, but as sure as some believe there's voodoo brewing in the cemetery under the Superdome, Bears fans are looking for ways to counter whatever mojo has been fueling the Saints this season.


''I'm good at this,'' she said. ''Bears fans should put countermojo on the Saints by using the deep freeze. And we have the weather for that.



Don't worry Saints fans, I'm going to write Unfreeze New Orleans on a piece of paper and thow it in a fire. Then I'm going to write Make Rex Grossman Dizzy on a CD and keep playing it during the game.

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is anyone fired up about the bears game enough to have taped the opening piece that aikman did? damn... i forgot all about it...im in that piece. :pointstosky:


no one will youtube it..but ill still have to look next week....ugh

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The Saints are playing like a set of Bobble Hands dolls. They're lucky it's not about 17-0. They'd better get a grip before Rex finds his mojo.

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The Saints are playing like a set of Bobble Hands dolls. They're lucky it's not about 17-0. They'd better get a grip before Rex finds his mojo.


I would not say that...but that is a BS call that should have never been ruled a fumble in the first place...and should have been overturned by replay.


Clear as day that ball was back under his control when he hit the ground.

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And which idiot said that the NFL officials would give the game to the Saints? It sure appears the other way. That was in no way a fumble. He way completely flat on the ground when they pulled the ball out.


All officials should be fired or at least be forced to give back the payoff from the Bears.


3 free points. Have the Saints spotted the Bears enough already. Oh wait, I mean the officials.

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Thus far....Grossman = deer in headlights. Saints have to be real pleased with the 6-0 score.


What a focking pathetic call on Copper. Good god.

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What's with the game plan from the Saints? All pass on a sloppy field when Deuce has been your meal ticket? If the Bears are going with Benson b/c he's more of a straight-line runner, why aren't the Saints?


Also, it's amazing how clean Benson's jersey is for 12 carries on a sloppy field, don't you think?

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If not for a couple Saints mistakes and a couple of questionable calls by the officials, this would be a nice game.


Nothing pisses me off more than an official inserting himself into the game like they did on that Copper call. I'm good with obvious penalties, but give me a ###### break.

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So Reebok just couldn't go ahead and release the Bears version early. What a bunch of douchebags. :pointstosky:


Haha, you mean this?


Thomas Jones TD



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The NFL is so sad.


These 2 jokes of a team are playing to go to the Superbowl? :dunno:

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Saints better come out of halftime ready to put 8 men in the box to stop the run or this game is over.

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What's with the game plan from the Saints? All pass on a sloppy field when Deuce has been your meal ticket? If the Bears are going with Benson b/c he's more of a straight-line runner, why aren't the Saints?


Also, it's amazing how clean Benson's jersey is for 12 carries on a sloppy field, don't you think?


A very good point. They ran right through the Eagles and given that Tommie Harris is missing from the middle, one would have thought on a bad field that a heavy dose of McAllister was in order. Maybe they'll adjust at halftime. :dunno:


If not for a couple Saints mistakes and a couple of questionable calls by the officials, this would be a nice game.


Nothing pisses me off more than an official inserting himself into the game like they did on that Copper call. I'm good with obvious penalties, but give me a ###### break.


If the Saints don't figure out a way to stop Thomas Jones and Cedric Benson, then the refs can do whatever they like to mae it up to the Saints and it won't make a difference.


Edit: of course, that's a step in the right direction. Did you see Bush separate from the pack? Wow!

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What the fock was he pointing at and then he's flipping around trying to get himself hurt like a dumbass.


That was an illegal pick by Colston on that TD. :dunno:

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That was an illegal pick by Colston on that TD. :bench:


I was thinking the same thing....don't know what the rule is about picks exactly, but that's exactly what that was.

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one thing brees seems to do well (at least so far) is make something positive happen when he's under a lot of pressure. grossman is always very scary looking in those same situations.


the game is at least entertaining now. i'd like to see the bears fall behind and have to have grossman do it. both the rex lovers and haters deserve that plot.

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It's pretty obvious here which team has the better QB.......

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No dog in this fight but kinda rootin for the Saints.


I think that the Saints are clearly a better team as they stand right now. Home field and their D getting the turnovers has given Chicago the lead to this point.


But I'll take the MUCH better QB in Brees. No faith in Grossman gettin in done in a clutch situation.


Let's Go Saints!

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the funny thing is....


its in windy nasty weather chicago...


and once the sleet moved in before halftime, the saints are the team that has been in control...


and i still dont think the saints are much better than anyone in the nfc...if you stay healthy..you can win in the nfc..


why kick with that fraud carney?

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The NFL is so sad.


These 2 jokes of a team are playing to go to the Superbowl? :bench:


Not sure I follow you. This is a really good game.

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No dog in this fight but kinda rootin for the Saints.


I think that the Saints are clearly a better team as they stand right now. Home field and their D getting the turnovers has given Chicago the lead to this point.


But I'll take the MUCH better QB in Brees. No faith in Grossman gettin in done in a clutch situation.


Let's Go Saints!


you play for home field and the bears earned home field. that's a huge plus for the bears today, and one they've earned.


but i doubt the bears win this game in new orleans or anywhere else but soldier field today. as it stands, they're fighting for their lives. again.

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Bears D gets the safety and gets the ball back, big time play there, especially if Chicago can score on this offensive drive.

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the funny thing is....


its in windy nasty weather chicago...


and once the sleet moved in before halftime, the saints are the team that has been in control...


and i still dont think the saints are much better than anyone in the nfc...if you stay healthy..you can win in the nfc..


why kick with that fraud carney?


I dont think that anyone who has watched the NFL all year can argue that any NFC team is much better than the pack that made the playoffs. Chicago clearly had the best overall season and earned HFA but as they stand right now I think NO is cleary a better team. Defense has been respectable most of the year and they have a very underrated D-line.


And offensively the Saints are one of the best in the NFL not just the NFC. The Bears have the lead and could very easily win this game BUT I think there D and special teams are gonna have to do some of things they been doing earlier in the year. WOW like that safety. Damn it! No they have to punt to Hester. Watch out!


C'mon Nawlins!

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