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Texas middle school teacher, puts the smackdown on parents and their enabled bastard kids

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I left work early today after an incident with a parent left me unable emotionally to continue for the day. I have already made the decision to leave teaching at the end of this year, and today, I don't know if I will make it even that long. Parents have become far too disrespectful, and their children are even worse. Administration always seems to err on the side of keeping the parent happy, which leaves me with no way to do the job I was hired to do...teach kids.

I am including photos that I took in my classroom over the past two days. This is how my classroom regularly looks after my students spend all day there. Keep in mind that many of the items damaged or destroyed by my students are my personal possessions or I purchased myself, because I have NO classroom budget. I have finally had enough of the disregard for personal and school property and am drawing a line in the sand on a myriad of behaviors that I am through tolerating. Unfortunately, one parent today thought it was wrong of me to hold her son accountable for his behavior and decided to very rudely tell me so, in front of her son.

Report cards come out later this week, and I have nearly half of my students failing due to multiple (8-10) missing assignments. Most of these students and their parents haven't seemed to care about this over the past three months, though weekly reports go out, emails have been sent and phone calls have been attempted. But now I'm probably going to spend my entire week next week fielding calls and emails from irate parents, wanting to know why I failed their kid. My administrator will demand an explanation of why I let so many fail without giving them support, even though I've done practically everything short of doing the work for them. And behavior in my class will deteriorate even more. I am expecting this, because it is what has happened at the end of every other term thus far.

I have never heard of a profession where people put so much of their heart and soul into their job, taking time and resources from their home and family, and getting paid such an insultingly measly amount. Teachers are some of the most kind and giving people I have ever met, yet they get treated so disrespectfully from all sides. Most parents can't stand to spend more than a couple hours a day with their kid, but we spend 8 with yours and 140 others just like him. Is it too much to ask for a little common courtesy and civil conversation?

It has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember to have a classroom of my own, and now my heart is broken to have become so disillusioned in these short two years. This is almost all I hear from other teachers as well, and they are leaving the profession in droves. There is going to be a teacher crisis in this country before too many more years has passed unless the abuse of teachers stops.

People absolutely HAVE to stop coddling and enabling their children. It's a problem that's going to spread through our society like wildfire. It's not fair to society, and more importantly, is not fair to the children to teach them this is okay. It will not serve them towards a successful and happy life.

Many will say I shouldn't be posting such things on social media...that I should promote education and be positive. But I don't care anymore. Any passion for this work I once had has been wrung completely out of me. Maybe I can be the voice of reason. THIS HAS TO STOP.


UPDATE: Thank you, everyone for your words of support! I'm feeling a little shell-shocked over the attention I have gotten, to say the least. This is something I had no way of anticipating and have taken a few days to come to terms with.

I never intended to be a spokesperson for anything. I'm not the most qualified to do so, and I'm certainly not the best teacher out there, by far. But obviously my words, spoken in desperation that day, have struck a chord with many people. My Facebook Messenger inbox has been inundated with comments from teachers and others worldwide in agreement and support of my post.

If I could have the moment back, I might have said some things differently. For one, I would have pointed out that I have many amazing, hard-working, respectful students who show up every day and give their best and also many supportive, loving parents. For them I am thankful and hope I haven't offended. But my frustration was also in their behalf. Because the actions of some are hindering their educational experience.

I believe this post resounded with so many because it speaks to three main issues we must address as a society:

First, the education system as we know it needs reform. It is broken and inadequate for our children.

Second, we absolutely have to hold our children to a higher standard of accountability in all areas. Inflating their success doesn't raise self-esteem. If it did, we wouldn't have the highest teen suicide rates in history right now.

Third, we as a society have to get back to treating one another with manners and respect. We are only going downhill with hatred and name-calling. No one wins when kindness dies.

I am a woman of faith and have been quite reflective this week on the good that I can bring to this world because of this experience. I have decided to (as soon as feasible) start blogging my feelings on all of the above and hope many of you will join me in the discussion. If we all work together, we can make the changes we need for our collective success.




Her only other option would be sleeping with the kids

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Im a gonna read this...cause sure..but this line made me question it.


I left work early today after an incident with a parent left me unable emotionally to continue for the day

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Fail the little fookers who deserve it, and detentionize the rascally ones. Problem solved.


did you say FAIL? :o


do you realize what that would do to that little entitled focker and parents? Lawsuit city

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My wife runs a few groups at her school, one of them being the literacy intervention department. She came home complaining about a parent the other day who, in the span of a 10 minute conversation:

  • Was upset at my wife for not providing enough support for her daughter
  • Was upset at my wife for providing too much support for her daughter
  • Was upset at my wife for sending too many emails to the parent
  • Was upset at my wife for not communicating enough with the parent
  • Then insisted that her daughter doesn't NEED help because she "reads just fine at home"
  • Invited our son to her daughters birthday party

The majority of parents are great but there are always a few in EVERY class that are either shi1tty people who don't give a fock about their kid or lack the skillset to appropriately support their child.

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My wife runs a few groups at her school, one of them being the literacy intervention department. She came home complaining about a parent the other day who, in the span of a 10 minute conversation:

  • Was upset at my wife for not providing enough support for her daughter
  • Was upset at my wife for providing too much support for her daughter
  • Was upset at my wife for sending too many emails to the parent
  • Was upset at my wife for not communicating enough with the parent
  • Then insisted that her daughter doesn't NEED help because she "reads just fine at home"
  • Invited our son to her daughters birthday party

The majority of parents are great but there are always a few in EVERY class that are either shi1tty people who don't give a fock about their kid or lack the skillset to appropriately support their child.


The majority of teachers are great, but there are always a few in EVERY school that should be fired because they don't give a fock about educating kids or they lack the skillset to effectively teach.

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Good thing those kids are enabled and not entitled.

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The majority of teachers are great, but there are always a few in EVERY school that should be fired because they don't give a fock about educating kids or they lack the skillset to effectively teach.


100% agree. My wife is also the person who has to "coach up" sh1tty teachers. Some of those are kids straight out of college that have never had any actual job experience and with some work and real-world help they flourish. Some of them are just dumb and never get it. The ones who do are invited back the next year, the ones that don't usually end up finishing out the year and looking for jobs elsewhere (probably some other school where they can fock up a classroom full of kids for a year).

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Im a gonna read this...cause sure..but this line made me question it.


I left work early today after an incident with a parent left me unable emotionally to continue for the day


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obviously she's 100% right...BUT...the teachers i know are also focking entitled little union b;tches who have no idea how the private sector operates. they cry like a mf'er when they don't get enough of a raise and their health care goes up. boo fockin who. and don't get me started on their focking work schedules. she should suck it up.

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There are some really good teachers out there. And its true that todays kids and parents can be problematic.


But think about the skillset of some of these teachers for a minute.


Most have never held any type of position that generates income for their employer.


Most have never succeeded or failed at running a business.


Most have never created or invented anything.


Most dont have to hustle to be better than the next guy. They just have to make it to be tenured, thus making it more difficult for them to be fired for poor performance.


The only thing they know is school. They spend 16 years or so as a student, then go right back into school as a teacher when they graduate.


This tends to give them a narrow view of the world and the educational needs of our children.


This system really doesnt work so well.

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Check out this perfect little angel







also. hate crime?


I had to coach a 10 yr old that acted like that last year.


He and his dad nearly ruined the experience for the whole team.

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The fucktards that are reproducing these punks are the ones that need stopped. The trash is just reproducing future trash.

A friend of mine is in year 30 of teaching and he can't wait to get out in May. He says the retard factor is thru the roof and only started dropping at a staggering rate over the last 5 or so years. He says his 3rd period class is the worst. Just a bunch of morons and act like caged animals. They also all know that they can do whatever they want and get away with it because administration has no backbone.

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Fail the little fookers who deserve it, and detentionize the rascally ones. Problem solved.

Then you get them again next year.

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obviously she's 100% right...BUT...the teachers i know are also focking entitled little union b;tches who have no idea how the private sector operates. they cry like a mf'er when they don't get enough of a raise and their health care goes up. boo fockin who. and don't get me started on their focking work schedules. she should suck it up.


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