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New Study: Global Warming Is 'Not As Bad As We Thought'...

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Another study has "substantially lower[ed]" the U.N.'s forecasts of potential temperature increases, the authors of the study concluding that climate change is "not as bad as we thought." The findings follow another study published in January that "all but rules out" both "very high climate sensitivities" as well as the lower end predictions of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


The new study, conducted by climatologist Judith Curry and mathematician Nick Lewis and published in the American Meteorological Society's "Journal of Climate" on April 23, downgrades the predicted global temperature increases by 30-45% compared to the forecasts of the IPCC.


"Our results imply that, for any future emissions scenario, future warming is likely to be substantially lower than the central computer model-simulated level projected by the IPCC, and highly unlikely to exceed that level," said Lewis. The study predicts temperature increases of 1.66C and 1.33C compared to the IPCC models' more dramatic predictions of 3.1C and 1.9C, respectively, a reduction ranging from 45-30%.


The downgraded forecasts of Curry and Lewis were published a few months after a study headed up by the University of Exeter's Peter Cox, which concluded that the most dire of the U.N.'s climate change models were almost certainly too high. "Our study all but rules out very low and very high climate sensitivities," said Cox. The scientists significantly narrowed the range of possible temperature changes from the U.N.'s widely variable range of 1.5 - 4.5C to a more moderate 2.2 - 3.4C, with a best estimate of an increase of 2.8C by 2100.


As The Daily Wire highlighted in January, scientists have acknowledged that attempting to forecast future global temperatures is a near impossibility, as it requires factoring in the "known unknown" of "equilibrium climate sensitivity," which "requires accounting for a wide range of notoriously difficult-to-predict factors, including, as Cox notes, the climate 'tipping points,' rapid changes in the climate that have occurred historically caused by the planet itself rather than more predictable external factors." The process is so complex, MIT atmospheric physician Richard Lindzen says in a video for PragerU, that "long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible."

You don't say...

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You don't say...

If you are saying that you aren't surprised that the only people willing to publish this tripe would be the Daily Wire...well I wholeheartedly agree.

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My city nearly flooded twice this past winter. I am a little more onboard this whole global warming thing, than I ever was

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If you are saying that you aren't surprised that the only people willing to publish this tripe would be the Daily Wire...well I wholeheartedly agree.

If you clicked on the link to the story, this was taken from a AMS article.




The MSM isn't going to post this, it takes away from their fear-mongering agenda...

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My city nearly flooded twice this past winter. I am a little more onboard this whole global warming thing, than I ever was

How many times did that area flood going back to last ice age? Back to when there were dinosaurs? Etc.....


Coolest spring I've seen in several years in Georgia? Sign of Global Warming or just :dunno:

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In 500 years the oceans will rise 2 cm. Who cares? Its always conveniently when everyone will be dead so no one can prove it and they let fear drive fundraising. Its a huge scam.

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It's been a long cold winter. Where's my global warming. :mad:

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In 500 years the oceans will rise 2 cm. Who cares? Its always conveniently when everyone will be dead so no one can prove it and they let fear drive fundraising. Its a huge scam.

Even if every nation in the world adheres to its climate change commitments by 2030 the only difference it will make to “global warming” by the end of this century will be to reduce the world’s temperatures by 0.048°C (0.086°F).

That’s 1/20th of a degree C.

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How many times did that area flood going back to last ice age? Back to when there were dinosaurs? Etc.....


Coolest spring I've seen in several years in Georgia? Sign of Global Warming or just :dunno:


High school is actually below sea level. It it protected by a wall.


Was built there in 1939 and never flooded, until this season, it flooded twice and the real kicker, that is where a ton of people park their cars during snow parking bans. Hundreds and hundreds of cares totaled by flood water

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My city nearly flooded twice this past winter. I am a little more onboard this whole global warming thing, than I ever was

The earth has been warming for over 10,000 years and you first figured that out now?

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The earth has been warming for over 10,000 years and you first figured that out now?":



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It's been a long cold winter. Where's my global warming. :mad:

One day the money will dry up and global cooling will be the new crisis.

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Climate Change Business Journal calculated that the annual cost of the global warming industry is $1.5 trillion.


Whoa. Yea def not going anywhere. If it makes money, its here to stay. There could legit be a fund to stop unicorn attacks and if it made money it would keep getting funded. Never seen a unicorn attack? Well Ive never seen a million dollars either but that exists right? So unicorns exist and thats that.

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Climate Change Business Journal calculated that the annual cost of the global warming industry is $1.5 trillion.


And the idiots that follow the lie of Global Warming blindly say those that are skepticle are against science.


When trillions are at stake (see Deep State) you understand why there needs to be a crisis to support their narrative and why those who want answers are villified.

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I'm still thinking about that study that showed the Sun would be going through a period of reduced radioactivity, leading to significantly lower earth temperatures. And if I remember(too lazy to look it up) it's thought that is already started and no one knows when it will end. Could be centuries.


Course the climate change folks are telling us we still be better be concerned cause if and when the sun comes out of this cooling phase(which could actually be it's normal state--no one knows) we better watch the fock out!!!

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I'm still thinking about that study that showed the Sun would be going through a period of reduced radioactivity, leading to significantly lower earth temperatures. And if I remember(too lazy to look it up) it's thought that is already started and no one knows when it will end. Could be centuries.


Course the climate change folks are telling us we still be better be concerned cause if and when the sun comes out of this cooling phase(which could actually be it's normal state--no one knows) we better watch the fock out!!!

There is $1.5 Trillion dollars a year at stake.

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One day the money will dry up and global cooling will be the new crisis.

It's always global cooling in northern minny. :mad:

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One day the money will dry up and global cooling will be the new crisis.


Uhm...that's what they called it back in the 70's. When that fear tactic didn't work, they then had to change it to "Global Warming". Of course, that fear tactic didn't work either so now they call it "Climate Change".

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Uhm...that's what they called it back in the 70's. When that fear tactic didn't work, they then had to change it to "Global Warming". Of course, that fear tactic didn't work either so now they call it "Climate Change".

In 100 years, theyll call it, haha, your house is underwater dumbass.

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Are you denying that it exists, or the cause?


The former is just idiotic. Sea levels are rising. Fairly rapidly. One entire country in the South Pacific is evacuating its entire population (the republic of Kiribati).


Holland will go fairly early. Bangladesh too.


Over the next century, most of the east coast will vanish.


Now maybe were just focked (or our great grandkids anyway.) But to say its just not happening is crazy.

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In 100 years, theyll call it, haha, your house is underwater dumbass.


Psst....you know you are arguing with a idiot spewing regurgitated talking points when they bring up the debunked 70's global cooling nonsense.

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Are you denying that it exists, or the cause?


The former is just idiotic. Sea levels are rising. Fairly rapidly. One entire country in the South Pacific is evacuating its entire population (the republic of Kiribati).


Holland will go fairly early. Bangladesh too.


Over the next century, most of the east coast will vanish.


Now maybe were just focked (or our great grandkids anyway.) But to say its just not happening is crazy.


Define "it"

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Are you denying that it exists, or the cause?

The former is just idiotic. Sea levels are rising. Fairly rapidly. One entire country in the South Pacific is evacuating its entire population (the republic of Kiribati).

Holland will go fairly early. Bangladesh too.

Over the next century, most of the east coast will vanish.

Now maybe were just focked (or our great grandkids anyway.) But to say its just not happening is crazy.

Wow, they got you hook, line and sinker! This is a blatant lie!

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Wow, they got you hook, line and sinker! This is a blatant lie!

Yep. Those Wiley liberals. They somehow convinced the governments of pretty much every country on the earth that this is a dire threat. Yep.


They convinced islanders that their islands are shrinking and going underwater. The Bangladeshis that their coast and rivers are flooding with saltwater at a greater and greater rate.


Good thing we have dipsh!ts that know better.


Good lord.

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Man made global warming 7000 years ago. Nobody will deny the earth is constantly changing, but man made global warming does not exists.

The basic geography of our planet has been more or less the same for 1,000 years or more. Now it is changing rapidly.


This is going to become a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. Frankly its probably to late to stop it anyway, and Ill be long dead and aint breeding, so its not my problem. But its a shame you fools have turned it into yet another red vs. blue p!ssing contest.


The entire state of Florida. NYC, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, Philly, San Diego, Seattle, LA, Houston, New Orleans... all have less than a century left before they are scenery for scuba divers.

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The basic geography of our planet has been more or less the same for 1,000 years or more. Now it is changing rapidly.


This is going to become a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. Frankly its probably to late to stop it anyway, and Ill be long dead and aint breeding, so its not my problem. But its a shame you fools have turned it into yet another red vs. blue p!ssing contest.


The entire state of Florida. NYC, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, Philly, San Diego, Seattle, LA, Houston, New Orleans... all have less than a century left before they are scenery for scuba divers.

Okay, when did Algore get here?

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Yep. Those Wiley liberals. They somehow convinced the governments of pretty much every country on the earth that this is a dire threat. Yep.

They convinced islanders that their islands are shrinking and going underwater. The Bangladeshis that their coast and rivers are flooding with saltwater at a greater and greater rate.

Good thing we have dipsh!ts that know better.

Good lord.

Yet you don’t have a link for anything you posted?

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The basic geography of our planet has been more or less the same for 1,000 years or more. Now it is changing rapidly.


This is going to become a cataclysm of unprecedented proportions. Frankly its probably to late to stop it anyway, and Ill be long dead and aint breeding, so its not my problem. But its a shame you fools have turned it into yet another red vs. blue p!ssing contest.


The entire state of Florida. NYC, Washington, Baltimore, Boston, Philly, San Diego, Seattle, LA, Houston, New Orleans... all have less than a century left before they are scenery for scuba divers.


I haven't mentioned anything about red vs blue. As for all those cities you're probable right, but it's nothing we as humans did. The earth has had major shifts without human help. I'm talking frozen earth and hot earth.


Funny thing is when it comes to life the earth is more prosperous during very warm periods. Funny how you doom and gloom people leave that out.

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I haven't mentioned anything about red vs blue. As for all those cities you're probable right, but it's nothing we as humans did. The earth has had major shifts without human help. I'm talking frozen earth and hot earth.


Funny thing is when it comes to life the earth is more prosperous during very warm periods. Funny how you doom and gloom people leave that out.

Yes, who said global warming is bad. Canada and Siberia will be the bread basket of the world while more land will become available for habitation as the climate warms.

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Psst....you know you are arguing with a idiot spewing regurgitated talking points when they bring up the debunked 70's global cooling nonsense.

This is so fantastic coming from you. It's like you don't even see it.

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Holland will go fairly early. Bangladesh too.


Over the next century, most of the east coast will vanish.


This is utter rubbish and comically so. Something out of a summer blockbuster movie script. Absolutely none of this will happen in the next century. Complete lunacy, the temperature will maybe rise a fraction of a degree and sea levels might rise an inch. Or none of that happens and the climate gets cooler and we have another ice age, who knows? The climate will change, naturally, like it has done since the dawn of time on earth.

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This is utter rubbish and comically so. Something out of a summer blockbuster movie script. Absolutely none of this will happen in the next century. Complete lunacy, the temperature will maybe rise a fraction of a degree and sea levels might rise an inch. Or none of that happens and the climate gets cooler and we have another ice age, who knows? The climate will change, naturally, like it has done since the dawn of time on earth.

nailed it

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