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***Official Season 4 Lost thread***

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Episode 5: Feb. 28

Episode 6: March 6

Episode 7: March 13

Episode 8: March 20

Episode 9: April 24

Episode 10: May 1

Episode 11: May 8

Episode 12: May 15

Episode 13: May 22 (season finale)


Fock, i see a month long break in there... :dunno: Focking writer's strike, i guess it's better than 8 episodes...

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11. Phillybear wears lipstick :dunno:

only when he sucks my cack - I like the rainbow flavors he uses.............

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Fock, i see a month long break in there... :thumbsdown: Focking writer's strike, i guess it's better than 8 episodes...



Compared to the other breaks, it's not too bad. I can deal with a month. :shocking:

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AS for the one in the Coffin I am assuming it is Sawyer as he had no friends which is why noone was there , and Since Kate seemed ready to get back with Jack in the flash forward if he accepted Aaron - seems like Sawyer did something pretty focked up when they left the Island.


Eceanic 6 i am thinking end up being Jack, Kate, Sayid , Hurley , Sawyer , and the Korean Chick.


What about Aaron?

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What about Aaron?



I would think a 2-5 year old would have a few people at his funeral.

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Eceanic 6 i am thinking end up being Jack, Kate, Sayid , Hurley , Sawyer , and the Korean Chick.


Sawyer said he wants to stay on the island....if the writers consider Aaron on of the 6, then they are: Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Aaron, Sun


If Aaron is not to be considered one of the 6, I choose Desmond as my alternate.

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Sawyer would make the most sense and still present the shock value that Lost loves. My wild idea - I think Sawyer does something to betray Kate/ jack an crew and in doing it He uses Kate and manipulates her -- by doing this something happens that causes Claire to get killed - not trying to but by accident . Sawyer not able to face the others on the Island afterwards agrees to go back to the world. Kate takes Aaron and hates Sawyer - hence is open to getting back with jack.

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Flashbacks are so … in the past. ABC's Lost (tonight, 9 p.m. ET/PT) is now all about flash-forwards. But then there is Desmond, whose scenes tonight are something else entirely. Henry Ian Cusick, 40, previews tonight's episode with USA TODAY.



Q: So is Desmond's episode tonight a flash-forward or flashback?

A: It's, uh … to be honest, it's neither. It's more in line with those time-travel flashes before his eyes. A lot of people either love the time-travel element or hate it.


Q: The last time we saw Desmond, he and Sayid were being taken by helicopter to the freighter, but it had been taking an unusually long time to arrive. What's up with that?

A: There's a reason for that, and you'll find that out in this episode. And you'll find out why it's so difficult to get to the island.


Q: With whom do we see Desmond interact?

A: You will see (Desmond's love) Penny and her father, Charles Widmore. You will also see Desmond back in the military. And you'll also meet a whole new bunch of guys on the freighter, who have been a whole lot of fun to work with.


Q: What was it like for you and Naveen Andrews (Sayid) working on that freighter out in the middle of the ocean?

A: We filmed off Barber's Point (the west coast of Oahu) — about 10 to 15 minutes offshore. Once you're there, you're stuck on the boat, so we all had to find places to sleep and hide to be out of the shots. We had days and days being on that freighter and had a few night shoots as well. Because Naveen and I are both from the U.K., we had a lot of things to talk about — like characters from crappy old TV shows from our childhoods.


Q: We are learning one by one who make up the Oceanic Six, so far revealed to be Jack, Hurley, Sayid, Kate and maybe (the show's not confirming) baby Aaron. Since Desmond was never on Flight 815, can we assume he does not turn out to be one of the six?

A: That's what all of us were trying to figure out when we were receiving the scripts. I think it suddenly dawned on us that you had to be an original passenger on the plane that went down to be an Oceanic Six.


Q: So tell us. Who is Ben's man on the freighter?

A: You find out, but not for a few episodes.

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I would think a 2-5 year old would have a few people at his funeral.

As one of the six.


I'm saying it was Sayid's funeral. No real family connections, foreign country, went to work for Ben which might explain Kate's bitterness.

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This episode is fantastic for upcoming speculations on what the fock is going on.

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Best. Episode. Evah. See you folks on Saturday with a writeup.

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Best. Episode. Evah. See you folks on Saturday with a writeup.



So glad to hear you say that Philly. I absolutely loved this episode. I have never had a show challenge my mind so much before. My mind was going a thousand miles a minute, trying to think back as to what this means to the show. Excellent episode. Even if it was a filler episode, it was still fantastic. Can't wait to hear your take Philly. Obviously, the auction was important. The book that was for sale that Penny's father purchased was written by Hanso, the founder of the Dharma Initiative. I'm assuming you caught that. Holy smokes...this is soooo good.

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:dunno: I liked this episode, pretty much every Desmond episode is a mind-blow. However, this ended very well with little questions and the fact that Penny said she will find him, and remember, "With money and determination, you can find anyone." Desmond is pretty much the key to everything that goes on the island.


So, a mind blow till the end. Really, no true progress was made in the present story-line other than we know there is some sort of time-glitch on the island and they did make it to the freightor. It seems the freightor people aren't out for blood...for now though. Plus, there isn't that many of them, really, the losties can easily take them. However, it was a different episode, like most Desmond episodes are, and i liked it.

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i liked this show better when it was called Gilligan's Island :dunno:

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So glad to hear you say that Philly. I absolutely loved this episode. I have never had a show challenge my mind so much before. My mind was going a thousand miles a minute, trying to think back as to what this means to the show. Excellent episode. Even if it was a filler episode, it was still fantastic. Can't wait to hear your take Philly. Obviously, the auction was important. The book that was for sale that Penny's father purchased was written by Hanso, the founder of the Dharma Initiative. I'm assuming you caught that. Holy smokes...this is soooo good.

And the book was a journal from the Black Rock, the ship that's in the middle of the island.

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Damn, didn't pick up on the little things. Once again, trying to watch up while living in the dorms is tough. I will be home to watch it next week though, hopefully i can fully concentrate on everything, though next week looks like less of a mind-fock and more of an action episode.

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I think they explained more about the island in this episode than all of season 2 and 3. I'll post my thoughts later.

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LOVED this episode. One of my faves. Desmond is a good character and VERY critical to what is going on so episodes around him are usually very entertaining.

So much going on...jeez. Nice to see the writers continue to really get you scratching your head.

Why did Mr Whitmore want that journal so badly? What is being hidden?

Jeez..What a great show.

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Ever read the Langoliers ? :pointstosky:


Ever read Slaughterhouse 5?


The whole "unstuck from time" thing that Farraday talks about in his lab in 1996 is straight out of Vonnegut's novel

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Damn league basketball playoffs -- and no Tivo :lol: -- I miss the greatest episode eva :lol:


I will watch it on line -- but not the same -- not the same I tell ya

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Damn league basketball playoffs -- and no Tivo :lol: -- I miss the greatest episode eva :lol:


I will watch it on line -- but not the same -- not the same I tell ya



If ya can wait the week, they will repeat it before next week's new episode....pop up video style.

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If ya can wait the week, they will repeat it before next week's new episode....pop up video style.


wait a week ? I am going to close my office door at lunch and watch from here -- was tempted to just do it now but all those fockers coming in here to bother me of stupid Sh!t ( things relevant to my job )

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Wow great episode. I have a feeling we'll look back on this episode and say of course why didn't I see that...

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Wow great episode. I have a feeling we'll look back on this episode and say of course why didn't I see that...


Too many things...Desmond's whole "see you in anotha life brotha" takes on a whole new meaning.

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Liked the episode but seriously, who wouldn't open a journal and read it when found on a sunken ship.


Makes for a good story though.


So Desmond joined the army after he broke up with Penny, I thought he sailed around the world. Is that after this or is it a different timeline. Kinda weird that Penny started looking for Desmond after 5 years when she was so against ever seeing him again. What happened to make her start looking?


I wouldn't call this the best episonde ever. But to each his own.

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I need to go back and watch all the desmond episodes.


One thing I keep going back to is the conversation between Anna and one of the others. When he looked at Anna and told her they were the good guys. which makes sense why Syied was working for Ben and Jack wanting to get back to the island.


Seems like for every 1.5 hours that go by in the real world one day goes by on the island.


Have they said what year it is in any of the flash fowards?

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Liked the episode but seriously, who wouldn't open a journal and read it when found on a sunken ship.


Makes for a good story though.


So Desmond joined the army after he broke up with Penny, I thought he sailed around the world. Is that after this or is it a different timeline. Kinda weird that Penny started looking for Desmond after 5 years when she was so against ever seeing him again. What happened to make her start looking?


I wouldn't call this the best episonde ever. But to each his own.


Yes...the army was before the boat.


As for why would Penny start 5 years later? I don't know. Perhaps her father died and she found the Black Rock Journal...perhaps she found other things linking him to Hanso, Darhma, and the island.



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I wouldn't call this the best episonde ever. But to each his own.


Maybe not, but might have been the best this season.


Anyway, the communications room being trashed? Lend credence to Ben really having a man on board the boat?

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Anyway, the communications room being trashed? Lend credence to Ben really having a man on board the boat?



good point



also, credence :music_guitarred:



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Maybe not, but might have been the best this season.


Anyway, the communications room being trashed? Lend credence to Ben really having a man on board the boat?

And the door to the sick bay getting opened to let them out to get to the radio room? Minkowski saying "you must have a friend on the boat." Got to be Michael. :music_guitarred:

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Also, I'm thinking the "sickness" the french chick Danielle was talking about when Sayid first encountered her may be the same thing that was happening to Desmond and the guy from the boat - Minkowski (sp?).

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Also, I'm thinking the "sickness" the french chick Danielle was talking about when Sayid first encountered her may be the same thing that was happening to Desmond and the guy from the boat - Minkowski (sp?).



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Did anyone hear a quick static noise that occurred during Desmond's Flashtime to 1996. I thoght I heard it like 2 or 3 times ...kinda sound like something was short circuiting...like Desmond's brain. :rolleyes:

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