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Frank   M

Republicans: Does this worry you?

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For the record I think Hillary sucks and I won't be voting for her in the primary (can't, I'm a republican) or the general erection. I just think there will be no smoking gun here so all we've learned about Hillary is that she's sneaky and dishonest, which isn't news to anyone at all including her ardent supporters. So the longer this goes on without finding anything the more this will come off like the GOP trying hard to make a scandal out of very little. She broke no laws and we have no idea what info may have been compromised.


I seriously do not see this having kegs but hope springs eternal I guess.

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You realize the two have some commonality... The 'witch hunt' was an investigation into communications that were withheld and potentially scrubbed


There is some dude in jail to this day over a video that was a complete farce. Not to mention it was a tragedy that was easily avoidable

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Mdc, seems early on in this stonewalling investigation that rules were broken. Her attorney was holding thumb drives with top secret docs in them

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Mdc, seems early on in this stonewalling investigation that rules were broken. Her attorney was holding thumb drives with top secret docs in them

I didn't know that, using a thumb drive on a government computer has been a no-no since 2008 when the wiki leaks guy did it.

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You realize the two have some commonality... The 'witch hunt' was an investigation into communications that were withheld and potentially scrubbed


There is some dude in jail to this day over a video that was a complete farce. Not to mention it was a tragedy that was easily avoidable



Stick to what doesn't make you sound like an angry right winger with an axe to grind. Hint: Benghaaaazi :cry: is not your friend

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Mdc, seems early on in this stonewalling investigation that rules were broken. Her attorney was holding thumb drives with top secret docs in them

I'm not telling you what I think should happen. I thought Bush should be impeached for lying us into war but we all know how that turned out. I'm telling you it's my belief based on the near impossibility of nailing a politician that nothing will happen to Hillary. Unless it involves sex the public just really doesn't give a fock.

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I'm not telling you what I think should happen. I thought Bush should be impeached for lying us into war but we all know how that turned out. I'm telling you it's my belief based on the near impossibility of nailing a politician that nothing will happen to Hillary. Unless it involves sex the public just really doesn't give a fock.

I think the difference is, that the bush lying to war wasn't just him twisting his evil mustache. There was a whole national security team along with congress who said go. A bullshit email server and sex are things that only you could know about 100%, and you decided to lie. That's the main difference in my opinion. Doesn't make either right, but i can understand.

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I think the difference is, that the bush lying to war wasn't just him twisting his evil mustache. There was a whole national security team along with congress who said go. A bullshit email server and sex are things that only you could know about 100%, and you decided to lie. That's the main difference in my opinion. Doesn't make either right, but i can understand.

The other difference is that Bush's lie directly resulted in the deaths of thousands of US soldiers and the wounding of tens of thousands more. And trillions of dollars lost.


Hillary's actions are grave but can you pin anything like that on them. Even Benghaaaaazi :cry: wasn't the result of her secrecy but rather the secrecy plays into a supposed coverup after the fact.

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Imagine the horror of may be having to choose between -- Trump and Bernie

Kind of like the same horror of having to choose McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden.

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Kind of like the same horror of having to choose McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden.

that was the easiest choice I had to make since Bill Clinton.

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Depends on if enough people are fed up with political correctness. I for one don't like political correctness, group hugs or trophies for everyone.

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that was the easiest choice I had to make since Bill Clinton.

For me the most difficult. Tardo Bushx2 and Romney were both completely unappealing.


I like/liked McCain better than Obummer but being a full-throated enthusiastic supporter of getting American troops blown up pointlessly and in vain in Iraq for no reason really made it almost impossible to support him in 2008. That one was much tougher. The GOP had gotten this nomination right.

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that was the easiest choice I had to make since Bill Clinton.

Congratulations. Might have been easier for a lot of voters had the vetting process been as fair.


Which brings me back to my comparisons. I don't support Trump. But I do support a fair vetting process. And for the fifth presedential campaign in a row, I don't see it.


Is Onama intelligent? Extremely. By all standards ,he is one if the greatest orators in the last century. But it's laughable to say Trump is not intelligent.


Obama: Hope and Change!

Brilliant considering who he was following.


Trump: Let's Make America Great Again!

Brilliant considering who he's following.


We live in a bumper sticker country that has decided on who our next president might be based on a media that either does it's job or doesn't.


You can make personal attacks. Call me a hick. Compare me to your conservative lifting homo friends on FB with acne that resembles a game of risk or your neighborhood sex offenders watch list online map. But to say we are the dumb ones for following a process in its earliest stages and think or , and ,accuse me for being the one that is out touch, are typical leftist spin.

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This should worry you:



If Trump does not win the nomination ... this guy is the backer for ... whomever.


You guys were worried about Hillary, Bernie Sanders, some crazy hippy from The East Coast, who openly admits he is a socialist could be our next president.


It would be the greatest thing ever ... i really think Bernie Sanders could beat Trump.

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But that's it ... that's your party now. The 1% and the dumbfocks who still listen to them, and you are dying off. It's a new world now. The only way is if you cheat, like in 2000 when over half a million Americans voted for Gore over Bush.


I saw an advertisement recently where some Christian right wing "For Mariage and Families" group was saying, "How can 5 lawyers (talking about the supreme court) circumvent the constitution?"


Are you focking serious right now? Anyone remember about 15 years ago ... for the first time ... in the history of this great nation ... The President of the United States was not elected by the people, (the people voted for Gore) the President of the United friggin States was APPOINTED, by the Supreme Court.


Where was your complaining about the "5 lawyers" making decisions for everyone else then? You didn't say shiat besides, "We won, get over it." like a teenager after a football game.

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But that's it ... that's your party now. The 1% and the dumbfocks who still listen to them, and you are dying off. It's a new world now. The only way is if you cheat, like in 2000 when over half a million Americans voted for Gore over Bush.


I saw an advertisement recently where some Christian right wing "For Mariage and Families" group was saying, "How can 5 lawyers (talking about the supreme court) circumvent the constitution?"


Are you focking serious right now? Anyone remember about 15 years ago ... for the first time ... in the history of this great nation ... The President of the United States was not elected by the people, (the people voted for Gore) the President of the United friggin States was APPOINTED, by the Supreme Court.


Where was your complaining about the "5 lawyers" making decisions for everyone else then? You didn't say shiat besides, "We won, get over it." like a teenager after a football game.

Gore did not win...popular vote has not been the way to determine the election for a long time.


For someone claiming to be so smart, you really sound dumb sometimes.

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Scares the fock outta me.


I am, way left though. Pro choice, anti-capital punishment, pro socialist agenda.


Here's the thing:


I was figuring, just vote for Hillary, here in AZ ... wont matter. Might as well not vote against republican x that will win the state.


But, here in Arizona, we don't like some big shot from New York, telling us, how to take care of the ranch.


It's almost like a scene out of "Idiocracy", Trump as president?


That being said, I never thought someone as left as Benie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren had a chance. Resigned to vote Hillary against Jeb, or whomever.


But if it's Trump? I think Bernie Sanders could beat Trump.

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Gore did not win...popular vote has not been the way to determine the election for a long time.

For someone claiming to be so smart, you really sound dumb sometimes.

Popular vote or not, all independent investigations concluded that if all the votes were counted in Florida ... That's all intended votes, hanging chads, dimpled chads, etc ... Gore would have won Florida.

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Furthermore, you cannot argue, Bush, in 2000 was APPOINTED president by "5 lawyers" in the US Supreme Court. He was not elected, he was appointed.

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Popular vote or not, all independent investigations concluded that if all the votes were counted in Florida ... That's all intended votes, hanging chads, dimpled chads, etc ... Gore would have won Florida.

If you are too stupid to properly use a ballot, you are too stupid to vote .

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Furthermore, you cannot argue, Bush, in 2000 was APPOINTED president by "5 lawyers" in the US Supreme Court. He was not elected, he was appointed.

I can argue he was elected (because factually, he was)...and I think you are very disrespectful calling Supreme Court Justices just "lawyers".

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Popular vote or not, all independent investigations concluded that if all the votes were counted in Florida ... That's all intended votes, hanging chads, dimpled chads, etc ... Gore would have won Florida.

For the billionth time...Gore lost because he did not carry his "home" state of Tennessee. End of discussion.

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For the billionth time...Gore lost because he did not carry his "home" state of Tennessee. End of discussion.

Do you really think that's the truth? That talking point you got burned into your brain, you, really think THAT's the reason? I'm not saying you are wrong, but ... ya know ... Ohio ... There are other states that were critical. Florida though, was ... Jezzus H christ, do you really think Tenessee was more critical than Florida? You really think it can be narrowed down to your single, arbitrary sound byte?

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Yer stupid, if you believe that. And that is what the Republican party has counted on, for so long. Always bet on that people will be stupid.


Usually a good bet. But eventually ... even stupid people realize they been fooled.

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For the billionth time...Gore lost because he did not carry his "home" state of Tennessee. End of discussion.

Gore lost a court case over Florida votes. And Bush, without a popular mandate at all, let 9/11 happen on his watch and lied us into a trillion dollar nation building / war profiteering exercise in Iraq that we are still paying for to this day.



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Gore lost a court case over Florida votes. And Bush, without a popular mandate at all, let 9/11 happen on his watch and lied us into a trillion dollar nation building / war profiteering exercise in Iraq that we are still paying for to this day.


No,,no ... Fock 9/11 ... he said Gore lost because he didn!t win TN. Is that true?


Yes, it is.


But that's not where the fight was. The fight was in Florida.


And EVERY SINGLE REVIEW, NY Times, Rolling Stone, they all did independent work. ALL OF THEM AGREED, that if you counted every vote, including intended votes, Gore woulda won Florida, and the election.


Mkay ... So take, as an undisputable fact, half a million plus more American people voted for Gore. The nation voted for Gore. And instead of saying, "this is important, no voters should be disenfranchised, we should get this right" Bush and his lawyers did everything they could to keep those votes from being counted.


It went all the way, to the supreme court. Guess what ... "5 lawyers" appointed Bush president. He was not elected in 2000, he was appointed.


Like that focker singing "Say a Prayer for Peace." Just makes me so friggin mad. I marched against the war in Iraq, I was published in the Tucson Weekly, before the war started, saying it was a bad idea, where the fock was Trace Adkins then?

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Gore lost a court case over Florida votes. And Bush, without a popular mandate at all, let 9/11 happen on his watch and lied us into a trillion dollar nation building / war profiteering exercise in Iraq that we are still paying for to this day.



He also lost West Virginia. Would have won it there also. :thumbsup:

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Popular vote or not, all independent investigations concluded that if all the votes were counted in Florida ... That's all intended votes, hanging chads, dimpled chads, etc ... Gore would have won Florida.


Well that is a different issue than who won the popular vote, isn't it?

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Gore lost a court case over Florida votes. And Bush, without a popular mandate at all, let 9/11 happen on his watch and lied us into a trillion dollar nation building / war profiteering exercise in Iraq that we are still paying for to this day.




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He also lost West Virginia. Would have won it there also. :thumbsup:

Don't forget Texas

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He also lost West Virginia. Would have won it there also. :thumbsup:


The reason Mitt Romney lost is he didn't carry Massachusetts, California and New York. :lol: :doh:

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Well that is a different issue than who won the popular vote, isn't it?

It is. But to say, which has been a republitard talking point for years, "Gore couldn't win his own state, that is why he lost." is like saying,,when your daughter reaches 500 pounds, "If she hadn't eaten that last cheesebipurger." It's kinda rediculous.


It's a way to deflect the actual issues and facts, instead of addressing them.

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It is. But to say, which has been a republitard talking point for years, "Gore couldn't win his own state, that is why he lost." is like saying,,when your daughter reaches 500 pounds, "If she hadn't earen that last cheesebipurger." It's kinda rediculous.


Timmy Smiff is a focking idiot. You'll get no argument from me or anyone there.

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The reason Mitt Romney lost is he didn't carry Massachusetts, California and New York. :lol: :doh:

Bush won twice despite failing to carry Connecticut. I am so confused. :doh:

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Re: Timmy is an idiot


Well, that might be ... but .. Is there nothing of value in this thread for anyone else?


- I said in an old jewish guy accent

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