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I tried coke for the first time

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New years eve my friends were doin lines and i decided to try a line. First off, maybe i have weak nasal muscles, but it is a lot harder to sniff it than i thought. I had to sniff like 3 times just to do one line.


I only did one line and i didn't feel anything different. I did a line at 930 and by 1030 i had a good alcohol buzz going but i didn't feel any different. So now my thinking is, since i already tried it once, i might as well try it again and do it right.


How many lines do you need to actually feel something? Take into account that anytime i do a line, i'll be drinking.


Next up, ecstasy.

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New years eve my friends were doin lines and i decided to try a line. First off, maybe i have weak nasal muscles, but it is a lot harder to sniff it than i thought. I had to sniff like 3 times just to do one line.

I had this problem my first time too. It's because you're trying to hard. Try breathing in with about your normal power and you'll be able to go down a whole line. Don't take a big inhale until you reach the end and raise your head.

I only did one line and i didn't feel anything different. I did a line at 930 and by 1030 i had a good alcohol buzz going but i didn't feel any different. So now my thinking is, since i already tried it once, i might as well try it again and do it right.


How many lines do you need to actually feel something? Take into account that anytime i do a line, i'll be drinking.

It shouldn't really take long. Like less than 15 minutes. I don't particularly enjoy it. Especially if there isn't a lot to go around. I get a couple of good conversations in with whoever is doing them with me and then I just get annoyed when there's not much left to talk about...and nothing left to consume.

Next up, ecstasy.

That's a pretty fun drug...gotta have the right environment and people around though. Of the "party" drugs, I much prefer acid. Just a couple of tips for ecstasy: however much alcohol you drink, be sure to stay hydrated. Gatorade is my favorite to have around. Vitamin "C" is a good way to prolong the affects. Take some pills or drink some orange juice every couple of hours. Any type of physical stimulation is amazing as long as you don't freak out. Massages, Sex (if you can get it up), Showers, etc...are amazing. Music of some kind is also a must. I don't know what you're in to but upbeat dance stuff is good until the sun starts to rise...then it's off to mellow "thinking" music until you find yourself able to actually attempt to sleep.

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The fist time I tried coke my immediate thought was: "it tastes just like Pepsi."

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Stick to acid. It's much more fun :mad:

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The 'I am in rehab' thread in a few years will be interesting.


Can we try and keep this one to refer back to?

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the coke you did was probably cut so much you needed a line the size of your pinky to feel anything.

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I always had to sh!t within fifteen minutes of doing my first line every night.

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I always had to sh!t within fifteen minutes of doing my first line every night.



Cut with baby laxative.


Do it once or twice Moni, then forget about it. Shiitty drug in the long run.

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I always had to sh!t within fifteen minutes of doing my first line every night.


Pfft. You snorting coke? You're too much of a pussie to even use nasal spray.

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Pfft. You snorting coke? You're too much of a pussie to even use nasal spray.

If I had a dollar for everytime I snorted lines off your mama's stomach, I could retire.

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During the summer when i was going to college i used to work in a warehouse. I went to lunch with a couple of the low lifes once and they did coke and offered me a line. I did it then for the first time. It made me a bit too hyper. It was kind of exhilirating though. Maybe because i was'nt drunk but it didn't take much to have an effect and it took hold pretty fast. I did it one other time with them. These two guys were the type who were always in and out of jail. I kind of felt sorry for them because the road they were heading down was a deadend. Lousy job, expensive drug habit, violent tendancies..not a good combo.


The ironic part is that these two guys were making a measley salary and they were willing to offer me their coke. In college, i remember having a door slammed in my face cause three people were doing coke and did not want to share it with anyone else.


So, i never did coke again. I drank and occasionally smoked pot in college (mostly drank).


I doubt i will ever try coke again. I am going into a profession where they sometimes test for this stuff. I also feel like i have better control over drinking and have learned my limits. I'll still get drunk but not stupid passed out drunk.

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It's a blast at 2 in the morning drunk as fock doing some coke feeling like you could drink forever and being the life of the party. :music_guitarred:
































But not quite as much fun at 7 in the morning, broke in a dark alley, sucking cack for just one more line. :pointstosky:

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You focking dope head pvssies want a buzz or a high? Why not come to Logan county Oklahoma and I'll take you hunting at midnight. By the way, I'll be the only one with loaded guns, so you best buy yourself a good pair of running shoes.


Best high you liberal Godless dope head stick boys will ever get. :music_guitarred:

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You focking dope head pvssies want a buzz or a high? Why not come to Logan county Oklahoma and I'll take you hunting at midnight. By the way, I'll be the only one with loaded guns, so you best buy yourself a good pair of running shoes.


Best high you liberal Godless dope head stick boys will ever get. :pointstosky:

itsbigmoni looks like bin laden, so you boys will have extra fun focking with him :music_guitarred:

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itsbigmoni looks like bin laden, so you boys will have extra fun focking with him :pointstosky:


We will wrap a bath towel around his head and send him running. No way he escapes the county alive. :music_guitarred:

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But not quite as much fun at 7 in the morning, broke in a dark alley, sucking cack for just one more line. :music_guitarred:


I HATE when that happens.

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If I had a dollar for everytime I snorted lines off your mama's stomach, I could retire.


Well, I've done lines off edjr3's head. I made a little indent on the top of his mushy skull so I have a place to put out my cigarettes.

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Well, I've done lines off edjr3's head. I made a little indent on the top of his mushy skull so I have a place to put out my cigarettes.















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There is the possibility that it was not cocaine but crystal meth. When it is already cut and lined up, it can be undistinguishable from cocaine to the uninitiated.


A good (but not foolproof) way to gauge the potency of blow is to put a small amount on the tip of your finger and rub it on your gums. The greater the numbing sensation you feel on your gums the more potent the blow. However, cocaine is sometimes cut with local anesthetics - if this is the case, then this method of gauging is unreliable.


If it is indeed legitimate cocaine of decent purity, you will only need 2 or 3 lines (less than 1/10 of a gram) to get high. However, as you start to come down over the next hour or so, you will most likely get a strong urge to do a couple of more lines. Also, it is nice to have some valium, xannax, klonopin, etc. on hand to help you come down and sleep at the end of a session. Opiates are also very enjoyable when used in conjunction with coke, but this can be a dangerous (even lethal) combination and is not recommended for everyone.


While you can use cocaine recreationally (a few times per months) without worry of physical addiction, you can develop a psychological yearning which can lead to more frequent usage and ultimately, physical addiction. Thus, it is important to monitor your use to avoid this pitfall.


I used cocaine recreationally for over a dozen years before I started using it everyday and ended up with a gram+/day habit. I was able to ween myself off it and stop completely without too much trouble. That though, accelerated my drinking and consumption of other drugs.


If you plan to continue using it, please do so carefully.

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Pass on the coke. Stick to weed and shrooms. The cost is much less and the buzz is better IMO :music_guitarred:

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We will wrap a bath towel around his head and send him running. No way he escapes the county alive. :rolleyes:


I already have one wrapped around my head. I've posted pics in the picture thread. I got my full blown terrorist outfit on. Turban, beard, brown skin, what else you need?


Pass on the coke. Stick to weed and shrooms. The cost is much less and the buzz is better IMO :unsure:


I smoke bud frequently. I only like to smoke by myself though. Its not a group drug and definitely not something i would ever do before going out. But i love smokin some herb, throwing a movie on, and grubbin. Haven't tried shrooms. Maybe i'll add that to the list.


My friend told me i would need to do more than one line as well. There wasn't much left and it was my first time so i decided to do just one. I'm a fairly big guy so next time i'll do 2-3 lines. A lot of the other guys popped a pill, did coke, and drank. I cant imagine how they were feeling. I'm a big time partier so i'm thinkin i'll enjoy coke. Its not something i want to do all the time, but i just wanna try it. Most of my friends only do it like twice a year so its not like i'll always be around it.

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I already have one wrapped around my head. I've posted pics in the picture thread. I got my full blown terrorist outfit on. Turban, beard, brown skin, what else you need?

that's why we love you moni :music_guitarred:

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Had some frineds in college who offered me a line, I did it. This happened a few times. Then next thing I know, I'm with one such frined at some dealers apartment in Boston buying a gram. Did more than I had done and found myself lying in bed at sunrise, tired but eyes wide open, and had the epiphany that this wasn't what I wanted out of life, and didn't do it again... OK one other time. Basically though, I wouldn't make it a habit. :pointstosky:

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that's why we love you moni :thumbsdown:


Or you keep your friends close and enemies closer.

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I can't believe how many of you focks have tried this stuff.

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It's a blast at 2 in the morning drunk as fock doing some coke feeling like you could drink forever and being the life of the party. :thumbsdown:

But not quite as much fun at 7 in the morning, broke in a dark alley, sucking cack bananas for just one more line. :shocking:



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Reading this thread makes me truly thankful that I have never done one illegal drug. Never even smoked pot.

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I already have one wrapped around my head. I've posted pics in the picture thread. I got my full blown terrorist outfit on. Turban, beard, brown skin, what else you need?


A camoflage vest with pockets full of fake dynomite.

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Cocaine's a hellofa drug!


Also, dabled a bit in college. Just never paid for it. I prefer no drugs these days but college was a great time for learning!

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Reading this thread makes me truly thankful that I have never done one illegal drug. Never even smoked pot.

you and me both. As in, I too have never done an illegal drug, not even pot. :music_guitarred:

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There is the possibility that it was not cocaine but crystal meth. When it is already cut and lined up, it can be undistinguishable from cocaine to the uninitiated.


A good (but not foolproof) way to gauge the potency of blow is to put a small amount on the tip of your finger and rub it on your gums. The greater the numbing sensation you feel on your gums the more potent the blow. However, cocaine is sometimes cut with local anesthetics - if this is the case, then this method of gauging is unreliable.


If it is indeed legitimate cocaine of decent purity, you will only need 2 or 3 lines (less than 1/10 of a gram) to get high. However, as you start to come down over the next hour or so, you will most likely get a strong urge to do a couple of more lines. Also, it is nice to have some valium, xannax, klonopin, etc. on hand to help you come down and sleep at the end of a session. Opiates are also very enjoyable when used in conjunction with coke, but this can be a dangerous (even lethal) combination and is not recommended for everyone.


While you can use cocaine recreationally (a few times per months) without worry of physical addiction, you can develop a psychological yearning which can lead to more frequent usage and ultimately, physical addiction. Thus, it is important to monitor your use to avoid this pitfall.


I used cocaine recreationally for over a dozen years before I started using it everyday and ended up with a gram+/day habit. I was able to ween myself off it and stop completely without too much trouble. That though, accelerated my drinking and consumption of other drugs.


If you plan to continue using it, please do so carefully.

wanna go out and have a few sometime :music_guitarred:

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wanna go out and have a few sometime :cheers:

He's Recidivist not Relapsivist.

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Reading this thread makes me truly thankful that I have never done one illegal drug. Never even smoked pot.


Reading this post makes me think you are straight and narrow....like Olive Oyl.




















Of course built differently :lol:

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Reading this post makes me think you are straight and narrow....like Olive Oyl.

Of course built differently :lol:

:thumbsup: :banana: :banana:

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What about this thread makes you happy you never tried it? Even someone like jerry, who admitted he went too far turned out successful. It seems like everyone dabbled in it and that was it. I could understand your sentiment if everyone was sharing stories how they went to the local glory hole and worked a shift or two to buy coke, but nobody has a story like that.


And i don't like it when people have your mentality. Its illegal vs legal. Would weed be bad if it was legal? Why is it ok to drink when alcohol has caused wayyyy more deaths and injuries? I put people who smoke weed and drink in the same boat. There are legal things that are way worse than weed.

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