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YouTube no longer allows freedom of speech.

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I'm not one of the dummies that claim Sandy Hook didn't happen. It happened, duh.

But YouTube will cancel accounts if someone disagrees that Sandy Hook or any other historical event. 



Another liberal media source doing what liberals do. 

People who say Sandy Hook didn't happen = morons
YouTube = dumbfocking retards.

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I'm all for freedom of speech but doesn't YouTube have a right to decide what content gets shared on their site?

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YouTube never allowed FOS.   HTH.   

People who think their Freedom of Speech rights extend to YouTube = ..................

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10 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

I all for freedom of speech but doesn't YouTube have a right to decide what content gets shared on their site?

Depends. Is YouTube a platform or are they a publisher? Right now they play both sides depending on what suites their best interest. If they are a platform they are not responsible for what is put on their site and should not regulate free speech. If they are a publisher than they can ban or remove anything they want, but on the flip side they are responsible for what is put on their site.

That's the next big argument with the big techs. Right now they have their cake and eat it too. At some point they will have to decided what they are.

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Tubby again showing he doesn't understand what "freedom of speech" is.

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39 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

I all for freedom of speech but doesn't YouTube have a right to decide what content gets shared on their site?



You have have a point...but where does this line get drawn?

If I own a restaurant, or bar or whatever, can I decide what conversations people have?  I suppose so, but I could also see getting sued in doing so.


Imagine if I kicked out a black person from my place of business, and my reasoning was "I didn't agree with his opinion".  Do ya think liberal media would have my back? LOL. 


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10 minutes ago, Kanil said:

Tubby again showing he doesn't understand what "freedom of speech" is.

There was a thread the other day wondering what happened to FoS when a police office was fired after advocating for the killing of a congresswoman....ain't just Tubby having issues understanding FoS.

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1 minute ago, tubby_mcgee said:



You have have a point...but where does this line get drawn?

If I own a restaurant, or bar or whatever, can I decide what conversations people have?  I suppose so, but I could also see getting sued in doing so.


You absolutely have that right and people get tossed out of bars all the time for being a$$holes and that's usually because of something they said.

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12 minutes ago, Kanil said:

Tubby again showing he doesn't understand what "freedom of speech" is.


Again?  Where else?

And Hawkeye21 had a valid point.  I admit that he did, and that I jumped the gun with my original comment. 

That's what separates most liberals and most conservatives.  Conservatives can admit they are wrong, because they think about things and react on thought.  Libs react on lovey-dovey feelings, and preach they are told to preach by the media. 

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3 minutes ago, tubby_mcgee said:



You have have a point...but where does this line get drawn?

If I own a restaurant, or bar or whatever, can I decide what conversations people have?  I suppose so, but I could also see getting sued in doing so.


I get what you're saying but they are different.  A restaurant is a public area though so conversations would fall under freedom of speech.  The business owner has the right to ask you leave based on certain things being said though.

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3 minutes ago, Kanil said:

You absolutely have that right and people get tossed out of bars all the time for being a$$holes and that's usually because of something they said.

Imagine if I kicked out a black person from my place of business, and my reasoning was "I didn't agree with his opinion".  Do ya think liberal media would have my back? LOL. 


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2 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

I get what you're saying but they are different.  A restaurant is a public area though so conversations would fall under freedom of speech.  The business owner has the right to ask you leave based on certain things being said though.



So if I disagree with a black person on his opinion, I can kick him out, right?  Interesting. 

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Just now, tubby_mcgee said:

Imagine if I kicked out a black person from my place of business, and my reasoning was "I didn't agree with his opinion".  Do ya think liberal media would have my back? LOL. 


Being black throws a wrench in there for sure.  As long as the reason you ask them to leave is based on what they said or their actions then it should be perfectly legal.  Just don't base it on there race.  Hard to prove, I know.

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1 minute ago, tubby_mcgee said:



So if I disagree with a black person on his opinion, I can kick him out, right? 

Just disagreeing on an opinion is not a good enough reason to ask someone to leave, at least I don't think.  If they said something offensive or were being disruptive then I think you have a better argument.

In most cases I think it's best to ask a person to leave politely first.  If they refuse you have now given yourself the right to kick them out or call the police because they would now be trespassing.

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3 minutes ago, tubby_mcgee said:



So if I disagree with a black person on his opinion, I can kick him out, right?  Interesting. 

Sandy hook happening or not happening is not an opinion

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8 minutes ago, tubby_mcgee said:

Imagine if I kicked out a black person from my place of business, and my reasoning was "I didn't agree with his opinion".  Do ya think liberal media would have my back? LOL. 


You're twisting the argument.  If you kicked a black person from your place of business because you didn't like something they said, that's not you blocking their freedom of speech.  That's the argument.

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54 minutes ago, Thornton Melon said:

You should be able to kick a person out of your business for any reason. It's your business.

even if they are black?

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I’m torn. On the one hand I don’t think media platforms like YT should be in the business of enforcing a largely subjective and inconsistent content policy.

On the other hand, I do get a laugh out of the “Muh freedum of speach!” crowd.


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7 hours ago, tubby_mcgee said:



So if I disagree with a black person on his opinion, I can kick him out, right?  Interesting. 


36 minutes ago, taco breath said:

even if they are black?

Black guy: "John Elway was the best Qb to ever play the game."  No. you cannot kick him out.

Black guy: [loudly] "every cracker should die." you have grounds to toss him.

White guy: "Run DMC was the best rap/hip hop act." No.

White guy: [loudly] "Look at all of these fill in the blank in here.  Get the rope!" Boot his ass

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2 hours ago, Thornton Melon said:

Yep. You shouldn't, but yup.

Can’t do that. Cant be because they are black, or gay or a female. 

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4 hours ago, Thornton Melon said:

You should be able to kick a person out of your business for any reason. It's your business.


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