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jerryskids last won the day on April 25

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About jerryskids

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 07/26/1967

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    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. jerryskids

    Racist frat boys

    Apparently for some, it is. Especially since that is the initial meaning. I'm merely saying that your position that NONE of these kids mean it is, well, pretty asinine.
  2. You mean cause Shuffler DNP'd, right? If I lost someone else I'll edjr.
  3. jerryskids

    Racist frat boys

    Also: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/quick-takes/2024/04/29/columbia-bars-protest-leader-who-threatened-zionists I particularly like how he pulled the double intersectionality card at the end (queer and black) to attempt to shift the narrative to others.
  4. jerryskids

    Racist frat boys

    Easiest prediction in the world would be the Lefties here moving from Phase 1 (it isn't happening) to Phase 2 (it happens but it's rare).
  5. jerryskids

    Racist frat boys

    For all those who say the protesters aren't calling for death to Jews, here's one from MIT. I know, I know, @MDCwill tell me that MIT kids are too stoopid to know what "death to zionists" means. https://x.com/TaliaKhan_MIT/status/1787337147441107301
  6. Continuing my anti-Amurca team: 2.09 Alex Noren 3.01 Bye-byeong Hun An @dain11279
  7. jerryskids

    Racist frat boys

    Dood, you are going full Squistion semantics on this. You are doing some sort of 4D autism differentiating that we can't see. In your link, Question 1 and figure 1, a vast majority of Palestinians from both Gaza and WB supported the attack. Question 7, figures 12 and 13, a majority of Palestinians from both locations support Hamas leadership AFTER the war.
  8. jerryskids

    Just found a terrific apartment

    It's not bad, you just need to know what areas to avoid: downtown, north, south, and west sides. Oh, and east of downtown Philly is Camden NJ, also a shiothole.
  9. Terminal A is quite nice these days. And we've done the train thing enough to almost know what we are doing. On plane, about to take off. See you gents tomorrow! Oh, and to Lager: doing round 5 in reverse order might take away most/all of the benefit of drafting early.
  10. I'll take Rory. Wife says it's a bold choice. He reminds her of Tin Cup, high risk/reward. She knows sports, which is why I her. I'm in the Newark Airport heading back to Phoenix and have no idea when I'll get home, or wake up tomorrow. So I don't want to hold things up.
  11. jerryskids


    With weepaws dropping Malachi and Amos bombs, probably
  12. jerryskids

    Actors You Don't Like In Anything

    Same. I've enjoyed many of his movies, but whenever I see him act, I think "why does anyone think he is a good actor?"
  13. Ffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk @!!!!!@@@@@!!!!@@##@@-#
  14. jerryskids

    Racist frat boys

    Hilarious that you think these lemmings have any inkling that they are criticizing the behavior of Israel. They are behaving like the good little Marxists that they were trained to be. "The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." - Saul Alinsky https://www.google.com/search?q=the+issue+isnt+the+issue%2C+the+revolution+isbthe+issue&oq=the+issue+isnt+the+issue%2C+the+revolution+isbthe+issue&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKABMgkIBRAhGAoYoAEyBwgGECEYnwXSAQk0NDM0OGowajSoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Tagging @Mark Davisbecause I'm pretty sure he agrees with me on this.
  15. Shifting right is different than "right wing loonies." Besides, a high court should lean right. The default should be to not change things from the court; that is generally the job of the legislature. A progressive judge who supports every cause du jour is not good for a stable society.