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Tell Your Boys To Stop Satrring At my Girls

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Neighbor boys peep at my scantily clad daughters. Should I have them cover up?

Dear Prudence,

I am a married man with two wonderful teenage daughters living in a tranquil suburban neighborhood. A few months ago a nice couple, "Mike" and "Mary," moved in next door along with their eight children. The family is devoutly Christian. The children are home-schooled, well-behaved, and reserved; and the girls dress modestly. Our families have dined together and get along well. As part of their chores, my daughters do most of the yard work. It's hot here much of the year, and they typically wear short shorts and tank tops or bikini tops. The other day Mike said he wanted us to have a "serious" discussion and told me he caught his boys watching my girls from a bedroom window. He asked if I could please have my girls not wear such revealing clothing if they're going to be outside, as he is trying to protect his kids from "certain elements of the world" and doesn't want them influenced by "overly sexualized displays." When I told my wife and daughters, they were offended. Is it unreasonable to ask my daughters to cover up a bit? I've had problems with difficult neighbors in the past and feel sometimes it is necessary to make small sacrifices in order to keep the peace. My wife thinks I should kindly tell Mike to shove it. What should I do?


—Neighborly Dad


Dear Dad,

You say it's hot where you live, but I'll bet the temperature really soars in the boys' bedroom when your daughters come out in their bikini tops and daisy dukes and start mulching. Mike has quite a task ahead to keep his American, suburban children from discovering the enticing qualities of members of the opposite sex. A tranquil neighborhood in Riyadh might have a dress code he'd prefer, but then he'd have a little problem with religious observance. I think there's something in a book Mike probably reads often about neighbors and not coveting, so it actually seems that the sin is emanating from his side of the fence. It's too bad you didn't respond to his request by saying you are disturbed to hear his sons are peeping at your daughters as they go about their chores. Mike may prefer that your daughters dress like the fieldworkers in Millet's The Gleaners, but he's out of line for actually making clothing suggestions. However you want to phrase it, make clear to Mike your obligation to be neighborly does not require you to lead his boys from temptation.




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His "Boy" will be tagging that sh!t before long.

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His "Boy" will be tagging that sh!t before long.



Foreshadowing is not your strong suit. Just saying. :banana:

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Were his boys wearing pink polo shirts?



First things first..............go fawk yourself plantation boy.

Next........The seedfull melon is mine damnt! Don't make me change my shat! Queero!

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I'd tell my neighbor to stop ogling my teenage daughters. Then I'd puff out my proud chest, pound on it and let out a Tarzan yell.

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First things first..............go fawk yourself plantation boy.

Next........The seedfull melon is mine damnt! Don't make me change my shat! Queero!


Hey, at least my name matches my pic! Get yourself a pink bunny outfit (or even a polo shirt, for that matter!)



Which reminds me, how come some people can use any pic they want for their avatar? How do you do that? I'm stuck picking from this lame list. :angry:

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Look, this guy's daughters are probably going to grow up to be wh0res. That's a fact. So in preparation for the webcam stuff and/or pron that they are inevitably going to end up doing, he should start charging his neighbor for the amount of time the sons spend watching the girls in the yard. When they're old enough, the girls can start putting on "shows" as well and then its onward and upward from there. :thumbsup:

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Which reminds me, how come some people can use any pic they want for their avatar? How do you do that? I'm stuck picking from this lame list. :angry:




Sign up with the same email addy you use here.


Happy 4th! :cheers:

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I just tried it. It didn't work. :(


You have to do two more things after you set your gravatar...


1. Set the setting to rated G

2. Clear the cache on your browser, from the beginnning of time.


Then it will work.

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I just tried it. It didn't work. :(

You're not the only one.

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You have to do two more things after you set your gravatar...


1. Set the setting to rated G

2. Clear the cache on your browser, from the beginnning of time.


Then it will work.


Did #1 initially, just did #2....still nope.

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Did #1 initially, just did #2....still nope.


good we do not want to see you uglyassed face

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For the first time some young goons were ogling my 12yr old daughter at the beach this past weekend. While I understand to a degree, my god it was like they could not look away, once it got to a certain point it was almost like stalking......


I dunno, I guess I have to get used to it. A friend of mine has a 14-yr old who could pass for 19, that poor focker has to fend off grown-ass men.... so i don't feel too bad....

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My kids are both drop dead gorgeous and they get oogled already but they're very young. I suppose my time is coming soon when the oogling will take a different nature.

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did you use the same email addy that you use here?




It won't let me use "Thornton Melon" as my username. It only takes lowercase, no spaces. Could that be it?

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It won't let me use "Thornton Melon" as my username. It only takes lowercase, no spaces. Could that be it?

You have to cancel the avatar you are currently using, then it will work.

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You have to cancel the avatar you are currently using, then it will work.




ETA: Wait, YES!!!

Edited by Thornton Melon

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Did I say I am glad I have boys !!!

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