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Majority of Americans support harsh interrogation techniques and torture.

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I support your decision to have a stance, even if i do not agree with your stance, and people like me will continue to put their lives on the line to protect you from the people who would happily cleave your head from its shoulders; even you you abhor us for doing so.

Eleven people like you were sent to military prison as expendable scapegoats. Low ranking peons like Charlie Graner and Lynndie England took the fall and spent 10 years in prison when it's now crystal clear they were doing exactly what their bosses, every one of their bosses up to the president himself, ordered them to do.


Meanwhile, who's more likely to get revenge captured and tortured, troops going house to house in an Islamic sh!thole, or the pack of draft dodgers back in Washington making up the torture policy?

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Like it or not these techniques led to the finding and killing of OBL.


Led? Or had a part in it? You are trusting the guy who is defending the use of torture. Other sources had it as those techniques played a minor (if any) part in it.


But you trust Panetta because? Thats right, he agrees with you.

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No different than Sho acting like he has first hand accounts from every person that has ever been tortured.




I would imagine there is some gray area, it has probably worked sometimes and not worked sometimes. To say definitively one way or the other is just dumb.


I have read plenty of first hand accounts from people who have been tortured. Never even came close to claiming I had them from every person. That is your complete fabrication.

I do have the first hand account of a man I would trust. A man I did vote for (and you likely did too). A man the right now wants to shut up because he speaks against their precious torture.


I never said anything definitively...and that is the point. You are willing to make us look as bad as the animals for something that may not even work. I am not willing to do that and I believe there are alternatives that are just as effective.

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Like it or not these techniques led to the finding and killing of OBL.

Anything Obama says is automatically

taken with a grain of salt by you guys, but you fall for this hook,line, and sinker, no questions asked.


I find this funny since you guys constantly denigrate the left for relying on the government to take care of them, yet when the government tells you they hung some guy up from the ceiling until he sh1t himself to keep you safe, it's perfectly fine, they're taking care of us.

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That's total focking bullsh!t.


Do you support just nuking everyone in the middle east?


No? Well then you must not fully support the troops because if we just nuked everyone there would be nobody left to harm our troops.


See how completely focking retarded that is? Almost as dumb as your theory that we have to protect the constitution by torturing people :doh:



Yes, thinking all the radical muslim terrorists are located only in the Middle East is pretty focking retarded.

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Anything Obama says is automatically

taken with a grain of salt by you guys, but you fall for this hook,line, and sinker, no questions asked.


I find this funny since you guys constantly denigrate the left for relying on the government to take care of them, yet when the government tells you they hung some guy up from the ceiling until he sh1t himself to keep you safe, it's perfectly fine, they're taking care of us.

As a registered republican, I don't trust my government to do anything right except overseas nation building and kidnapping / torturing people. :thumbsup:

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As a registered republican, I don't trust my government to do anything right except overseas nation building and kidnapping / torturing people. :thumbsup:

They're really good at it. Ask them, they'll tell you.

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Yes, thinking all the radical muslim terrorists are located only in the Middle East is pretty focking retarded.

OK then we take out all the other suspected jihadists with drone strikes.


Nukes + drone strike cleanup


Do you support that? And if not - why do you hate the troops? :thumbsdown:

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December 13, 2014
The Real Torture Scandal in America
By Tom Trinko
Waterboarding is not designed to kill anyone. None of the other enhanced interrogation techniques that liberals are screaming
about are designed to cause lasting damage or death.
The reality is that the “torture” that liberals are getting upset about would be called torture only in the First World; in the rest of the
world, it would be considered a mild first step.
That doesn’t mean that enhanced interrogation techniques are acceptable or moral, but it does mean that they are a far cry from
what most of the world thinks of when they hear the word “torture.”
On the other hand, there is a real torture epidemic in America. Every year, around 12,000 Americans are legally tortured to death.
None of them is guilty of a crime, and, shockingly, people of color are much more likely to be victims than whites. Blacks are
nearly eight times as likely to be tortured to death than whites.
These are the unborn babies who are aborted after 20 weeks, when they can feel pain.
Such late­term abortions are done in one of two ways:
1) Dilation and evacuation (D&E): Where the unborn child is literally hacked to pieces without anesthetic
2) Saline abortion: Where a saline solution is injected into the womb, and the unborn child is poisoned. Death can take as long as
24 hours, and the solution gives the unborn child burns over his or her entire body. No anesthetic is used.
3) Digoxin injection: Where a massive heart attack is induced in the unborn child via the misuse of the drug Digoxin.
4) Partial­birth abortion: While this is illegal, it’s not possible to be sure it’s not being used due to the lax enforcement of laws
related to abortion in America. In this case, the baby is delivered, but when only the baby's head remains in the womb, a tool is
used to mush up the unborn baby's brain. Then the skull is crushed.
No reasonable person would contend that hacking a born person to bits, sticking a knife into his skull and mushing up his brain, or
burning his entire body with caustic chemicals is not torture. The Digoxin approach is supposedly designed to avoid the unborn
suffering, but no one who’s had a heart attack has ever said it was pain­free, or that he didn’t suffer severe fear when it occurred.
Clearly, giving someone a heart attack is worse than making him afraid he might drown.
Yet the same liberal Democrats who are so eager to condemn the U.S. for scaring terrorists into revealing upcoming terrorist plots
designed to murder women and children boast of their support for abortion, including the torture deaths of those unborn babies
brutally killed after they can feel pain.
The incongruity is amazing. Terrorists are trying to ensure that future attacks will succeed at killing thousands of innocent civilians
while the unborn’s only crime is being unwanted.
If liberals really cared about torture and human suffering, they’d be all for banning abortions after 20 weeks, when science shows
that the unborn suffer. After all, why would any woman have to wait that long to decide to kill her unborn daughter?
But liberals don’t just fail to support such a ban; they actively work to defeat it. Wendy Davis became a national Democratic figure
because she filibustered a law that would make abortions after 20 weeks illegal. Liberal Democrats were so enthralled with
Wendy’s support for the torture of innocent unborn children that they poured in money to let Wendy run for the governor of Texas.
That’s because abortion is necessary to support the sexually hedonistic lifestyle that liberals tend to like. They want to have sex
without consequences. But given that no form of contraception, other than abstinence, is 100% effective – the typical woman has a
greater than 50% chance of an unwanted pregnancy over her sexually active life if she uses the Pill – free love leads to
consequences liberals consider unacceptable.
On the other hand, liberals appear much less concerned with terrorists and the threat those terrorists pose to America.
If that were not the case, the Obama administration would not be following an approach apparently designed to enable Iran to get
the atomic bomb, and Democrats would not be saying that terrorists should be able to hire high­priced lawyers and get all the rights
Americans get in court.
It’s a good thing to have a national discussion on the issue of enhanced interrogation techniques; if Americans don’t want them
used, they shouldn’t be used. There are those who make a strong case that such techniques are not something free societies should
Basically, good people can disagree about whether or not enhanced interrogation techniques are really torture and whether or not
they should be used in extreme cases, but good people really can’t contend that torturing an unborn child to death is an acceptable
thing to do.
It’s hypocritical in the extreme for liberal Democrats who support the torturing to death of the innocent unborn to condemn
President Bush and those in the CIA who felt they had no other option than to use enhanced interrogation techniques on just a few
mass­murdering terrorists.
You can read more of Tom’s rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious, and feel free to follow him on Twitter.

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Ahh...the old...lets compare to abortion tactic.

Especially with late term or partial birth (which they admit is illegal...but then go off saying they aren't sure its not being done)...something not all that many even support as it is.

And you won't find me supporting it unless the mother's life is in danger.


Shocked drobs would bring such a hackish article to support torture.

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Ahh...the old...lets compare to abortion tactic.

Especially with late term or partial birth (which they admit is illegal...but then go off saying they aren't sure its not being done)...something not all that many even support as it is.

And you won't find me supporting it unless the mother's life is in danger.


Shocked drobs would bring such a hackish article to support torture.

who cares what you think ?

Do you think fienstiens report was a "hack" piece ?

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No different than Sho acting like he has first hand accounts from every person that has ever been tortured.



Except for the fact Leon Panetta has stated EITs led to intel the led to Bin Laden.


All the lefty hacks have conveniently ignored that.

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That's total focking bullsh!t.


Do you support just nuking everyone in the middle east?


No? Well then you must not fully support the troops because if we just nuked everyone there would be nobody left to harm our troops.


See how completely focking retarded that is? Almost as dumb as your theory that we have to protect the constitution by torturing people :doh:

I thought we weren't dealing in hypotheticals.


If we are, why don't you address Jerry's. His scenario is one our intel agencies are constantly working to prevent, so it would seem it is a possibility.


Your scenario is just an epic meltdown on your part. :thumbsup:

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who cares what you think ?

Do you think fienstiens report was a "hack" piece ?


I think her report had bias in it for sure. Less hacky than that which you just posted though. Far less.

OH, and I don't support Feinstein either...before you start calling her my hero or something.

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I think her report had bias in it for sure. Less hacky than that which you just posted though. Far less.

OH, and I don't support Feinstein either...before you start calling her my hero or something.

why haven't you called it a hack piece ? Why don't you ever call a "left" source or opinion hack ?

Could it be you're a hack ?

Yep. Nailed it!

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why haven't you called it a hack piece ? Why don't you ever call a "left" source or opinion hack ?

Could it be you're a hack ?

Yep. Nailed it!


Because I won't call a senate report like that a hack piece when its not really a hack piece. Just having bias does not equate hack piece.

Comparing to something ridiculous like late term abortions qualify that as completely hacky.


You calling me a hack is always funny though drobs.

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Or I trust those who have been tortured over those who like to torture when it comes to the validity of data that it produces.

McCain was tortured 50 years ago. He wasn't present while the EITs were administered that gave us intel that led to Bin Laden, so his opinion on whether or not it produced good intel does not carry the same weight as Panetta saying it did. Panetta was head of the CIA at the time, so I would say he knows more than McCain about the subject.


It is funny how all the sudden McCain is the go-to guy for the bored libs. :overhead:

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Torture got us bin Laden! = some intel we got through torture may have contributed to the capture of bin Laden, but we have no idea whether this prevented an imminent attack or if that intel could have been had via other means.


That's some really weak sauce fellas. Oh, and the Senate report says the intel that led to bin Laden? Hassan Ghul have it up before being tortured:




So to summarize, info that may or may not have been gathered without torture and may or may not have resulted in preventing American casualties contributed to some unknown extent to capturing bin Laden. By a guy who gave that info up before we tortured him. :doh:


This my friends is the pro-torture crowd's #1 pro-torture argument. Yay torture! :first:

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Because I won't call a senate report like that a hack piece when its not really a hack piece. Just having bias does not equate hack piece.

Comparing to something ridiculous like late term abortions qualify that as completely hacky.


You calling me a hack is always funny though drobs.

It's not a hack piece because Sho didn't label it as such. It doesn't matter that not one single person who was involved was ever interviewed, it doesn't matter that the entire investigation was extremely partisan (Dem only), it also doesn't matter that the entire thing was spear headed by an outgoing senator.


We get it Sho. Oh, we get it.

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McCain was tortured 50 years ago. He wasn't present while the EITs were administered that gave us intel that led to Bin Laden, so his opinion on whether or not it produced good intel does not carry the same weight as Panetta saying it did. Panetta was head of the CIA at the time, so I would say he knows more than McCain about the subject.


It is funny how all the sudden McCain is the go-to guy for the bored libs. :overhead:

Figures a POS fake American like you would downgrade a great American who actually sacrificed something in his life.

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Figures a POS fake American like you would downgrade a great American who actually sacrificed something in his life.

How did I downgrade him? By pointing out Panetta is more informed than McCain on this?


You sir, are coming unglued.

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It's not a hack piece because Sho didn't label it as such. It doesn't matter that not one single person who was involved was ever interviewed, it doesn't matter that the entire investigation was extremely partisan (Dem only), it also doesn't matter that the entire thing was spear headed by an outgoing senator.


We get it Sho. Oh, we get it.


+ All heads of intel agencies have called it out as being biased and innacurate.


+ DiFi was pixxed at the CIA for tapping her phones in an investigation.


Seriously, when has Sho Nuff EVER called anything or anyone from the left "hack"? Never.

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OK then we take out all the other suspected jihadists with drone strikes.


Nukes + drone strike cleanup


Do you support that? And if not - why do you hate the troops? :thumbsdown:



I thought we weren't dealing in hypotheticals.

If we are, why don't you address Jerry's. His scenario is one our intel agencies are constantly working to prevent, so it would seem it is a possibility.

Your scenario is just an epic meltdown on your part. :thumbsup:

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Figures a POS fake American like you would downgrade a great American who actually sacrificed something in his life.


I voted for McCain...supported him even with his poor choice of VP.

Would have been interesting again if the Rove machine hadn't torn him apart in 2000.

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How do you spend $50 Million without spending a dime to interview anyone involved? :doh:




Dianne Feinstein's Travesty


The Senate Intelligence Committee spent roughly $50 million on its investigation into the CIA and apparently couldn’t find Michael Hayden’s phone number.

The committee portrays Gen. Hayden, the former CIA director, as a liar who deceived Congress about the agency’s interrogation program, yet the committee couldn’t be bothered to interview him.

That’s because the committee, led by California Democrat Dianne Feinstein, didn’t bother to interview anyone. The committee didn’t want to include anything that might significantly complicate its cartoonish depiction of a CIA that misled everyone so it could maintain a secret prison system for the hell of it.

The Feinstein report scores some points. It makes plain that the CIA program wasn’t adequately controlled, especially at the beginning, that it went too far, and that the agency became too invested in defending it.

But the thrust of the report is devoted to the proposition that torture, or harsh interrogation, never works. This is important to critics of the CIA program because they are almost never willing to say that torture is wrong and that we should never do it — even if it sometimes works and potentially saves lives. They lack the moral conviction to make their case solely on principle.

Even though its executive summary runs more than 500 pages, the report lacks basic context, specifically an account of the post-September 11 environment in which nearly everyone expected another attack and wanted to do everything possible to avoid it. This is why the likes of the impeccably liberal Jay Rockefeller, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, could say after we captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in 2003 that we should be “very, very tough with him.”

The interrogation program was born against this backdrop. No one was saying of KSM, “Let’s give him some dates and olives and hope, once he finds out what nice people we are, he spills his guts and gives up Osama bin Laden’s location.”

The harsh methods that the CIA adopted don’t, in isolation, shock the conscience. There’s nothing, for instance, about throwing someone up against a flexible wall, grabbing and shaking him, keeping him in a tight space or slapping him that is clearly out of bounds.

It is cumulatively, over an extended period — as with Abu Zubaydah, who was put through the ringer for two weeks — that the methods take on a different complexion. Reasonable people can disagree about whether we went over the line of what we should do to anyone in any circumstance. But in making a totalist case against the CIA program, the Feinstein report implausibly asserts that it had no benefits whatsoever.

It points out, as though it settles something, that terrorists lied when they were subjected to coercive interrogations. Of course, terrorists also lied when they weren’t subjected to coercive interrogations. The standard shouldn’t be if the CIA program produced 100 percent truthfulness, but whether it produced intelligence that otherwise wouldn’t have been available as quickly or at all.

The Feinstein report insists that the harsh interrogation of Abu Zubaydah didn’t help lead to the capture of KSM. The Republican counterreport notes, “There is considerable evidence that the information Abu Zubaydah provided identifying KSM as ‘Mukhtar’ and the mastermind of 9/11 was significant to CIA analysts, operators, and FBI interrogators.”

The Feinstein report pooh-poohs the notion that the interrogations helped put the CIA onto bin Laden’s courier, in part because the agency had information about him prior to its interrogations. But the interrogations highlighted the importance of the information already in the CIA’s possession.

The overall contention of the report is that we would have been just fine and achieved the same results in the war on terror with less information, rather than more. Not only does that defy common sense, it is a bet no one would have been willing to make in 2002.

Nor would anyone have guessed 10 years ago that it would be considered more in keeping with American values to assassinate people from drones rather than capture them and ask them questions under duress.


Read more: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/12/12/dianne_feinsteins_travesty_124938.html#ixzz3LtHw9Ea9
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Probably the same way you spend $80 Million to shove food up people's @ss. :dunno:

I have never shoved food up anyone's ass. I think you have me confused with Ed.

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I have never shoved food up anyone's ass. I think you have me confused with Ed.

Yeah... but you have played hide the salami dozens of times with Sux.

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That's total focking bullsh!t.


Do you support just nuking everyone in the middle east?


No? Well then you must not fully support the troops because if we just nuked everyone there would be nobody left to harm our troops.


See how completely focking retarded that is? Almost as dumb as your theory that we have to protect the constitution by torturing people :doh:



Looks like I hit a nerve.


I don't suppot nuking the Middle East. Nice use of the extreme though in your argument.

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Does the GC cover fighters who don't wear a uniform, and don't fight for the govt of a country or not? You have conveniently danced around this question for pages. I wonder why?



Worms has avoided this question, yet is now claiming in Drob's thread he has answered it.


Can't find where you answered this, Wormy. :dunno:

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New NBC poll says only 28% of America agree with Worms, Frank M, Sho Nuff and their ilk.





77% of American's believe in Angels...so relying on what America believe's doesn't really bolster your argument.

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New NBC poll says only 28% of America agree with Worms, Frank M, Sho Nuff and their ilk.





You confidently say this as if whether America agrees on something has anything to do with my personal opinion.


In this case, I'm absolutely fine being in the minority. In fact, I'm proud of it.

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Congrats on being on the wrong side of America.


Happy to be in the minority on this one.


And not surprised that a POS fake American like you considers a majority opinion the "right" one. Way to have courage of your convictions.



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