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***Official Season 4 Lost thread***

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Did anyone hear a quick static noise that occurred during Desmond's Flashtime to 1996. I thoght I heard it like 2 or 3 times ...kinda sound like something was short circuiting...like Desmond's brain. :unsure:


No, it must have been your brain

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No, it must have been your brain



I coulda swore I heard it at least twice. I went back and listened and only heard it once this time...when Desmond was talking to Penny...maybe it was just a glitch in my broadcast signal. :shocking:

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Ever read Slaughterhouse 5?


The whole "unstuck from time" thing that Farraday talks about in his lab in 1996 is straight out of Vonnegut's novel



Nope - I'll have to pick that up .............



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Did anyone hear a quick static noise that occurred during Desmond's Flashtime to 1996. I thoght I heard it like 2 or 3 times ...kinda sound like something was short circuiting...like Desmond's brain. :dunno:


nope - must of been the weed

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4.05 The Constant


Wow. Where do I begin? This was easily the best episode of the season, and one of the best in Lost history. It had everything: action, time traveling, boat people, and a touching scene between Desmond and Penny. I lost count of how many times I said "What the f..."; I couldn't even finish the phrase.


The chopper scene was interesting. Not that Desmond lost his memory. Last week, I touched on the loss of forgetfulness theme, which was a part of Valis by Philip K D!ck, the book Locke gave to Ben. So the writers were introducing us into memory as a theme. And they really went to great lengths to scramble Desmond's head this week. The scene of the helicopter landing was odd, not for the fact that Desmond was freaking out, but that only 2 Freighters were there to meet the chopper. Exactly how many people are on this boat? Only two? And while Desmond is acting crazy, we forget all about Naomi on the helicopter. She is dead, at least we all think so. All bets are off when you travel to and from the island; how fun would a zombie Naomi be? But there is nothing happening on this boat. NOTHING. Occasionally Frank argues with a Freighter. But that's it. This is so odd. Obviously we learn that Ben's spy is still on the boat, so we can rule out my stab in the dark that it was Miles. It seems like the spy is Michael, since he is in the opening credits every week, and we still haven't seen him. Get ready for Michael and his only two sentences of dialogue: "Walt!!!" and "They took my boy!!!!" Now repeat 500 times. Michael will be back. Yayyyy!!!! Sigh. Are we going to all of the sudden forgive this ass for shooting Libby and Ana Lucia in cold blood in Season 2? On top of that, Michael is working for Ben. I wonder if Sayid tries to kill Michael when he sees him. That would make Michael's return to the show shortlived indeed.


Science geek discussion ahead, and you've been warned. Desmond jumping to the past was a startling moment. Right there, the episode was off to a running start, reminiscent of 3.8 Flashes Before Your Eyes, where Desmond seemingly travels to the past, spending time with Penny, getting beaten down by Charles Widmore, sees Charlie in the street, and eventually has a conversation with Mrs Hawkings in the ring shop. She admonishes Desmond, telling him that he cannot propose to Penny, he has more important things to do with his life. And more importantly, when a man is crushed under falling debris from a construction site, Mrs Hawkings tells Desmond that he cannot change the future but "the Universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting" which is very interesting concept. While Desmond can jump between the past and present, he will not be able to change the future. He could change a detail or two, but there will be no ripple effect for the future. But I digress. Desmond is locked inside the doctor's office and meets George Minkowski. I thought it was suspicious how the name stood out in the odd introduction, so I Googled it. Turns out there is a concept of Minkowski space, named for a mathematician with the name of Minkowski. Minkowski space is connected to Einstein's theory of special relavity, which deals with the concepts of...time and space. Which we now know is the back masking message on the brainwashing tape played to Karl last season: "only fools are enslaved by time and space". Ironically enough, Einstein proved that Newton's laws of absolute time and space were...not absolute. And the title of this episode is The Constant. I know I dug deep for that reference, but the writers are making me do my homework.


I was convinced since the end of last year that the Freighters were absolutely not Dharma, but another hostile group. Mainly because Dharma did a food drop on the island during Season 2, and the Freighters couldn't find the island. Dharma would have simply sailed in and dropped anchor. However, when the doctor hit the ship alarm, it sounded exactly like the alarm in the Swan hatch when the numbers were not entered in a timely fashion. Exactly the same. I am officially on the fence. So, we get a phone call from Sayid to the island, were everybody is just hanging around, doing nothing. Are you kidding? Daniel and Charlotte decided to stay behind because they "have work to do", yet are sitting around playing with cards and drinking water while longing on the beach. And everybody else is doing nothing. Juliet get two lines of dialogue this week, which is such of waste of her talent. I'd like to see the sarcasm between Juliet and Charlotte turn into a brawl. Daniel starts to give us some clues. First, he confirms that the perception of time is different on the island. He brings up the concept that Desmond is "unstuck in time". Which I Googled. Turns out Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book called Slaughterhouse Five, which has a character called Billy Pilgrim. This character experiences events in his life in a random order, seemingly traveling through the past, which is what is happening to Desmond. I though when Daniel told Desmond to "find me" was just brilliant and chilling. Good stuff. Of course, the dialogue of setting the machine to 2.342 which of course is a part of 4,8,15,16,23,42. The numbers are popping up every week now. Also, way to go Jack. When asked if Desmond has been exposed to electromagnetism, Jack basically says "Duuuuuuuuuhhhhhh." Yeah, how about that Swan hatch Jack. Where you were pushing a button to release the build up of, drumroll please, Electromagnetism. And then the hatch blew up. This might have been a good time to remember all this, or did Jack just completely forget the entire Season 2. Remind me again, who in this episode has amnesia? Unreal. Jack sucks. I suppose that all future thoughs on Lost by me will feature at least one "Jack Sucks" moment. I think I've finally moved past Claire as being the most annoying and basically useless character on Lost, and I've zeroed in on 'Ole Jack. "Ole Pudding For Brains Jack.


The Oxford meeting was riveting, until Daniel explained the mouse/maze excitement; then it was mind blowing. The mouse has its consciousness sent to the future. We always see the physical body transported in movies and TV shows that deal with time travel, Quantum Leap notwithstanding, so this was an interesting twist. I think it's debatable whether Desmond was sent back to the past from the future on the boat, or was his consciousness pulled to the future from his past self. I've been debating this concept. But Daniel was clever to realize that you needed a constant to prevent death, an anchor to return to one point in time, or your head explodes. Would it be crazy to think the coffin in the ending episode of Season 3 contained Eloise, the dead mouse? If I challenged the Lost writer's I bet they could find a way to work that into the show, and it would make sense.


George Minkowski tells Desmond that his "girlfriend" Penny Widmore has been calling the freighter. And right there, I had a big issue. Earlier in the episode, Sayid reminded Desmond and all of us, Penny told Charlie "What boat?". So what answers could Desmond realistically find on the boat. Charlie's final act in life was to tell the Losties and us "Not Penny's boat", the writing on his hand. Yet, Minkowski is telling us that Penny is always calling the boat. "What the f...?" This does not add up. We find our old pal, Charles Widmore bidding on the journal of the Black Rock's first mate, as donated by Alvar Hanso, who is a founder of the Dharma Initiative. The Black Rock is the boat that is stranded many miles inland on Lost island. Therefore, as many of us have speculated, Charles Widmore knows about the island, and is a likely candidate to be a major villain in this show in the future. In a shocking moment, he actually gives Desmond Penny's new address, right after humiliating him by making Desmond watch him take a whizz in order to have a conversation. My best guess is that Widmore somehow knows that Desmond is a key player in the future on the island. Perhaps he has spoken to Mrs Hawkings. Perhaps he is manipulating the situation, ala Ben, to get Desmond to the island. Perhaps Widmore is rich because he knows about the future, ala Biff and a sport almanac from Back To The Future 2.


Sayid performs a miracle and gets a phone to work. Do not overlook Minkowski's last words before he dies. He tells us the communication equipment was sabotaged 2 days ago. Then he says to Desmond and Sayid in the room itself "when the captain find out...." and then collapses for the last time. Hold on. WHEN the captain finds out????? Where is the captain. Where are the people on this ship. Sayid and two mental patients travel up one whole deck to get to this room, and freighter surely have very few decks, and were not met by anybody? What???? Lo and behold Penny answers the phone. And they proceed to give us a touching moment, one which Jack-Kate-Sawyer never has and never will produce. Except, I'm not buying it, as I am a cynical person and I will not apologize for it. The scene was all wrong. First of all, I couldn't help but notice all those presents piled up under Penelope's Christmas tree. Is Penny living alone? That ring on her finger, that ring that looks suspiciously like a wedding band, just kept shining as the light kept catching it, over and over and over. True, that ring was on her right hand, but many cultures in European countries recognize the wedding band on either hand. But I won't make that leap of faith that Penny is already married, as I don't think the Lost writers are headed the way of Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt in Castaway. Although Tom Hanks screaming "Wilson!!!!" does sound a lot like "Walt!!!!!!" Sigh. Stupid Michael. But Penny told Charlie "What boat?". Then we find out Penny has been calling the boat. And now Penny tells Desmond she knows about the boat and that she will find him, but we miss some key dialogue. Huh? LIAR. Don't be fooled by the tears. Penny is probably evil. And evil genius at that. Way to go Desmond, by not telling Penny anything, anything at all, about Oceanic 815. Not just a lapse into nitwitism, but it keeps alive whatever story Jack and the other Oceanic 6 fabricated when they leave the island.


Daniel Farrady reveals that Desmond is his constant, with his writing in his journal. So he actually met Desmond in the past. Did Desmond change the past,but not the future? Which begs the next question, since Daniel was exposed to copious amounts of electromagnetism, and is now on the island, does he experience the same side effects as Desmond right now, as the cards seem to indicate from last week, just now as severe a case as Desmond. Or is he worried about leaving the island in the future and needs the note to stay alive. Either way, it is important to note that Daniel is not looking out for Desmond's best interests. Daniel is looking out for Daniel. Selfishly. He reveals just enough to keep Desmond alive because he needs Desmond. Also, Desmond is due for one more flashback, at least. We still don't know why he was in a military prison, as we remember Charles Widmore trying to bribe him upon his release during Season 2.


Still no smoke monster. Still no deaths this year, because I am not counting Naomi yet. We all know there will be an eventual showdown between the Freighters and the Losties, with the remaining Others still missing and a wildcard in the upcoming fight. Let's go already and ring the bell.

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This does not add up. We find our old pal, Charles Widmore bidding on the journal of the Black Rock's first mate, as donated by Alvar Hanso, who is a founder of the Dharma Initiative. The Black Rock is the boat that is stranded many miles inland on Lost island. Therefore, as many of us have speculated, Charles Widmore knows about the island, and is a likely candidate to be a major villain in this show in the future. In a shocking moment, he actually gives Desmond Penny's new address, right after humiliating him by making Desmond watch him take a whizz in order to have a conversation. My best guess is that Widmore somehow knows that Desmond is a key player in the future on the island. Perhaps he has spoken to Mrs Hawkings. Perhaps he is manipulating the situation, ala Ben, to get Desmond to the island. Perhaps Widmore is rich because he knows about the future, ala Biff and a sport almanac from Back To The Future 2.

the back to the future concept is very interesting. It makes you wonder if that first mate on the Black Rock is actually WIDMORE? Maybe he landed on the island on the black rock? That would be great for a few WIDMORE flashbacks.

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4.05 The Constant


Wow. Where do I begin? This was easily the best episode of the season, and one of the best in Lost history. It had everything: action, time traveling, boat people, and a touching scene between Desmond and Penny. I lost count of how many times I said "What the f..."; I couldn't even finish the phrase.


The chopper scene was interesting. Not that Desmond lost his memory. Last week, I touched on the loss of forgetfulness theme, which was a part of Valis by Philip K D!ck, the book Locke gave to Ben. So the writers were introducing us into memory as a theme. And they really went to great lengths to scramble Desmond's head this week. The scene of the helicopter landing was odd, not for the fact that Desmond was freaking out, but that only 2 Freighters were there to meet the chopper. Exactly how many people are on this boat? Only two? And while Desmond is acting crazy, we forget all about Naomi on the helicopter. She is dead, at least we all think so. All bets are off when you travel to and from the island; how fun would a zombie Naomi be? But there is nothing happening on this boat. NOTHING. Occasionally Frank argues with a Freighter. But that's it. This is so odd. Obviously we learn that Ben's spy is still on the boat, so we can rule out my stab in the dark that it was Miles. It seems like the spy is Michael, since he is in the opening credits every week, and we still haven't seen him. Get ready for Michael and his only two sentences of dialogue: "Walt!!!" and "They took my boy!!!!" Now repeat 500 times. Michael will be back. Yayyyy!!!! Sigh. Are we going to all of the sudden forgive this ass for shooting Libby and Ana Lucia in cold blood in Season 2? On top of that, Michael is working for Ben. I wonder if Sayid tries to kill Michael when he sees him. That would make Michael's return to the show shortlived indeed.


Science geek discussion ahead, and you've been warned. Desmond jumping to the past was a startling moment. Right there, the episode was off to a running start, reminiscent of 3.8 Flashes Before Your Eyes, where Desmond seemingly travels to the past, spending time with Penny, getting beaten down by Charles Widmore, sees Charlie in the street, and eventually has a conversation with Mrs Hawkings in the ring shop. She admonishes Desmond, telling him that he cannot propose to Penny, he has more important things to do with his life. And more importantly, when a man is crushed under falling debris from a construction site, Mrs Hawkings tells Desmond that he cannot change the future but "the Universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting" which is very interesting concept. While Desmond can jump between the past and present, he will not be able to change the future. He could change a detail or two, but there will be no ripple effect for the future. But I digress. Desmond is locked inside the doctor's office and meets George Minkowski. I thought it was suspicious how the name stood out in the odd introduction, so I Googled it. Turns out there is a concept of Minkowski space, named for a mathematician with the name of Minkowski. Minkowski space is connected to Einstein's theory of special relavity, which deals with the concepts of...time and space. Which we now know is the back masking message on the brainwashing tape played to Karl last season: "only fools are enslaved by time and space". Ironically enough, Einstein proved that Newton's laws of absolute time and space were...not absolute. And the title of this episode is The Constant. I know I dug deep for that reference, but the writers are making me do my homework.


I was convinced since the end of last year that the Freighters were absolutely not Dharma, but another hostile group. Mainly because Dharma did a food drop on the island during Season 2, and the Freighters couldn't find the island. Dharma would have simply sailed in and dropped anchor. However, when the doctor hit the ship alarm, it sounded exactly like the alarm in the Swan hatch when the numbers were not entered in a timely fashion. Exactly the same. I am officially on the fence. So, we get a phone call from Sayid to the island, were everybody is just hanging around, doing nothing. Are you kidding? Daniel and Charlotte decided to stay behind because they "have work to do", yet are sitting around playing with cards and drinking water while longing on the beach. And everybody else is doing nothing. Juliet get two lines of dialogue this week, which is such of waste of her talent. I'd like to see the sarcasm between Juliet and Charlotte turn into a brawl. Daniel starts to give us some clues. First, he confirms that the perception of time is different on the island. He brings up the concept that Desmond is "unstuck in time". Which I Googled. Turns out Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book called Slaughterhouse Five, which has a character called Billy Pilgrim. This character experiences events in his life in a random order, seemingly traveling through the past, which is what is happening to Desmond. I though when Daniel told Desmond to "find me" was just brilliant and chilling. Good stuff. Of course, the dialogue of setting the machine to 2.342 which of course is a part of 4,8,15,16,23,42. The numbers are popping up every week now. Also, way to go Jack. When asked if Desmond has been exposed to electromagnetism, Jack basically says "Duuuuuuuuuhhhhhh." Yeah, how about that Swan hatch Jack. Where you were pushing a button to release the build up of, drumroll please, Electromagnetism. And then the hatch blew up. This might have been a good time to remember all this, or did Jack just completely forget the entire Season 2. Remind me again, who in this episode has amnesia? Unreal. Jack sucks. I suppose that all future thoughs on Lost by me will feature at least one "Jack Sucks" moment. I think I've finally moved past Claire as being the most annoying and basically useless character on Lost, and I've zeroed in on 'Ole Jack. "Ole Pudding For Brains Jack.


The Oxford meeting was riveting, until Daniel explained the mouse/maze excitement; then it was mind blowing. The mouse has its consciousness sent to the future. We always see the physical body transported in movies and TV shows that deal with time travel, Quantum Leap notwithstanding, so this was an interesting twist. I think it's debatable whether Desmond was sent back to the past from the future on the boat, or was his consciousness pulled to the future from his past self. I've been debating this concept. But Daniel was clever to realize that you needed a constant to prevent death, an anchor to return to one point in time, or your head explodes. Would it be crazy to think the coffin in the ending episode of Season 3 contained Eloise, the dead mouse? If I challenged the Lost writer's I bet they could find a way to work that into the show, and it would make sense.


George Minkowski tells Desmond that his "girlfriend" Penny Widmore has been calling the freighter. And right there, I had a big issue. Earlier in the episode, Sayid reminded Desmond and all of us, Penny told Charlie "What boat?". So what answers could Desmond realistically find on the boat. Charlie's final act in life was to tell the Losties and us "Not Penny's boat", the writing on his hand. Yet, Minkowski is telling us that Penny is always calling the boat. "What the f...?" This does not add up. We find our old pal, Charles Widmore bidding on the journal of the Black Rock's first mate, as donated by Alvar Hanso, who is a founder of the Dharma Initiative. The Black Rock is the boat that is stranded many miles inland on Lost island. Therefore, as many of us have speculated, Charles Widmore knows about the island, and is a likely candidate to be a major villain in this show in the future. In a shocking moment, he actually gives Desmond Penny's new address, right after humiliating him by making Desmond watch him take a whizz in order to have a conversation. My best guess is that Widmore somehow knows that Desmond is a key player in the future on the island. Perhaps he has spoken to Mrs Hawkings. Perhaps he is manipulating the situation, ala Ben, to get Desmond to the island. Perhaps Widmore is rich because he knows about the future, ala Biff and a sport almanac from Back To The Future 2.


Sayid performs a miracle and gets a phone to work. Do not overlook Minkowski's last words before he dies. He tells us the communication equipment was sabotaged 2 days ago. Then he says to Desmond and Sayid in the room itself "when the captain find out...." and then collapses for the last time. Hold on. WHEN the captain finds out????? Where is the captain. Where are the people on this ship. Sayid and two mental patients travel up one whole deck to get to this room, and freighter surely have very few decks, and were not met by anybody? What???? Lo and behold Penny answers the phone. And they proceed to give us a touching moment, one which Jack-Kate-Sawyer never has and never will produce. Except, I'm not buying it, as I am a cynical person and I will not apologize for it. The scene was all wrong. First of all, I couldn't help but notice all those presents piled up under Penelope's Christmas tree. Is Penny living alone? That ring on her finger, that ring that looks suspiciously like a wedding band, just kept shining as the light kept catching it, over and over and over. True, that ring was on her right hand, but many cultures in European countries recognize the wedding band on either hand. But I won't make that leap of faith that Penny is already married, as I don't think the Lost writers are headed the way of Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt in Castaway. Although Tom Hanks screaming "Wilson!!!!" does sound a lot like "Walt!!!!!!" Sigh. Stupid Michael. But Penny told Charlie "What boat?". Then we find out Penny has been calling the boat. And now Penny tells Desmond she knows about the boat and that she will find him, but we miss some key dialogue. Huh? LIAR. Don't be fooled by the tears. Penny is probably evil. And evil genius at that. Way to go Desmond, by not telling Penny anything, anything at all, about Oceanic 815. Not just a lapse into nitwitism, but it keeps alive whatever story Jack and the other Oceanic 6 fabricated when they leave the island.


Daniel Farrady reveals that Desmond is his constant, with his writing in his journal. So he actually met Desmond in the past. Did Desmond change the past,but not the future? Which begs the next question, since Daniel was exposed to copious amounts of electromagnetism, and is now on the island, does he experience the same side effects as Desmond right now, as the cards seem to indicate from last week, just now as severe a case as Desmond. Or is he worried about leaving the island in the future and needs the note to stay alive. Either way, it is important to note that Daniel is not looking out for Desmond's best interests. Daniel is looking out for Daniel. Selfishly. He reveals just enough to keep Desmond alive because he needs Desmond. Also, Desmond is due for one more flashback, at least. We still don't know why he was in a military prison, as we remember Charles Widmore trying to bribe him upon his release during Season 2.


Still no smoke monster. Still no deaths this year, because I am not counting Naomi yet. We all know there will be an eventual showdown between the Freighters and the Losties, with the remaining Others still missing and a wildcard in the upcoming fight. Let's go already and ring the bell.


:unsure: I can rest now. I have read the Philly update. Well done sir. Thanks.

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the back to the future concept is very interesting. It makes you wonder if that first mate on the Black Rock is actually WIDMORE? Maybe he landed on the island on the black rock? That would be great for a few WIDMORE flashbacks.


How abou Dexter Stratton... the D.S. great grandfather former owner of Chalie's ring that the band was named after. I bet we haven't heard the last of him. I gurantee that guy was tied to the Black Rock in some way.

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Just re-watched it, because of this thread actually, didn't realize i missed so much. Good thing for the DVR at home, obviously have nothing at college.


Also, Penny said she knows about the island and has been researching it when they were on the phone, and she said something else that got scambled then said that is how she knew that he was alive. So, i don't know if that has any relevance, i think we all knew Penny knew about the island. I mean, if she knows about the island, then why doesn't she send her own rescue unit or something, or call the national guard or something like that? Like Philly said, i think it all has to do with Mr.Whitmore, he is obviously a very rich and powerful man and maybe he is the person who runs the island or something like that. I think i said after season 2 that Penny would play a huge part in the future, and it looks like that is becoming true. She, but especially her father, are the key to what hapens to them.

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Anyone else notice when Penelope's father, Charles, took Desmond to the bathroom, he used a paper towel to start the sink, didn't wash his hands and left the sink running. When Desmond turned it off, he jumped in time. Maybe it was just to signify how long Desmond was gone, with the sink running over, maybe something more. :overhead:

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4.05 The Constant


Wow. Where do I begin? This was easily the best episode of the season, and one of the best in Lost history. It had everything: action, time traveling, boat people, and a touching scene between Desmond and Penny. I lost count of how many times I said "What the f..."; I couldn't even finish the phrase.


The chopper scene was interesting. Not that Desmond lost his memory. Last week, I touched on the loss of forgetfulness theme, which was a part of Valis by Philip K D!ck, the book Locke gave to Ben. So the writers were introducing us into memory as a theme. And they really went to great lengths to scramble Desmond's head this week. The scene of the helicopter landing was odd, not for the fact that Desmond was freaking out, but that only 2 Freighters were there to meet the chopper. Exactly how many people are on this boat? Only two? And while Desmond is acting crazy, we forget all about Naomi on the helicopter. She is dead, at least we all think so. All bets are off when you travel to and from the island; how fun would a zombie Naomi be? But there is nothing happening on this boat. NOTHING. Occasionally Frank argues with a Freighter. But that's it. This is so odd. Obviously we learn that Ben's spy is still on the boat, so we can rule out my stab in the dark that it was Miles. It seems like the spy is Michael, since he is in the opening credits every week, and we still haven't seen him. Get ready for Michael and his only two sentences of dialogue: "Walt!!!" and "They took my boy!!!!" Now repeat 500 times. Michael will be back. Yayyyy!!!! Sigh. Are we going to all of the sudden forgive this ass for shooting Libby and Ana Lucia in cold blood in Season 2? On top of that, Michael is working for Ben. I wonder if Sayid tries to kill Michael when he sees him. That would make Michael's return to the show shortlived indeed.


Science geek discussion ahead, and you've been warned. Desmond jumping to the past was a startling moment. Right there, the episode was off to a running start, reminiscent of 3.8 Flashes Before Your Eyes, where Desmond seemingly travels to the past, spending time with Penny, getting beaten down by Charles Widmore, sees Charlie in the street, and eventually has a conversation with Mrs Hawkings in the ring shop. She admonishes Desmond, telling him that he cannot propose to Penny, he has more important things to do with his life. And more importantly, when a man is crushed under falling debris from a construction site, Mrs Hawkings tells Desmond that he cannot change the future but "the Universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting" which is very interesting concept. While Desmond can jump between the past and present, he will not be able to change the future. He could change a detail or two, but there will be no ripple effect for the future. But I digress. Desmond is locked inside the doctor's office and meets George Minkowski. I thought it was suspicious how the name stood out in the odd introduction, so I Googled it. Turns out there is a concept of Minkowski space, named for a mathematician with the name of Minkowski. Minkowski space is connected to Einstein's theory of special relavity, which deals with the concepts of...time and space. Which we now know is the back masking message on the brainwashing tape played to Karl last season: "only fools are enslaved by time and space". Ironically enough, Einstein proved that Newton's laws of absolute time and space were...not absolute. And the title of this episode is The Constant. I know I dug deep for that reference, but the writers are making me do my homework.


I was convinced since the end of last year that the Freighters were absolutely not Dharma, but another hostile group. Mainly because Dharma did a food drop on the island during Season 2, and the Freighters couldn't find the island. Dharma would have simply sailed in and dropped anchor. However, when the doctor hit the ship alarm, it sounded exactly like the alarm in the Swan hatch when the numbers were not entered in a timely fashion. Exactly the same. I am officially on the fence. So, we get a phone call from Sayid to the island, were everybody is just hanging around, doing nothing. Are you kidding? Daniel and Charlotte decided to stay behind because they "have work to do", yet are sitting around playing with cards and drinking water while longing on the beach. And everybody else is doing nothing. Juliet get two lines of dialogue this week, which is such of waste of her talent. I'd like to see the sarcasm between Juliet and Charlotte turn into a brawl. Daniel starts to give us some clues. First, he confirms that the perception of time is different on the island. He brings up the concept that Desmond is "unstuck in time". Which I Googled. Turns out Kurt Vonnegut wrote a book called Slaughterhouse Five, which has a character called Billy Pilgrim. This character experiences events in his life in a random order, seemingly traveling through the past, which is what is happening to Desmond. I though when Daniel told Desmond to "find me" was just brilliant and chilling. Good stuff. Of course, the dialogue of setting the machine to 2.342 which of course is a part of 4,8,15,16,23,42. The numbers are popping up every week now. Also, way to go Jack. When asked if Desmond has been exposed to electromagnetism, Jack basically says "Duuuuuuuuuhhhhhh." Yeah, how about that Swan hatch Jack. Where you were pushing a button to release the build up of, drumroll please, Electromagnetism. And then the hatch blew up. This might have been a good time to remember all this, or did Jack just completely forget the entire Season 2. Remind me again, who in this episode has amnesia? Unreal. Jack sucks. I suppose that all future thoughs on Lost by me will feature at least one "Jack Sucks" moment. I think I've finally moved past Claire as being the most annoying and basically useless character on Lost, and I've zeroed in on 'Ole Jack. "Ole Pudding For Brains Jack.


The Oxford meeting was riveting, until Daniel explained the mouse/maze excitement; then it was mind blowing. The mouse has its consciousness sent to the future. We always see the physical body transported in movies and TV shows that deal with time travel, Quantum Leap notwithstanding, so this was an interesting twist. I think it's debatable whether Desmond was sent back to the past from the future on the boat, or was his consciousness pulled to the future from his past self. I've been debating this concept. But Daniel was clever to realize that you needed a constant to prevent death, an anchor to return to one point in time, or your head explodes. Would it be crazy to think the coffin in the ending episode of Season 3 contained Eloise, the dead mouse? If I challenged the Lost writer's I bet they could find a way to work that into the show, and it would make sense.


George Minkowski tells Desmond that his "girlfriend" Penny Widmore has been calling the freighter. And right there, I had a big issue. Earlier in the episode, Sayid reminded Desmond and all of us, Penny told Charlie "What boat?". So what answers could Desmond realistically find on the boat. Charlie's final act in life was to tell the Losties and us "Not Penny's boat", the writing on his hand. Yet, Minkowski is telling us that Penny is always calling the boat. "What the f...?" This does not add up. We find our old pal, Charles Widmore bidding on the journal of the Black Rock's first mate, as donated by Alvar Hanso, who is a founder of the Dharma Initiative. The Black Rock is the boat that is stranded many miles inland on Lost island. Therefore, as many of us have speculated, Charles Widmore knows about the island, and is a likely candidate to be a major villain in this show in the future. In a shocking moment, he actually gives Desmond Penny's new address, right after humiliating him by making Desmond watch him take a whizz in order to have a conversation. My best guess is that Widmore somehow knows that Desmond is a key player in the future on the island. Perhaps he has spoken to Mrs Hawkings. Perhaps he is manipulating the situation, ala Ben, to get Desmond to the island. Perhaps Widmore is rich because he knows about the future, ala Biff and a sport almanac from Back To The Future 2.


Sayid performs a miracle and gets a phone to work. Do not overlook Minkowski's last words before he dies. He tells us the communication equipment was sabotaged 2 days ago. Then he says to Desmond and Sayid in the room itself "when the captain find out...." and then collapses for the last time. Hold on. WHEN the captain finds out????? Where is the captain. Where are the people on this ship. Sayid and two mental patients travel up one whole deck to get to this room, and freighter surely have very few decks, and were not met by anybody? What???? Lo and behold Penny answers the phone. And they proceed to give us a touching moment, one which Jack-Kate-Sawyer never has and never will produce. Except, I'm not buying it, as I am a cynical person and I will not apologize for it. The scene was all wrong. First of all, I couldn't help but notice all those presents piled up under Penelope's Christmas tree. Is Penny living alone? That ring on her finger, that ring that looks suspiciously like a wedding band, just kept shining as the light kept catching it, over and over and over. True, that ring was on her right hand, but many cultures in European countries recognize the wedding band on either hand. But I won't make that leap of faith that Penny is already married, as I don't think the Lost writers are headed the way of Tom Hanks and Helen Hunt in Castaway. Although Tom Hanks screaming "Wilson!!!!" does sound a lot like "Walt!!!!!!" Sigh. Stupid Michael. But Penny told Charlie "What boat?". Then we find out Penny has been calling the boat. And now Penny tells Desmond she knows about the boat and that she will find him, but we miss some key dialogue. Huh? LIAR. Don't be fooled by the tears. Penny is probably evil. And evil genius at that. Way to go Desmond, by not telling Penny anything, anything at all, about Oceanic 815. Not just a lapse into nitwitism, but it keeps alive whatever story Jack and the other Oceanic 6 fabricated when they leave the island.


Daniel Farrady reveals that Desmond is his constant, with his writing in his journal. So he actually met Desmond in the past. Did Desmond change the past,but not the future? Which begs the next question, since Daniel was exposed to copious amounts of electromagnetism, and is now on the island, does he experience the same side effects as Desmond right now, as the cards seem to indicate from last week, just now as severe a case as Desmond. Or is he worried about leaving the island in the future and needs the note to stay alive. Either way, it is important to note that Daniel is not looking out for Desmond's best interests. Daniel is looking out for Daniel. Selfishly. He reveals just enough to keep Desmond alive because he needs Desmond. Also, Desmond is due for one more flashback, at least. We still don't know why he was in a military prison, as we remember Charles Widmore trying to bribe him upon his release during Season 2.


Still no smoke monster. Still no deaths this year, because I am not counting Naomi yet. We all know there will be an eventual showdown between the Freighters and the Losties, with the remaining Others still missing and a wildcard in the upcoming fight. Let's go already and ring the bell.


Some write up PB ! :shocking:


anyhow - I am sticking with my theory that the Island Time thing is just a cloaking mechanism so the island cannot be seen from the outside world and cannot be gotten to except through a specific coordinate. I wasn't as impressed with episode as you but will admit that is was a decent episode as we really didn't get any anywhere in resolving anyhting even though it looks like on the surface we found out alot. I really doubt that Penny is " evil " or at least out to get Desmond - but will agree there is more to it than just Penny looking for Des..


Charles Widmore / Des converstation was something for 2 reasons - he actually helped him and he left the water running -- It looks like he knows whats going on with Des and is looking more like he is behind the boaties. Then again maybe it really is Penny behind the boaties and she has taken over for her Father in the quest for the island ?


The whole constant I really don't get how that stopped the leaps - though I can understand how that would help keep sanity.


I agree Jack is a dumbass !


On the guy in the coffin - I am starting to think it is goingto be LOCKE now.. It isn't Ben and both Kate and Jack hate Locke and finally He would be considered one of the Oceanic 6 -- He prolly kills himself after he is forced back or dies of that Anurism since he was expossed to Hatch explosion as well. I would be pissed as Locke is the most interesting person in the focking show ! ( though faraday is a pretty good character ) .



I find it interesting that season 4 is the quest to get off the Island Season 5 - finding out why they need to get back and getting back and season 6 back on the Island.


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This week, no crazy non sequiturs, dubious pop culture tangents, or flat-out lame jokes. Only helpful information. Honest! Today's cheat sheet is indebted to two books: Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions, by Lisa Randall; and The New Time Travelers, by David Toomey.


Dedicated to all you wormholes out there. You know who you are.



A bunker buried in the jungle, properly known as the Swan, and part of the Dharma Initiative, a Utopian science outfit financed by the Hanso Foundation. It was allegedly created to study the Island's unique electromagnetic fluctuations. In the finale of season 2, the Hatch either exploded or imploded; regardless, it went bye-bye, leaving nothing but a charred crater behind. Desmond, Locke, and Mr. Eko were all inside the Hatch during this destruction event. They, too, should have been blown to smithereens. Instead, Desmond woke up naked, Locke woke up mute, and Mr. Eko woke up delirious. To this day, I have been convinced that Lost has not given us a satisfying explanation for how those three survived. But yesterday, a theory came to mind. First, we must revisit:



A pivotal season 3 episode in which it was revealed that after Desmond turned the failsafe key, he experienced something like time travel; his Island-present consciousness downloaded into his flashback-past self. Even more odd, when his mind returned to the Island present, Desmond came back with ''flashes'' of the future. Did Desmond's consciousness simultaneously expand forward and backward in time, then reverse course and contract back into his head? Does super-electromagnetic Desmond have the ability to omnisciently experience the arc of his existence (or his ''worldline,'' to use a word coined by Lost-cited egghead Hermann Minkowski) all at once, but chooses not to, or at least, only in manageable ''flashes''? Perhaps tonight's episode will offer illumination. During his ''Flashes'' flashback, Desmond learned from a mysterious lady named Ms. Hawking two things about the nature of Lost time (assuming that she was being truthful, of course): Both free will and predestination are at work. Hawking warned Desmond that if he proposed to Penny, ''every single one of us will die.'' But then, after they witnessed a man's death, Ms. Hawking told Desmond that despite knowing the man's fate, she was powerless to stop it; the universe would have found a different way to kill him. This brings us to:



David Lewis is the name of Charlotte Staples Lewis' father. (We know this from when Ben ran down Charlotte's bio at the end of ''Confirmed Dead.'') David Lewis is also a famous thinker in the field of physics. During the 1970s, he gave a series of lectures about the topic of time travel. One of his most important contributions was a response to the problem known as ''The Grandfather Paradox.'' This is the idea that a time traveler can't go back in time and kill his grandpa because it would create a new timeline in which the time traveler would have never come into existence. Lewis resolved this paradox by simply suggesting that in a world where time travel would be possible, creating paradox would be impossible; the cosmos would basically work against you and execute what Desmond would call...



Example: Charlie. But two things about Charlie's death: (1) Fate technically didn't kill Charlie. Remember what happened: Desmond flashed on a new version of Charlie's death — one that offered a future that was beneficial to all castaways. Heroically, Charlie embraced this fate. Charlie exercised his free will and essentially killed himself. (2) Regardless, Fate got what it wanted. Which brings me back to the mystery of how Desmond, Locke, and Eko survived the Hatch implosion. Were they saved by ''The Grandfather Paradox''? Did Fate spare them because they just weren't supposed to die yet? Maybe. And if so, it would be awfully convenient; Lost could basically get away with any leap in narrative logic by chalking it up to ''course correction.'' Ironically, this is exactly the complaint that many physicists have to paradox theories like the one suggested by David Lewis. Which brings us to...




Igor Novikov was a physicist whose name is attached to the most famous theory addressing time-travel paradox: the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle. Similar to Lewis, Novikov advocated ''course correction.'' But many others — including Matt Visser, who coined the phrase ''Novikov Consistency Conspiracy'' — opposed Novikov's articulation because it implied the work of supernatural agencies. A religious person (like Charlotte's namesake, C.S. Lewis) might call this agency ''God.'' An open-minded scientific person might call it ''Maxwell's Demon,'' named after James Clerk Maxwell's tricky thought experiment, discussed in this space a couple weeks ago. Novikov himself called it by another name, a name connected directly to Lost: ''Jinn,'' a word from the Koran for a category of formless magical entities that defy the laws of space-time. (The Monster, for example, could be a ''Jinn.'') But I might suggest a fourth candidate, one that our old X-Files friend Dana Scully would find hard to swallow but at least puts us in a plausibly human arena: an honest-to-God conspiracy, executed by Cancer Man-ish agents like Ms. Hawking, Brother Jerome (Desmond's former monastery boss), and many others. The Lostverse is populated by people struggling to avert catastrophic paradox and perhaps battling each other over the proper form of ''course correction.'' This raises the question: How would these flesh-and-blood ''demons'' know the future? Answer:



The Orchid is the name of another Dharma Initiative station that we have not yet seen, but will, soon. (Next week, to be exact.) A version of the Orchid's orientation film was released last summer by the producers of Lost; you can see it on YouTube or at abc.com. The film suggests that Dharma was trying to harness the unique energies of the Island in order to conduct experiments in time travel. It mentions something called the Casimir Effect, which points toward the kind of energy that Dharma was harnessing. What would negative energy be good for? Growing and maintaining a most volatile distortion in the fabric of reality, or ''Minkowski space-time,'' a distortion known as:



I bow before the feet of many other Lost theorists, including J. Wood at powells.com, who've brought wormholes into the Lost conversation much earlier than me. If you're a sci-fi nut, you know all about wormholes, a theoretical phenomenon in space-time that can connect one point in time to another. Novikov speculated that wormholes could mature into ''natural time machines.'' If the Island is basically ground zero for a small, localized wormhole, then it's very possible that Dharma was to create a kind of quantum switchboard, connecting calls between Island present and the future or the past. I wonder if the name ''Miles Straum'' is another clue nodding in the direction of wormhole theory. The producers say ''Miles Straum'' was meant to sound like ''maelstrom,'' which is a massive, monstrous whirlpool in the middle of an ocean. Not a bad analogy for a wormhole in the South Pacific, eh?




I know what you're thinking. You mean to tell me that I gotta know all this noodle-cooking stuff to understand Lost? My answer is this: If any of this is accurate, I'm betting it'll probably be explained just as generally, if not more so, as I did here. But here's the curious thing about all this. Science is supposed to be the process of making the unknowable knowable, right? This is essentially the argument against supernatural forces: They're just phenomena we haven't explained yet, phenomena like Lost's Monster, ghosts, and various other ''jinns.'' But the current direction of physics suggests that science has gone so far down the rabbit hole that they're coming back to where they started: to a view of reality marked by inherent unknowability. Concepts like ''braneworld cosmology'' advocate the existence of dimensions embedded in our reality that defy natural order. I wouldn't be surprised if, at the end of the day, Lost rallies around Edward Mitten's ''M theory,'' a unified theory of reality that incorporates multiple dimensions (10, to be exact) plus a bonus 11th dimension marked by supergravity. What does the ''M'' stand for? Witten never said. It could mean ''magic,'' ''membrane,'' or ''mystery.'' In fact, Lisa Randall offers the idea that the ''M'' means ''Missing theory.''


Sounds like Lost to me.


Source: EW

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begining to think now this is how Ben remains so damn calm ! He knows what is going to happen and when. He posseses the same thing Desmond does but he knows how to control it and go wherever he wants in the future.

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I am not sure if this has been said or not. Can someone verify? Wasn't Locke's nose bleeding in one of the episodes last year or this year??? I think Jack or someone reminded him of it. If it has been said my apologies.

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I am not sure if this has been said or not. Can someone verify? Wasn't Locke's nose bleeding in one of the episodes last year or this year??? I think Jack or someone reminded him of it. If it has been said my apologies.

OO good call. :dunno:

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One question we are not asking is who opened the locked door for Sayid and Desmond.

Michael, Ben's potential spy on the ship, is the obvious answer. But lost has been so good this season, I would be surprised if Michael wasn't the spy

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So the island is an experiment to try to modify the valenzetti equation (which sets the time when humanity will become extinct) and part of the effort involves modifying space time by emitting frequencies that permit "shifts" of consciousness outside of the current time thread.


The absolute key to everything about the island is Faraday's comment--you can't change the future.


The "special property" of the island is that it self-corrects the future that the "consciousness shifts" the island allows are attempting to alter. Locke coming back to life. The dharma people all getting killed. The death of pregnant women to prevent the birth of babies that shouldn't be born. The smoke monster is a manifestation of this.


The people who "see" Jacob are only allowed to see him because their seeing him will allow something in the future to happen--this is what spooks Ben so much, because those people are obviously part of a future that Ben is trying to prevent from occurring.


Everyone on the flight has some connection to one another before the flight--they're all "constants" for one another. The flight is an orchestrated effort by someone (Hanso/Dharma/Oceanic) to either revive the valenzetti experiment after Ben kills everyone or, after the fact, to hide the fact that the experiment occurred after Ben reveals it to the world.


Yep things are starting to fall into place.

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Just want to remind people that ABC has new season 4 episodes in high-def on Fridays on their website. A few days later they also put up an enhanced version with the subtitles explaining stuff. Only way I watch now. Picture is great and limited commercials. I liked the time travel episode; really makes you think. I have been considering the time travel/multi-dimensional thing for a while. From what I have read episode 8 will have something very significant like a mini-cliffhanger. I can't wait.

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"It's no shock to say that Season 4 ends with the Oceanic 6 getting off the island," Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof shares with TV Guide. "The real mystery is how, and what they have to sacrifice, and what happens to the people who didn't leave. You get all that this year." Sounds good, we'll take it. But what other intel are producers willing to spill? To find out, we turned to no, not viewers but to Lost cast members themselves for their own burning questions. Warning! The producers' answers could cause a major head rush, if not a full-on Desmond-style time jump.


Jorge Garcia (Hurley): "Is Ben in the coffin?"

Carlton Cuse: Come on, Jorge!

Damon Lindelof: Seriously! [To Cuse] He's just trying to make sure it's not him. It's process of elimination. The next question is, "Is it Michael?" [Laughs]

Cuse: Before the end of the year, you will know who's in the coffin.

Lindelof: And Jorge will definitely know before anyone else.


Yunjin Kim (Sun): "Is Aaron actually one of the Oceanic 6?"

Cuse: We're not officially saying yet. We want the audience to engage in an active debate about who the Oceanic 6 are.

Lindelof: Following [sayid's] episode, we got several inquiries we weren't anticipating about, 'Is Ben a member of the Oceanic 6?' He could've assumed the identity of somebody on the plane [with] no surviving family members. Who the actual six are is very much in play through the end of the [March 13th] episode. We'll confirm or deny after that.


Josh Holloway (Sawyer): "Is it Jack's turn with Kate?"

Cuse: [Laughs] That doesn't sound very romantic, but I guess we get the underlying meaning. The Jack-Kate situation remains unresolved and probably will be for a while.

Lindelof: We will say we haven't seen the last of Sawyer and Kate this season. Not by a long shot.


Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond): "It's 2004 on the boat. What year is it in Penny's world? What year is it when the Oceanic 6 get home?"

Lindelof: What's fundamentally interesting about all the time-jumping is that we want it to make sense when people watch the show 10 years from now. We don't want it to seem dated. So it's not really about what year it is in the outside world, it's about how many years have elapsed between the time that we're watching on the island and the flash-forwards. That's one of the fun games the audience is playing: "Gee, Aaron looks like he's about 18 months old. What does that mean, and how old was he when they got off the island?"

Cuse: There are some growth issues when you go on or off the island. But I can't say more about that.

Lindelof: You've already said enough.


Evangeline Lilly (Kate): "Did Michael reach the mainland? Go home? Come back to rescue us?"

Cuse: The good news is that Evie will get all of her answers in [the March 20th] episode.

Lindelof: Well, most of them.

Cuse: Those questions form the basis for that episode. Evie should be somewhat happy.


Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet): "Why did Juliet become such a badass? Who trained her — the Others?"

Cuse: I think there was probably some martial arts in New Otherton.

Lindelof: She probably went out shooting with Friendly back in the day, which is why she can handle a firearm so well. But the real inspiration for Juliet being a badass was Elizabeth herself. When she read for the part, she had this huge cast on her arm and was talking about her days of kickboxing....

Cuse: And then she beat Damon up.


Holloway: "Sawyer needs a freakin' haircut! Since I'm living with Hurley, can he cut my hair?"

Lindelof: [Laughs] That episode's a casualty of the strike.

Cuse: But yeah, Josh can have a haircut.

Lindelof: Josh might've forgotten, but this is a recurring request from him. He's like, 'My hair's getting long, can't Kate cut it?' So we did an episode [in Season 2] where Kate cuts his hair. I love how Josh chooses who's going to be his barber at any given time!


Cusick: "Did Jack's flash-forward in the third-season finale take place after the events of Sayid's most-recent episode?"

Cuse and Lindelof: Yes.


Naveen Andrews (Sayid): "Damon spoke once about going back into Sayid's childhood. It didn't sound like bulls--t at the time. Has he abandoned that?"

Lindelof: I love how he phrases it — "It didn't sound like bulls--t at the time" — [implying], "But it certainly seems like bulls--t now." [Laughs] It's certainly something we still want to do. It wouldn't necessarily be an entire flashback based in his childhood, but there may be significant things that happened when Sayid was a kid that we need to reveal.

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Pretty boring episode, but I guess it is hard to match last week's superepisode.

Here the few important things that popped up this week:


Chemical Station - So we learned that there is a chemical station on the island called the Tempest. That was how Ben killed his people. That was where Goodwin worked before he died (remember the chemical burn?) My first question was why Dharma needed a chemical station on the island. Second question was how Faraday was so quick with the computer. Could it be that he was taking advantage of time traveling and taught himself everything he needed to know about disabling the gas? That was what the card guessing game was about, they were practicing his ability to learn things in the future.


Whispers are back - And I have no idea where to go with this. I would guess that it is the black smoke that provides the whispers and the smoke took the form of Harper...now you have to wonder if the black smoke is working with Ben...?


Harper the rapist...therapist - Not convinced it was actually Harper that showed up. When Walt showed up that one time, it was pouring rain and he was drenching wet. It was the same thing with "Harper".


Charles Widmore - Ahhh, we finally got confirmation that Papa Widmore is a huge part of Lost. But should we believe Ben saying that Widmore is a bad guy? I don't think Widmore's intentions are to get rich off the island and the people, that would be bad for the plot, stopping a rich guy from getting richer? boring! His "race around the world" makes sense now, Widmore was hoping someone would accidentally find the island on their trip around the world. You have to wonder if Papa Widmore is the "economist" that Ben was talking about...AND still ponder why Sayid was working for Ben to kill WIdmore...maybe Michael convinced him on the boat...

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Harper the therapist.



Who did she mean when she said Juliet looks just like her? :dunno:

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Who did she mean when she said Juliet looks just like her? :music_guitarred:

Smells like another Ben flashback. I think we're going to find out a LOT about the others this season. I still wonder where they are right now...preparing for a counter-attack?

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4.06 The Other Woman


After last's week roller coaster ride, this episode slowed things down a bit, but still had some interesting reveals and answers. I am a big fan of Juliet's character, and her flashbacks (note, second straight week without a flashforward) are always interesting because they give us insight into the inner workings of what used to be The Others. But before I dive in, let me mention something that I overlooked in last week's writeup. I saw a fantastic screencap a few days ago that knocked my head for a spin. Remember a couple of Desmond episodes ago, 3.17 Catch 22, when Desmond was a monk in training. But he failed at that, and as he entered the Head Monk's office to turn in his uniform, the camera panned across the room, and lingered on a photo on the Monk's desk. It was a picture of Mrs Hawking, the ring shop woman from a previous Desmond episode, and the Head Monk standing side by side. I've mentioned this photo in previous writeups, especially last year. However, the incredibly amazing thing is that the background of the photo is the exact same spot where Desmond met Daniel at Oxford in 1996. The stone walkway. Desmond's life is obviously being manipulated, and he is a huge part of the future of this series. Another thought is Sayid allowing Desmond to call Penny, but not using that phone to call for help. Might this be the fatal mistake, the one that Ben referenced a couple of episodes ago, when he told Sayid to remember the last time he thought with his heart, and not with his head. Anyway...


The symbolism starts with the very first scene, as Juliet is using a minature rake in the box of sand, which features a 'black rock". Nice subtle touch. We meet Harper. Tom confesses to Juliet that he has daddy issues. Yuck. How does Tom go from the fearsome leader of the kidnappers of Walt to throwing a football like a girl last season and now this point where he cries during therapy? Back at the beach...and our nominee for the Jack Sucks Moment of the Week. Apparently, Jack didn't tell anyone to keep an eye on Daniel and Charlotte. Gee, you think that might have been a good idea. Weird things are happening with the helicopter. Desmond is jumping through time. You don't trust the new people on the island. But you aren't watching them? Holy crap. Jack sucks. Anyway, we have the return of the smoke monster, in its manifestation form. As Juliet hears the whispers coming from the jungle in the midst of a driving rain storm, Harper appears. And she looks nearly zombie like. She had the same pale look as Goodwin from later in the episode. With Ben locked up, it is very unlikely he was able to communicate with the remaining Others. There is no doubt, it's the monster, just like tall ghost Walt, Christian Shepherd, the black horse, the spiders that paralyzed Nikki and Paulo, Hurley's buddy Dave, Yemi, etc. Harper wants Juliet to kill Daniel and Charlotte. Two things that came to mind. First, the smoke monster allowed Jack to sneak up behind it, so apparently it might not be omniscient, as it can't see behind itself. The monster knew t appear as Harper to Juliet since is scanned Juliet's mind in the jungle last season, just before Juliet and Kate escaped behind the pylons. Next, the power station called the Tempest....how many stupid hatches do they have on this island? The Swan, Arrow, Staff, Pearl, Hydra, Flame, Looking Glass, Orchid, and now the Tempest? How many more are we going to find? How soon until we discover the hatch that makes licorice. How did Danielle never find one after being on the island for 16 years. Pick up a rock and throw it, and you hit a hatch. Also, you have a radio tower, communications hatch, and power station hatch, and an underwater hatch to block transmissions. Couldn't you have merged a couple of these functions? Anyway, Harper disappears, much like a puff of smoke. But I am very, very happy that Smokie is still around. Now, kill someone already. Geez.


We see Goodwin meeting Juliet for the first time. This gives us the backstory for why Goodwin and Juliet were naked in bed together from last season in a Juliet episode. But the problem is, if they were sneaking around with their affair up to the day Goodwin ran off to join the Tailies, why were they blatently in bed together. Seems like a plot hole. However, we see that creepy Goodwin has gotten himself a chemical burn, most likely from working in the power station, apparently located a mere kilometer from the beach where Juliet and Goodwin have a picnic. But I'm jumping ahead too much.


Daniel and Charlotte inexplicably have a map of the island. What? Who drew it for them? Was is from the journal of the first mate of the Black Rock which Charles Widmore bought last week? Maybe. But it was very satisfying watching Kate get whacked in the back of the head by Charlotte. Charlotte is incredibly coldhearted. She strikes me as a robot, or a lizard stuffed into human skin. Her blank stares just before she tries to take somebody's head off is mesmerizing. She would be an incredible sociopath. On the other side of the human spectrum, Ben is watching Juliet with googly eyes as she is explaing the significance of the subject on the slide under the microscope. As Ben slides over to take a look, he slyly tries to touch her hand. Ben is extremely inept socially, and is completely baffled by the opposite sex. His awkward advances barrell along. We see Harper accusing Juliet of sleeping with her husband, Goodwin. The twist here is that Harper is more fearful of Ben than being furious at Juliet or Goodwin. Harper drops a subtle bomb "...you look just like her." Look like who? Annie, the girl who gave Ben the wooden doll last season during Ben's flashback? Harper predicts consequences from Ben, a very smart foreshadowing of what was to come. Next, we see Claire talking with Ben, making a very logical point of taking another approach in questioning Miles, who is apparently still alive after holding a grenade in his mouth for probably a day in Lost time. Locke is stunned at Claire's question of "we know who's boat it isn't, but why not find out who's boat it is." You know, it feels weird not ripping Claire every week for how horrible her character is, but at least she isn't constantly treating Charlies like crap anymore, so that right there makes her more likeable. Jack and Kate have surpassed Claire as the worst characters on the show, and that took a lot of time and effort. Kudos. Ben begins his mind tricks with Locke soon after.


We see yet another re-shoot of the plane crash, always a fine scene, with Harper and Juliet featured during the instructions by Ben. Juliet sneaks off to chase Daniel and Charlotte, leaving Jack and Kate behind. I don't blame her. I didn't want to see Jack flirting with Kate either. Ben tells Locke the combination to a safe 36-15-28 (featuring 15, one of the key numbers again: 4,8,15,16,23,42. And we can now confirm something I and others have been speculating about for a year now; Charles Widmore is a major player on this show, possibly a super villain. Going a step further, many of us are speculating that Michael is the spy on the boat. Which made me think back to when Michael and Walt were allowed by Ben to leave the island. Ben is a master at manipulation. He knew that he could blackmail Michael into working for him at some point in the future if the need arose, especially after Michael murdered Ana Lucia and Libby in cold blood. Ben is superhuman in this episode all around, but I'll come back to that. Ben lies to Locke about Charles Widmore's intentions. Widmore wants to let word leak about the island to the public? Come, on. Tourist attraction? How is Locke buying this crap? We see Jack pressing Kate for information, which he ineptly barely did with Juliet. Juliet knows so much, but stupid Jack wants to give her time to cough up useful information. For fock's sake, ask her some questions. I hope an asteroid falls out of the sky and lands on top of Jack. Unfortunately, it would have to be in a flashforward. Bizarre scene of Ben cooking for Juliet. Basically he tricked her into a date under false pretenses. Ben is a couple of steps away from committing sexual assault. While our male Martha Stewart is carving up a ham, he is telling Juliet about "the list" and how Zack and Emma were on it. Well, this list seemed to have been composed by Goodwin, and apparently the Others did some of the kidnapping of the Tailies based on the list. I still cling to a thought of there being another group of Others on the island, the ones that kidnapped Tailies on their first night on the beach, because there would not have been time for a list. But I digress.


Juliet arrives at the powerstation and as she confronts Daniel which completely overlooking the obvious "Where is Charlotte? Oh, well, I'll just ignore that and challenge Daniel becaue Charlotte couldn't possibly sneak up behind me" angle. Charlotte whacks Juliet, and as I mentioned last week, a fight between these two has been brewing and overdue. Charlotte tries to clobber Juliet with a huge wrench, and the fight is on. This is the second prolonged fight Juliet has participated in recently, as she slugged it out with Kate in the mud last season. She also knocked the spit out of Jack when he almost flooded the Hydra station very early in Season 3. All in all, I liked it. I could almost see the forked tongue in Charlotte's mouth. A literary reference I failed to mention previously since it was obvious, but somebody might have missed it. Charlotte Staple Lewis can be shortened to C.S. Lewis; Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy are two series of books of his that are very popular. Anyway, Daniel disables the power plant and the deadly gas. We now know how Ben gassed the other Dharma people during last season's purge. But when Juliet tells Jack "they are on our side", I say not so fast my friend. Daniel didn't disable the plant to keep Ben from killing all the people on the island, but to keep Ben from killing all the people that WILL BE on the island. This is paving the way for an invasion. Disarming Ben's weapon of mass destruction before Widmore's forces storm the island.


Ben takes Juliet out to where Goodwin has died by the hand of Ana Lucia. Juliet is distraught. "You knew this would happen, you wanted him to die." This gave me several thoughts. One, my Groundhog Day theory, where Ben is reliving the same set of time over and over again, and actually knew that Goodwin would die with series of events. Also, you have to remember Ben explaining to Locke about a "magic box" on the island, where your imagination makes things appear. Ben might have imagined Goodwin dying. Hell, Ben could have imagined a wall safe behind a painting, and a tape of Widmore inside that safe. Ben responds as the brilliant psychopath that America loves. Ben watches Juliet's pleas for "why?" with disbelief. "You don't know why, after all this time?" "You're mine." Verbal punch to the head right there. Then, the madman continues with "Take as much time as you need" and then SASHAYS and STRUTS up the hill. Ben was swinging his hips more than any runway model in the history of the universe. Funny stuff. And as if that wasn't enough, we see Sawyer and Hurley playing horseshoes. Of course, Hurley made every basketball shot in his flashforward, and know is tossing ringers in horseshoes; this guy is on a serious winning streak. Anyway, the boys watch Ben walk up the steps to his porch. "See you guys at dinner". I can't imagine this show without Ben or Juliet, especially Ben. His character is pure electricity, putting so much juice into this show. It reminds me so much of Arvin Sloane, Ron Rifkin's character in Alias, the last JJ Abrams series prior to Lost. A brilliant evil genius with an obsession with an endgame of mystical proportions, ultimately willing to literally sacrifice friends and family to reach it. Sloane would be in a position of great power, lose everything, and reinvent himself until he became a man of great power again. And this cycle repeated several times. So, how many more episodes will it be until Ben is the leader of the new Others, formerly known as Team Locke. Juliet finished off the episode by telling Jack that a war between the Freighters and Ben was coming, and Ben was going to win. I believe it. Ben "always has a plan". Then Jack plants an ugly, utterly devoid of any passion whatsoever kiss on Juliet, as if he was kissing his sister. Or a polar bear.


See you next week.

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Not many comments this week. If anyone has any comments or theories, let us know.

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Not many comments this week. If anyone has any comments or theories, let us know.

Not gonna lie, it was a pretty boring episode. I posted my thought a few posts before yours.

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4.06 The Other Woman


After last's week roller coaster ride, this episode slowed things down a bit, but still had some interesting reveals and answers. I am a big fan of Juliet's character, and her flashbacks (note, second straight week without a flashforward) are always interesting because they give us insight into the inner workings of what used to be The Others. But before I dive in, let me mention something that I overlooked in last week's writeup. I saw a fantastic screencap a few days ago that knocked my head for a spin. Remember a couple of Desmond episodes ago, 3.17 Catch 22, when Desmond was a monk in training. But he failed at that, and as he entered the Head Monk's office to turn in his uniform, the camera panned across the room, and lingered on a photo on the Monk's desk. It was a picture of Mrs Hawking, the ring shop woman from a previous Desmond episode, and the Head Monk standing side by side. I've mentioned this photo in previous writeups, especially last year. However, the incredibly amazing thing is that the background of the photo is the exact same spot where Desmond met Daniel at Oxford in 1996. The stone walkway. Desmond's life is obviously being manipulated, and he is a huge part of the future of this series. Another thought is Sayid allowing Desmond to call Penny, but not using that phone to call for help. Might this be the fatal mistake, the one that Ben referenced a couple of episodes ago, when he told Sayid to remember the last time he thought with his heart, and not with his head. Anyway...


The symbolism starts with the very first scene, as Juliet is using a minature rake in the box of sand, which features a 'black rock". Nice subtle touch. We meet Harper. Tom confesses to Juliet that he has daddy issues. Yuck. How does Tom go from the fearsome leader of the kidnappers of Walt to throwing a football like a girl last season and now this point where he cries during therapy? Back at the beach...and our nominee for the Jack Sucks Moment of the Week. Apparently, Jack didn't tell anyone to keep an eye on Daniel and Charlotte. Gee, you think that might have been a good idea. Weird things are happening with the helicopter. Desmond is jumping through time. You don't trust the new people on the island. But you aren't watching them? Holy crap. Jack sucks. Anyway, we have the return of the smoke monster, in its manifestation form. As Juliet hears the whispers coming from the jungle in the midst of a driving rain storm, Harper appears. And she looks nearly zombie like. She had the same pale look as Goodwin from later in the episode. With Ben locked up, it is very unlikely he was able to communicate with the remaining Others. There is no doubt, it's the monster, just like tall ghost Walt, Christian Shepherd, the black horse, the spiders that paralyzed Nikki and Paulo, Hurley's buddy Dave, Yemi, etc. Harper wants Juliet to kill Daniel and Charlotte. Two things that came to mind. First, the smoke monster allowed Jack to sneak up behind it, so apparently it might not be omniscient, as it can't see behind itself. The monster knew t appear as Harper to Juliet since is scanned Juliet's mind in the jungle last season, just before Juliet and Kate escaped behind the pylons. Next, the power station called the Tempest....how many stupid hatches do they have on this island? The Swan, Arrow, Staff, Pearl, Hydra, Flame, Looking Glass, Orchid, and now the Tempest? How many more are we going to find? How soon until we discover the hatch that makes licorice. How did Danielle never find one after being on the island for 16 years. Pick up a rock and throw it, and you hit a hatch. Also, you have a radio tower, communications hatch, and power station hatch, and an underwater hatch to block transmissions. Couldn't you have merged a couple of these functions? Anyway, Harper disappears, much like a puff of smoke. But I am very, very happy that Smokie is still around. Now, kill someone already. Geez.


We see Goodwin meeting Juliet for the first time. This gives us the backstory for why Goodwin and Juliet were naked in bed together from last season in a Juliet episode. But the problem is, if they were sneaking around with their affair up to the day Goodwin ran off to join the Tailies, why were they blatently in bed together. Seems like a plot hole. However, we see that creepy Goodwin has gotten himself a chemical burn, most likely from working in the power station, apparently located a mere kilometer from the beach where Juliet and Goodwin have a picnic. But I'm jumping ahead too much.


Daniel and Charlotte inexplicably have a map of the island. What? Who drew it for them? Was is from the journal of the first mate of the Black Rock which Charles Widmore bought last week? Maybe. But it was very satisfying watching Kate get whacked in the back of the head by Charlotte. Charlotte is incredibly coldhearted. She strikes me as a robot, or a lizard stuffed into human skin. Her blank stares just before she tries to take somebody's head off is mesmerizing. She would be an incredible sociopath. On the other side of the human spectrum, Ben is watching Juliet with googly eyes as she is explaing the significance of the subject on the slide under the microscope. As Ben slides over to take a look, he slyly tries to touch her hand. Ben is extremely inept socially, and is completely baffled by the opposite sex. His awkward advances barrell along. We see Harper accusing Juliet of sleeping with her husband, Goodwin. The twist here is that Harper is more fearful of Ben than being furious at Juliet or Goodwin. Harper drops a subtle bomb "...you look just like her." Look like who? Annie, the girl who gave Ben the wooden doll last season during Ben's flashback? Harper predicts consequences from Ben, a very smart foreshadowing of what was to come. Next, we see Claire talking with Ben, making a very logical point of taking another approach in questioning Miles, who is apparently still alive after holding a grenade in his mouth for probably a day in Lost time. Locke is stunned at Claire's question of "we know who's boat it isn't, but why not find out who's boat it is." You know, it feels weird not ripping Claire every week for how horrible her character is, but at least she isn't constantly treating Charlies like crap anymore, so that right there makes her more likeable. Jack and Kate have surpassed Claire as the worst characters on the show, and that took a lot of time and effort. Kudos. Ben begins his mind tricks with Locke soon after.


We see yet another re-shoot of the plane crash, always a fine scene, with Harper and Juliet featured during the instructions by Ben. Juliet sneaks off to chase Daniel and Charlotte, leaving Jack and Kate behind. I don't blame her. I didn't want to see Jack flirting with Kate either. Ben tells Locke the combination to a safe 36-15-28 (featuring 15, one of the key numbers again: 4,8,15,16,23,42. And we can now confirm something I and others have been speculating about for a year now; Charles Widmore is a major player on this show, possibly a super villain. Going a step further, many of us are speculating that Michael is the spy on the boat. Which made me think back to when Michael and Walt were allowed by Ben to leave the island. Ben is a master at manipulation. He knew that he could blackmail Michael into working for him at some point in the future if the need arose, especially after Michael murdered Ana Lucia and Libby in cold blood. Ben is superhuman in this episode all around, but I'll come back to that. Ben lies to Locke about Charles Widmore's intentions. Widmore wants to let word leak about the island to the public? Come, on. Tourist attraction? How is Locke buying this crap? We see Jack pressing Kate for information, which he ineptly barely did with Juliet. Juliet knows so much, but stupid Jack wants to give her time to cough up useful information. For fock's sake, ask her some questions. I hope an asteroid falls out of the sky and lands on top of Jack. Unfortunately, it would have to be in a flashforward. Bizarre scene of Ben cooking for Juliet. Basically he tricked her into a date under false pretenses. Ben is a couple of steps away from committing sexual assault. While our male Martha Stewart is carving up a ham, he is telling Juliet about "the list" and how Zack and Emma were on it. Well, this list seemed to have been composed by Goodwin, and apparently the Others did some of the kidnapping of the Tailies based on the list. I still cling to a thought of there being another group of Others on the island, the ones that kidnapped Tailies on their first night on the beach, because there would not have been time for a list. But I digress.


Juliet arrives at the powerstation and as she confronts Daniel which completely overlooking the obvious "Where is Charlotte? Oh, well, I'll just ignore that and challenge Daniel becaue Charlotte couldn't possibly sneak up behind me" angle. Charlotte whacks Juliet, and as I mentioned last week, a fight between these two has been brewing and overdue. Charlotte tries to clobber Juliet with a huge wrench, and the fight is on. This is the second prolonged fight Juliet has participated in recently, as she slugged it out with Kate in the mud last season. She also knocked the spit out of Jack when he almost flooded the Hydra station very early in Season 3. All in all, I liked it. I could almost see the forked tongue in Charlotte's mouth. A literary reference I failed to mention previously since it was obvious, but somebody might have missed it. Charlotte Staple Lewis can be shortened to C.S. Lewis; Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy are two series of books of his that are very popular. Anyway, Daniel disables the power plant and the deadly gas. We now know how Ben gassed the other Dharma people during last season's purge. But when Juliet tells Jack "they are on our side", I say not so fast my friend. Daniel didn't disable the plant to keep Ben from killing all the people on the island, but to keep Ben from killing all the people that WILL BE on the island. This is paving the way for an invasion. Disarming Ben's weapon of mass destruction before Widmore's forces storm the island.


Ben takes Juliet out to where Goodwin has died by the hand of Ana Lucia. Juliet is distraught. "You knew this would happen, you wanted him to die." This gave me several thoughts. One, my Groundhog Day theory, where Ben is reliving the same set of time over and over again, and actually knew that Goodwin would die with series of events. Also, you have to remember Ben explaining to Locke about a "magic box" on the island, where your imagination makes things appear. Ben might have imagined Goodwin dying. Hell, Ben could have imagined a wall safe behind a painting, and a tape of Widmore inside that safe. Ben responds as the brilliant psychopath that America loves. Ben watches Juliet's pleas for "why?" with disbelief. "You don't know why, after all this time?" "You're mine." Verbal punch to the head right there. Then, the madman continues with "Take as much time as you need" and then SASHAYS and STRUTS up the hill. Ben was swinging his hips more than any runway model in the history of the universe. Funny stuff. And as if that wasn't enough, we see Sawyer and Hurley playing horseshoes. Of course, Hurley made every basketball shot in his flashforward, and know is tossing ringers in horseshoes; this guy is on a serious winning streak. Anyway, the boys watch Ben walk up the steps to his porch. "See you guys at dinner". I can't imagine this show without Ben or Juliet, especially Ben. His character is pure electricity, putting so much juice into this show. It reminds me so much of Arvin Sloane, Ron Rifkin's character in Alias, the last JJ Abrams series prior to Lost. A brilliant evil genius with an obsession with an endgame of mystical proportions, ultimately willing to literally sacrifice friends and family to reach it. Sloane would be in a position of great power, lose everything, and reinvent himself until he became a man of great power again. And this cycle repeated several times. So, how many more episodes will it be until Ben is the leader of the new Others, formerly known as Team Locke. Juliet finished off the episode by telling Jack that a war between the Freighters and Ben was coming, and Ben was going to win. I believe it. Ben "always has a plan". Then Jack plants an ugly, utterly devoid of any passion whatsoever kiss on Juliet, as if he was kissing his sister. Or a polar bear.


See you next week.



You forgot to mention how good juliet's breasts looked in this episode

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4.06 The Other Woman


After last's week roller coaster ride, this episode slowed things down a bit, but still had some interesting reveals and answers. I am a big fan of Juliet's character, and her flashbacks (note, second straight week without a flashforward) are always interesting because they give us insight into the inner workings of what used to be The Others. But before I dive in, let me mention something that I overlooked in last week's writeup. I saw a fantastic screencap a few days ago that knocked my head for a spin. Remember a couple of Desmond episodes ago, 3.17 Catch 22, when Desmond was a monk in training. But he failed at that, and as he entered the Head Monk's office to turn in his uniform, the camera panned across the room, and lingered on a photo on the Monk's desk. It was a picture of Mrs Hawking, the ring shop woman from a previous Desmond episode, and the Head Monk standing side by side. I've mentioned this photo in previous writeups, especially last year. However, the incredibly amazing thing is that the background of the photo is the exact same spot where Desmond met Daniel at Oxford in 1996. The stone walkway. Desmond's life is obviously being manipulated, and he is a huge part of the future of this series. Another thought is Sayid allowing Desmond to call Penny, but not using that phone to call for help. Might this be the fatal mistake, the one that Ben referenced a couple of episodes ago, when he told Sayid to remember the last time he thought with his heart, and not with his head. Anyway...


The symbolism starts with the very first scene, as Juliet is using a minature rake in the box of sand, which features a 'black rock". Nice subtle touch. We meet Harper. Tom confesses to Juliet that he has daddy issues. Yuck. How does Tom go from the fearsome leader of the kidnappers of Walt to throwing a football like a girl last season and now this point where he cries during therapy? Back at the beach...and our nominee for the Jack Sucks Moment of the Week. Apparently, Jack didn't tell anyone to keep an eye on Daniel and Charlotte. Gee, you think that might have been a good idea. Weird things are happening with the helicopter. Desmond is jumping through time. You don't trust the new people on the island. But you aren't watching them? Holy crap. Jack sucks. Anyway, we have the return of the smoke monster, in its manifestation form. As Juliet hears the whispers coming from the jungle in the midst of a driving rain storm, Harper appears. And she looks nearly zombie like. She had the same pale look as Goodwin from later in the episode. With Ben locked up, it is very unlikely he was able to communicate with the remaining Others. There is no doubt, it's the monster, just like tall ghost Walt, Christian Shepherd, the black horse, the spiders that paralyzed Nikki and Paulo, Hurley's buddy Dave, Yemi, etc. Harper wants Juliet to kill Daniel and Charlotte. Two things that came to mind. First, the smoke monster allowed Jack to sneak up behind it, so apparently it might not be omniscient, as it can't see behind itself. The monster knew t appear as Harper to Juliet since is scanned Juliet's mind in the jungle last season, just before Juliet and Kate escaped behind the pylons. Next, the power station called the Tempest....how many stupid hatches do they have on this island? The Swan, Arrow, Staff, Pearl, Hydra, Flame, Looking Glass, Orchid, and now the Tempest? How many more are we going to find? How soon until we discover the hatch that makes licorice. How did Danielle never find one after being on the island for 16 years. Pick up a rock and throw it, and you hit a hatch. Also, you have a radio tower, communications hatch, and power station hatch, and an underwater hatch to block transmissions. Couldn't you have merged a couple of these functions? Anyway, Harper disappears, much like a puff of smoke. But I am very, very happy that Smokie is still around. Now, kill someone already. Geez.


We see Goodwin meeting Juliet for the first time. This gives us the backstory for why Goodwin and Juliet were naked in bed together from last season in a Juliet episode. But the problem is, if they were sneaking around with their affair up to the day Goodwin ran off to join the Tailies, why were they blatently in bed together. Seems like a plot hole. However, we see that creepy Goodwin has gotten himself a chemical burn, most likely from working in the power station, apparently located a mere kilometer from the beach where Juliet and Goodwin have a picnic. But I'm jumping ahead too much.


Daniel and Charlotte inexplicably have a map of the island. What? Who drew it for them? Was is from the journal of the first mate of the Black Rock which Charles Widmore bought last week? Maybe. But it was very satisfying watching Kate get whacked in the back of the head by Charlotte. Charlotte is incredibly coldhearted. She strikes me as a robot, or a lizard stuffed into human skin. Her blank stares just before she tries to take somebody's head off is mesmerizing. She would be an incredible sociopath. On the other side of the human spectrum, Ben is watching Juliet with googly eyes as she is explaing the significance of the subject on the slide under the microscope. As Ben slides over to take a look, he slyly tries to touch her hand. Ben is extremely inept socially, and is completely baffled by the opposite sex. His awkward advances barrell along. We see Harper accusing Juliet of sleeping with her husband, Goodwin. The twist here is that Harper is more fearful of Ben than being furious at Juliet or Goodwin. Harper drops a subtle bomb "...you look just like her." Look like who? Annie, the girl who gave Ben the wooden doll last season during Ben's flashback? Harper predicts consequences from Ben, a very smart foreshadowing of what was to come. Next, we see Claire talking with Ben, making a very logical point of taking another approach in questioning Miles, who is apparently still alive after holding a grenade in his mouth for probably a day in Lost time. Locke is stunned at Claire's question of "we know who's boat it isn't, but why not find out who's boat it is." You know, it feels weird not ripping Claire every week for how horrible her character is, but at least she isn't constantly treating Charlies like crap anymore, so that right there makes her more likeable. Jack and Kate have surpassed Claire as the worst characters on the show, and that took a lot of time and effort. Kudos. Ben begins his mind tricks with Locke soon after.


We see yet another re-shoot of the plane crash, always a fine scene, with Harper and Juliet featured during the instructions by Ben. Juliet sneaks off to chase Daniel and Charlotte, leaving Jack and Kate behind. I don't blame her. I didn't want to see Jack flirting with Kate either. Ben tells Locke the combination to a safe 36-15-28 (featuring 15, one of the key numbers again: 4,8,15,16,23,42. And we can now confirm something I and others have been speculating about for a year now; Charles Widmore is a major player on this show, possibly a super villain. Going a step further, many of us are speculating that Michael is the spy on the boat. Which made me think back to when Michael and Walt were allowed by Ben to leave the island. Ben is a master at manipulation. He knew that he could blackmail Michael into working for him at some point in the future if the need arose, especially after Michael murdered Ana Lucia and Libby in cold blood. Ben is superhuman in this episode all around, but I'll come back to that. Ben lies to Locke about Charles Widmore's intentions. Widmore wants to let word leak about the island to the public? Come, on. Tourist attraction? How is Locke buying this crap? We see Jack pressing Kate for information, which he ineptly barely did with Juliet. Juliet knows so much, but stupid Jack wants to give her time to cough up useful information. For fock's sake, ask her some questions. I hope an asteroid falls out of the sky and lands on top of Jack. Unfortunately, it would have to be in a flashforward. Bizarre scene of Ben cooking for Juliet. Basically he tricked her into a date under false pretenses. Ben is a couple of steps away from committing sexual assault. While our male Martha Stewart is carving up a ham, he is telling Juliet about "the list" and how Zack and Emma were on it. Well, this list seemed to have been composed by Goodwin, and apparently the Others did some of the kidnapping of the Tailies based on the list. I still cling to a thought of there being another group of Others on the island, the ones that kidnapped Tailies on their first night on the beach, because there would not have been time for a list. But I digress.


Juliet arrives at the powerstation and as she confronts Daniel which completely overlooking the obvious "Where is Charlotte? Oh, well, I'll just ignore that and challenge Daniel becaue Charlotte couldn't possibly sneak up behind me" angle. Charlotte whacks Juliet, and as I mentioned last week, a fight between these two has been brewing and overdue. Charlotte tries to clobber Juliet with a huge wrench, and the fight is on. This is the second prolonged fight Juliet has participated in recently, as she slugged it out with Kate in the mud last season. She also knocked the spit out of Jack when he almost flooded the Hydra station very early in Season 3. All in all, I liked it. I could almost see the forked tongue in Charlotte's mouth. A literary reference I failed to mention previously since it was obvious, but somebody might have missed it. Charlotte Staple Lewis can be shortened to C.S. Lewis; Chronicles of Narnia and the Space Trilogy are two series of books of his that are very popular. Anyway, Daniel disables the power plant and the deadly gas. We now know how Ben gassed the other Dharma people during last season's purge. But when Juliet tells Jack "they are on our side", I say not so fast my friend. Daniel didn't disable the plant to keep Ben from killing all the people on the island, but to keep Ben from killing all the people that WILL BE on the island. This is paving the way for an invasion. Disarming Ben's weapon of mass destruction before Widmore's forces storm the island.


Ben takes Juliet out to where Goodwin has died by the hand of Ana Lucia. Juliet is distraught. "You knew this would happen, you wanted him to die." This gave me several thoughts. One, my Groundhog Day theory, where Ben is reliving the same set of time over and over again, and actually knew that Goodwin would die with series of events. Also, you have to remember Ben explaining to Locke about a "magic box" on the island, where your imagination makes things appear. Ben might have imagined Goodwin dying. Hell, Ben could have imagined a wall safe behind a painting, and a tape of Widmore inside that safe. Ben responds as the brilliant psychopath that America loves. Ben watches Juliet's pleas for "why?" with disbelief. "You don't know why, after all this time?" "You're mine." Verbal punch to the head right there. Then, the madman continues with "Take as much time as you need" and then SASHAYS and STRUTS up the hill. Ben was swinging his hips more than any runway model in the history of the universe. Funny stuff. And as if that wasn't enough, we see Sawyer and Hurley playing horseshoes. Of course, Hurley made every basketball shot in his flashforward, and know is tossing ringers in horseshoes; this guy is on a serious winning streak. Anyway, the boys watch Ben walk up the steps to his porch. "See you guys at dinner". I can't imagine this show without Ben or Juliet, especially Ben. His character is pure electricity, putting so much juice into this show. It reminds me so much of Arvin Sloane, Ron Rifkin's character in Alias, the last JJ Abrams series prior to Lost. A brilliant evil genius with an obsession with an endgame of mystical proportions, ultimately willing to literally sacrifice friends and family to reach it. Sloane would be in a position of great power, lose everything, and reinvent himself until he became a man of great power again. And this cycle repeated several times. So, how many more episodes will it be until Ben is the leader of the new Others, formerly known as Team Locke. Juliet finished off the episode by telling Jack that a war between the Freighters and Ben was coming, and Ben was going to win. I believe it. Ben "always has a plan". Then Jack plants an ugly, utterly devoid of any passion whatsoever kiss on Juliet, as if he was kissing his sister. Or a polar bear.


See you next week.



Thanks PB. I missed this weeks episode. My wife was like...aren't you upset...and I replied.."no..I'll wait for Phillybears post." She was like...who? I said...you don't know him.

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I would agree with PB - Ben is a main character now in the show and the show might actually suck w/o him at this point. If I was the other group with Locke hell I might have Ben just lead and have a mutiny on Locke.


I still think what makes Ben so calm and calculating is he has seen his entire furutre and knows how everyhting plays out - but also knows he can change things as well. I think Jacob gave that to him so he could lead. As that would make sense as how does a " workman " go from janitor to Island leader ?


The only part of the last episode that was decent was when Juliet said there is going to be a war between ben and the Widmore group and Ben was going to win..


I also agree that the connection with Juliet and Jack pretty much is limp at best. Much more connection with Kate.


I think the hero of the story ends up being Sayid as he seems to maybe be the one person that actually gives a damn about the people left on the Island ( or thats what the show at least to me is making it seem like ) as Hurley , Jack and Kate just seem content with themselves ( well after Jack is a drug addict he wants to go back but I am not certain that counts ).


I know everyone here loves the Desmond episode as do I but In think the Hurley episode is so much more important and that is the episode I keep going back to as The Hobbit tells him he needs to go back , he sees Jacob , and the Tall black guy tries to get a little info from him ( the black guy works for Widmore I am thinking ) . I know the Desmond episode was greta but the Hurley espisode gives all the details IMO. - or lack there of really as this show gives nothing away but little hints. :overhead:

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If this was bothering anyone else like it was me, Harper is played by Tommy's ex-wife in Rescue Me.

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With the first part of Season 4's episodes rapidly dwindling, expect major revelations from the upcoming "Yi Jeon" and "Meet Kevin Johnson." For a spoilerish look at "Yi Jeon" read on.


"Yi Jeon" is a Sun/Jin Joint flashback that plays out in the days following the Tempest fiasco. With it becoming increasingly obvious that there is no rescue, Sun and Jin decide to evacuate to camp Locke, against Juliet's better judgment.


Remember last season's episode D.O.C.? The good news was that Sun's baby was fathered by Jin, the not so good news was that mothers who are impregnated on the island wind up dying on the island. So will Juliet be able to convince the duo to hold off on moving to Lockeville? Unlikely, but there make be hope for them yet...in the future.


Remember Desmond and Sayid. Yeah, they sort of left them out this week right? Don't worry because next week the two are not only going to meet the Captain of the freighter, they are going to have a chance encounter with a very familiar face at the end of the episode, and you'll not only find yourself asking why, but how this person is on the freighter. The answers are coming in "Meet Kevin Johnson."


Camp Locke is going to have a bit of excitement, we're finally going to find out what happened to Miles after his hand grenade breakfast. Trust me, he's okay, but he might have some choice words for somebody.


Back to the question of the final two members of the Oceanic 6. Doesn't the fact that it is two really speak volumes about who those two are? It's Rose and Bernard, naturally. Okay so it isn't, but who it is must be painfully obvious so its hardly worth mentioning.


The last thing you should know about this episode is that it features a major character death. Yes, I was kind of casual about mentioning that, and there is a reason for it. A reason that will have you hailing the genius of the Lost crew. Hang in there, you can make it.

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Your wife had an affair.


POW!!!! :pointstosky:


Holy fock, did I cringe.

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