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Iraq War....

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Is it because we may be actually succeeding there? Seriously, I know how most of you feel but we have had great success since the surge and there has been no discussion of it on the news. Hmmmm...wonder why. Actually, I would love to know the bleeding hearts answer to this question....


Why did we not hear on the news recently that May 2008 had the lowest monthly death total (21)since....wait for it.......ever. That's right. The 21 brave men and women US soldiers killed last month is the lowest since the war began. Last May it was 131 deaths, and this May it's 21. Thanks to all who help serve our country and protect us from terrorists. God Bless you.

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Is it because we may be actually succeeding there? Seriously, I know how most of you feel but we have had great success since the surge and there has been no discussion of it on the news. Hmmmm...wonder why. Actually, I would love to know the bleeding hearts answer to this question....


Why did we not hear on the news recently that May 2008 had the lowest monthly death total (21)since....wait for it.......ever. That's right. The 21 brave men and women US soldiers killed last month is the lowest since the war began. Last May it was 131 deaths, and this May it's 21. Thanks to all who help serve our country and protect us from terrorists. God Bless you.




How come you're not around more often? :shocking:

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If it bleeds, it leads. :lol:

Tonight on Channel 6 News: TheNewGirl goes on a rampage, leaving thousands of threads in her path of destruction.

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When do we get our 21 soldiers and $200 billion we flushed down Earth's Toilet in May back? Fock that place, it never ends, it's been sucking our taxpayers dry our soldiers' blood dry for six years. And what do we get if we stay the course? A bunch of ungrateful a$$holes that run around screming "Akalakalaka" all day and hate us and want to kill us any-focking-way.


Fock them. Who cares what happens in that sh*thole. I can't wait to get out of that mess.

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When do we get our 21 soldiers and $200 billion we flushed down Earth's Toilet in May back? Fock that place, it never ends, it's been sucking our taxpayers dry our soldiers' blood dry for six years. And what do we get if we stay the course? A bunch of ungrateful a$$holes that run around screming "Akalakalaka" all day and hate us and want to kill us any-focking-way.


Fock them. Who cares what happens in that sh*thole. I can't wait to get out of that mess.



When do we get back the billions of dollars and millions of soldiers we lost in every war? It's war.

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When do we get our 21 soldiers and $200 billion we flushed down Earth's Toilet in May back? Fock that place, it never ends, it's been sucking our taxpayers dry our soldiers' blood dry for six years. And what do we get if we stay the course? A bunch of ungrateful a$$holes that run around screming "Akalakalaka" all day and hate us and want to kill us any-focking-way.


Fock them. Who cares what happens in that sh*thole. I can't wait to get out of that mess.

The point wasn't the validity of the war, that's been discussed to death here. The point was that you don't see coverage now that the death tolls are falling and things seem to be improving, yet it was all that was talked about when things went poorly. Whether you agree with the war or not, you can't deny the inconsistency in its coverage, which I find troubling and unfair.

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(CBS/AP) The killings of three U.S. soldiers in separate attacks in Baghdad pushed the American death toll for April up to 47, making it the deadliest month since September.




In all, at least 4,059 members of the U.S. military have died since the Iraq war started in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.




The latest fighting erupted at the end of March after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki launched a crackdown against Shiite militias in the southern port city of Basra. But it quickly spread to Baghdad's Sadr City, a sprawling slum with about 2.5 million people that is a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.


April was a bloodbath. I'm glad May has seen a great decline in troop deaths, but I think that is due much more to the cyclical nature of the conflict rather than the success of the troop surge. :music_guitarred:

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When do we get back the billions of dollars and millions of soldiers we lost in every war? It's war.


This is a pointless war without meaning or purpose- the second one in 40 years. Who fockng cares?


One day 10 years from now, Allah will deliver Iraq to his True Followers and crush their evil enemy. When that happens, we can come back and buy oil from the a$$holes who won. And it won't cost us any money.

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I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here. I'm eager to hear an apology over the Spanish-American War which was started

on a lie. Remember the Maine? Pheh! Spain hasn't recovered yet to it's previous glory because of our actions. Shameful. Of course

the media isn't even covering the story.

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The point wasn't the validity of the war, that's been discussed to death here. The point was that you don't see coverage now that the death tolls are falling and things seem to be improving, yet it was all that was talked about when things went poorly. Whether you agree with the war or not, you can't deny the inconsistency in its coverage, which I find troubling and unfair.


My understanding for a while has that violence is down and the military has a better grasp of how to conduct the occupation. Unfortnatly it's still hostile, it requires more troops to do it, and we're asking the same people to go back and dodge bullets and landmines for 3 or 4 or 5 tours of duty there and to continue to do so forever.


And why? To protect a$$holes that hide and prtoect their local militias and who throw a party and celebrate whenever US soldiers die. The Iraqis don't get along with each other any better and still blame us or their problems.

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My understanding for a while has that violence is down and the military has a better grasp of how to conduct the occupation. Unfortnatly it's still hostile, it requires more troops to do it, and we're asking the same people to go back and dodge bullets and landmines for 3 or 4 or 5 tours of duty there and to continue to do so forever.


And why? To protect a$$holes that hide and prtoect their local militias and who throw a party and celebrate whenever US soldiers die. The Iraqis don't get along with each other any better and still blame us or their problems.

Well you're a smart enough guy that I'll obviously never change your opinion on the war, so we wont even go there. Just pointing out that whether we should be fighting it or not wasn't relevant to the OP. :music_guitarred:

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Well you're a smart enough guy that I'll obviously never change your opinion on the war, so we wont even go there. Just pointing out that whether we should be fighting it or not wasn't relevant to the OP. :music_guitarred:


When I was in Iraq (in 1991) it was a cakewalk. Crushing Saddam's Army in wide open areas in the middle of the desert with no civilians around was easy and nearly painless. The bad guys were easily identified and with superior firepower, we could kill them before they got close to us. Although my unit was heavy armor on the front lines, I never got shot at personally because I was in maintenence support, so I was always 1-4 miles behind. It was an easy war.


Of course we didn't go into cities or conduct street to street/house to house fighting either. Or policing neighborhoods. That sh*t was hugely dangerous and we didn't have any training in it. I had none, as in zero, as in not eve one day addressing the issue in bootcamp.


Obviously, when this war started, we still didn't know a d@mn thing about urban warfare or have the proper equipment. It was clear to me from the beginning this would all happen. I personally knew the military wasn't prepared for occupying/patroling hostile urban territory. I knew from just a college class many years ago that Saddam and al Qaeda didn't get along. I knew that Saddam wouldn't use WMD on us... we were right there fighitng a war with him, then occupying southern Iraq, so even with huge provocation, he never pulled that sh*t out on us.


So I've opposed this war from the beginning and every point in between. My major issue in politics has always been fiscal managment and sound financing. I absolutly hate watching the national debt explode. So between this ridiculous pointless war and the financial irresponsibily it has caused, it makes me want to shove George W Bush and his whole inner circle into a wood chipper.


I realize now we have lots of experience and with General Petraus, looks like we have a really good leadership over there. Who knows what hind of horrors those guys had to endure to learn those things. But I still don't give a fock about the Iraqis, our troops are still dying and I still don't see any end to pulling out, I hate seeing extremely massive volumes of tax money flushed into that toilet, and my seething, blinding red-hot hatred of all things Bush means I'm not inclined at all to reconsider the war.

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When I was in Iraq (in 1991) it was a cakewalk. Crushing Saddam's Army in wide open areas in the middle of the desert with no civilians around was easy and nearly painless. The bad guys were easily identified and with superior firepower, we could kill them before they got close to us. Although my unit was heavy armor on the front lines, I never got shot at personally because I was in maintenence support, so I was always 1-4 miles behind. It was an easy war.


Of course we didn't go into cities or conduct street to street/house to house fighting either. Or policing neighborhoods. That sh*t was hugely dangerous and we didn't have any training in it. I had none, as in zero, as in not eve one day addressing the issue in bootcamp.


Obviously, when this war started, we still didn't know a d@mn thing about urban warfare or have the proper equipment. It was clear to me from the beginning this would all happen. I personally knew the military wasn't prepared for occupying/patroling hostile urban territory. I knew from just a college class many years ago that Saddam and al Qaeda didn't get along. I knew that Saddam wouldn't use WMD on us... we were right there fighitng a war with him, then occupying southern Iraq, so even with huge provocation, he never pulled that sh*t out on us.


So I've opposed this war from the beginning and every point in between. My major issue in politics has always been fiscal managment and sound financing. I absolutly hate watching the national debt explode. So between this ridiculous pointless war and the financial irresponsibily it has caused, it makes me want to shove George W Bush and his whole inner circle into a wood chipper.


I realize now we have lots of experience and with General Petraus, looks like we have a really good leadership over there. Who knows what hind of horrors those guys had to endure to learn those things. But I still don't give a fock about the Iraqis, I still don't see any end to pulling out, I hate seeing extremely massive volumes of tax money flushed into that toilet, and my seething, blinding red-hot hatred of all things Bush means I'm not inclined at all to reconsider the war.

Yeah... that's what I said.




Maybe I oughta re-think that "smart guy" thing. :music_guitarred:

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Why did we not hear on the news recently that May 2008 had the lowest monthly death total (21)since....wait for it.......ever. That's right.


First of all, 21 is not the lowest monthly death total in Iraq forever. Zero is the lowest. And it has been zero for most of history except for when the country is lead by a Bush.


Lets take a look at what our war plans have been. Being able to Destroy the Iraqi army was never a question. Winning the peace and exiting would be the problem. The first Bush plan was to train Iraqis to police themselves and pull out the troops. That failed miserably. As we pulled out troops the insurgents had a field day. The next plan (the current one) was to increase the US troop numbers to control Iraq better. Yes, we now have more control because we have more troops just like the Generals wanted at the beginning (Why Bush trusted Rumsfield over trained Generals will always be a mystery.)but we no longer have an exit plan. Whan are we ever going to leave? This war is sucking future taxpayers dry and destroying the dollar. What is the Bush plan? His plan is to pass his problem over to the next President.


Personally I think we should get out and leave that he11hole. McCain wants us to stay there 100 years. And the examples of Japan and Germany are a lot different. 21 Americans a month were not being killed by the Japanese and Germans.


21 Brave Americans killed in the prime of their lives is too many if you ask me.

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April was a bloodbath. I'm glad May has seen a great decline in troop deaths, but I think that is due much more to the cyclical nature of the conflict rather than the success of the troop surge. :dunno:



You're just wrong here. To make the statement about the cyclical nature of the conflict is just ignorant. Yes, this April was actually 52 deaths but last April , it was 117. You can't ignore the facts. US deaths in the Iraq war are at an amazingly rapid decline.

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First of all, 21 is not the lowest monthly death total in Iraq forever. Zero is the lowest. And it has been zero for most of history except for when the country is lead by a Bush.


Lets take a look at what our war plans have been. Being able to Destroy the Iraqi army was never a question. Winning the peace and exiting would be the problem. The first Bush plan was to train Iraqis to police themselves and pull out the troops. That failed miserably. As we pulled out troops the insurgents had a field day. The next plan (the current one) was to increase the US troop numbers to control Iraq better. Yes, we now have more control because we have more troops just like the Generals wanted at the beginning (Why Bush trusted Rumsfield over trained Generals will always be a mystery.)but we no longer have an exit plan. Whan are we ever going to leave? This war is sucking future taxpayers dry and destroying the dollar. What is the Bush plan? His plan is to pass his problem over to the next President.


Personally I think we should get out and leave that he11hole. McCain wants us to stay there 100 years. And the examples of Japan and Germany are a lot different. 21 Americans a month were not being killed by the Japanese and Germans.


21 Brave Americans killed in the prime of their lives is too many if you ask me.


Really? Zero is the lowest? What an ignorant statement. That's like saying we lost no lives on September 10th. Idiot.

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Really? Zero is the lowest? What an ignorant statement. That's like saying we lost no lives on September 10th. Idiot.


You said 21 is the lowest ever. ever means ever. Thanks for the uncalled for insult.

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When do we get back the billions of dollars and millions of soldiers we lost in every war? It's war.

I call BS. It used to be if you came in and kicked the sh!t out of some country you pretty much ruled them. You were the winner they were the loser. You kept any cool sh!t they had and they were happy to just be allowed to keep living. We have spent 200 billion bucks over there and all we have to show for it is a t-shirt with the slogan "I went to iraq and all I got was my lousy legs blown off" Meanwhile the Iraq war vet with no legs is sent to a VA hospital that looks like something you would find in a 3rd world country because we don't have that kind of money to fix up VA hospitals. However Arlen spector can find the money to see weather the pats spied on his beloved pennslyvania teams. All the while the 18 year old with no legs now thanks to an IED mourns for his buddys that were killed "helping" the iraqi people out.




Don't mind me when I sound a little cynical of the report that we have "turned the corner". Is this the same corner we turned when bush landed on the aircraft carrier and declared victory?

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You said 21 is the lowest ever. ever means ever. Thanks for the uncalled for insult.



I just checked and confirmed that the insult was indeed.......... called for.

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When do we get our 21 soldiers and $200 billion we flushed down Earth's Toilet in May back? Fock that place, it never ends, it's been sucking our taxpayers dry our soldiers' blood dry for six years. And what do we get if we stay the course? A bunch of ungrateful a$$holes that run around screming "Akalakalaka" all day and hate us and want to kill us any-focking-way.


Fock them. Who cares what happens in that sh*thole. I can't wait to get out of that mess.




It's not just the money, either........it's the fallout. Education alone........good Lord. Makes me sick to my stomach.


I also find it utterly amazing, and disgusting, to see how little regard some people have for American lives........yet they're the ones pushing all the "patriotic" talk and all of this other bullshit.

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its the gamers ploy to distract us from the real world...good call...


after 3 months of this game..another will come out and half of the population will never see the news :thumbsup:

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Jets24 is happy that 21 Americans died. They have names doochebag:


Cpl. Christian S. Cotner, 20, of Waterbury, Conn.

Staff Sgt. Frank J. Gasper, 25, of Merced, Calif

Sgt. Blake W. Evans, 24, of Rockford, Ill.

Sgt. 1st Class Jason F. Dene, 37, of Castleton, Vt

Pfc. Kyle P. Norris, 22, of Zanesville, Ohio

Pvt. Branden P. Haunert, 21, of Cincinnati, Ohio

Sgt. John K. Daggett, 21, of Phoenix, Ariz.

Staff Sgt. Victor M. Cota, 33, of Tucson, Ariz.

Cpl. Jessica A. Ellis, 24, of Bend, Ore.

Sgt. Joseph A. Ford, 23, of Knox, Ind

Spc. Mary J. Jaenichen, 20, of Temecula, Calif.

Pfc. Aaron J. Ward, 19, of San Jacinto, Calif.

Spc. Alex D. Gonzalez, 21, of Mission, Texas

Pfc. Corey L. Hicks, 22, of Glendale, Ariz

Lance Cpl. Casey L. Casanova, 22, of McComb, Miss.

Cpl. Miguel A. Guzman, 21, of Norwalk, Calif.

Lance Cpl. James F. Kimple, 21, of Carroll, Ohio

Sgt. Glen E. Martinez, 31, of Boulder, Colo.

Spc. Jeffrey F. Nichols, 21, of Granite Shoals, Texas

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They should set GTA V in Iraq and make the main character a disgrutled Blackwater employee.

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They should set GTA V in Iraq and make the main character a disgrutled Blackwater employee.

Dude. :pointstosky:





not alot of hookers or cars though. :pointstosky:

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The point wasn't the validity of the war, that's been discussed to death here. The point was that you don't see coverage now that the death tolls are falling and things seem to be improving, yet it was all that was talked about when things went poorly. Whether you agree with the war or not, you can't deny the inconsistency in its coverage, which I find troubling and unfair.


The drop-off in coverage occured LONG before May. People are sick of the war. As for "succeeding", basically we've walled off the city and dropped our ass back into defensible positions. The violence actually radically decreased BEFORE the first "surge" troops even set foot in theatre. That's because we paid off Sadr (also not reported). Almost 1,000 civilians died in February '08 (latest tracking on such things). I mean hell, if we pulled everybody out today, we'd have ZERO casualties in July. Is THAT "success?"


Incredibly stupid to claim success when not a single MF thing has been accomplished politically - no oil revenue sharing agreements, no security agreement, no reconciliation agreement. What we've done is wall off the city and bribe Sadr to keep his powder dry. Damn glad that military casualties are down in Iraq, but that's largely because the bad guys are going after softer targets and, instead of going in and rousting people, we're walling off entire city neighborhoods.


Look, we're NOT going to "win" when it comes to stopping centuries old internecine warfare. We're NOT going to have another Japan or Germany. Anybody who says that is so incredibly F'ing ignorant; Those two countries were/are HUGELY nationalistic. Iraq? Phony borders and centuries old conflict. - BIG difference. Until they can come to some political solutions (gee, only been five years now), we're whistling past the graveyard. But, I'm damn glad that we're not seeing the kinds of military casualties that we used to see. Unfortunately, as that declines, the Afghan numbers start to increase.

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Unfortunately, as that declines, the Afghan numbers start to increase.

The Afghan numbers are starting to increase because pakistan is allowing its tribal lands to stay lawless. This makes it easy for extreamists to launch attacks and then retreat into pakistan. We have given Mush and his dipsh!t generals tons of money and he is not even going to be able to hang on to power anyaway.


Its a situation like vietnam where the NVA were allowed to retreat into Cambodia and Laos.

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Very simple concept: LIBERAL MEDIA



The democratic party is running solely on "Iraq bad, elect me"..... they have no concept of the economy, of resolving domestic issues. They are tree hugging self loathers who bankrupt this country within the next century, and hand it over to every degenerate who refuses to get a job.



$5/ga. gas prices is making the avg person more aware of the impact of middle east turmoil .

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