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Iran: it's been about them for a long time

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You're a secretary and you focking wear mascara for fock's sake. :banana:

And you're a poosay who worries about Toro too much. Get back to me when you aren't a woman and a Toro stalker and also when you can discuss something without involving our administration, especially when it's the whole world that agrees that a nuclear Iran is not a good thing, not just us. Focking dolt.


So after you get owned you just start slinging 7th grade caliber insults.


Gee I didn't see that one coming.

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So after you get owned you just start slinging 7th grade caliber insults.


Gee I didn't see that one coming.


How the fock did you own me? :D

Seriously, I never even mentioned my opinion on this thread except for the fact that no other country thinks Iran should have nukes either. That is all. What I said about you is entirely 100% correct. You dispute that?



Fockin sissy.

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I'd support air attacks against Iran until they submit.


I agree. They could give it a catchy name like "Shock and Awe" or "Awesome Shockingness" or something like that

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I'd support air attacks against Iran until they submit. Who wouldn't at this point? :dunno:

Russia and China to name a few. These are 2 countries that could care less about world peace and millions of Israelis that may get nuked. They are in bed with Iran, get a ton of oil from them, and want to block any econimic sanction placed on them. If only Iran would have been more obvious about helping Hezbollah, so Israel could have taken care of them for us.

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That's your solution? Just ignore them?


C'mon, we have to do something. We CANNOT allow Iran to get nukes. This is very serious sh*t.


For now, yeah I'd rather ignore Iran than launch a third war.


How the fock did you own me? :D

Seriously, I never even mentioned my opinion on this thread except for the fact that no other country thinks Iran should have nukes either. That is all. What I said about you is entirely 100% correct. You dispute that?



Fockin sissy.


You started by saying I'm a sad little man because I think the people banging the war drum for nuking Iran are nutty, then you accuse me of ripping Bush and when I point out that I didn't even mention the president you come up with the highly original and hilarious claim that I'm a secretary who wears mascara.


You've added less than zero to this thread and you have nothing to say.

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For now, yeah I'd rather ignore Iran than launch a third war.

You started by saying I'm a sad little man because I think the people banging the war drum for nuking Iran are nutty, then you accuse me of ripping Bush and when I point out that I didn't even mention the president you come up with the highly original and hilarious claim that I'm a secretary who wears mascara.


You've added less than zero to this thread and you have nothing to say.


Exactly. You're a focking mascara wearing sissy who hates Bush and blames him for your miserable existence. I'm glad we see eye to eye on this. Although my eye isn't coated with mascara. And your big addition to this thread is along the lines of "lets not do anything, lets wait for the next terrorist attack". :mad:

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Exactly. You're a focking mascara wearing sissy who hates Bush and blames him for your miserable existence. I'm glad we see eye to eye on this. Although my eye isn't coated with mascara. And your big addition to this thread is along the lines of "lets not do anything, lets wait for the next terrorist attack". :mad:


Dude, for the third time I didn't bring Bush into this! You're sounding a little unhinged! :D

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Dude, for the third time I didn't bring Bush into this!


Yes, because you would never do anything of that sort right? You never have him in your mind. <_<

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The only chance for successfully addressing Iran is regime change in the US. Snuff, I'll be the one specifically addressing the administration, as I think their conduct in Iraq has deligitimized worldwide any active role we take.


In 2008, under a new administration, GOP or Dem, we can start working with an international community that will not doubt our motives as much. It's your own fault, president gasman.


At the 2008 inauguration, the new prez can say the following:


1) Since we can spend $400 billion on a horrific mistake in Iraq, the government will spend another $200 billion to retrofit every gas station in the US for hydrogen refueling. At least the money will go to good use.


2) The last barrel of oil will be imported on 12/31/09. Starting in 2010, the US will stop importing oil. All vehicles sold beginning in 2010 must be hydrogen cell powered. No more gas powered vehicles may be built. The private sector that the GOP loves so much better figure out a way to get it done in 2 years.


3) Once we have no economic need to give two craps about what happens in the middle east, we can turn our attention to the testing, or sanctions, in Iran that will stop nuclear proliferation.

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Yes, because you would never do anything of that sort right? You never have him in your mind. :mad:


No matter how many times you keep harping on it, the bottom line is I said nothing about Bush until you brought it up. If you want to talk about Bush that's fine, just stop projecting your obsessions onto me. Thanks.

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I know man, I know. Better go check your eye liner.

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I agree that Iran is a threat to world peace. But can the US military undertake action in Iran right now without resorting to the draft? :dunno:

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Since North Korea has nukes, we should let Iran obtain them too?



Did I say that? Seems to me, we'd want to take out the ACTUAL threat first. We know that Iran doesn't have nukes yet. We know that NoKo DOES. And, unlike Iran, NoKo is much closer to having the delivery capability. And, NoKo is assisting Iran. If we're going to go after somebody, I'm much more in favor of going after the actual threat.

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I know man, I know. Better go check your eye liner.


And then Snuff pulls out the old :banana: card. And everyone knows that beats rock, paper and scissors.


If you want to know why I don't support military action against Iran, yet:


* They are years away from having a nuclear weapon.

* Their weapons facilities are beneath residential neighborhoods - we'd have to kill tens of thousands of civilians, and I think that hurts us more than helps us in the war on terror.

* What's the plan after we bomb Iran? Are you ready to invade and secure another country while we're still fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq?


Until these questions are answered and as long as Iran isn't an imminent threat to us I think talk of military action is premature. Also, I think a lot of the people banging the war drums these days are the same folks who were lobbying for war with Iraq (how'd that work out?) and that a lot of people in Congress want to use Iran as a campaign issue. We just made this mistake three years ago - IMO it's time to think long and hard about this strategery of pre-emptive military action against nations that don't even pose a threat to us today.



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Did I say that? Seems to me, we'd want to take out the ACTUAL threat first. We know that Iran doesn't have nukes yet. We know that NoKo DOES. And, unlike Iran, NoKo is much closer to having the delivery capability. And, NoKo is assisting Iran. If we're going to go after somebody, I'm much more in favor of going after the actual threat.


I don't know how North Korea got away with making nukes. Why didn't the UN step in and demand that they stop decades ago, like they're doing today with Iran? I missed that part of history.

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Nukes are a good way to get yourself a piece of the global pie aren't they? Guess what, the U.S. is just pissed because their master plan to prop up a puppet regiem in Iraq that would influence the rest of the middle east isn't working. This is brilliant by Iran. They want global recognition, and they don't want the U.S. to be controlling the course of their region. They know the U.S. can't do much now.


This is more about global power, and our role in the middle east than anything else. I don't think Iran is crazy enough to drop a nuke on Tel Aviv. Wouldn't a nuke affect more than just Israel? Like Syria, Lebanon, Palestine? How would that help Iran?


To me, it's all political wrangling by Iran. They want to have a say in the direction of the middle east, and rise as the region's power. Not be led by the U.S..

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Ugh, making me support MDC.



Snuff, you are getting embarassed. Not so much because he is lighting you up as the fact that you keep making yourself look dumber and dumber.

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Ugh, making me support MDC.

Snuff, you are getting embarassed. Not so much because he is lighting you up as the fact that you keep making yourself look dumber and dumber.


Yeah, he sure owned me. :doublethumbsup:

Keep up with the board, boy.

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That's not enough. If we want peace, we need to Democratize the Iranian people. It's about Regime Change. We need to depose the Evil-Doers and install a provisional government just long enough for the Iranian people to form their own peaceful, democracy-loving, ever-tolerant government. This'll be EASY; The Iranian oil will pay for the whole thing and you KNOW the Iranians will greet us as Liberators.


- Man, why didn't we think of this before?



This could cost up to $40 billion and maybe 5 or 10 servicemen just like it did in Iraq.


Can we afford this?

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This could cost up to $40 billion and maybe 5 or 10 servicemen just like it did in Iraq.


Can we afford this?

just pay your taxes shut up nancy, dont worry someday they will let you marry dan.

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just pay your taxes shut up nancy, dont worry someday they will let you marry dan.


whose dan?

Pay your taxes???


This is incoherent even for you, ken. :wacko:



You sure you want to stick with this King Chickenhawk??


Can't a real life small guy/internet tough guy at least come with some neo-con chickenhawk talking points?

Was Rush canceled today? nobody to mimic?




Give it another try

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Yeah, he sure owned me. :pointstosky:

Keep up with the board, boy.

So far, you've answered his post with insults and several comments about his Bush hate..when he never mentioned Bush in his post. After that, you randomly spouted insults. You are correct, he didnt own you. You owned yourself.

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I wouldn't. What are we going to hit? Their weapons facilities are beneath residential neighborhoods. They are years away from having nuclear weapons. Are you really going to carpet bomb thousands of innocent civilians for the sake of ending a threat that's years off? This is just crazytalk by neocons who are humiliated by how badly they've messed up Iraq and want to start fresh on a new target. Ignore these wingnuts - they'll go away in 2008.



:clap: :cheers:

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The reason we need to leave Iran alone is 2-fold (and it's unfortunate we brought it upon ourselves):

First, we don't have the military resources because we're fighting a fruitless war in Iraq

Second, but related to the first, we've thumbed our nose at diplomacy and have shown a complete and utter disregard for the international community (even those we once considered allies).


If we lead an invasion in Iran, it will be met by very strong opposition. This is significant in that, if we make one mistake (and we will), we will act as the recruiters for terrorist organizations, and possibly inflame some countries enough to fight against us (either directly or subversively). This has a relatively high likelihood of leading to World War III which, by the way, we don't have the funds or troops to fight. You thought 9/11 was the worst of it? Wait until you piss off the people who wanted to commit jihad but never had the stones to do it. Bombings and terrorist attacks on U.S. soil will be a common occurence as they are in Israel.


I can already anticipate the response from those who follow the "take no sh1t" like, but let me tell you that it's a dangerous approach. That kid in high school who you knew you could beat up, but he was going to get some good shots in. You may have beat him up and have a broken knuckle to prove it, but you end up with a broken nose and orbital bone and a swollen face. That's exactly the war they want. I don't know about you, but I don't.

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The reason we need to leave Iran alone is 2-fold (and it's unfortunate we brought it upon ourselves):

First, we don't have the military resources because we're fighting a fruitless war in Iraq

Second, but related to the first, we've thumbed our nose at diplomacy and have shown a complete and utter disregard for the international community (even those we once considered allies).


If we lead an invasion in Iran, it will be met by very strong opposition. This is significant in that, if we make one mistake (and we will), we will act as the recruiters for terrorist organizations, and possibly inflame some countries enough to fight against us (either directly or subversively). This has a relatively high likelihood of leading to World War III which, by the way, we don't have the funds or troops to fight. You thought 9/11 was the worst of it? Wait until you piss off the people who wanted to commit jihad but never had the stones to do it. Bombings and terrorist attacks on U.S. soil will be a common occurence as they are in Israel.


I can already anticipate the response from those who follow the "take no sh1t" like, but let me tell you that it's a dangerous approach. That kid in high school who you knew you could beat up, but he was going to get some good shots in. You may have beat him up and have a broken knuckle to prove it, but you end up with a broken nose and orbital bone and a swollen face. That's exactly the war they want. I don't know about you, but I don't.


I think we need to be very careful about the Iran situation. Although I do somewhat agree with your analysis, I believe we need to be firm with them, to a point. I don't think rushing in and invading is, by any means, the answer. And you state good reasons why in the above paragraph. But something must be done.


When you speak of the bully and your broken knuckles...this is a good analogy. However, you have to add in that this kid wishes he could be you up, even though at the present time he cannot. You have to add that this kid knows he can't take you, so he's trying to find a weapon that will do the job for him. You have to remember this guy wants you and your buddy...we'll call your buddy Izzy...to be completely wiped of the face of the map. So what do you do? Because if this guy achieves his goal, you will have much more than a broken nose and a swollen face...you will be dead.


This is no time for politicians to be using this crisis as a means for political gains or political attacks. It's time to put ego's aside, and work together to figure out a common goal. It's time to put all the hatred for Bush away, and figure out what has to be done. Because this is not a joke, this is not Monica Lewinsky here. It's Iran trying to get a freaking NUKE!! Do any of you have any idea why this is such a big deal and why we can't just leave it alone... Don't ,for one second, think that if John Kerry was elected Iran would hate the U.S. any less. Terrorists hate America, they don't give a fock about George Dubya.

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I'm not worried so much about Iran or North Korea using nukes against us. My greater fear is that they build up enough of an arsenel that they feel comfortable selling off one or two to al Qaeda or Hezbullah some other terrorist organization. NK and Iran are containable with mutually assured destruction, terrorist organizations -on the other hand- have no base, no fear of retaliation, and no concern for killing civilians.


So yeah, this is a big deal, and we should be ready to prevent them from developing nukes.


Working with the UN is always difficult because China and Russia don't really care about the situation. Meanwhile Bush has destroyed the Army. He's transformed them into international police and terrorist target practice now. I wonder how much -you know- real figthing ability they have since he's neutered them.

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Brad, though I don't always agree with your positions,they are very well thought out and no personal attacks.



Thank you :dunno:

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Brad, though I don't always agree with your positions,they are very well thought out and no personal attacks.

Thank you :cry:





Thanks, much appreciated.

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So far, you've answered his post with insults and several comments about his Bush hate..when he never mentioned Bush in his post. After that, you randomly spouted insults. You are correct, he didnt own you. You owned yourself.


I owned myself by stating my opinion about the subject as everyone here has done? I owned myself by pointing out his obvious bias towards the current administration and points that out however subtle in each and every post he does? Ok then, consider my owned I guess. Along with everyone else here. :wall:



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Since North Korea has nukes, we should let Iran obtain them too? What kind of logic is that? Wouldn't it be easier to attack Iran prior to them having nuclear capabilities? Plus, there are other differences between Iran and N. Korea such as supporting Middle Eastern terrorist groups, and hampering reconstruction efforts in Iraq.


I'm all for diplomacy first. But it hasn't worked. So what should we do now? Nothing?




That's your solution? Just ignore them?


C'mon, we have to do something. We CANNOT allow Iran to get nukes. This is very serious sh*t.

yes...it is serious. But Demlibs are frivilous folk. The old Dem Party of FDR, HST, JFK would recognize and act against Ayatollahs before they get nukes. Today, W.Bush and other adults also know that Iran must be confronted BEFORE they reach critical mass and a bomb. But the political sabatoge that Demlibs enjoy to deploy against any military defense of our country makes decisive action nearly impossible. Until a mushroom cloud is over an American city, Demlibs will deny any threat is worthy of their concern.

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Here's a rifle, Fascist Fish...you fight 'em yourself boy.


I don't want me no rifle. I wants me an H bomb.


*whooooooooooosSHHHH!* and in a flash of blinding energy, everything living is vaporized and all the buildings are standing.


"Iran: strip mall of Israel - come on in and get your cheap gas, US. "



I like the sound of that. Sorry - I know, I know, it's mean. But really, Fock Iran. I remember the last time they took hostages, and they have been the biggest a-holes of the world before and since.


In case you missed it, I said FOCK IRAN!

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Until a mushroom cloud is over an American city, Demlibs will deny any threat is worthy of their concern.


That's why we shouldn't wait.

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