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White student beaten on bus while crowd cheers...

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BELLEVILLE — A Belleville West High School student was beaten aboard a bus on the way to school Monday, and a police spokesman said the beating could be racially motivated.


The 17-year-old victim was white and the teen assailants were black. Police released a video of the beating, which shows the victim being punched repeatedly while other students on the bus gather to watch, some cheering. It doesn't appear that the victim did anything to provoke an attack and tried only to defend himself. Police said it all unfolded in a five-minute span.


The victim was trying to find a seat and was told by two students he could not sit next to them, police said. When he did sit down, one teen tried to push him out of his seat then began grabbing the victim's neck and punching him in the face.


The victim eventually returned to his seat, but another student began taunting him a few minutes later. The victim was then struck in the face.


It was unclear what, if anything, the bus driver did to stop the attack. Students intervened to help the victim both times.


"In my estimation, it's racially motivated," said Capt. Don Sax of the Belleville Police Department. He said one reason he had formed this opinion was that many of the students, most of whom were black, yelled their support for the beating.


"There was absolutely no justification for the beating either time," Sax said.


Two teens were taken into custody; authorities will apply for charges today. Both students have been suspended, said Superintendent Greg Moats.


He also said there had been no racial problems at the school and said that he wanted to talk further with police to determine why they believe race could have been a motivator in the fight. He also said the school will do everything possible to make sure students are safe, but he wouldn't elaborate.



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I'm sure those focking pieces of shit al sharpton, jesse jackson, et al will show up any minute to try to repair racial harmony.

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Punch to throat ends it quickly white-boy. Learn to stand up for yourself.

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I appreciate stories like this. As soon as I start to slip, beginning to believe these people are anything other than animals, a story like this snaps me back to reality. Thanks.

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I'm sorry, but the image of this one white kid getting on a bus, looking all the way to the back and seeing nothing but black faces looking back at him is the funniest thing in the world.

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I appreciate stories like this. As soon as I start to slip, beginning to believe these people are anything other than animals, a story like this snaps me back to reality. Thanks.

well i'm not an animal.

whenever i see a news report about some child being stolen or hidden away or molested or eaten it's usually some white guy behind it.

do i think all white men are small dcked perverted murderous cannibals?

of course not.

we must value every person individually and not let the stories that are rampant right now showing negative images of black people make anyone think we're all savages.

i am quite civilized.


that video was awful to watch. so sorry for that child. i'd pull my kid out of the school if i were his parent.

in all seriousness right now, you know that is such a problem for integrating schools.

my daughter was always one of the few blacks in her school and once more black children started to attend the fighting (that had been nonexistent) went up.

that's really sad.

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I'm sorry, but the image of this one white kid getting on a bus, looking all the way to the back and seeing nothing but black faces looking back at him is the funniest thing in the world.


If you look at the front rows, you can see that some of the seats have three kids sitting in them. Its obvious that no one wants to go sit back there.


i like the bus driver at the beginng:"Take a seat."


The whole think reminds me of the beginning of that Van halen video "Hot for Teacher" with David Lee Roth as the school bus driver: "Sit Down!"

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well i'm not an animal.

whenever i see a news report about some child being stolen or hidden away or molested or eaten it's usually some white guy behind it.

do i think all white men are small dcked perverted murderous cannibals?

of course not.

we must value every person individually and not let the stories that are rampant right now showing negative images of black people make anyone think we're all savages.

i am quite civilized.


that video was awful to watch. so sorry for that child. i'd pull my kid out of the school if i were his parent.

in all seriousness right now, you know that is such a problem for integrating schools.

my daughter was always one of the few blacks in her school and once more black children started to attend the fighting (that had been nonexistent) went up.

that's really sad.


I'll agree and I don't care for Shovelhead's comments about saying 'those people' are animals.

But I'll be happier if you'd at least admit that if it was 10 white kids beating the snot out of a black kid, it'd be on the front page of every newspaper and website tomorrow.


In an attempt to 'legislate' against racism, we've only managed to invert it. Now whites cower in fear of blacks; afraid of being called racist and are persecutued simply because of their skin color.


I agree with you Peenie. Until people are individuals and judged by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin, there will ALWAYS be racism.


HOWEVER...I'm getting REAL fuckin tired of being called a racist everytime I bash Obama, or badmouth a black entertainer. You can't have it both ways.


How come black people can have BET and Ms. Black America, but if whitey doesn't have blacks in the contest, we're fuckin racists??

How come black people can call each other the "N" word, and that's cool, but if whitey does it, well then there's going to be hell to pay??


I'm sick and tired of the double standards.


If you want individuality...fine....have it. I'd prefer it too.

But if the majority of your race sits on their a$$es while the rest of us either work or try to find work, then don't be appauled when a good chunk of working folks look at those people with shitstained glasses and 'group em' together. It's not rocket science Peenie.


It's called PERSONAL responsibility.

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well i'm not an animal.

whenever i see a news report about some child being stolen or hidden away or molested or eaten it's usually some white guy behind it.

do i think all white men are small dcked perverted murderous cannibals?

of course not.

we must value every person individually and not let the stories that are rampant right now showing negative images of black people make anyone think we're all savages.

i am quite civilized.


that video was awful to watch. so sorry for that child. i'd pull my kid out of the school if i were his parent.

in all seriousness right now, you know that is such a problem for integrating schools.

my daughter was always one of the few blacks in her school and once more black children started to attend the fighting (that had been nonexistent) went up.

that's really sad.

Hmmm I can't see where you are outraged over this. :thumbsup: And yes they are animals. But that is the way they were raised.

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well i'm not an animal.

whenever i see a news report about some child being stolen or hidden away or molested or eaten it's usually some white guy behind it.

do i think all white men are small dcked perverted murderous cannibals?

of course not.

we must value every person individually and not let the stories that are rampant right now showing negative images of black people make anyone think we're all savages.

i am quite civilized.


that video was awful to watch. so sorry for that child. i'd pull my kid out of the school if i were his parent.

in all seriousness right now, you know that is such a problem for integrating schools.

my daughter was always one of the few blacks in her school and once more black children started to attend the fighting (that had been nonexistent) went up.

that's really sad.


So, your black daughter went to a mostly white school and there wasn't a lot of fighting. But when more black kids showed up, the fighting went up alot. And you think that was because of integration and not because of the fact that it was a bunch of disrespectful black kids showed up at the school? Ask yourself this question Peenie. Are there more fights in all black schools or all white schools?

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But I'll be happier if you'd at least admit that if it was 10 white kids beating the snot out of a black kid, it'd be on the front page of every newspaper and website tomorrow.


HOWEVER...I'm getting REAL fuckin tired of being called a racist everytime I bash Obama, or badmouth a black entertainer. You can't have it both ways.


How come black people can have BET and Ms. Black America, but if whitey doesn't have blacks in the contest, we're fuckin racists??


How come black people can call each other the "N" word, and that's cool, but if whitey does it, well then there's going to be hell to pay??

i think any racially charged fight would be news. you are discussing a black kid beating a white kid, it's news.

the reason i called people racist for bashing kanye was not because he is black but because the n-word was being thrown around that is offensive to me. i'm black and i shouldn't have to pretend that it's not an insult just so that you can get equal time to use the word since so many rappers and blacks use it.


are you serious? are you seriously asking why there is or was a ms. black america? maybe you didn't know, but it was created because blacks were not allowed to be contestants until 1970.

the reason BET was created is no different that the reason why ESPN or the spanish stations or the country music channel was created. to provide a service for a certain segment of the united states population. remember, mtv didn't always play R&B music. also, BET used to have news that covered things that the regular news over looked. there was a program that catered to black teens. even today they have a very popular show that is for the hip hop generation, it's very popular. come on, there was void. hell there still is a void, BET sucks.


yeah, there is a definite contradiction there. i'm torn about it too. how can get angry with whites that use the word when blacks use it 10 times as much.

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So, your black daughter went to a mostly white school and there wasn't a lot of fighting. But when more black kids showed up, the fighting went up alot. And you think that was because of integration and not because of the fact that it was a bunch of disrespectful black kids showed up at the school? Ask yourself this question Peenie. Are there more fights in all black schools or all white schools?

my daughter is black and she didn't come into any school fighting. do i think there are more fights in black schools than white ones? from my experience yes. you have to understand that most blacks live segregated from whites and we mostly live in urban areas. i'm one of them. so when we move from the urban area into the suburbs sometimes we bring our habits with us.

i'm just talking about my experience. keep in mind that whenever i or my daughter attended a white school it was also a big jump in the wealth of the neighborhood. i think poorer areas have different behavior problems. i'd argue that in black schools fighting is a problem but drugs is a problem in white schools. i was just looking at the video and thinking that whites are fearful when too many blacks start moving into their neighborhoods and it's sad that the video kind of confirms a stereotype.

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yeah, there is a definite contradiction there. i'm torn about it too. how can get angry with whites that use the word when blacks use it 10 times as much.


I remember being 6 or 7 years old upon first learning that n*gger was considered an insult. I was quite shocked to hear that since that's what we called black folks all the time and had never used or meant it as an insult. But the word is long gone from my vocabulary. All white folkss know better than to use it anymore so the ones that do are certainly racists.


A few years ago, there was a concerted effort in the leadership of the black community to try to get black actors/entertainers/musicians etc to stop using the nig-word as well. I don't know how successful that drive was or if the push towards self censoring is still in effect.

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do i think all white men are small dcked perverted murderous cannibals?

of course not.


But we are


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i'd argue that in black schools fighting is a problem but drugs is a problem in white schools.

Come on are you fing serious? I went to a school that was majority black and we had the Red dog drug squad come in once a month(our police didnt have drug dogs at the time) Seems like the only kids that got busted were the black ones. Maybe the dogs were racist.

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I'm sorry, but the image of this one white kid getting on a bus, looking all the way to the back and seeing nothing but black faces looking back at him is the funniest thing in the world.


You also wonder what kind of situation would force a white parent to have to send his kid into an environment like this.

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i think any racially charged fight would be news. you are discussing a black kid beating a white kid, it's news.

the reason i called people racist for bashing kanye was not because he is black but because the n-word was being thrown around that is offensive to me. i'm black and i shouldn't have to pretend that it's not an insult just so that you can get equal time to use the word since so many rappers and blacks use it.


are you serious? are you seriously asking why there is or was a ms. black america? maybe you didn't know, but it was created because blacks were not allowed to be contestants until 1970.

the reason BET was created is no different that the reason why ESPN or the spanish stations or the country music channel was created. to provide a service for a certain segment of the united states population. remember, mtv didn't always play R&B music. also, BET used to have news that covered things that the regular news over looked. there was a program that catered to black teens. even today they have a very popular show that is for the hip hop generation, it's very popular. come on, there was void. hell there still is a void, BET sucks.


yeah, there is a definite contradiction there. i'm torn about it too. how can get angry with whites that use the word when blacks use it 10 times as much.


See...this is what I'm talking about.


If you (and I) want people to be looked at as individuals and NOT grouped together by race, sex, sexual orientation or whatever, you HAVE to stop perpetuating the differences. BLACK entertainment television is the antithesis of promoting individualism. No different than if there was a WET.


I don't understand why people don't get that....


I get it that blacks weren't allowed in the Ms. America pageant, and that's sh1tty. I can see where there WAS a time that niche was needed.

But if you want to move towards zero racism, stop promoting racism. Yes...Peenie. BET and Ms. Black America and the United Negro College Fund, La Raza, and hundreds of other programs geared towards a certain race PROMOTE RACISM.


Racism isn't always "I'm white, and I hates me some n1gnogs."

Racism is a belief your race is different than others. We're all humans. If you want everyone to be treated as a human and not a race, STOP PROMOTING IT!

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But if the majority of your race sits on their a$$es while the rest of us either work or try to find work, then don't be appauled when a good chunk of working folks look at those people with shitstained glasses and 'group em' together. It's not rocket science Peenie.


It's called PERSONAL responsibility.


The unemployment rate of African American men over the age of 20 is approximately 17% as of August 2009.


Maybe your definition of "majority" is different from the accepted definition.


Ironically, the link is from bls.gov


Maybe you're not a racist, but then why would you say something like that? Makes me think you have some racist views.


And for the record, that shiot on the bus was definitely racially motivated and they need to throw the book at those fockers.

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See...this is what I'm talking about.


If you (and I) want people to be looked at as individuals and NOT grouped together by race, sex, sexual orientation or whatever, you HAVE to stop perpetuating the differences. BLACK entertainment television is the antithesis of promoting individualism. No different than if there was a WET.


I don't understand why people don't get that....


I get it that blacks weren't allowed in the Ms. America pageant, and that's sh1tty. I can see where there WAS a time that niche was needed.

But if you want to move towards zero racism, stop promoting racism. Yes...Peenie. BET and Ms. Black America and the United Negro College Fund, La Raza, and hundreds of other programs geared towards a certain race PROMOTE RACISM.


Racism isn't always "I'm white, and I hates me some n1gnogs."

Racism is a belief your race is different than others. We're all humans. If you want everyone to be treated as a human and not a race, STOP PROMOTING IT!

This made me laugh.

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The unemployment rate of African American men over the age of 20 is approximately 17% as of August 2009.


Maybe your definition of "majority" is different from the accepted definition.


Ironically, the link is from bls.gov


Maybe you're not a racist, but then why would you say something like that? Makes me think you have some racist views.


And for the record, that shiot on the bus was definitely racially motivated and they need to throw the book at those fockers.


what is the unemployment rate of whites over 20? 8.5%


Next time you want to try and play the race card or call someone a racist, which you do here all the time, just keep it to yourself and STFU.

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what is the unemployment rate of whites over 20? 8.5%


Next time you want to try and play the race card or call someone a racist, which you do here all the time, just keep it to yourself and STFU.






































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The unemployment rate of African American men over the age of 20 is approximately 17% as of August 2009.


Maybe your definition of "majority" is different from the accepted definition.


Ironically, the link is from bls.gov


Maybe you're not a racist, but then why would you say something like that? Makes me think you have some racist views.


And for the record, that shiot on the bus was definitely racially motivated and they need to throw the book at those fockers.


Yes, I believe there are more blacks on government assistance than whites.

If that makes me a racist, then fuckin A...I'm a racist.

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what is the unemployment rate of whites over 20? 8.5%


Next time you want to try and play the race card or call someone a racist, which you do here all the time, just keep it to yourself and STFU.



BLS said the MAJORITY of black people sit on their asses while white people work. Either you don't know what the word MAJORITY is or you're just plain stupid.


I suspect both. And hell, I call 'em as I see 'em. Someone makes a racist statement, the likelihood is they're a racist.

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The unemployment rate of African American men over the age of 20 is approximately 17% as of August 2009.


Does that statistic include all the brothers in prison? I doubt it. So add another 10-15 percent to that number.

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Does that statistic include all the brothers in prison? I doubt it. So add another 10-15 percent to that number.

Brothers- priest's or brothers- brutha's? :overhead:

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Yes, I believe there are more blacks on government assistance than whites.

If that makes me a racist, then fuckin A...I'm a racist.


I wouldn't disagree with you if that's what you said, plus it wouldn't make you a racist to say that. But a three or four paragraph diatribe about double standards as it relates to blacks and whites followed by a statement that the majority of black people sit on their asses while white people work is not stereotyping a group by their race?


If you say so.

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Does that statistic include all the brothers in prison? I doubt it. So add another 10-15 percent to that number.



Probably not. You realize the number for whites would be skewed up as well, then.

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Probably not. You realize the number for whites would be skewed up as well, then.


Not nearly as much. And why did you only include AA men? Did the quote you were supposedly refuting only refer to AA men?

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BLS said the MAJORITY of black people sit on their asses while white people work. Either you don't know what the word MAJORITY is or you're just plain stupid.


I suspect both. And hell, I call 'em as I see 'em. Someone makes a racist statement, the likelihood is they're a racist.


who do you think you are kidding, you are always calling people racist or playing the race card.

i wasn't commenting on majority, perhaps you were just to stupid to see that.

have a drink.

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Not nearly as much. And why did you only include AA men? Did the quote you were supposedly refuting only refer to AA men?


From BLS' response to Peenie:


But if the majority of your race sits on their a$$es while the rest of us either work or try to find work, then don't be appauled when a good chunk of working folks look at those people with shitstained glasses and 'group em' together. It's not rocket science Peenie


Since peenie is black and the original topic is about black kids beating up a white kid, I assume he was talking about black people.

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who do you think you are kidding, you are always calling people racist or playing the race card.

i wasn't commenting on majority, perhaps you were just to stupid to see that.

have a drink.


WTF are you talking about? Holy shiot, just go away, you stupid turd.

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From BLS' response to Peenie:

Since peenie is black and the original topic is about black kids beating up a white kid, I assume he was talking about black people.


Of course he's talking about black people. But you gave the unemployment rate for black MEN ONLY. You didn't include women. I guess black women aren't people in your eyes.

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Of course he's talking about black people. But you gave the unemployment rate for black MEN ONLY. You didn't include women. I guess black women aren't people in your eyes.



Black women 20 and over-11.9% unemployment rate. Are you going to add up that 11.9% and 17% and somehow claim that that's a majority of black people sitting on their asses?

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Black women 20 and over-11.9% unemployment rate. Are you going to add up that 11.9% and 17% and somehow claim that that's a majority of black people sitting on their asses?


Don't forget about the prison numbers. So let's do some math. 17%+ 12% +13% (prison) = 42%. And let's not forget that the listed unemployment rate is ALWAYS lower than the actual unemployment rate so you can add another few percentages. He may not be right when he says majority but he's not far off. And you were completely disingenuous by ignoring half of a race when trying to refute him.

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