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Mark Sanford's press conference

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...that was interesting. His actions have been flaky and irresponsible as a governor of a state, he rambled in the beginning of the press conference, a 7 minute apology to his wife, his son, his in laws, political confidants and others led up to revealing what he had been doing...but once he did explain, I think he handled it in as honorable a way as possible.




He told a reporter he was going to give him more information than he probably wanted (impossible) and political strategists were cringing at that. They're (probably rightfully) saying he doesn't have what it takes to survive the political food chain. He should have been contrite but tighter lipped. To me, it seemed that to do his conscious right he wanted to stand there and explain. Doesn't excuse him in any sense but as far as taking responsibility, I don't think I've ever seen a politician do it to that extent, and seem genuine at the same time.

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Can believe this stanford guy could get away defrauding all those people. Now, we find out he's cheating on his wife? I mean, seems like small potatoes after robbing billions from people.

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Interesting? It was possibly the most unique sex scandal press conf ever.


Blah blah blah

I'm sorry

blah blah blah

I'm sorry I'm sorry

blah blah :thumbsup:

Oh by the way I'm cheating on my wife with a woman in Argentina. :(

Oh and I met her through an email

and we just had that spark

and I misled everyone so that I could go to Argentina to see her :blink:

but it's over now

so I'm going to work it out with my family

blah blah

anyways I'm sorry.


questions? :lol:

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Can believe this stanford guy could get away defrauding all those people. Now, we find out he's cheating on his wife? I mean, seems like small potatoes after robbing billions from people.

A lot of the heat he's justifiably getting is about flaking out, lying to his own staff and SC press. Not saying infidelity is alright, but what he's being taken to task on isn't small potatoes.


Are you referring to him trying to reject the stimulus money when you're talking about 'robbing'? :thumbsdown:

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A lot of the heat he's justifiably getting is about flaking out, lying to his own staff and SC press. Not saying infidelity is alright, but what he's being taken to task on isn't small potatoes.


Are you referring to him trying to reject the stimulus money when you're talking about 'robbing'? :thumbsdown:



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Can believe this stanford guy could get away defrauding all those people. Now, we find out he's cheating on his wife? I mean, seems like small potatoes after robbing billions from people.

This is the Govenor of South Carolina, not the Houston Financial guy (Stanford)

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The family values Governor pushed for Clinton's resignation. :thumbsdown:

Biggest mistake the Republicans ever made was going after Clinton based on morals.

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It was a sorry performance.

Do you think he wasn't genuine at all?

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This is the Govenor of South Carolina, not the Houston Financial guy (Stanford)

Geez...wiff :thumbsdown:

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Do you think he wasn't genuine at all?

Genuinely confused, and I don't think he wants to leave the gal from Argentina. The thing that upset him the most was letting his friend Davis down. That is when he got the most choked up.

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Biggest mistake the Republicans ever made was going after Clinton based on morals.


God, no shiit, huh? Can't wait to hear Newt Gingrich or Rudy G's or John McCain's take on this guy's infidelity. :banana:


"The Family Values Party" - That freaked out after Gary Hart and Bill Clinton - Good Lord. :thumbsdown:

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Do you think he wasn't genuine at all?


Naomi - How many times do we have to see this before you 'get' it?


He's sorry the way a 5 year old is 'sorry' - He's sorry he got caught. The only thing he has left to try and garner sympathy / a less harsh reaction is crying. We've seen this Marion Jones, Jerrry Falwell and about 1,000 other people. They're not sorry they did it - if they were, they would have stopped before they get caught. Crying after you get caught<> "Genuine remorse."


Our morality is shot to shiit these days. A-Rod: "I made a mistake". No, you didn't. A mistake is picking up the wrong set of keys. You committed the same act repeatedly - you lied about it - and only showed contrition when you got caught.


Can't wait to dig up some of his rousing "Family Values" speeches. :thumbsdown:

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Genuinely confused, and I don't think he wants to leave the gal from Argentina. The thing that upset him the most was letting his friend Davis down. That is when he got the most choked up.

Got that from him too.


I know that people relish, and have a justified basis, when family values associated conservatives act in hypocrisy (apparently Sanford is disliked by social conservatives in SC legislature, he's known more distinctively for his fiscal conservatism) ...but when he mentioned the fact that he did what he did while being someone that recognizes moral absolutes, I thought he was being genuine about that. In other words they do strike a chord with him, he doesn't concede that notion just for image.

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...that was interesting. His actions have been flaky and irresponsible as a governor of a state, he rambled in the beginning of the press conference, a 7 minute apology to his wife, his son, his in laws, political confidants and others led up to revealing what he had been doing...but once he did explain, I think he handled it in as honorable a way as possible.




He told a reporter he was going to give him more information than he probably wanted (impossible) and political strategists were cringing at that. They're (probably rightfully) saying he doesn't have what it takes to survive the political food chain. He should have been contrite but tighter lipped. To me, it seemed that to do his conscious right he wanted to stand there and explain. Doesn't excuse him in any sense but as far as taking responsibility, I don't think I've ever seen a politician do it to that extent, and seem genuine at the same time.


I agree, he did it better than most do. He's human...and in all reality, this happens to people all the time, but he's expected to be a LEADER.

Thus....CYA Mark...you had a shot at a POTUS run. Your politics are sound...your personal life sucks balls.

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He's sorry the way a 5 year old is 'sorry' - He's sorry he got caught.


Was going to say something about that. I have seen the sorry for being caught that's really behind the 'sorry' from people that have gotten in similar situations. Saw more than that from him though and respected it. Of course can't know for sure where he was and wasn't being genuine though.

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I agree, he did it better than most do. He's human...and in all reality, this happens to people all the time, but he's expected to be a LEADER.

Thus....CYA Mark...you had a shot at a POTUS run. Your politics are sound...your personal life sucks balls.

Agreed. He likely can't handle the "political food chain" given the way he handled that, like the strategists were saying...but not being willing/able to work with that dynamic is probably a good thing about someone.

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Was going to say something about that. I have seen the sorry for being caught that's really behind the 'sorry' from people that have gotten in similar situations. Saw more than that from him though and respected it. Of course can't know for sure where he was and wasn't being genuine though.

What I find funny is he said he and his wife have been trying to work things out for the last several months. Okay, if that's true, why did you just take a week-long trip by yourself to Argentina where the woman you were having an affair with lives?!

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If Sanford was a Democrat, we would all be praising him with his resume enhancement...

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Saw more than that from him though



And to me, it isn't so much that he hurt his wife, it's that he let down his kids and his staffers (who are, in his eyes his "work" kids). That's what really got to him.


it's funny how no matter how wealthy, famous, powerful, etc a person becomes (a man becomes?) that there can still be that feeling of "missing out" on something.... that there's always something better, bigger, more enticing, etc.

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And to me, it isn't so much that he hurt his wife, it's that he let down his kids and his staffers (who are, in his eyes his "work" kids). That's what really got to him.


So, when he asked them to lie for him - or at a minimum, put them in a position to do so - what was he thinking about them then?


You don't think he really booked his own flight do you?

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If Sanford was a Democrat, we would all be praising him with his resume enhancement...


or his ability to pull some argentian tail while living in SC

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If Sanford was a Democrat, we would all be praising him with his resume enhancement...



That's my first laugh of the day Posty. Thanks. :mad:

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I know that people relish, and have a justified basis, when family values associated conservatives act in hypocrisy (apparently Sanford is disliked by social conservatives in SC legislature, he's known more distinctively for his fiscal conservatism) ...but when he mentioned the fact that he did what he did while being someone that recognizes moral absolutes, I thought he was being genuine about that. In other words they do strike a chord with him, he doesn't concede that notion just for image.



Sure it's just for image - his actions belie his verbal BS. This was purely fake political crap.

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I'm so sick of every last one of these lying sacks of sh!t. Seriously, go be a sleaze ball just because you have the ability to do so. But please save us the crying boo-hoo I'm sorry bullshit when you inevitably get caught. Just STFU or put a gun in your mouth. Seriously, you used your power for your own selfish gain and hurt those around you that are the very reason you made it to the top and then YOU cry? What about the people you focked over? What about the fact that you're a giant focking hypocrite? Oh yeah boo-hoo. Poor you. You're so sorry. You focking lie for a living, get in trouble for lying, and then expect us to believe you're sincere. Go fock yourself. Then lie about it.

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I'm so sick of every last one of these lying sacks of sh!t. Seriously, go be a sleaze ball just because you have the ability to do so. But please save us the crying boo-hoo I'm sorry bullshit when you inevitably get caught. Just STFU or put a gun in your mouth. Seriously, you used your power for your own selfish gain and hurt those around you that are the very reason you made it to the top and then YOU cry? What about the people you focked over? What about the fact that you're a giant focking hypocrite? Oh yeah boo-hoo. Poor you. You're so sorry. You focking lie for a living, get in trouble for lying, and then expect us to believe you're sincere. Go fock yourself. Then lie about it.

He didn't express anything self-pitying unless I missed it. He put a lot more out there then he needed to which serves the purpose of either 1) let me put more out there than I need to because it'll look stand-up in the sense of willing to be criticized for my actions or 2) bearing himself and the fact he owes apologies to people he's disappointed and an explanation to the media and others who called for him to explain where's he been. (He's super into that woman obviously, enough to be irresponsible and dig his own hole...these people he has disappointed with his actions up until as late as this morning while lying to SC press) I got the sense it was actually #2 even though one should expect out of those two choices it would be #1 from a politician.

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He didn't express anything self-pitying unless I missed it. He put a lot more out there then he needed to which serves the purpose of either 1) let me put more out there than I need to because it'll look stand-up in the sense of willing to be criticized for my actions or 2) bearing himself and the fact he owes apologies to people he's disappointed and an explanation to the media and others who called for him to explain where's he been. (He's super into that woman obviously, enough to be irresponsible and dig his own hole...these people he has disappointed with his actions up until as late as this morning while lying to SC press) I got the sense it was actually #2 even though one should expect out of those two choices it would be #1 from a politician.


I'm just tired of having about 4 of these a year. They're like the guys who use steroids. It's pathetic.

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I was shocked he was having an affair with a woman.

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The guy needed to disappear and recharge his batteries. I don't blame him for feeling that way, only that he could have handled it better. Also, anticipating that folks may be calling for his head, I don't think he needs to resign over this. This does kill his presidential ambitions. He can't come back from something like that.

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The guy needed to disappear and recharge his batteries. I don't blame him for feeling that way, only that he could have handled it better. Also, anticipating that folks may be calling for his head, I don't think he needs to resign over this. This does kill his presidential ambitions. He can't come back from something like that.


disappear and recharge? more like disrobe and discharge.


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Biggest mistake the Republicans ever made was going after Clinton based on morals.



God, no shiit, huh? Can't wait to hear Newt Gingrich or Rudy G's or John McCain's take on this guy's infidelity. :D


"The Family Values Party" - That freaked out after Gary Hart and Bill Clinton - Good Lord. :doh:



Clinton was impeached because of perjury. If this clown is shown to have broken a law like Clinton he should similarly be impeached/charged etc.


Gotta love the Demwits talking points above though.



You can either defend a Demwit or attack a Rep with one of the following:


1. Clinton was impeached for a blow job. That stuff should be personal and left out of the public..............unless it's a Rep. Prerjury? What perjury?


2. Bush was "selected" by the Supreme Court.


3. Bush "Lied about WMDs"


Anything can be explained away by one of the 3 above.




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So, when he asked them to lie for him - or at a minimum, put them in a position to do so - what was he thinking about them then?


You don't think he really booked his own flight do you?


women can fock up a guy's head.

it's really that simple whether you're a suburban husband, a governor, or a movie-star.



I bet, if he could have this choice, Sanford would choose to keep his life exactly the same BUT have the Argentina chick there in place of his wife.

That's why he's so conflicted... he can't have both and so, in his mind he's forced to hack off either his right or left arm.


The problem is, it doesn't work that way; you don't get to keep your life, as is, "exactly the same" while you swap out wives/women.

I'm sure he didn't want to involve his children, staff, etc, but want is irrelevant, involving them is ALWAYS part of the equation no matter how hard you try to prevent it or pretend otherwise.


So that's why I made my comments about the kids and staffers.

I'm not here to defend his thinking, only to try and understand WHAT he was thinking.

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3. Bush "Lied about WMDs"


yeah, you're still a bit dumb.

I'm not sure why you'd even bring up this example in this thread.


this particular example you've given us falls under the performance review's JOB PERFORMANCE category, not the ETHICS AND BEHAVIORS one.


whether actually lying or simply being misinformed, having any President, Leader, Ruler, King, etc go to war for something he was completely wrong about is pretty much the worst offense any leader can make.

You know, every job has this one taboo that is completely unforgivable:

  • the fireman who burns down a building
  • the doctor who removes the wrong organ
  • the nanny who assaults children
  • etc, etc, etc

A President declaring war and being wrong about why he's going to war belongs right in there.


Clinton's cigars, Sanford's Argentina girl, the Senator with a Wide Stance, etc are all very much peripheral, tiddly-winks items when compared to staging an invasion based on completely false premises.

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i love the idiot neocon talking heads saying "sniff, we've got to be sensitive--he has small children." fock that, fock him, fock you.


now it's coming out he probably used taxpayer funds to go on jaunts to fock his mistress. throw him and the fox commentators to the dogs.

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Clinton was impeached because of perjury. If this clown is shown to have broken a law like Clinton he should similarly be impeached/charged etc.


Gotta love the Demwits talking points above though.

You can either defend a Demwit or attack a Rep with one of the following:


1. Clinton was impeached for a blow job. That stuff should be personal and left out of the public..............unless it's a Rep. Prerjury? What perjury?


2. Bush was "selected" by the Supreme Court.


3. Bush "Lied about WMDs"


Anything can be explained away by one of the 3 above.





standford voted to impeach clinton saying we needed "moral legitimacy."


any questions?


what makes these people such a joke is that they're usually of the "moral right" (god, family, guns, anti-gays) who are the moral degenerates with mistresses or having h0mo sex encounters in airport bathrooms.


i have no patience for that kind of hypocrisy. none.

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He seems like a pretty good guy. I still have a generally positive view of him.

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