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Illegal Aliens & the Schocheting of America

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"This American carnage stops right here and stops right now," President Trump said on the steps of the Capito

Lord knows we need this man back to save us



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Unpossible, we have been told repeatedly that the border is secure and there is no problem. 

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Don't know much about this title 42 crapola but does it really make a difference? The are already pouring across the border and no one is stopping them. Can't imagine many that are illegally crossing the border are sitting on the other side saying, "as soon as title 42 goes away, i'm crossing".

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1 hour ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

Looks like a zombie apocalypse 

Between this and the fentynal homeless we do have a sort of zombie apocalypse.  I am not scoffing at those folks with their ZARPs now.

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“Invading horde” makes one think of the Huns or the Mongols. These are not murderers on horseback, raping and slaughtering all that they see. They are desperate people, seeking refuge from catastrophic conditions and starvation. That doesn’t mean we need to agree on what to do about them. But I think your very threatening and dark description of these poor folks is entirely inappropriate. 

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11 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

“Invading horde” makes one think of the Huns or the Mongols. These are not murderers on horseback, raping and slaughtering all that they see. They are desperate people, seeking refuge from catastrophic conditions and starvation. That doesn’t mean we need to agree on what to do about them. But I think your very threatening and dark description of these poor folks is entirely inappropriate. 

True, Huns or Mongols seems a bit harsh.  Perhaps interpret "invading horde" as a large group intent on consuming resources, like a plague of locusts.

BTW, your use of the word "refuge" does not make them "refugees" as defined by the UN and US immigration law, since catastrophic conditions and starvation are not criteria.


What Is Asylum?

Asylum is a protection grantable to foreign nationals already in the United States or arriving at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.”  Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980. 


"My country is a sh1thole" is not sufficient.

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Trump was right. The best & brightest are not coming. This video is horrifying 

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1 minute ago, Mr Fantasy said:

Trump was right. The best & brightest are not coming. This video is horrifying 

Convicted molester Trump was never right about this. Neither are you. Please don’t spread his ignorance or yours. 

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3 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Convicted molester Trump was never right about this. Neither are you. Please don’t spread his ignorance or yours. 

I wonder how many showers Trump took with his daughter? I guess we have to wait until it turns up in her diary 

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On 5/9/2023 at 1:35 PM, The Real timschochet said:

Convicted molester Trump was never right about this. Neither are you. Please don’t spread his ignorance or yours. 

A civil judgment is not a conviction.  I believe the term you are looking for is adjudicated molester and even the molester part is not tecnically accurate but is, perhaps, a fair summary. I believe the counts against him were for defamation and battery, a sexual battery.  I suppose to be accurate he is an adjudicated defamer and sexual batterer. i am not sure that is of comfort to his supporters of which I am not, but accuracy and clarity are important nonetheless.


I mean if we are to be accurate about the implications of the term horde I believe we should be here as well.


I do wonder how what he did can be shouted in a sing song cadance at a protest rally but I trust the creative to come up with something appropriate.

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1 minute ago, Engorgeous George said:

A civil judgment is not a conviction.  I believe the term you are looking for is adjudicated molester and even the molester parft is not tecnically accurate but is, perhaps, a far summary.

I know I know. Sounds good though. 

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4 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I know I know. Sounds good though. 

I think it is important to use language as accurately as we can.  Trump is an adjudicated defamer and sexual batterer.  He is also clinically obese and a narcisist.  I also suspect he has to use extra absorbant adult diapers, though I don't know that so I don't tout it with any conviction. 

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One of these excellent migrants has already been arrested three times in three weeks in Chicago. Democrats just love crime. They love it so much, they want more of it. 

They obviously have calculated that increased crime keeps them in power. 


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Not possible.  We have been told repeatedly that the border is secure.  Therefore, this issue is not real.  With a secure border it does not matter that there is a large rush of people.

UNLESS.......those were all lies.......

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I drive past the camp where they house them almost everyday.  They built like five more tents in the last week.  It’s huge

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20 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

These ain’t the Dothraki. 

You are 100% correct. 

These are your future under the table Home Depot parking lot laborers. 

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8 minutes ago, DonS said:

You are 100% correct. 

These are your future under the table Home Depot parking lot laborers. 

Well let’s hope. 

I thought Mayorkas just gave a very good speech at the scene. He’s trying to do what he can but his funds are limited and Congress won’t lift a finger to address immigration issues. 

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

Well let’s hope. 

I thought Mayorkas just gave a very good speech at the scene. He’s trying to do what he can but his funds are limited and Congress won’t lift a finger to address immigration issues. 

You really are a chump. Sure it’s congresses fault 

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3 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Only the Republicans. Democrats have been willing to tackle this for years now. 

Are you taking any in? Feeding any?

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Fattest refugees in the history of refugees. 

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