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IMUS comments

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Didja hear the comments that Imus & Co made about the Rutger's Women's basketball team?


Nappy headed ho's? jigaboos? hard core ho's?





He's talking about meeting with the team to apologize. I don' think that's a good idea at all. Shalonda and Vagina done be stompin that boy before he gets two words out. :rolleyes:

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I sort of figured those AM radio guys could say pretty much anything they wanted without reprocussions. Guess not. :rolleyes:

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Much like this bored, Imus is a equal opportunity offender. I have even heard him call his wife a "green ho" because she is all into the organic stuff. He makes fun of all his guests, as well as the other people that work with him on the show.


I think making the agruement that he went over the line is fair, but calling him a racist, asking that he quit and all that stuff is getting out of hand.

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I lost any and all respect for Imus after he spent the whole morning apologizing on his show. First of all, he built his reputation on being a shock jock. His current show is mostly political satire. His attempt at humor failed miserably, but it was meant to be humor, not mean spirited like stuff that Michael Richards or Al Sharpton say.


Imus was wrong to apologize. Isn't it funny that these issues go away if you don't react to them. Hell, Ann Coulter mocked the thought of an apology for the faig comment about Edwards. Does anyone care about that anymore.


You should not have to apologize for a failed attempt at humor.

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I lost any and all respect for Imus after he spent the whole morning apologizing on his show. First of all, he built his reputation on being a shock jock. His current show is mostly political satire. His attempt at humor failed miserably, but it was meant to be humor, not mean spirited like stuff that Michael Richards or Al Sharpton say.


Imus was wrong to apologize. Isn't it funny that these issues go away if you don't react to them. Hell, Ann Coulter mocked the thought of an apology for the faig comment about Edwards. Does anyone care about that anymore.


You should not have to apologize for a failed attempt at humor.


:rolleyes: You're an idiot. :mad:

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You should not have to apologize for a failed attempt at humor.


I think redtodd will back you up on this point.

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These type of comments have been being made about Women Pro golfers for ever, but they just happen to be white. :rolleyes:


If I only had a nickel for every time someone called Anika Sorenstam a "jigaboo". :mad:

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I completely agree with Phillybear. Not that I had much respect for Imus anyhow, but what little I had is gone because he apologized way too much. You wanna apologize quickly and say it was just a joke, fine. But now, he is meeting with Sharpton today to try and keep his job? If I was the station, I would fire him for being such a pussssy. Gimme a break already. I defy any black man or woman to answer this question and have it make sense.


"Why is it ok for 50 Cent to call black woman the same thing but when Imus does it, Sharpton calls for a boycott?"

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If I only had a nickel for every time someone called Anika Sorenstam a "jigaboo". :blink:

Imagine if any talk radio personality piled on a Black athletes wife like they piled on Kurt Warner's wife, for her looks.

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Imagine if any talk radio personality piled on a Black athletes wife like they piled on Kurt Warner's wife, for her looks.


They could do that. Most of those wives are white.


I'm pretty sure pointing that out will pretty much be offensive to everybody somehow. :blink:

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I have to say that it was a very Stupid, and pointless thing Imus did, and he deserves whatever punishment he gets. Just saying many times the comments get overlooked the other way.

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One clause from the FCC Community Standard:


“certain of those personally reviling epithets naturally tending to provoke violent resentment or denoting language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance.”


Imus is looking at a fine or suspension for sure.

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I think he should be fired!!!!


Not for the comments but for overall suckiness for the past 10 years.

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For me, I think there's a line to be drawn. And for me, that line is pro vs. college. I mean, I don't think anybody (professionally) has said these things (jigaboo?) about AI or any of the corn-rowed thugballers in the NBA, but they've certainly commented on their appearance.


I think when you're a pro, you represent more than yourself. If you get all gold-toofed & tatted up to call attention to yourself, folks are going to talk about it.


But, these girls aren't pros. They're young women who made it to the championship game - and then lost. - And then some fugly old dude piles on by getting on a national talk show & ridiculing their appearance and calling them - among other things - "ho's".


Imus had it right when he said that "not everybody deserves to be made fun of". He said it exactly right.


I feel badly for these girls, I really do. Not only do they go through the emotional highs and lows of the championship, but then they get ridiculed across the country. There are things you say between a couple of buddies in private over beers (or a chat room)- those aren't necessarily the same things you say at work - especially when your "work" is addressing 70 million people.


I keep thinking of if I had an unattractive daughter who's only source of pride is her athletic ability - and she uses that ability to get into college, and makes it all the way to the National Championship. I keep thinking how proud I'd be of her. - Only to have some man who never met her remind her and his 70 million listeners that despite all she's accomplished, she's still ugly.


I'm pretty sure I'd kiick his axx.


Plus, any idiot who gives Sharpton a chance to speak deserves to get his butt kicked just for that. :blink:

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Imus should know better then to express his opinion.....

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Personally, I never cared for Imus. I found him boring. Looking over his career, he is far from a racist, despite his comments.


He is simply a stupid disk jockey that talks for a living. Does anyone really care what this schmuck has to say? He is not a pillar of the community. He makes up d!ck jokes for a living.


One clause from the FCC Community Standard:

Imus is looking at a fine or suspension for sure.


The sooner the FCC burns to the ground, the better.

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Personally, I never cared for Imus. I found him boring. Looking over his career, he is far from a racist, despite his comments.


He is simply a stupid disk jockey that talks for a living. Does anyone really care what this schmuck has to say? He is not a pillar of the community. He makes up d!ck jokes for a living.

The sooner the FCC burns to the ground, the better.



I'm all for fre speach too, but I also believe that there should be some standard of behavior on free broadcasts.

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Total American pussification. This is what keeps guys like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jacksunnnnah on the social landscape. We make waayy to big of a deal about this sh!t in America, the Dems have us so tied up and twisted its hard to make a move. Margaret Thatcher became the PM of Great Britain without so much as a mention of her sex.....they didnt hold parades or have a national day of women to celebrate the feat......she just went about her business. And there is no great racial divide over there either because they dont sh!t their pants every time someone makes an off color remark.


He wouldnt even know the words "Nappy" or "ho" if it wasnt for the very race he is talking about.

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I'm all for fre speach too, but I also believe that there should be some standard of behavior on free broadcasts.


I don't think the framers could have ever conceived that their project would evolve into such a granular interpretation of "freedom of speech". Restraints must certainly be considered where people preach hate, but I disdain the application of morality upon me by some government agency.


I will decide what i should listen to, I am more intelligent than they are to begin with, and their standard for moral propriety should be their own, not mine.

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Don Imus is, was and always shall be a total d0uchebag Howard Stern wanna-be. I want to take that stupid floppy cowboy had and make him eat it whole.


He annoys me to no end - he's a santimonious asshat who truly believes that he's smarter than anyone, when in fact he's just a big smelly overly opinionated turd.


I have never found him even remotely amusing, and I generally disagree with everything he says. He's never been relevant and I find that I hate most people who are his avid fans.


I used to work for one of the most incompetent people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, and sure as sh!t, she had an Imus sticker on her car. That made perfect sense to me. That was 14 years ago, and nothing's changed.


Fock Don Imus - not for these comments, just because he exists.

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Don Imus is, was and always shall be a total d0uchebag Howard Stern wanna-be. I want to take that stupid floppy cowboy had and make him eat it whole.


He annoys me to no end - he's a santimonious asshat who truly believes that he's smarter than anyone, when in fact he's just a big smelly overly opinionated turd.


I have never found him even remotely amusing, and I generally disagree with everything he says. He's never been relevant and I find that I hate most people who are his avid fans.


I used to work for one of the most incompetent people I've ever had the displeasure of meeting, and sure as sh!t, she had an Imus sticker on her car. That made perfect sense to me. That was 14 years ago, and nothing's changed.


Fock Don Imus - not for these comments, just because he exists.


That's just about exactly how I feel about Howard Stern. Of course, Imus came first, so flip flop that statement. But just about spot on.



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For me, I think there's a line to be drawn. And for me, that line is pro vs. college. I mean, I don't think anybody (professionally) has said these things (jigaboo?) about AI or any of the corn-rowed thugballers in the NBA, but they've certainly commented on their appearance.


I think when you're a pro, you represent more than yourself. If you get all gold-toofed & tatted up to call attention to yourself, folks are going to talk about it.


But, these girls aren't pros. They're young women who made it to the championship game - and then lost. - And then some fugly old dude piles on by getting on a national talk show & ridiculing their appearance and calling them - among other things - "ho's".


Imus had it right when he said that "not everybody deserves to be made fun of". He said it exactly right.


I feel badly for these girls, I really do. Not only do they go through the emotional highs and lows of the championship, but then they get ridiculed across the country. There are things you say between a couple of buddies in private over beers (or a chat room)- those aren't necessarily the same things you say at work - especially when your "work" is addressing 70 million people.


I keep thinking of if I had an unattractive daughter who's only source of pride is her athletic ability - and she uses that ability to get into college, and makes it all the way to the National Championship. I keep thinking how proud I'd be of her. - Only to have some man who never met her remind her and his 70 million listeners that despite all she's accomplished, she's still ugly.


I'm pretty sure I'd kiick his axx.


Plus, any idiot who gives Sharpton a chance to speak deserves to get his butt kicked just for that. :thumbsdown:


see wiffle, I think you're alluding to the idea that it's not OK to pick on the "weak". Picking on those who are strong is OK, picking on those who are weak is not.


And from a college vs. pro perspective, I agree with you. They should be off limits.

But from a racial (and gender) perspective (and that's what will dominate this story), it shouldn't matter.


If you want to make the case that he should not have made fun of them because they're college kids, then OK.

If you want to make the case that he should not have made fun of them because they're black or they're female, then I disagree.

Because you are then taking the stance that their race or gender is a "weakness" and it puts them "off limits" for the jokes. And I don't buy that. Everyone's fair game. Even-Steven, equality right down the middle for everyone.


But like I said. This won't be about college kids being made fun of.

It will be about race and gender.

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see wiffle, I think you're alluding to the idea that it's not OK to pick on the "weak". Picking on those who are strong is OK, picking on those who are weak is not.


And from a college vs. pro perspective, I agree with you. They should be off limits.

But from a racial (and gender) perspective (and that's what will dominate this story), it shouldn't matter.


If you want to make the case that he should not have made fun of them because they're college kids, then OK.

If you want to make the case that he should not have made fun of them because they're black or they're female, then I disagree.

Because you are then taking the stance that their race or gender is a "weakness" and it puts them "off limits" for the jokes. And I don't buy that. Everyone's fair game. Even-Steven, equality right down the middle for everyone.


But like I said. This won't be about college kids being made fun of.

It will be about race and gender.



Your last line is correct. That's why I think Imus (or his writers) got it right. He said "not everybody deserves to be picked on". - And he's right. I hope he sticks with that. B/C I could care less if he went after Allen Iverson.

To me, it's not the black/white in this case. - 'Cause Tenn had black players too. I just keep thinking about if one of my daughters wasn't so much the pretty and had this one thing as maybe the best moment in her life - and somebody went on nation-wide distribution and made fun of her looks, she'd be really hurt -and I'd be mighty pixxed.

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I just keep thinking about if one of my daughters wasn't so much the pretty and had this one thing as maybe the best moment in her life - and somebody went on nation-wide distribution and made fun of her looks, she'd be really hurt -and I'd be mighty pixxed.


If your daughter was so worried about what other people, people she didn't even know, said and thought about her and her appearance, she will end up a failure in life.

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Your last line is correct. That's why I think Imus (or his writers) got it right. He said "not everybody deserves to be picked on". - And he's right. I hope he sticks with that. B/C I could care less if he went after Allen Iverson.

To me, it's not the black/white in this case. - 'Cause Tenn had black players too. I just keep thinking about if one of my daughters wasn't so much the pretty and had this one thing as maybe the best moment in her life - and somebody went on nation-wide distribution and made fun of her looks, she'd be really hurt -and I'd be mighty pixxed.

It isnt about you being pizzed, thats exactly why we are going in the wrong direction....honeslty, who gives a sh!t about your or anyone elses feewings? He can say whatever he wants within the lines of his contract with his employer or the FCC. Thats the beauty of a democratic republic and capitalism, the people decide and if they chose to still listen to him then so be it, just like Rosie O'Phat.

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For me, I think there's a line to be drawn. And for me, that line is pro vs. college. I mean, I don't think anybody (professionally) has said these things (jigaboo?) about AI or any of the corn-rowed thugballers in the NBA, but they've certainly commented on their appearance.


I think when you're a pro, you represent more than yourself. If you get all gold-toofed & tatted up to call attention to yourself, folks are going to talk about it.


But, these girls aren't pros. They're young women who made it to the championship game - and then lost. - And then some fugly old dude piles on by getting on a national talk show & ridiculing their appearance and calling them - among other things - "ho's".


Imus had it right when he said that "not everybody deserves to be made fun of". He said it exactly right.


I feel badly for these girls, I really do. Not only do they go through the emotional highs and lows of the championship, but then they get ridiculed across the country. There are things you say between a couple of buddies in private over beers (or a chat room)- those aren't necessarily the same things you say at work - especially when your "work" is addressing 70 million people.


I keep thinking of if I had an unattractive daughter who's only source of pride is her athletic ability - and she uses that ability to get into college, and makes it all the way to the National Championship. I keep thinking how proud I'd be of her. - Only to have some man who never met her remind her and his 70 million listeners that despite all she's accomplished, she's still ugly.


I'm pretty sure I'd kiick his axx.


Plus, any idiot who gives Sharpton a chance to speak deserves to get his butt kicked just for that. :dunno:


You know what? WHile I agree with what you are saying in here, in principal, I think we as Americans need to toughen the fock up sometimes.

Guess what? There are people out there who think they are ugly, BFD??? Why does or should this matter?

There are people out there who will always dislike something about you, me, whomever. If they have big mouths and say it out loud, well then they are douchebags, but for God's sake get some toughness. This whole protection of feelings thing can get WAY out of hand.

IMO HTH and fock off. :lol:

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Your last line is correct. That's why I think Imus (or his writers) got it right. He said "not everybody deserves to be picked on". - And he's right. I hope he sticks with that. B/C I could care less if he went after Allen Iverson.

To me, it's not the black/white in this case. - 'Cause Tenn had black players too. I just keep thinking about if one of my daughters wasn't so much the pretty and had this one thing as maybe the best moment in her life - and somebody went on nation-wide distribution and made fun of her looks, she'd be really hurt -and I'd be mighty pixxed.



I understand Wif's points but I disagree a bit about the pros/college. Like I said earlier, Imus has apologized more than once, that should be it. However, Al Sharpton is calling for him to be fired. If Imus said the same thing about black women golfers or tennis players who were pros, the same thing would have happened, IMO. There was a recent article in one of the magazines last month, talking about the fact that Imus gets away with too much crap on the radio and that he is teflon and untouchable. Well, it seems that somebody took this to heart and is making him pay. It has nothing to do with the fact that the girls are college players and not pros. It has to do with somebody deciding that it was time for Imus to get his due. Sharpton would want Imus fired if he said it about pros, college or high school girls because Sharpton is a bigger racist than most. Why the heck didn't he make a big deal about the black dude who knocked over the hundred year old lady? Where was his outrage then?

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although the comments were stupid, he has every right to say it if he wants to. if you dont like him or the comments, then just dont listen to his show and you wont have a problem. i lost all respect for him by speaking with sharpton, who is the biggest racist of them all and i have no idea why he has become the 'voice' of the black people, probably because he is a good con artist.


As annoying as this is to see where the white person basically has to come out and say they are nothing but scum to keep their jobs, it will happen again and again and again... and people like sharpton and jesse jackson will have a free pass to do whatever they want.

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I have never, ever, not once, listened to Imus. I'm aware of his existence, and that he's controversial, but never listened to his show. Now I for sure never will. Anyone who bows to pressure from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, all all people, is not deserving of my time. Those are the two most racist black people on the face of this earth.

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although the comments were stupid, he has every right to say it if he wants to. if you dont like him or the comments, then just dont listen to his show and you wont have a problem. i lost all respect for him by speaking with sharpton, who is the biggest racist of them all and i have no idea why he has become the 'voice' of the black people, probably because he is a good con artist.


Unfortunately, going on his show is the 21st cenutry way of PR spin. Hugh Grant started the trend when he apologized on Leno.


Mel Gibson phoned the major Jewish organizations to help him "come to grips" with his feelings. Michael Richards phoned Jessie Jackson and Sharpton immediately after his comments as well. Tim Hardaway is doing the same thing by approaching the gay community.


Sadly, I don't think having these discussions are any more than window dressing. It's nothing more than using prescribed medicine by spin doctors, but the public applauds the moves anyway.

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I think redtodd will back you up on this point.


I am sorry. :thumbsdown:

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I think he should be fired!!!!


Not for the comments but for overall suckiness for the past 10 years.







1.) Imus is irrelavant.

2.) It wouldn't surprise if he planned this whole thing. Everyone knows all you need to do these days after insulting someone or some race is make a public apology and reach out to that communities "leaders" and then all is forgiven... Imus insults the Rutgers girls, the press picks up the story and runs with it, he's somebody again in the media, there's outrage, Imus apologizes, all is forgive/forgot, Imus gets more press. :dunno:

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i think an amendment to the constitution that forbids anything negative or even neutral said about african americans is in order. the only things allowed to be said are things that praise them. Catholics and hispanics will still be allowed to be abused and insulted though

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Controversial radio host Don Imus will be suspended for two weeks starting Monday April 16, NBC reports.

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So gay. He should receive nothing but a reprimand. "Nappy headed ho's"????????????? 2 week suspension?????????? This country is going to sh!t. I would have never apologized.

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He got suspended from MSNBC TV feed of his radio show. No word on his radio possible punishment.


I heard some transcripts from his appearance on Sharpton's show. Imus finally got fed up with the attacks against him, that he started to fight back. Sharpton starting to scramble. Of course, Sharpton kept going to commercial whenver Imus got on a roll. And then they finally ended the interview.


Weird situation. It's sort of understandable when a radio host loses his job over threatening the wife and child of a fellow disc jockey over the air. I get that. That's really bad. But an attempt at humor? Patrice O'Neal got interviewed this morning on the radio. He said that what Imus said was hilarious. Because he was thinking the same thing when watching the game about the Rutger's players. Admittedly, that is comedian sympathetic to another person trying to make a living being satirical/humorous. But based on his commentary over the last few years, he is a smart guy. And a funny guy.


Weird situation. The sad reality is that this situation has gotten so blown out of proportion, Rutges women's team are know labelled forever as nappy headed 'ho's. Because that is all they will be know for. Forever. The media circus made sure of that. Well, time to grow up and get a thick skin, girls. Because that is how the world is. Everyone is trying to make a buck at your expense.


This world sucks for so many reasons.

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CBS is suspending Imus for two weeks as well.



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