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Concrete Charlie


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Here's two of my dreams from this week:


I was visiting an old friend(a real person) who lived in the outback somewhere, I thought i was in the Northwest USA. Anyway, this friend(who I haven't seen for about 20 yrs)was the owner of a retreat where women went to, like, get beautiful. Like an old Flint movie, i guess, it was exotic.

Anyway, several women greeted me when i arrived there, in a normal manner, polite, "hi, nice to meet you" but one of them greeted me by licking the back of my hand, and my forearm. :pointstosky: My old friend was laughing, pleased. Can't remember anymore of it.

WTF is with that?!?!?


Then, another dream: i dreamt i entered an elevator, to take a break from work which, when the door closed, tipped on its side and started going sideways, and fast! I was alarmed but then a feeling of "oh, its okay" prevailed. There was a window which i looked out as i went along, it was moving confidently, amoothly, but just missing cars parked here and there, in a huge parking lot, looked like it was at the freight docks in Philly, vast open space. Then it slowed as it approached a ticketing station for boats, with water instead of a floor. Kind of a marina with a toll. I jumped off the sideways(and now amphibious) elevator when it slowed, landed on something close to a wooden pier, and then woke up.


Anyone have any strong pot? Apparently, I could use it.

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mostly about counting sheep


and when I finally have a grand total, I'll admit it to my gf and hope she takes it ok

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I've had the same dream 10 times over the last month where I'm hanging out with a childhood friend for awhile and when I look up I realize he's had a horrible accident at some point and is missing his arms. I think it means I'm gay.

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I had this dream a couple weeks ago: http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.p...;hl=dream+about


A couple of nites ago, I dreamt I had resumed partying. It was a great dream that was deeply steeped in my former reality: I was walking around with a big baggie full of blow and large pocket knife. I was so preoccupied with getting jacked up I didn't even bother to cut up lines: I would just stick the knife in the bag, pull up some powder and jab it in someone's face imploring them to "Hit it with me!". I was also drinking heavily in this dream. It was a good time.


When I awoke the next morning it took me a few minutes to figure out why I felt so guilty.

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If I were to tell you about my dreams, most of you would report me to the FBI..... :banana:

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Sometimes me g/f wakes up and tells me she had a nightmare saying "you were cheating on me and I was crying and it was horrible..." I'm thinking 'that's it?' My nightmares are bloodbaths consisting of being shot or stabbed to death, or having to dispose of a corpse.


Apparently, men and women have much different psyche's.

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Sometimes me g/f wakes up and tells me she had a nightmare saying "you were cheating on me and I was crying and it was horrible..." I'm thinking 'that's it?' My nightmares are bloodbaths consisting of being shot or stabbed to death, or having to dispose of a corpse.


Apparently, men and women have much different psyche's.



I use to have a good number of apocalyptic dreams. Now it's about 50/50...real life with some strange and/or frustrating differences, or just bizarre non-real life like situations.

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Guest Black Label Society

One recurring dream I have is that I'm tied in a chair and there are mob guys using a utility knife on me to torture me. Of course I know nothing because they completely have the wrong guy, but it always ends the same way.


They start cutting my throat, but REAL slowly, and when they finally break the skin, I freak out, break the chair and pursue beating the dogshit out of the guy holding the knife.


That's not the end.....I ALWAYS end up in the kitchen beating on the cupboards or fridge and I never wake up from it until someone wakes me up.


It's freaky to wake up in the kitchen with sh!t all over the place.


you might not want to be my roommate

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One recurring dream I have is that I'm tied in a chair and there are mob guys using a utility knife on me to torture me. Of course I know nothing because they completely have the wrong guy, but it always ends the same way.


They start cutting my throat, but REAL slowly, and when they finally break the skin, I freak out, break the chair and pursue beating the dogshit out of the guy holding the knife.


That's not the end.....I ALWAYS end up in the kitchen beating on the cupboards or fridge and I never wake up from it until someone wakes me up.


It's freaky to wake up in the kitchen with sh!t all over the place.


you might not want to be my roommate




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The other night I had a dream where I was in a hotel in Vegas, or it seemed like Vegas. A bunch of "us" were there for some event, and I ended up rooming with a cute chick. At some point we were snuggling watching a movie, and I said something like "this is like being married, only better." I had the distinct feeling that I was hitting on her. She agreed with my statement, then reached up to kiss me. And I said, "I'm sorry, I'm married." :banana: I got up and started to leave, and she tried to physically stop me but couldn't.


WTF? :banana:


I told my wife about it, and she said, "ya know, it is OK if you have the secks with the chicks in your dreams." I replied, "I know." :blink:

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The other night I had a dream where I was in a hotel in Vegas, or it seemed like Vegas. A bunch of "us" were there for some event, and I ended up rooming with a cute chick. At some point we were snuggling watching a movie, and I said something like "this is like being married, only better." I had the distinct feeling that I was hitting on her. She agreed with my statement, then reached up to kiss me. And I said, "I'm sorry, I'm married." :banana: I got up and started to leave, and she tried to physically stop me but couldn't.


WTF? :o


I told my wife about it, and she said, "ya know, it is OK if you have the secks with the chicks in your dreams." I replied, "I know." :banana:


This one isn't too hard to figure out. All the talk about potential infedelity has winded it's way into your psyche and now you're actually confronting/contemplating what it would be like to be that person. Don't do it Jerry :blink:

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This one isn't too hard to figure out. All the talk about potential infedelity has winded it's way into your psyche and now you're actually confronting/contemplating what it would be like to be that person. Don't do it Jerry :dunno:

Wanna fock? :P

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Only in your dreams :P

Apparently not. :dunno:

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Last night I dreamed a skeleton ran his cold boney finer up both of my feet. It moved so slowly up and once it reached my toes i woke up....got to admit I was a little scared. Took me awhile to fall back asleep.

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I've had a variety of nightmares since 9/11 that are clearly related. Just the other night, I had a dream that I was in a sky scraper, and I could feel it going over, and I ran as fast as I could and made the exit door and jumped out and the building was crumbling beneath me and I knew there was no way I was gonna survive, but if they caught me on film ... I'm gonna look like the coolest guy ever, making that jump.


That was actually a pretty good one.

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I've ....., I ........I ............I .............I ...........I could ........

I ...........I ..........me .... I'm .


you know the drill


I cant make this crapola up if I try

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you know the drill


I cant make this crapola up if I try



You ... aren't serious, are you?


It's a thread asking people what kind of dreams they have.


It wasn't funny anymore, 25 times ago.

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i always dream i'm at work.

then i wake up and go to work. :blink:

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I've had the same dream 10 times over the last month where I'm hanging out with a childhood friend for awhile and when I look up I realize he's had a horrible accident at some point and is missing his arms. I think it means I'm gay.


Unless his missing arms are up yer a$$, you are not gay, you are experiencing your feelings that your friend is helpless and needs your help. That will be $50. :dunno:

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Nicely done except it's not the guy in my dream. The dreams started when I found out my dad's health is deteriorating to a point where he can't fend for himself.

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