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***Official Season 4 Lost thread***

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1 week from tomorrow :pointstosky:



If I were smart, I'd never watch again.


I'm used to not seeing it now, I could go forever and it'd barely be missed. But as soon as it shows up again, I'll go back to it like an abused spouse. I'll watch it and I'll love it, and then it'll leave me again. I'll feel empty, I'll long for the days that we were together, I'll miss it so much. And it'll come back to me and I'll be right there again waiting for it.

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Freakin sweet, then after 2 weeks, i can watch it in normalcy at my house instead of my dormroom. Man, this season seems REALLY short, but, then again it has, what, half the episodes of previous seasons? I dunno, we still don't really know what the freightor is doing or anything. We know a lot more than at the start of the season with the freightor, and we are pretty sure they are going to try and kill them all. Dam, that 10 o'clock with further delay poker night, wtf....

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If I were smart, I'd never watch again.


I'm used to not seeing it now, I could go forever and it'd barely be missed. But as soon as it shows up again, I'll go back to it like an abused spouse. I'll watch it and I'll love it, and then it'll leave me again. I'll feel empty, I'll long for the days that we were together, I'll miss it so much. And it'll come back to me and I'll be right there again waiting for it.


"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."


- T. S. Eliott




I bet you were wondering if I'd quote the Doors. Fine, I will.


This is the end, my only friend, the end ... of my four part "Journey to Redemption." This is where we take a brief look back at where we have been so that we may know where we are going. This is where we figure out how "Lost" might end.


In part one I introduced you to the monomyth, or the twelve major steps along the journey. As a quick reminder they are:


1. Ordinary World


2. Call to Adventure (Catalyst)


3. Refusal of the Call


4. Mentor/Sidekick


5. First Threshold (Big Event)


6. Tests/Allies/Enemies


7. Approach to Inmost Cave (Pinch)


8. Ordeal (Crisis)


9. The Reward


10. The Road Back


11. The Showdown (Resurrection)


12. The Realization (Return with the Elixir)


In part two we explored how the first five steps made up Act One of a story and how Season One of "Lost" was that Act One. We learned how our four heroes see themselves: Jack - a savior (doctor), Kate - a fugitive (murderer), Sawyer - a con-man (a complicated man), and Locke - a mysterious hunter. Each have been given an opportunity to find their true identities, but because of the wounds they carry with them, they refused and needed outside help in the form of a mentor or sidekick to take the next step and cross the threshold into their journeys.


In part three we made our first startling discovery of what this journey may mean. As Season Two unfolded our heroes were tested with the question of "who are the Others?" Are they friend or foe? After realizing that Benjamin Linus was the man leading the "Others" and manipulating almost all the events on the island it became clear that he is our heroes' true nemesis. By the end of Season Three our heroes entered their approach to their "inmost caves" and got what they wanted: apparent rescue or an island community. The will soon learn that what they wanted was the worst thing that could happen to them. It has become clear that Season Four will end with a Crisis, bring Act Two to a close, and things will seem most bleak.


Now, with part four, let's look at the last steps of our journey and enter Act Three.


9. The Reward


This is the beginning of Act Three. By this point our heroes are living their truth with nothing to lose and accepting the consequences.


Both Jack and Locke have accepted their roles as leaders of their respective tribes.


However, Locke is a step ahead of everyone, as usual. The island has made his purpose clear; he is to protect it. We see him making decisions, under various influences, and taking responsibility for them. Now if my Season Four predictions hold true then we will find Locke at the beginning of Season Five mounting an insurrection against the islands newest inhabitants. Ben will appear to be his ally, but Ben has already gone through this journey and he now sees himself as beyond merely protecting the island. Ben has developed a God-complex. It is most notable in that he has tried to create life where he shouldn't; using machines and technology. What would Jacob say? Where does that technology come from? Charles Widmore. So why does Ben want to destroy him? He sees him as another God, competing for control of his universe. As in Highlander, "There can be only one."


Jack is just starting to assume his true essence as leader. It is already obvious that at the beginning of Season Five he will try to reunite the Oceanic Six and return to the island. The question is why? As I've speculated he will come to despise himself in the Season Four Finale, but that isn't enough for him to realize he has to go back. I think the first piece of that puzzle will come early in the season (if not the end of this one) when Jack will discover just exactly who Aaron is, or more specifically, who Claire is. It will lead Jack on a Season Five journey to Australia. Where he searches his father's mysterious past and discovers how he really died (oh yeah, I've never bought into the "drank himself to death" explanation). The answer to that question will galvanize Jack's resolve to return to the island.


But Kate is harder to convince. She's free...so to speak. She can't leave California but her real prison was the deal she struck to get her freedom. She has Aaron in her care because of Charles Widmore. He is the "him" she was referring to in "Through the Looking Glass." The whole purpose of her trial was to put the lie on record. In Season Five Kate will be forced to re-embrace her old identity as a fugitive when she finally chooses to go back with Jack, despite knowing what returning to the island will mean for her (think Eko).


It won't merely mean returning to see Sawyer. Though at the beginning of Season Five expect Sawyer to have been left for dead and now trapped by the island invaders (who I'm still calling the "Freighties"). Sawyer's unique situation will give him the opportunity to see just who is on the other side. Now, being emotionally attached to the community he has joined, Sawyer will use his skills as a con-man to discover what Ben's true goal has been all along. It's not merely creating new life, but recreating life. The boy really misses his mommy.


With his true purpose uncovered, this will force Ben to leave the island, seemingly defeated, but now he'll have the Oceanic Six, who are unaware of what has actually happened on the island, and he can manipulate them to his purpose.


However, by the middle of Season Five nearly all of the mysteries will be revealed and the goal will become clear: Save the island and make sure no one will ever find it again. Thus begins the road back.


10. The Road Back


There is really only one purpose to this point of the journey - rededication. This is where the hero, realizing his true goal, must achieve it or die trying. It is often depicted as a chase scene in most feature films. It will be the second half of Season Five for "Lost". So expect the action to be at break-neck speed and a finale that will be bigger than any "Lost" has seen thus far.


For the Oceanic Six it will mean enacting a daring plan to return to the island. I believe that through their contact with Charlotte and Daniel, Jack and Kate will discover the many "tentpoles" that hold up the island "tower." These "tentpoles" are the areas of the world where on-island phenomena have appeared off-island (i.e. Tunisia). If items can leave the island through these "tentpoles" or doorways, they'll discover a way to reverse the doorway and go to the island. They'll discover this at a price, because Ben, the one person already aware of this, will kill the man who gives them this information - Sayid. There are many other twists and turns that I expect (Ben/Charles kidnapping Ji Yeon, Michael destroying the freighter and himself, Desmond reuniting with the Six and Penelope helping them fight her father, etc.). No one is safe.


This will make the "second purge" by Locke, Claire, Richard, and "The New Hostiles" that much more dangerous. It will be the Season Finale and it will not go according to plan. There's no gassing the island, so it will be upfront and brutal. Expect heavy casualties - such as Claire, Richard, Charlotte or Daniel, and the outcome will most likely fail though the full outcome will not be revealed unless the Oceanic Six return in the finale. The main thing will be that the two groups will learn that divided they could not save the island.


And now, this is it ladies and gentlemen. We're entering Season Six. Grab a Dharma bunny and hold on tight.


11. The Showdown (or Resurrection)


It's the big face off and it comes in two forms. The hero faces his nemesis one last time; and, the hero makes one final attempt at living life true to their essence. There will be many subplots resolved in this Season, but there is only one major goal: Save the island and prevent it from ever being found again.


Ben, the nemesis, knows that he's been "outed." No more games. He must also reach his goal or die trying. His only hope is returning to the island to destroy it. Ben will be under the belief that life cannot be recreated unless the whole process is started over. While new life may be created, he cannot bring back the dead unless he forces the island to bring itself back from the dead.


Jack , Kate, Desmond, Hurley, Sun, and Aaron will return to the island knowing what Ben is going to attempt to do - destroy the failsafe and cause the island to collapse on itself. Jack and Locke will finally unite as the leaders, but will they remain united? That is what will determine the Series Finale.


Jack will finally accept his role as leader/savior. He has already shown, on many occasions, that he cannot accept defeat. He cannot "let it go." However...


Locke is a man who sees himself as the island's chosen protector. Is he willing to share that role with Jack, let alone step aside and allow him to do it?


Their struggle will finally bring an end to Kate and Sawyer's struggle.


Let me be more precise. I believe that they will fail. Ben will detonate the failsafe and cause the island to begin to implode. They will fail because ultimately, Locke will betray Jack in some manner, but in so doing he will actually allow for Jack to truly save them, because Jack will have to travel back to the moment of the plane crash, but he will be unable to do it alone (perhaps bloodied and weak) and the only person who will be able to help him is Kate. Sawyer will recognize this, and for the good of everyone he will let her go and she will finally make a decision to stay with someone - Jack.


This will bring us to what I have always expected to be the realization of the show.


12. The Realization (Return with the Elixir)


In the aftermath of the final showdown we see that the hero has changed, grown, or finally figured something out. They have achieved their destiny, their true essence.


If Locke had accepted the purpose he initially sought when he entered the Swan station then none of this would have happened. But if it hadn't, then the island, and the world, would have been destroyed (according to the Valenzeti equation) if nothing was done and Ben was never confronted. Therefore, Locke's desire, and ultimate failure, will be his ultimate achievement. For in allowing Ben to achieve his goal and destroy the fail safe he will provide Jack and Kate with the opportunity to travel back through time and save everyone.


Sawyer's journey, however, has always been inward. The complicated man will finally be able to put others ahead of himself when he gives up "surviving" for "living." He'll place his hope in the belief that if Jack and Kate succeed, and change the outcome, that maybe she'll choose him.


Jack and Kate, savior and destroyer, will journey back to the island, back to the plane crash, with the realization that both must face their fear. The series will end the same way it begun, with Jack waking up in the jungle, stumbling out to the plane crash, rescuing people, then finding Kate, coming out of the jungle. There will be slight differences, ones that will let us know that this time things will be different. Perhaps Kate won't be rubbing her wrists where her shackles had been. Perhaps, Gary Troup won't get sucked into the jet engine. Either way, the end is where we start from.




All will be redeemed or face judgment. I believe Locke and Sawyer both will find redemption, while Jack and Kate are given the opportunity to try again. They'll most likely discover that in one of the "loops" they were Adam and Eve, or that perhaps Desmond and Penelope are. Which makes us wonder, how will our other favorite characters' stories end?


PURE SPECULATION (i.e. I haven't done the research necessary to give a more detailed theory)


Hurley will survive to the end. In fact, he'll be the one that captures/kills Ben after he detonates the fail safe. Of course it will be too late, but he'll spark the idea of "creating our own luck" which will lead to...


Desmond, still alive, telling Jack that if he goes into the "rift" created by the new detonation that he'll be "unstuck in time" and that in "another life, brother" he might be able to prevent this outcome, or at least delay it.


Sun, who left Ji Yeon with Penelope off island, will be reunited with Jin (assuming he died on island) when she helps...


Michael destroy the freighter, thus, insuring that the only way to and from the island is through the "tentpoles" that will be destroyed when the island is destroyed.


The whole discovery of the "tentpoles," as I've pointed out will cost Sayid his life. He'll beat the tar out of Ben once more, but this time, Ben will manage to kill him.


Ben will ultimately be judged by the island. When he comes face to face with Smokey, he'll wish he got bounced from tree to tree.


The remaining cast - Claire, Alex, Danielle, Richard, Charlotte, Daniel, Juliet....don't expect them to make it to the end of Season Six. I'll miss Claire the most...and cheer when it's Juliet's turn!


When Season Four returns from hiatus we can watch closely to see how this journey unfolds. Will I amend this theory? No. It will neither stand nor fall based on one episode, or two, but instead based on the final two seasons. However, I will begin a new series I'm calling, "Breaking Lost" where I take each part of an episode (From teaser to tag) and analyze the structure in order to determine the intent. If each episode is a piece of the mosaic then understanding the purpose of the episode is like looking at the picture on the box to see where that piece should go. In that way, we can continue to follow the subplots while keeping an eye on the big one.



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LOST star Michael Emerson recently had an interview where he discusses some spoilers for the rest of Season 4. During the interview, you can hear Emerson trying to do his best to not spill the beans too much by taking an extra second to think before he answers the question, but he still provides us with some minor spoilers.


Most of the info we actually already know, but he does say that the show will move forward, backward and "sideways" in time!? Is he hinting at possible alternate time lines!?


Here is a summary of the spoilers from the interview:

1) Ben has a lot to do in the next few episodes in a lot of "different places"

2) Ben will get some good airtime

3) We move around in time, forward, backward and "sideways"

4) Remaining episodes are violent and gaining speed down hill

5) New characters are very "wicked" and "dangerous" so you will like Ben more because he is not as "bad"


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I, for one, am ecstatic about the time change. I really wasn't sure what I was going to do between "The Office/30 Rock" and LOST.


Crisis averted.

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I, for one, am ecstatic about the time change. I really wasn't sure what I was going to do between "The Office/30 Rock" and LOST.


Crisis averted.


Me too :thumbsup: :doublethumbsup: The thing that Sucked for is Thursday is my Basketball league night and I don't get back to untill 9 CST and always have to watch online because I am one of the last 3 people in the world w/o Tivo :doublethumbsup:

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Me too :thumbsup: :doublethumbsup: The thing that Sucked for is Thursday is my Basketball league night and I don't get back to untill 9 CST and always have to watch online because I am one of the last 3 people in the world w/o Tivo :doublethumbsup:


TIVO? I still use a VCR.

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I, for one, am ecstatic about the time change. I really wasn't sure what I was going to do between "The Office/30 Rock" and LOST.


Crisis averted.


Meh, i am not, it cuts into poker night. Even it being at 9 cut into poker night a bit, now i won't even start until 11, very lame..

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Damnit, i know i am going to end up not watching it. Regular classes have ended and i am all over the place now, i know it will be like 10:30 and i will say to myself "Damnit!!! Lost is half over, mother focker!!!"


This looks like an amazing episode at the initial onset...

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The monster in it's most bad ass appearance ever. I got goosebumps.

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The monster in it's most bad ass appearance ever. I got goosebumps.


I thought that was the Coors light love train. :pointstosky:

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Bam! Awesome episode.



I wasn't too impressed. Very little progress on the plotlines that I care about (mystery of the island), just more drama within the camps.

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When Ben went into his secret room, I think he somehow transported himself to London to visit Widmore. I'm thinking that the Iraq and Tunisia escapades are separate from the London scene.

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I thought that was the Coors light love train. :pointstosky:

of death...


What an episode. I don't even know where to start...

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Damnit, i know i am going to end up not watching it. Regular classes have ended and i am all over the place now, i know it will be like 10:30 and i will say to myself "Damnit!!! Lost is half over, mother focker!!!"


This looks like an amazing episode at the initial onset...


True story, i am just going to watch it before next week's new episode....


So, just tell me this, did the episode live up to the hype?

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Ben is definitley the best one on this show !!!


GREAT episode - I liked this onebetter than the Desmond one. Lost o questions though.



If Ben knew they would really kill his daughter would he have given himself up ? Or did he know they would but also knew if he did they all die anyway so He just did the right thing ? Said they changed the rules of the game ... Must of been why only after they killed his daughter could he unleash the smoke monster ?


Will Ben really kill Penelope as he likes to make himself out to be above the Widmore crew ?


After last night episode I left to question is Widmore really the Dharma founder or was he one of the original people on the Island and Ben turned on him after the Coup ?


Next weeks Episode looks like a filler - any episode that has a Jack focus usually sucks. Hope they show Locke and Ben talking to Jacob though at least.

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And why can't Ben kill Widmore? It sounded like Widmore thought he could. :unsure:

My guess is the island wants him alive for some reason. Like how Michael couldn't kill himself.

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Think the Game senerio might have legs here. This might indeed all be a contest between Widemore and Ben for Island control and Jacob as the referee. The playing of Risk and the mention of Alex as a Pawn played to that as well.


Still have no idea how they explain all this. Ben controlling the smoke Monster through some ancient cave drawings , Widemore previous Island involvement , Who Killed Syaids wife - was it really Ben to get him on his side ? , where the fock are the other others ??? and why are they no coming to help ben ??


Fock the Losties they are an after thought at this point - I am disapointed already next weeks episode will focus on the losties rather than whats really going on.

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"You know what be cool, if they get a Lamborghini and a flux capacitor and..."








my only complaint, but... it is really good. :overhead:


No more spoilers for me... all at my own doing... :thumbsup:





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4.9 The Shape Of Things To Come


There was just so much happening in this episode that I didn't bother looking for many literary references. This episode was overflowing with answers and advancing story lines.


We start with Team Stupid Jack doing Jacksh!t on the beach. They've been sitting on their asses for about a week, hoping that despite all evidence to the contrary, the boat is still coming. Kate shamelessly flirts with Jack much to my disgust. Where the hell is Juliet? Jack is feeling ill, but tell's Kate that No, he's not worried. Our nominee for "Jack Sucks Moment of the Week". Yeah, not worried. Sayid and Desmond left, you can't talk to them, the boat has been sabotaged, and you have two people from the boat that won't tell you crap sitting in the middle of your camp. NOT WORRIED??? If Charlotte stabbed Jack in the neck, he would apologize for his neck being in the way. How about you tie up the stranges and beat some answers out of them. Oh, that's right. Sayid isn't around. For all the flaws that Sayid had on the island, he could certainly take charge of a situation. A body washes up on shore, and it's the creepy Doc Ray from the freighter, neck slashed. There is no way to tell if it was self inflicted or murder, but it's creepy none the less.

Team Ben is playing a lively game of Risk, which a dice rolling board game featuring various countries/regions around the world, with the goal of taking over the world. Remember that, because it is crucial foreshadowing. Hurley with the line "Australia is the key to the whole game." Don't be fooled. That was too obvious. The game itself was the reveal.

Alex is forced to key in the password to disable the pylons. Personally, this was very stupid. If Mikhail sacrificed himself by walking through the pylons, Alex should have done the same, as she might have recovered. And let's not forget that Alex just had her boyfriend and mother shot (although I still think there is a chance Rousseau might recover), her life is crumbling around her, and she even says that Team Ben has a baby. Why don't you just sacrifice yourself? No good can come of this. Swell, you trigger the alarm to warm Ben that they are coming. But these are armed contract killers, going against Team Ben. Bad decision. Code 14J, and "they're here".


Out of commercial, Ben wakes up in the middle of the Sahara Desert in a winter parka, and exhales a breath of frost. And as he is approached by two armed men on horses, he rolls over and reveals a name on that parka "Halliwax". Now let's take a minute to digest this crucial nugget of information. Between Seasons 3 and 4, executive producers Damon Lindenlof and Carlton Cuse showed a film at a Comic Convention, a special preview of the upcoming season. Right now, go to Youtube, don't worry this writeup isn't going anywhere and you can come right back, but go to Youtube and type in The Orchid and hit search. It's the first video to pop up. Say hello to the Dharma introduction films with Marvin Candle, or in this case, Halliwax. He tells of this stations secretive mission in between missing film. But you end up seeing the #15 rabbit pop into existence behind Halliwax, as he is holding the #15 rabbit. How? Dr Halliwax mentioned the Casimir effect. The quantum mechanics of the Casimir effect can be used to produce a locally mass-negative region of space-time, and suggested that negative effect could be used to stabilize a wormhole to allow faster than light travel. I interpret this to be a reality for the possibility of time traveling, or traveling through wormholes and jumping through space. Either way. We were slowly being introduced to the concept of time travel with the Desmond episodes. The Orchid station was where the experiments were happening. I will explain how that ties into this episode in just a bit. But, to return to the current action, Ben wakes up in Halliwaxes parka. Ben also vomitted, as if his body just went through some time travel. Although it is a bid mysterious why he has seemingly a bullet hole in his arm. Ben proceeds to kick the ass of the armed men and shows that he is no bug eyed weakling. He is a bad ass in every sense of the word, and one of the best characters in any TV show, ever.

Back at Camp Ben, preparations are being made for the impending attack. Sawyer, like a mother hen, wants to gather all the chicks, but Ben tells him to leave Claire as Ben seems to think she is not important. Ben knows who matters in the end game, as I've said nearly every week for the last couple of seasons, and he obviously doesn't care at all about the fate of Sawyer or Claire anymore.

Team Stupid Jack confronts Daniel about the Doc, and Daniel explains that ""when"" is a relative term", another reference to time issues and/or a worm hole. Hey, Juliet got a line this week!!!! Whee!!! What a waste of a character. Sigh. Bernard comes up with the telegraph idea, and in one quick moment, puts the entirety of Team Stupid Jack to shame. Way to go Bernard, just don't go around giving bad marital advice again, OK buddy?

Back at Ben Camp, we witness the worst, sloppiest, cringe inducing killing scenes ever. As Sawyer is telling people to get down, one background Team Ben member after another walks to the exact same spot to participate in a game of Duck Hunt. That was some inspired writing, guys. Lazy bastages. An exasperated Sawyer starts running along a picket fence, and all of the sudden Team Keamy can't shoot straight, and just like you would see on the A-Team every week, appartently the bad guys shoot at the ground behind the main character as he runs in a straight line across the field. Hey, ever hear of shooting ahead of the target? Unless the island all of the sudden started to bend bullets, and it didn't for when Locke got shot, then this was some seriously sloppy writing. Then *KABOOM* and Claire's house gets nukes. I jumped out of my seat and danced a jig. Claire is dead. YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Die. Die. Die.


Back from commercial, Ben is in Tunisia. Now, Tunisia, if you recall, is where Charlotte discovered the Dharma symbol beside the remains of a polar bear, an animal that Dharma was experimenting on, along with the bunnies. Seems like polar bears did some traveling. Ben checks into a hotel as preferred customer under the Dean Moriarity pseudonym, which Sayid spotted when you first discovered Ben's secret room at the barracks. It's October 24, 2005, which Ben needed to know, as he has jumped into the future. Yes, jumped into the future, which I will touch on shortly. He spots Sayid on the television, and now he has a plan, after not really having one before. Ben just realized that Sayid got off the island, as if he didn't know up until that moment.

As Team Ben continues to prepare for the impending attack, Ben explains how important Locke is and that Hurley will help them find the cabin. Fock. Claire is alive. Yeah, the house exploded and she barely has a scratch. Sigh. The island needs her alive. Sigh. Sawyer and Claire are not fired on even though they are running unarmed in the wide open for a long period of time. Oh, come on. What kind of writing is that? They make it inside, and the doorbell rings. It's Miles, who all of the sudden is the only non-annoying character that arrived from the freighter. Miles looks a bit like Eddie Haskell, about to tell Mrs. Cleaver how lovely she looks and if Wally was home. I take it back. That image alone makes me hate Miles.


In Iraq, we see that it is Nadia in the coffin, and apparently Sayid finally found her. Nadia was the woman Sayid allowed to escape from the torture camp in Iraq. Of course, we saw her back in the U.S. a coupld of seaons ago, when Locke inspected her house in a Locke centric episode. But Nadia is dead now. As Ben takes photos, inexplicably Sayid looks right at him and eventually tackles him. How did you get off the island? Remember the sailboat....oh, bullsh!t. It was no sailboat. It was a wormhole/time travel device. Ben hatches his plan to recruit Sayid to help him, as we saw how successful it was a few episodes ago in the episode the Economist, who we safely assume is Charles Widmore.

At Team Ben's camp, Miles is informed that he won't be getting his 3.2 million. Gee, you think? Then Ben is shocked, similar to what was happening at the end of Season 3, where Ben's plans were completely falling apart. Yet, this season, he had rallied very impressively, until he hears that they have captured Alex. So, we see that Ben did not lead Carl and Rousseau into a trap last week. They were actually ambushed, which Ben did not foresee, which in itself is significant. Keamy makes demands of Ben. Do you know what kind of man I am? Ben recites his resume. Nicely done. Keamy wants Ben to surrender. Ben counters with basically "Go F*** yourself." "I have this under control." Uh, I don't know about that one Ben. As the count down to death starts, Ben starts some very meaningful dialogue, reminiscent of his "You're Mine!!!" speech to Juliet. "I stole her from an insane woman, she is a pawn, nothing more, means nothing to me..." and *BLAM* Alex is dead. Keamy is a cold hearted bastage. Welcome to the show, nice to have you aboard. Ben is shocked, truly shocked, for possibly the first time in this series.


Ben tells us that "he changed the rules". Not Keamy, but Widmore. Ben runs off into his bedroom and inside the hidden room, which promplty has an iron door slam down behind him. Uh, Locke, buddy? How long have you been inside this house. You didn't search the secret room, did you, stupid? Oh, good grief. Locke is Charlie Brown running towards the football, and Ben is Lucy, just seconds before yanking the ball away. I know that Ben's last name is Linus, but he isn't a bed wetter like Linus. Did anyone catch all those weird symbols on the secret door Ben went through? They looked like some of those symbols on the clock when the numbers weren't typed in time in the Swan hatch during Season 2. Being that the Swan hatch released a build up of electro magnetic energy, and that Ben went through a door with similar symbols, I will definitely state that behind that door is a way for Ben to time travel, a doorway, a worm hole, or something very similar, as electro magnetism is connected to the Casimir effect. For all we know, that door leads directly to the Orchid hatch, maybe a tunnel. But as things started to fall apart Ben, as Alex was killed, Ben time traveled into the future to try to hatch a plan of revenge for this slight of "changing the rules". First, Ben wakes up in the desert, goes to Tunisia to a refuge to plan, accidently sees Sayid on TV. Ben goes, AHA!!!. He recruits Sayid for his mission to extract revenge on Widmore, systematically killing off people in his organization. After Ben helps Sayid get some revenge for his despair, he subtlely baits Sayid into joining forces. I thought it was in bad taste that Sayid called Nadia the "woman he loved" because it corrupts the memory of Shannon, but I guess that's just me. Ben walks away with a smirk. But Ben did have one more thing to do before returning to present time, which we see at the end of the episode.


Ben comes out of the room, very dirty, but a man that was been traveling through Tunisia, the

Sahara desert, and possibley a tunnel is probably not going to come up perfectly clean. Ben tells them of the plan of running for it, and the house begins to shake. A quick look outside and SMOKE MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy sh!t!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the size of that thing!!! It's a freaking black train of destruction. The monster is tornado of violence, swirling in the area of the jungle where the snipers were hidden. "Did you call that thing?" Actually I don't think Ben did. I think it was just a cause and effect of his trip off the island. If Ben could control/summon the monster, why have the pylons powered to keep the monster out in the first place. No, Ben really doesn't understand the monster. Other than the possibility that the island doesn't like someone traveling off the island, and was coming to find that someone when they came back. However, it spotted the snipers in the jungle first, and attacked. How great was that scene of the gunman running out of the jungle, only to be dragged back in. Gooses bumps. I had goose bumps. Love the smoke monster. Ben might very well have some control over the monster, but I don't think so. The swerve here is that the writers want you to overlook the time travel angle of Ben, and instead think he went into that room to summon the monster. Maybe that is the magic box Ben talked about just before he showed Locke his father tied up in The Man From Tallahassee last season. I'm not buying Ben can control the monster. He would have had the monster kill Goodwin in the jungle a long time ago, if Ben could. Ben grieves over Alex's corpse, and for the only time in the series, and probably the last, Ben looks human.


At Jack's camp, Bernard blows Daniel's lie out of the water because he knows Morse code. The pathetic part of the scene was that Jack and Kate were smiling and relieved when Daniel told his lie. Bernard is apparently smarter than both of them combined. "What are you talking about? The doctor is fine." I don't know if it's a lie, or if it has to do with the time difference between the boat and the island. Maybe the Doc hasn't died yet on the boat, but washed up on the island. Although, the island is supposed to be behind in time from the boat. "Were you ever going to take us off this island?" "No." Jack Sucks Moment of the Week, Part Two. Just kill him already, you ass. Like you wanted to kill Locke. Oh, how about Locke, Jack? Turns out he was right about the boat. Ass.

Miles is so freaked out by the smoke monster, he will willing to go wherever Team Ben goes. Sawyer all of the sudden decides to go back to the beach. Ben and Locke just saved your life, Smokey is still out there, you know the boat people are dangerous, and YOU DECIDE TO GO BACK TO THE BEACH???? Am I taking crazy pills? Is this one of the stupidest things anyone has ever done in the history of ever? Jack was wrong. HELLO???? JACK WAS WRONG!!!!! Let's skip off into the jungle full of snipers and Smoke Monster and be sitting ducks with Jack-Ass. Oh, that's right. Sawyer can't stand the idea of Kate being alone with Jack. Just stop already. I don't care about your stupid love trapezoid. Just keep giving us answers. The episodes are so much better without it. Sigh.


Ben arrive in London and breaks into a penthouse. If it wasn't Widmore's penthouse, I would have been shocked. Widmore is having nightmares. Interesting. Ban admits he can't kill Widmore. "You murdered my daughter". Well, technically, I don't know if I would agree with that, but fine. The interesting thing is that Widmore knew that Alex was dead. "I know who you are, everything you have you took from me." This no doubt must refer to the Dharma purge, and Widmore must have been a major funder of the Initiative. Ben tells Widmore matter of factly "I'm going to kill your daughter, Penelope". This revenge plot is all about the changing of the rules. Widmore wants to find the island, Ben wants to kill Penelope. The race is on.


The most fascinating part of this episode is that you have two evil men battling for world domination, following rules as if this was a game of Risk. There is no good guy here. Everytime you start to side with Ben, the writers pull the rug out from under your feet. The penthouse was no doubt the last stop Ben made before returning back to the Barracks, just before Smokey attacked. I've been very vocal in my belief that Ben knows about the future, pushing a time loop theory. Now, I'm not so sure. Ben could very well be time travelling, gathering information on his journeys. Although it's been said that you cannot change the future because the universe course corrects, Ben gathers information so that he can manipulate people for his benefit.


Great episode. Before I make anymore speculations, I will wait for next week's episode and see if the writer's build off this week's reveals. See ya next week.

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I stumbled across this on youtube i think you may appreciate...



mad TVs version of Lost :overhead:



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I was just outside and saw the guy that looks like the guy that Hurley ate for lunch.

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Just saw it online, amazing episode, a lot was revealed, more questions but some answers. I agree Witmore and Ben are battling it out for whatever, world domination, sure. Obviously the island is the key to that with all of it's powers and what not.


I am not so sure about the time travel theory, however, that would explain why he just kind of woke up in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Hmmm, that theory migh actually be sound, but, that would be insane. You figure his whole journey at least took a month at minimum. Also, philly, you said he looked dirty and beat up when he came back out of the secret room....and the penthouse was the last place he was...but at the penthouse, he was clean as can be. However, the theory is still sounds, would also explain why he asked for the date and why he looked surpised when he saw Sayiid off the island.


Another theory is Ben actually killed his wife to hatch this whole plan to get Sayiid working for him...cause he knows Sayiid as an asset would be huge in this game Witmore and Ben are playing...

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I watched it once on DVR after drinking a bunch of beers...don't remember all of it. Gonna rewatch it tonight and then the new episode tomorrow. :banana: :thumbsdown: :banana:

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'Something Nice Back Home'


Thu, May 1, 10:02 PM

Run Time: 58 min.

Juliet and Kate must work together to save Jack when his health is seriously compromised; something goes wrong as Sawyer, Claire, Miles and Aaron head back to the beach.


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From last week's previews, it looks like a Jack-centric episode this week. Not in terms of Jack flashback/forward; but just about Jack on the island. Those are always the worst episodes, it seems... :overhead:

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This is one episode i will wait and watch online ! jack episodes suck !

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