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A false allegation. Peenie, just quit already. You have been so outed. You were and are waaaay to obvious.

Heck, I didn't even know this peenie person you all speak of is a woman. Who knew? :rolleyes:

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A false allegation. Peenie, just quit already. You have been so outed. You were and are waaaay to obvious.

BS. You are just another old cracka, ass cracka. :dunno:

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Heck, I didn't even know this peenie person you all speak of is a woman. Who knew? :dunno:

I like the effort you are putting into this......dude.

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BS. You are just another old cracka, ass cracka. :dunno:

peenie, we are sick and tired of your racist act.

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So many counterpoints to make I dont know where to start. Kilroy had a legit response and I think i_have_no_idea basically responded pretty well for me.



Disagree and agree. It IS there if people want to take advantage of it. But, the lack of education of the previous generation is keeping it from happening. Well, that and the Sharptons of the world focusing on why blacks CAN'T succeed in today's society, instead of why they CAN.


This is the cycle which needs to be broken.


Yes, the opportunity is there and many people still dont take advantage of it which is the case, and will always be the case, w/ a lot of people of all different backgrounds. But there are still a larger percentage of young black kids who, for a variety of reasons, dont percieve themselves as having these same opportunities so effectively they dont. Yes the onus is on the black community to address these problems themselves, and yes there needs to be more and better leadership in the black community. But people like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson get way too much credit for the influence they have on the black community. They serve a certain purpose for specific events but on the whole they dont carry as much weight or reflect the general view of black America nearly as much as people like to suggest.


My grandfather moved here from China as an illegal alien with no money and no formal education. He was able to create an environment which allowed my Mother and her siblings to be successful. You don't have to be from a wealthy white family to enable your children to be successful. I'm not buying it just because African Americans use it as an excuse.

Disagree. The responsibility of this country is not to make a person successful. As long as there are no institutional barriers to success it is up to the individual to create whatever level of success they choose to create. There has to be a reason African Americans are moving further and further behind with each generation instead of having more and more success. I would opine that people such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, not to mention gangsta rap, have a lot more to do with the problems in Black America than any of us do at this point.


Thats great and there are many black people, my parents included, who can say they overcame adverse conditions to become very successful in this country as well. But its not about individual stories. We are specifically discussing why a larger percentage of black Americans speak "ebonics" or improper English.


And again, the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton routine. With "gangsta rap" thrown in for good measure. Nice. Jackson and Sharpton are self serving opportunist who are good for an occasional rally against police brutality or some other percieved injustice but most folks in the black community do not take these guys nearly as seriously as most non black people like to think. They, in and of themselves, are NOT a large part of the problem. And Gangsta Rap came about after violence rates had ALREADY sky rocketed in many cities across American. Its much more of a syptom of any problems than it is a cause.


You talk about making excuses. Im not making any excuses for anyone. Im black and I come from a great family and consider myself relatively successful and should become much moreso in the future. My wife can say the same. I dont need any excuses. But the question was raised as to why a larger percentage of black people speak a certain way and I gave my reasons. There are reasons that black Americans have been disproportionately affected by many negative aspects of society and its undeniable IMO that its a direct result of BOTH the systemic way blacks have been treated over the coures of this country's history and the inability of black people to effectively combat the resulting generational effects.

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There are reasons that black Americans have been disproportionately affected by many negative aspects of society and its undeniable IMO that its a direct result of BOTH the systemic way blacks have been treated over the coures of this country's history and the inability of black people to effectively combat the resulting generational effects.


At least you realize it's just your opinion......

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At least you realize it's just your opinion......


Hopefully you can realize the same thing about your opinion.


Which is what BTW?


Why do you think black America speaks ebonics or any of the other broader issues that people are alluding to here?

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Hopefully you can realize the same thing about your opinion.


Which is what BTW?


Why do you think black America speaks ebonics or any of the other broader issues that people are alluding to here?

How can this be fixed? Can it be fixed? Do black people care to fix this? Do they even see this as a problem?

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How can this be fixed? Can it be fixed? Do black people care to fix this? Do they even see this as a problem?


Those are 4 great questions.


Like many people have noted there are countless stories of individuals of all races and backgrounds who have overcome certain circumstances so we know that it if individuals can do it then its possible to see a change in the percentage of a larger group who are disproportionatley undereducated, who live in poverty, etc. So yes, I think it can be fixed.


As to how? If I had the answer in a ready made package Id have a lot more money than I do now. I think a start is for people of all races to concentrate less on placing blame and getting defensive and more on working together and finding solutions to problems. Specifically, leadership needs to form within the black community. More black people need to get involved in the political process, to find ways to get sustained economic viablity in predominantly black communities, to educate themselves and others about financial literacy, to establish a stronger tax base so that school systems actually educate kids and equip them w/ the tools to make themselves marketable for higher education or in the workforce. We need to realize that the past has helped shape the way things have been but that the present allows us to determine how things will be in the future. The best way to get this message to the masses and have it resonate with the people who need to here it. I wish I knew.


Black Americans see this as a problem and desperately want to fix this. Part of the problem though, is that those who are in a position to enact change are rightfully caught up in creating opportunity for themselves and their immediate family. Its hard to feel that you carry the burden of an entire group of people just b/c the share a physical trait with you that you have NO control over. And its hard to change the mindset of people who feel hopeless, powerless, and economically and socially disenfranchised.


That is how a large percentage of black America feels. They live in areas of concentrated poverty and they dont have access to same type of oppotunities that are so readily available for many of us. In regards to schools ts easy to say oh you have school choice so just go to the school where they have a good academic reputation. But what about the fact that I have to step way outside my comfort zone to do so. I have to go into neighborhoods were I dont know anybody and dont fit in, where people may dislike me just b/c of the color of my skin, where Im leaving all my friends behind, etc. These may seem like trivial points to some people but they are real issues for a kid trying to make that decision. And who is guiding those decisions. How were they raised and what were the attitudes toward education instilled in them. Again, I hate to keep referencing the past but I dont think people understand the power of how things are handed down from generation to generation. Especially when your talking about people living in areas of concentrated poverty.


But again black people have to balance recognizing the past with taking responsibility for ourselves and the opportunities that we have now. Its a problem for America but its specifically a problem in the black community and one that we(black America) have a vested interest in in addressing. I could go on and on about this but Im encouraged that at least we have moved this discussion in the right direction instead of talking about big lips, KFC, and gangsta rap. For the time being at least.

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Actually we had quite a few actual AFRICANS that went to my school. We also had a large laotion population. Both seemed to do very well.They spoke the language well and had a much higher % of their people graduated than the average african american.


when i asked about africans, that's what i meant. i don't call black americans "african americans" :ninja: . it's a personal thing but i don't really wanna get into that in this thread. i'm not surprised they did well. i think it's an american mentality to act that way....(i'm nigerian, if you're curious)

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Anyone who points to slavery and oppression of blacks in our history as the reason for their failures simply need to compare those percentages with the children of 1 generation immigrants, specifically immigrants coming from countries that make America's poor look like Donald Trump.


But everything else, I basically agree that it's just a cultural thing.

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Anyone who points to slavery and oppression of blacks in our history as the reason for their failures simply need to compare those percentages with the children of 1 generation immigrants, specifically immigrants coming from countries that make America's poor look like Donald Trump.


But everything else, I basically agree that it's just a cultural thing.


Its not even close to the same thing.

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I don't understand. Is poverty racial?


Its not just about poverty.


Black Americans have faced a unique experience in this country. Yeah other groups have faced adversity but the only one thats been even close to having the negative affects is Native Americans. Their experience has been worse and we see how thats worked for them.


People can dismiss things and say whatever they want but I think the effects of slavery, segregation, and discrimination are more far reaching and lasting than most will care to admit. As I said before black Americans have to take responsibility for the future but if you want reasons as to why they have been disproportionately affected by negative factors in society its an easy answer.


Im turning my attention to finding solutions and moving forward.

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What do you get when you cross a black and an indian?




A messican who is to lazy to steal :thumbsdown:

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Im turning my attention to finding solutions and moving forward.


Good for you.


But the rest of your explanation is, IMO, bogus. What about what some of the immigrants have experienced in other countries. Some of the atrocities from Africa or southeast Europe? There are many MANY people out there with much more of a "unique" experience yet Black Americans are the only ones who can't seem to get past it.

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Its not just about poverty.


Black Americans have faced a unique experience in this country. Yeah other groups have faced adversity but the only one thats been even close to having the negative affects is Native Americans. Their experience has been worse and we see how thats worked for them.


People can dismiss things and say whatever they want but I think the effects of slavery, segregation, and discrimination are more far reaching and lasting than most will care to admit. As I said before black Americans have to take responsibility for the future but if you want reasons as to why they have been disproportionately affected by negative factors in society its an easy answer.


Im turning my attention to finding solutions and moving forward.


you make a lot of good points in your posts but that doesn't address the generational effect: the likes of mlk and his generation accomplished TONS, just TONS of stuff people are still trying to deny them credit for, it didn't affect their motivation one bit. what gives? it's like 1970 hit and blacks just hit snooze. <shrugs> i guess i'd be a millionaire if i had an answer to that question too.

Part of the problem though, is that those who are in a position to enact change are rightfully caught up in creating opportunity for themselves and their immediate family. Its hard to feel that you carry the burden of an entire group of people just b/c the share a physical trait with you that you have NO control over. And its hard to change the mindset of people who feel hopeless, powerless, and economically and socially disenfranchised.

is that what happened to the children of that generation? i was wondering this myself....

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first of all i am not posting under any alias.

if i have something to say, you better got damn believe i will post it under my own user name.

second, i do not have the time to make long ass posts.

i don't give a fock what you think about blacks or the way they speak.

my opinion is that black people can speak whatever way the fock they want to speak.

i wish i would waste my time rationalizing the way blacks speak to you all!

black people don't have to speak in a way that's pleasing to you!

they speak the fock the way they want to.


it's their lives.

take a focking linguistics class to understand black dialect.

and focking don't ever compare immigrant's circumstance to those who were the decendants of slavery and jim crow!

no got damn comparison!

focking ignorant asses.

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first of all i am not posting under any alias.

if i have something to say, you better got damn believe i will post it under my own user name.

second, i do not have the time to make long ass posts.

i don't give a fock what you think about blacks or the way they speak.

my opinion is that black people can speak whatever way the fock they want to speak.

i wish i would waste my time rationalizing the way blacks speak to you all!

black people don't have to speak in a way that's pleasing to you!

they speak the fock the way they want to.


it's their lives.

take a focking linguistics class to understand black dialect.

and focking don't ever compare immigrant's circumstance to those who were the decendants of slavery and jim crow!

no got damn comparison!

focking ignorant asses.

I SO want you right now! :mad:

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first of all i am not posting under any alias.

if i have something to say, you better got damn believe i will post it under my own user name.

second, i do not have the time to make long ass posts.

i don't give a fock what you think about blacks or the way they speak.

my opinion is that black people can speak whatever way the fock they want to speak.

i wish i would waste my time rationalizing the way blacks speak to you all!

black people don't have to speak in a way that's pleasing to you!

they speak the fock the way they want to.


it's their lives.

take a focking linguistics class to understand black dialect.

and focking don't ever compare immigrant's circumstance to those who were the decendants of slavery and jim crow!

no got damn comparison!

focking ignorant asses.

and that was necessary?

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But what about the fact that I have to step way outside my comfort zone to do so. I have to go into neighborhoods were I dont know anybody and dont fit in, where people may dislike me just b/c of the color of my skin, where Im leaving all my friends behind, etc.

With the exception of skin color (for some), everyone faces these challenges when they move away for college, VaTerp. :mad:

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Good for you.


But the rest of your explanation is, IMO, bogus. What about what some of the immigrants have experienced in other countries. Some of the atrocities from Africa or southeast Europe? There are many MANY people out there with much more of a "unique" experience yet Black Americans are the only ones who can't seem to get past it.

One aspect that I think you're overlooking is how exceptional most of the immigrants that make it over here are. They have large slums back home full of people that, for whatever reasons, lack the initiative, the will, or the luck to uproot and come here to this land of opportunity. So the immigrants that make it here are already a self selected group and don't really provide the best point of comparison to the black community as a whole.


The best comparison IMO is the domestic Native American population.

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first of all i am not posting under any alias.

if i have something to say, you better got damn believe i will post it under my own user name.

second, i do not have the time to make long ass posts.

i don't give a fock what you think about blacks or the way they speak.

my opinion is that black people can speak whatever way the fock they want to speak.

i wish i would waste my time rationalizing the way blacks speak to you all!

black people don't have to speak in a way that's pleasing to you!

they speak the fock the way they want to.


it's their lives.

take a focking linguistics class to understand black dialect.

and focking don't ever compare immigrant's circumstance to those who were the decendants of slavery and jim crow!

no got damn comparison!

focking ignorant asses.

And there comes the black ignorant ass when we just start to get all nice and start speaking of how to fix the problem. Take linguistics class to understand black people? How about we just let you languish for another 100 years. Because that is what is going to happen if you can't keep up. You can't fit into society as a whole with the ghetto speak that is ebonics. No one is going to hire you to work in a good paying job if they have to also hire an interpreter to translate ebonics to english.


And of course no one would ever DARE to compare the plight of any other immigrant's circumstance to that of the black man. Lord knows they have had it rougher than any other people on the planet. :mad: You don't know a slave peenie, you don't know anyone that knew a slave, or know anyone that knew someone who knew a slave. Its people like you that live in the past and fock your population up for future generations. You think the world is going to change and take linguistics class to understand black people? You don't see the problem?You are crazy.

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One aspect that I think you're overlooking is how exceptional most of the immigrants that make it over here are. They have large slums back home full of people that, for whatever reasons, lack the VISA, the VISA, or the luck to uproot and come here to this land of opportunity. So the immigrants that make it here are already a self selected group and don't really provide the best point of comparison to the black community as a whole.


The best comparison IMO is the domestic Native American population.


FIXORED!! :mad:

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Hopefully you can realize the same thing about your opinion.


Which is what BTW?


Why do you think black America speaks ebonics or any of the other broader issues that people are alluding to here?


I think I've made my opinion quite clear, in this thread and others about similar topics, and I also think you're being disingenuous. You dismiss or minimize points others make that don't fit with your agenda, and keep repeating the talking points African Americans love to make nowadays to justify the continued lack of progress of their race.


Cases in point:


1) I point out that a program from my school district easily compensates for the supposed disparity in education afforded blacks vs. whites and you dismiss the point saying it's only one district. Someone else points out that there are programs in pretty much every state doing the same or similar things, highlighting again that one of your main points is completely invalid in this day and age and your response???




Not a word about it. Yeah, if I were owned like that I'd probably try to pretend it didn't happen and hope people didn't notice as well.


2) You say Jesse and Al don't have an influence on the black community. I disagree. When they hold a rally it's standing room only. And it ain't a room full of whitey attending those things. They are responsible for the sanctioning and/or firing of numerous personalities such as Don Imus over idiotic things. Also, they both basically make their livings on donations to their foundations. If they didn't have a following they wouldn't be making a decent living, and those guys are pretty rich. Clearly they have an influence. If you think they don't please post some proof such as a poll done of African Americans that shows no blacks are giving them the time of day. Or at least post a credible argument as to what makes you an expert on whether they have an effect or not.


3) People point out repeatedly how people from poor beginnings, including many blacks, have risen above the adversity they were born with. You dismiss that because it only applies to one person. But it's not. There are countless "individual" stories such as this. Consider them together and not as individual stories. It seems to be your assertion that if not everybody rises above it somehow invalidates those who do. That's ridiculous. The point is that in this country anyone who puts their mind to it can succeed. So there's no reason blacks shouldn't, and some do.


I'd love to know exactly what you're doing to advance your race. Please be specific and let me know exactly what resources (time, money, etc...) you're putting in to it. TIA :mad:


As far as this stuff being my opinion, I'll grant you that. However, I back my opinions up, as I did with the description of the program the LAUSD has that compensates for any differences in educational quality inner city kids might think exist. They can go to the same school I went to, one of the best high schools in the country. You haven't substantiated anything you've asserted. Oh, and I really don't give a crap if blacks (or any other group of people) don't want to improve themselves. I believe everyone has the choice in life to be successful or have 10 babies and sponge off welfare, and I don't differentiate based on race. At least I'm willing to speak the truth about the issues though instead of spouting off a bunch of unproven talking points.

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don't explain anything more to these ignorant people.

no matter what you write they'll want continue to argue with you until you finally "come around" and confirm their racists thoughts.

they never really want to know about slavery and the southern dialect and isolation and the affects of cockney on the mismash of african languages. that's wasted here.

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no one here speaks old english do they?

slang influences change in language.

it's called creativity.

right now i'm listening to a singer singing, "i'm walkin' down the road...." "goodness gracious great balls of fire...kiss me baby....girlie let me love ya...."

that's all slang, but it's slang that has been incorporated into everyday language.

i'm not going to sit here and answer stupid questions.

it's like me trying to answer why did blacks invent rap or hip hop.


So, what you are saying, is that we should be tolerant of the gays that have a venereal disease?

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don't explain anything more to these ignorant people.

I love how we are ignorant racist people and you are pure as snow. :angry:


no matter what you write they'll want continue to argue with you until you finally "come around" and confirm their racists thoughts.

Oh yea we are racist because we are having a problem understanding ebonics. We should change and take linguistics class to understand black dialect. ;)



they never really want to know about slavery and the southern dialect and isolation and the affects of cockney on the mismash of african languages. that's wasted here.

Ebonics is not a mismash of african languages its a lazy way of speaking and learning proper english.

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Sux, I do believe you have a link available that would be very entertaining, and related to this thread.




Also, no lock this time. :angry:

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Ebonics is not a mismash of african languages its a lazy way of speaking and learning proper english.

there, you see! this is why i don't bother to educate these fools.

kilboy, i don't know why you bothered to ask a question you apparently already had the answer to.

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there, you see! this is why i don't bother to educate these fools.

kilboy, i don't know why you bothered to ask a question you apparently already had the answer to.

So you chose not to explain any of it? Cause to me it sorta seemed like you just didn't have a fucking clue. :pointstosky:

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there, you see! this is why i don't bother to educate these fools.

kilboy, i don't know why you bothered to ask a question you apparently already had the answer to.

Because pen!s it was a legit question when I asked it. I am just responding to the junk that you throw out there. We actually were having a pretty nice discussion about ebonics before you brought your racist dumb crap back.


Oh wait I forgot, Black people can't be racist. :pointstosky:

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So you chose not to explain any of it? Cause to me it sorta seemed like you just didn't have a fucking clue. :pointstosky:

i already explained it on page one.

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My grandfather moved here from China as an illegal alien with no money and no formal education. He was able to create an environment which allowed my Mother and her siblings to be successful. You don't have to be from a wealthy white family to enable your children to be successful. I'm not buying it just because African Americans use it as an excuse.

Disagree. The responsibility of this country is not to make a person successful. As long as there are no institutional barriers to success it is up to the individual to create whatever level of success they choose to create. There has to be a reason African Americans are moving further and further behind with each generation instead of having more and more success. I would opine that people such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, not to mention gangsta rap, have a lot more to do with the problems in Black America than any of us do at this point.

Please take yourself, your grandfather, and all his other criminal offspring back to China. TIA!

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i already explained it on page one.


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I think I've made my opinion quite clear, in this thread and others about similar topics, and I also think you're being disingenuous. You dismiss or minimize points others make that don't fit with your agenda, and keep repeating the talking points African Americans love to make nowadays to justify the continued lack of progress of their race.


Cases in point:


1) I point out that a program from my school district easily compensates for the supposed disparity in education afforded blacks vs. whites and you dismiss the point saying it's only one district. Someone else points out that there are programs in pretty much every state doing the same or similar things, highlighting again that one of your main points is completely invalid in this day and age and your response???




Not a word about it. Yeah, if I were owned like that I'd probably try to pretend it didn't happen and hope people didn't notice as well.


2) You say Jesse and Al don't have an influence on the black community. I disagree. When they hold a rally it's standing room only. And it ain't a room full of whitey attending those things. They are responsible for the sanctioning and/or firing of numerous personalities such as Don Imus over idiotic things. Also, they both basically make their livings on donations to their foundations. If they didn't have a following they wouldn't be making a decent living, and those guys are pretty rich. Clearly they have an influence. If you think they don't please post some proof such as a poll done of African Americans that shows no blacks are giving them the time of day. Or at least post a credible argument as to what makes you an expert on whether they have an effect or not.


3) People point out repeatedly how people from poor beginnings, including many blacks, have risen above the adversity they were born with. You dismiss that because it only applies to one person. But it's not. There are countless "individual" stories such as this. Consider them together and not as individual stories. It seems to be your assertion that if not everybody rises above it somehow invalidates those who do. That's ridiculous. The point is that in this country anyone who puts their mind to it can succeed. So there's no reason blacks shouldn't, and some do.


I'd love to know exactly what you're doing to advance your race. Please be specific and let me know exactly what resources (time, money, etc...) you're putting in to it. TIA :dunno:


As far as this stuff being my opinion, I'll grant you that. However, I back my opinions up, as I did with the description of the program the LAUSD has that compensates for any differences in educational quality inner city kids might think exist. They can go to the same school I went to, one of the best high schools in the country. You haven't substantiated anything you've asserted. Oh, and I really don't give a crap if blacks (or any other group of people) don't want to improve themselves. I believe everyone has the choice in life to be successful or have 10 babies and sponge off welfare, and I don't differentiate based on race. At least I'm willing to speak the truth about the issues though instead of spouting off a bunch of unproven talking points.


1) Regardless of whatever programs they have LAUSD or in other cities its still not anywhere near as simple and complete as you try to make it sound. Period. And even if those programs were as simple and complete as you try to make them sound you're still talking about trying to reverse the affects of things that happened over 350 years in 25 years.


As far as my response time, I guess it never occured to you that I may have other things in my life to do besides post on this bored. And owned? Thats amusing that you actually even think that, or at least pretend that you think that, but sadly its not surprising.


2) I never said that Jackson and Sharpton dont have AN influence on the black community. I said that people like you like to greatly overstate their signifigance. Jackson and Sharpton serve a purpose in that they are good at focusing attention on percieved injustices or offenses to the black community. However, you mistakenly take the media attention that they recieve when they bring attention to these things as A) the ONLY thing that Jackson and Sharpton do, B) as the only issues that black people care about, C) that Jackson and Sharpton shape the black agenda and D) that your assumptions about that agenda are the biggest problem facing the community.


If you really want to know more about how black people think I would suggest you read up on some people like Tavis Smiley, Juan Williams, and Micheal Eric Dyson to name a few.


3) You completely miss the point here. Im not dismissing the fact that people, including many blacks, have overcome poor beginnings to achieve success. In fact, Im the one who included the part about many blacks having done so in the first place. And YOUR claim that "it seems to be (my) assertion that if not everybody rises above it somehow invalidates those who do" is, just as you said, ridiculous. Its really baffling how you even formed that BS in your mind.


The point is this. When looking at an explanation for the large number of blacks who speak "ebonics" (the thread topic) or other negative categories where black Americans are disporportionately represented it is easy to see that the conditions that have shaped the experience of black Americans over the history of this country are the determining factors. Pointing out all of the individual stories of people who have overcome things and found success IS irrelevant when discussing the bigger picture and why the statistics look the way they do.


As far as what Ive done to advance my race. Really? You can kiss my black AZZ. I do a whole hell of a lot but I dont have the need or desire to share that with you. What do you do to advance your race? What do you do to advance anyone's interest other than your own? Please share specifics.


Im pretty much done with this. As I said in my first post the purpose of this thread was not to legitimatlely ask a question b/c the vast majority of people here already had their minds made up as to what the answer was. People just wanted to sound off on black people as being lazy and stupid. And if thats your image of black Americans then thats fine by me. B/c I dont need your ignorant azz for ANYTHING. I simply wanted to turn the conversation towards a legitimate discussion and brought up points that are pretty much fact. If you want to spin things in order to reinforce whatever negative stereotypes you have of black Americans then thats on you.



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and focking don't ever compare immigrant's circumstance to those who were the decendants of slavery and jim crow!

no got damn comparison!


You are right. It would be an injustice to the immigrants. At least they show initiative in improving their own lives.

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