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So, err, ya wanna meat me?



Actually, you'd probably be a blast to hang out with, and we could sit there and people watch and make fun of others.


But, alas, no more geek meets for me for a while.

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Actually, you'd probably be a blast to hang out with, and we could sit there and people watch and make fun of others.




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To be completely and 100% totally honest with you, it's not about the comments that people make here.


It's about meeting in person, opening myself up to much MORE ridicule than what I receive here. Sure, call me all the names you want, do whatever, blah blah blah, but once I have opened myself up to actually MEETING you in person, and you start talking about how I am not attractive, how I am "chunky" or whatever the fock you want to call it, fine. THAT is what crosses the line.


I trust you enough to meet you in person, and then you go behind my back to other posters and talk sh!t.


Meeting one geek completely turned me off to meeting other geeks. I cannot open myself up to that again, only to come back here and have comments constantly and consistently thrown in my face about my appearance. Sorry. It's not that I would expect people to think I am pretty/gorgeous/thin - clearly, I am not attractive to everyone, and that's okay, that's your opinion. But to go to sites that I don't belong to and talk sh!t is just wrong, in MY opinion.


This is probably the most honest post I have ever made here. I have told a couple of geeks who've offered to meet me that THIS is the reason I won't meet them.


I have never said a bad thing about you. If I found myself in your neck of the woods you wouldn't meet up for a cold beer?

I would have my girlfriend with me. I could show her a pic of you and maybe we could all get a hotel room together. Perhaps we could have a pillow fight or something?

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To be completely and 100% totally honest with you, it's not about the comments that people make here.


It's about meeting in person, opening myself up to much MORE ridicule than what I receive here. Sure, call me all the names you want, do whatever, blah blah blah, but once I have opened myself up to actually MEETING you in person, and you start talking about how I am not attractive, how I am "chunky" or whatever the fock you want to call it, fine. THAT is what crosses the line.


I trust you enough to meet you in person, and then you go behind my back to other posters and talk sh!t.


Meeting one geek completely turned me off to meeting other geeks. I cannot open myself up to that again, only to come back here and have comments constantly and consistently thrown in my face about my appearance. Sorry. It's not that I would expect people to think I am pretty/gorgeous/thin - clearly, I am not attractive to everyone, and that's okay, that's your opinion. But to go to sites that I don't belong to and talk sh!t is just wrong, in MY opinion.


This is probably the most honest post I have ever made here. I have told a couple of geeks who've offered to meet me that THIS is the reason I won't meet them.

Wow. :rolleyes: mmm, okay... I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only time I've ever seriously commented on your weight was to say that you had recently had a baby and probably weighed a little more than normal, to which you've readily agreed in the past. Anything else (Chunkzilla, etc.) were made in jest and need to be read in the context of the thread.


As for going behind your back to other posters, :dunno: Please explain. You belong to the same boreds as I do, I'm sure more. I can't remember the last time I had an offline convo with someone, other than a few PM threads that didn't involve you.


That being said, I didn't realize that you took my comments in jest so seriously. It was never my intention to hurt you, or anyone for that matter. But obviously I did, so I apologize. It does explain why you've been so snarky to me lately.

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To be completely and 100% totally honest with you, it's not about the comments that people make here.


It's about meeting in person, opening myself up to much MORE ridicule than what I receive here. Sure, call me all the names you want, do whatever, blah blah blah, but once I have opened myself up to actually MEETING you in person, and you start talking about how I am not attractive, how I am "chunky" or whatever the fock you want to call it, fine. THAT is what crosses the line.


I trust you enough to meet you in person, and then you go behind my back to other posters and talk sh!t.


Meeting one geek completely turned me off to meeting other geeks. I cannot open myself up to that again, only to come back here and have comments constantly and consistently thrown in my face about my appearance. Sorry. It's not that I would expect people to think I am pretty/gorgeous/thin - clearly, I am not attractive to everyone, and that's okay, that's your opinion. But to go to sites that I don't belong to and talk sh!t is just wrong, in MY opinion.


This is probably the most honest post I have ever made here. I have told a couple of geeks who've offered to meet me that THIS is the reason I won't meet them.


It's often the peeps you'd least expect. I've had a couple peeps here trust me on embarrassing shat and I've never said anything

or named names. Others I've met offline(not from here) tend to think I'm the most likely to trash them but it's always someone

else they figured was safe who starts shat. Guess you just neva know. meh :rolleyes:

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So, err, ya wanna meat me?



Yep - being overweight means nothing to Kutulu other than more cushion ! :rolleyes:

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Yep - being overweight means nothing to Kutulu other than more cushion ! :thumbsup:



The bigger the waistband, the deeper the quicksand....or so I have read. :thumbsup:

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Wow. :thumbsup: mmm, okay... I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only time I've ever seriously commented on your weight was to say that you had recently had a baby and probably weighed a little more than normal, to which you've readily agreed in the past. Anything else (Chunkzilla, etc.) were made in jest and need to be read in the context of the thread.


As for going behind your back to other posters, :thumbsup: Please explain. You belong to the same boreds as I do, I'm sure more. I can't remember the last time I had an offline convo with someone, other than a few PM threads that didn't involve you.


That being said, I didn't realize that you took my comments in jest so seriously. It was never my intention to hurt you, or anyone for that matter. But obviously I did, so I apologize. It does explain why you've been so snarky to me lately.


I had a big old reply typed out, but honestly, I am sick of explaining myself.


Maybe I will do it later.

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I had a big old reply typed out, but honestly, I am sick of explaining myself.


Maybe I will do it later.



I look forward to reading it.



with my cack in my hand




















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Wow. :thumbsup: mmm, okay... I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only time I've ever seriously commented on your weight was to say that you had recently had a baby and probably weighed a little more than normal, to which you've readily agreed in the past. Anything else (Chunkzilla, etc.) were made in jest and need to be read in the context of the thread.


As for going behind your back to other posters, :( Please explain. You belong to the same boreds as I do, I'm sure more. I can't remember the last time I had an offline convo with someone, other than a few PM threads that didn't involve you.


That being said, I didn't realize that you took my comments in jest so seriously. It was never my intention to hurt you, or anyone for that matter. But obviously I did, so I apologize. It does explain why you've been so snarky to me lately.


Good job, A$$hole. :thumbsup:

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Check your PM at FFLW :bandana:

I will do that soon, what you said in the message. I am doing pretty good over there, right????

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To be completely and 100% totally honest with you, it's not about the comments that people make here.


It's about meeting in person, opening myself up to much MORE ridicule than what I receive here. Sure, call me all the names you want, do whatever, blah blah blah, but once I have opened myself up to actually MEETING you in person, and you start talking about how I am not attractive, how I am "chunky" or whatever the fock you want to call it, fine. THAT is what crosses the line.


I trust you enough to meet you in person, and then you go behind my back to other posters and talk sh!t.


Meeting one geek completely turned me off to meeting other geeks. I cannot open myself up to that again, only to come back here and have comments constantly and consistently thrown in my face about my appearance. Sorry. It's not that I would expect people to think I am pretty/gorgeous/thin - clearly, I am not attractive to everyone, and that's okay, that's your opinion. But to go to sites that I don't belong to and talk sh!t is just wrong, in MY opinion.


This is probably the most honest post I have ever made here. I have told a couple of geeks who've offered to meet me that THIS is the reason I won't meet them.

I would guess that the ONLY people who think you are chunky, are probably people how are attracted to little boys. I have seen a few pics of you, and I think Lurch is one lucky man. :bandana:

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The bigger the waistband, the deeper the quicksand....or so I have read. :bandana:

my baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo....i wanna sink her with my pink torpedo..... :banana:

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To be completely and 100% totally honest with you, it's not about the comments that people make here.


It's about meeting in person, opening myself up to much MORE ridicule than what I receive here. Sure, call me all the names you want, do whatever, blah blah blah, but once I have opened myself up to actually MEETING you in person, and you start talking about how I am not attractive, how I am "chunky" or whatever the fock you want to call it, fine. THAT is what crosses the line.


I trust you enough to meet you in person, and then you go behind my back to other posters and talk sh!t.


Meeting one geek completely turned me off to meeting other geeks. I cannot open myself up to that again, only to come back here and have comments constantly and consistently thrown in my face about my appearance. Sorry. It's not that I would expect people to think I am pretty/gorgeous/thin - clearly, I am not attractive to everyone, and that's okay, that's your opinion. But to go to sites that I don't belong to and talk sh!t is just wrong, in MY opinion.


This is probably the most honest post I have ever made here. I have told a couple of geeks who've offered to meet me that THIS is the reason I won't meet them.



So basically you are having your period over this because: 1) you met a geek in person, 2) it turned out you were a fat discusting slob, 3) and he turned around and told other geeks that you are in fact a fat disgusting slob.


Newsflash sweetie, if you are not attractive, then you are not attractive. I dont see why whoever meets you has to agree not to tell everyone about how you look. It sounds like you dont have a realistic perception of what you think you look like. Would you feel better if this geed lied and told everyone that you are a hot piece of asss? I suspect the answer is yes, but don't the geeks have a right to the truth?


And if you can't be truthful to a geek, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg ... isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!



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And if you can't be truthful to a geek, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Greg ... isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do what you want to us, but we're not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!






The rest of your post can only be seen as opinion though since one mans trash...


Not calling TNG trash either, just saying

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So basically you are having your period over this because: 1) you met a geek in person, 2) and it turned out you were a fat discusting slob, 3) and he turned around and told other geeks that you are in fact a fat disgusting slob.


No, that's not at all what I am "having my period" about.


Newsflash sweetie, if you are not attractvie, then you are not attractive. I dont see why whoever meets you has to agree not to tell everyone about how you look. It sounds like you dont have a realistic perception of what you think you look like. Would you feel better if this geed lied and told everyone that you are a hot piece of asss? I suspect the answer is yes, but don't the geeks have a right to the truth?


Again, if I am not attractive, fine, whatever. No one has to agree that I am attractive and I never asked him to lie about anything. Never once did I say, "Oh, even if you think I am ugly and fat, you have to tell everyone how hot I am." Give me a mother focking break. I have posted my picture here, I have exchanged recent pics with other geeks, if they want to lie to me to make themselves feel better, fine. But don't act all nice to me in person and in email, then come here and be an ######.


Geeks do have a right to know the truth, but one person's truth is just another's opinion. If you think I am a fat, ugly slob, that doesn't mean that the next person will feel the same way...got it?

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Why do you even bother with these hateful kids here TNG? We love you at The Sanctuary.


Sure. Sure ya do.

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No, that's not at all what I am "having my period" about.

Again, if I am not attractive, fine, whatever. No one has to agree that I am attractive and I never asked him to lie about anything. Never once did I say, "Oh, even if you think I am ugly and fat, you have to tell everyone how hot I am." Give me a mother focking break. I have posted my picture here, I have exchanged recent pics with other geeks, if they want to lie to me to make themselves feel better, fine. But don't act all nice to me in person and in email, then come here and be an ######.


Geeks do have a right to know the truth, but one person's truth is just another's opinion. If you think I am a fat, ugly slob, that doesn't mean that the next person will feel the same way...got it?

I have no idea what I said to make you so angry, but if it helps, I was probably drunk at the time. :sleep:

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But don't act all nice to me in person and in email, then come here and be an ######.


Did you ever think maybe they were just focking around with you ? :sleep:

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No, that's not at all what I am "having my period" about.

Again, if I am not attractive, fine, whatever. No one has to agree that I am attractive and I never asked him to lie about anything. Never once did I say, "Oh, even if you think I am ugly and fat, you have to tell everyone how hot I am." Give me a mother focking break. I have posted my picture here, I have exchanged recent pics with other geeks, if they want to lie to me to make themselves feel better, fine. But don't act all nice to me in person and in email, then come here and be an ######.


Geeks do have a right to know the truth, but one person's truth is just another's opinion. If you think I am a fat, ugly slob, that doesn't mean that the next person will feel the same way...got it?


I dunno what the insecurity is about. I make fun of you as much as anyone because that's what we do here. But that's what

happens here, it's not real life. From the limited number of pics I've seen of you, I'd hit it. That's a compliment btw.

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I have no idea what I said to make you so angry, but if it helps, I was probably drunk at the time. :sleep:


Only time I have seen you talk about TNG was being nice to her.. Wow - wasn't Chronic Husker going nuts on you a few months ago on TDZ as well for no apparent reason. Damn man you sure do attract the nuts.

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I have never said a bad thing about you. If I found myself in your neck of the woods you wouldn't meet up for a cold beer?

I would have my girlfriend with me. I could show her a pic of you and maybe we could all get a hotel room together. Perhaps we could have a pillow fight or something?


see someone tries to be nice to you......... :sleep:

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see someone tries to be nice to you......... :sleep:


Me too!!!!


I would guess that the ONLY people who think you are chunky, are probably people how are attracted to little boys. I have seen a few pics of you, and I think Lurch is one lucky man. <_<


I think TNG is greta!!!!

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Thank you to those who've been nice to me in this thread.


It's much appreciated.

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Only time I have seen you talk about TNG was being nice to her.. Wow - wasn't Chronic Husker going nuts on you a few months ago on TDZ as well for no apparent reason. Damn man you sure do attract the nuts.

I tend to get passionate responses at times. Usually that manifests itself in vile hatred. It's a gift I suppose. :unsure:

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I tend to get passionate responses at times. Usually that manifests itself in vile hatred. It's a gift I suppose. :unsure:

I realize you are being somewhat sarcastic here, but were you always this cocky? Maybe I just didn't notice before but it's like you, redtodd, and patriotsfatboy all went to self esteem class and made a pact to become dooshbags here in the past few months. What gives? As it is all kinda lame.

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Why do you even let it bother you what anyone from the Geek bored thinks of your appearance?

Does it really matter?


As long as you're happy with yourself and your hubby keeps looking your way and liking what he sees... what else do you really need?



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I guess I got my question answered. :( Moral of the story is don't meet female geeks. :unsure:

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Why do you even let it bother you what anyone from the Geek bored thinks of your appearance?

Does it really matter?


As long as you're happy with yourself and your hubby keeps looking your way and liking what he sees... what else do you really need?



Now would this logic create a two-page thread? :unsure:

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I realize you are being somewhat sarcastic here, but were you always this cocky? Maybe I just didn't notice before but it's like you, redtodd, and patriotsfatboy all went to self esteem class and made a pact to become dooshbags here in the past few months. What gives? As it is all kinda lame.

Shitstain says what? :pointstosky:

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Now would this logic create a two-page thread? :pointstosky:


Of course not.


But I still want to know her answer.

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I realize you are being somewhat sarcastic here, but were you always this cocky?


No, he hasn't always been this cocky, and that's the point I have been trying to make for a while.




I don't know. What you say is true, if I am happy with me, and hubby is happy with me, what's it matter?


I have EXTREMELY low self esteem and self image...so unfortunately, saying "I am happy with me" isn't going to work. I wish it did, though! :unsure:

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I have EXTREMELY low self esteem and self image...so unfortunately, saying "I am happy with me" isn't going to work. I wish it did, though! ;)


You didn't just post that here :unsure: May as well paint a bullseye on your back - and you wonder why people people fock with you. :lol:

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You didn't just post that here :unsure: May as well paint a bullseye on your back - and you wonder why people people fock with you. ;)


I have said it here a BAZILLION times before. :lol:

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I have EXTREMELY low self esteem and self image...so unfortunately, saying "I am happy with me" isn't going to work. I wish it did, though! :unsure:


Dude, take the advice I gave you yesterday and run with it. High Protein intake and excercise. Youre a chick, no chick feels good having extra padding. Then you can come in here and flaunt your shiit with nekkid pics!

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I realize you are being somewhat sarcastic here, but were you always this cocky? Maybe I just didn't notice before but it's like you, redtodd, and patriotsfatboy all went to self esteem class and made a pact to become dooshbags here in the past few months. What gives? As it is all kinda lame.

OK, serious response: Probably not. However, when TNG tells the board that because of my comments here (or somewhere, haven't gotten clarification on that yet), she will never meet another geek IRL again, and given the way she describes it... that's kinda heady stuff. Also, I won't go into the CH thing that Moz mentioned, but that got out of control as well. You can call that cocky if you want, I'm not bragging about it, but empirically I seem to occasionally say things that set people off. :unsure:


Need to head out to a meeting, have fun all.

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Dude, take the advice I gave you yesterday and run with it. High Protein intake and excercise. Youre a chick, no chick feels good having extra padding. Then you can come in here and flaunt your shiit with nekkid pics!




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