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Culture war conservatives show hypocrisy

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"In this game, you can take on the role of Christian soldier and kill unbelievers, or you can take on the role of the Antichrist and kill the Christians. The killing setting is in Manhattan, of all places. I'm not sure that this is a faithful presentation of the Gospel message. In fact, I know it isn't. It makes a mockery of the witness of all of us."


"This is dangerous stuff, not only because it legitimizes the use of violence to Christian kids, but also because the last time I checked we were in a War on Terror, in which the other side claims we are engaged in a latter day "Crusade" against Islam. Now we have a Tyndale House-blessed killing game that glamorizes just that. What a rhetorical gift to radical Islamists. I can hear Al-Qaeda now: `America is producing a video game that trains Christian children to kill Muslims and to enjoy doing so.' "

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I don't care about that stuff ... is it of similar quality to GTA?

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This could turn in to a great series of games. I mean, look at how many different religions there are. Whoever thought this up was genius, pure genius. What platforms does it work on? I have a PC and an Xbox. I hope it's not PS2 only.

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Do they have a price and where to buy listed?


It's not out yet.


For the record, the company creating the game denies the characterization of the game in the story that moonbeam linked to.

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Conservatives show hypocrisy?




Oh...you mean Falwell? By not saying a thing...yet...he is showing hypocrisy?


Or others even...since when is remaining silent, so far, hypocritical? Now if they came out and said, yeah...great game, I agree with every bit of it. That would be hypocritical.


Either way, Falwell does not represent a majority of conservatives...

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I agree that the "why didn't they take a position on this issue?" angle is crap, regardless of who it's applied to, e.g. religious right, ACLU, etc.


One can spend all day pointing out things that these entities didn't publicly state a position on. It's a bogus argument.

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Conservatives show hypocrisy?




Oh...you mean Falwell? By not saying a thing...yet...he is showing hypocrisy?


Or others even...since when is remaining silent, so far, hypocritical? Now if they came out and said, yeah...great game, I agree with every bit of it. That would be hypocritical.


Either way, Falwell does not represent a majority of conservatives...


When you rail against video games and the violent movie/gaming culture, as Falwell, Robertson and Dobson have done repeatedly--but then utter nary a peep about a game that fits the same bill but is produced for Christian consumption--that's hypocrisy.


This isn't coming from me, it's coming from other Christians.

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When you rail against video games and the violent movie/gaming culture, as Falwell, Robertson and Dobson have done repeatedly--but then utter nary a peep about a game that fits the same bill but is produced for Christian consumption--that's hypocrisy.


This isn't coming from me, it's coming from other Christians.


The king of hypocrisy complaining about hypocrisy. :lol:

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so they admit the game involves conducting wars against non-Christians (or against Christians), involving the depiction of physical violence.


Until someone actually sees the game and reviews it I can't comment on it. :huh:

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Until someone actually sees the game and reviews it I can't comment on it. :huh:


I assume the people writing on behalf of the gamemaker have seen it, in order to describe it, no?

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I assume the people writing on behalf of the gamemaker have seen it, in order to describe it, no?



u r pathetic :huh:

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I assume the people writing on behalf of the gamemaker have seen it, in order to describe it, no?


Let me help you out


We're surprised by the comments of many critics as they have neither seen nor previewed the game, which is still under development. Several months ago, there was a news story with erroneous information about the game. Unfortunately, some readers accepted the misinformation as being factual, and then the rumor mill and the blogs were off and running.


HTH :huh: :P

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Can I get a ruling on if this is ironic or not?


How about just typical? :huh:

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Let me help you out

HTH :huh: :(


Yes, that's why I didn't refer to the comments of the critics just now, but those of the GAMEMAKER.




You'll have plenty of time to play this game and explore its hypocrisy after you're Left Behind.


It's a 2-player; I hope you'll join me!

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Yes, that's why I didn't refer to the comments of the critics just now, but those of the GAMEMAKER.


Looks to me like Catechuman posted the comments of the GAMEMAKER, and they say your original post is full of beans. :banana:

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Torrid has officially become pathetic.


Whether it's wondering why people aren't denouncing a game that hasn't even come out yet, or flogging his moonbat theories about the imminent indictment of ###### Cheney, his shtick becomes weaker and weaker.

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When you rail against video games and the violent movie/gaming culture, as Falwell, Robertson and Dobson have done repeatedly--but then utter nary a peep about a game that fits the same bill but is produced for Christian consumption--that's hypocrisy.


This isn't coming from me, it's coming from other Christians.



Actuually, no, that is not hypocritical. Hypocritical would be supporting this game after railing against the other...as I pointed out.

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Torrid has officially become pathetic.


Whether it's wondering why people aren't denouncing a game that hasn't even come out yet, or flogging his moonbat theories about the imminent indictment of ###### Cheney, his shtick becomes weaker and weaker.


Don't forget his belief that if you break the law you have not committed a crime :lol:

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When you rail against video games and the violent movie/gaming culture, as Falwell, Robertson and Dobson have done repeatedly--but then utter nary a peep about a game that fits the same bill but is produced for Christian consumption--that's hypocrisy.


This isn't coming from me, it's coming from other Christians.


We're surprised by the comments of many critics as they have neither seen nor previewed the game, which is still under development. Several months ago, there was a news story with erroneous information about the game. Unfortunately, some readers accepted the misinformation as being factual, and then the rumor mill and the blogs were off and running.


perhaps falwell, rob and dob could also give detailed commentary on the Cheney indictment before that happens too.


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Torrid has officially become pathetic.


Whether it's wondering why people aren't denouncing a game that hasn't even come out yet, or flogging his moonbat theories about the imminent indictment of ###### Cheney, his shtick becomes weaker and weaker.



my ######....lucky your a girlly man......or i'd worry about your obsession....cluck cluck







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I'm already a Level 5 Baptist with a +3 Leisure Suit. :D




:bench: :lol: Props :lol: :pointstosky:

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If the game is still in the development stage, why in the world would anybody comment on it? Does this person really expect Dobson, Falwell, or anyone else to comment on something they've never seen because it isn't even finished yet?


It's like when Bob Dole used to criticize rap music.......that he'd never actually heard.


The original article is just completely moronic. When the game comes out, in October or whatever, if the controversy is still present, I will review it to see what it's about. Until that time, this whole pretense of why so-and-so hasn't denounced a game that's neither been fully developed or released is just insane.

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I'm already a Level 5 Baptist with a +3 Leisure Suit. :thumbsup:

That is so sweet! The "disguised as a hippie in the porno shop" ability kicks ass!

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If the game is still in the development stage, why in the world would anybody comment on it? Does this person really expect Dobson, Falwell, or anyone else to comment on something they've never seen because it isn't even finished yet?


It's like when Bob Dole used to criticize rap music.......that he'd never actually heard.


The original article is just completely moronic. When the game comes out, in October or whatever, if the controversy is still present, I will review it to see what it's about. Until that time, this whole pretense of why so-and-so hasn't denounced a game that's neither been fully developed or released is just insane.



i hope its out by Christmas...


everytime i lose, i get raped by a priest..thats not so cool...

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I'm already a Level 5 Baptist with a +3 Leisure Suit. :doublethumbsup:

:thumbsup: <_< :D


Holy crap. This is the best post in a month.

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Hey everybody look at me... I can change water into wine!!


:banana: :thumbsdown:

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Hey everybody look at me... I can change water into wine!!


:thumbsup: :ninja:


Have you been drinking again? :thumbsup:

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Its a Christian video game. That in itself is the most damning (ha a pun!) evidence of all. :banana:


Anybody got some cool games about brushing your teeth?

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