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We were so evil at Abu Ghraib

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I guess the leftist frenzy over Abu Ghraib was a bit overblown.


They're begging for us to be in charge again.


"The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism.


"Someone was shouting 'Please help us, we want the human rights officers, we want the Americans to come back'," he said.


I little perspective never hurts. They'll be saying the same thing throughout the country if we listen to the "cut and run" Democrats.

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Guest Davaco

who wants to cut and run?


we want actual planning, not "stay the course" , while there is no direction


also, democrtas would treat them better than republicans, so really they want us


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I guess the leftist frenzy over Abu Ghraib was a bit overblown.


They're begging for us to be in charge again.


"The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism.


"Someone was shouting 'Please help us, we want the human rights officers, we want the Americans to come back'," he said.


I little perspective never hurts. They'll be saying the same thing throughout the country if we listen to the "cut and run" Democrats.



further proof....their all savages......put saddam back

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I guess the leftist frenzy over Abu Ghraib was a bit overblown.


They're begging for us to be in charge again.


"The Americans were better than the Iraqis. They treated us better," said Khalid Alaani, who was held on suspicion of involvement in Sunni terrorism.


"Someone was shouting 'Please help us, we want the human rights officers, we want the Americans to come back'," he said.


I little perspective never hurts. They'll be saying the same thing throughout the country if we listen to the "cut and run" Democrats.


I never pegged you as an idiot, but then you write something stupid like this.

"leftist" frenzy? Since when is John McCain a leftist, for example?


How does Americans being better than Saddam (which I thought was an unimpressive truism) mean that Abu Ghraib was overblown? Atrocities were carried out under both entities' management of the prison.


I don't care what they say when we leave--now that even senior US military officials are saying the war is not militarily winnable, anyone who argues it's not time to leave is dealing in a world of neocon fantasy.

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I always thought that shiot was totally overblown.



"Waaaah they made us play nekkid twister!" :cry:


"Waaaah - a dog BARKED at me!" :cry:


"Waaaah - they PRETENDED to electrocute me!" (as opposed to SH - who actually DID) :cry:

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I always thought that shiot was totally overblown.

"Waaaah they made us play nekkid twister!" :cry:


"Waaaah - a dog BARKED at me!" :cry:


"Waaaah - they PRETENDED to electrocute me!" (as opposed to SH - who actually DID) :lol:


waaahhh--they beat me to death and raped me in front of my family!


why are intentional killings in US custody overblown? :cry:

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waaahhh--they beat me to death and raped me in front of my family!


why are intentional killings in US custody overblown? :cry:



Show me where that happened at Abu Gaboob.

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Show me where that happened at Abu Gaboob.


Don't be obtuse. It's OK, you don't have to dissemble--the President admitted we tortured people. You don't have to pretend that you never saw the picture of the dead prisoner being grinned at by the guy zipping up the bag. It's OK to admit that the techniques used--waterboarding, cold/heat, stress positions--were in fact torture, as agreed to by military officials during Senate hearings last year.


Just step out into the light and quit pretending there wasn't any torture or killings at Abu Ghraib. Stop ignoring the court cases and the testimony and the reports, and just admit that torture is OK with you, rather than the absurd position that it didn't happen. OK?

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torridjoe is a piece of sh!t. do you ever see him say anything about what these terrorist animals do? torture, beheadings, booby-trap focking corpses...nope...he's here to defend the enemy and dissect any mistakes we may make.

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Don't be obtuse. It's OK, you don't have to dissemble--the President admitted we tortured people. You don't have to pretend that you never saw the picture of the dead prisoner being grinned at by the guy zipping up the bag. It's OK to admit that the techniques used--waterboarding, cold/heat, stress positions--were in fact torture, as agreed to by military officials during Senate hearings last year.


Just step out into the light and quit pretending there wasn't any torture or killings at Abu Ghraib. Stop ignoring the court cases and the testimony and the reports, and just admit that torture is OK with you, rather than the absurd position that it didn't happen. OK?


Show me where someone was raped and beaten to death in front of their family at Abu Giraffe. That's what you posted focktard. - Back it up or STFUP. Don't post lies.


Delusional much?

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US soldier Lynndie England was convicted on six charges of abusing Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib


This is insane.


Humiliation=Beheading to the focked up liberals


And some of you question if liberalism is a mental disorder :wall: :( :wall:

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Show me where someone was raped and beaten to death in front of their family at Abu Giraffe. That's what you posted focktard. - Back it up or STFUP. Don't post lies.


Delusional much?


different people, focktard. Did all the people you refer to as "me" have all of the things you catalogued happen to each one of them? Same situation here.


I've backed it up many times. Surely you are familiar with al-Jamadi, or you wouldn't try characterizing what went on at Abu Ghraib as just a bunch of panty parties, without knowing anything about what actually happened there. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, as I noted, by assuming you're just in willful denial rather than being that stupid.


torridjoe is a piece of sh!t. do you ever see him say anything about what these terrorist animals do? torture, beheadings, booby-trap focking corpses...nope...he's here to defend the enemy and dissect any mistakes we may make.


since when are terrorists representing me? Since when do my tax dollars fund what terrorists do? Why should I be concerned with them?

I'm not defending the enemy, I'm defending American values--something the current administration is hellbent on destroying.

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..I'm defending American values--something the current administration is hellbent on destroying.

yea, and when the previous administration handed them over they were pristine and spit shined. :wall:

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I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt


Why not give the US the benefit of the doubt. :wall:

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yea, and when the previous administration handed them over they were pristine and spit shined. :rolleyes:


didn't take you long to blame Clinton for Abu Ghraib, did it? :dunno:

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I little perspective never hurts. They'll be saying the same thing throughout the country if we listen to the "cut and run" Democrats.

Yeah, cuz it sounds like the government we're propping up right now is working out pretty good. :rolleyes:

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didn't take you long to blame Clinton for Abu Ghraib, did it? :rolleyes:

link to where i blamed billy for abu ghraib?

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link to where i blamed billy for abu ghraib?


so it's just a coincidence that Abu Ghraib came up, and you posted to attack the Clinton administration?

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so it's just a coincidence that Abu Ghraib came up, and you posted to attack the Clinton administration?

So it's just a coincidence that this thread is about Abu Gharib and you posted about atrocities that happened elsewhere?

Pot...meet kettle, my friend...pot...kettle.

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So it's just a coincidence that this thread is about Abu Gharib and you posted about atrocities that happened elsewhere?
Pot...meet kettle, my friend...pot...kettle.


I'm discussing the atrocities at Abu Ghraib, which included rape and murder. Or are you calling Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has seen the pictures, a liar?

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so it's just a coincidence that Abu Ghraib came up, and you posted to attack the Clinton administration?

i could care less about the abu ghraib reference in this thread, it just so happens that this is the place that you lobbed the ridiculous comment about the current administration destroying something that i (chuckle, chuckle) presume you believe the previous administration left in tiptop shape.

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Cruzer, I am focking shocked at you. <_< :first:

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I'm discussing the atrocities at Abu Ghraib, which included rape and murder. Or are you calling Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has seen the pictures, a liar?

If you were and are talking about what happened at Abu Ghraib, then maybe you could explain what you were talking about when you said this:

waaahhh--they beat me to death and raped me in front of my family!


why are intentional killings in US custody overblown?

As Whiffle asked and you dodged, please link to a story that claims that someone was beaten to death and raped in front of their family at Abu Ghraib.


See, unlike you, I don't have to put words in anyone's mouf to divert their attention from what I just said.

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different people, focktard. Did all the people you refer to as "me" have all of the things you catalogued happen to each one of them? Same situation here.


I've backed it up many times. Surely you are familiar with al-Jamadi, or you wouldn't try characterizing what went on at Abu Ghraib as just a bunch of panty parties, without knowing anything about what actually happened there. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, as I noted, by assuming you're just in willful denial rather than being that stupid.


RE: The bolded part: No, that's why I listed them in THREE SEPARATE SENTENCES! :wall:

You - Listed yours in ONE. - And now your crawfishing your way out of it - because you know that didn't happen at Abu Giraffe and I called you on it.


You still haven't given me one documented example of someone who was "raped and beaten to death in front of their family" at Abu Giraffe. You haven't shown me ANYBODY who was EITHER raped OR beaten to death in front of their family there.


You should get your facts straight on al-Jamadi. At BEST, you can say the position he was in contributed to his death. NO ONE was convicted of "murder" or "rape" in that case. Nor did the autopsy indicate he died from beating.




There, the interrogator instructed guards to attach shackles from the prisoner’s handcuffs to a barred window. That would let al-Jamadi stand without pain, but if he tried to lower himself, his arms would be stretched above and behind him.


Dr. Michael Baden, a distinguished civilian pathologist who reviewed the autopsy for a defense attorney in the case, agreed in an interview that the position in which al-Jamadi was suspended could have contributed to his death.



...furthering your red herring: He more than likely died from the result of the ass-kicking he got BEFORE he even GOT to the prison by the nine Navy Seals who apprehended him for bombing a red cross office that killed 12 people.



So again, where's your backup for what you posted? I wasn't aware they had a "family" section in the prison. I challenged you to ONE THING: Support what you posted. And you bring NOTHING to the table. <_<


waaahhh--they beat me to death and raped me in front of my family!


why are intentional killings in US custody overblown? :first:


Where's the rape and beaten prisoner in front of his family story?

Where's the INTENTIONAL killing story?


So why the FOCK did you post this?


waaahhh--they beat me to death and raped me in front of my family!


why are intentional killings in US custody overblown? ;)

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I always thought that shiot was totally overblown.

"Waaaah they made us play nekkid twister!" <_<


"Waaaah - a dog BARKED at me!" :first:


"Waaaah - they PRETENDED to electrocute me!" (as opposed to SH - who actually DID) ;)




We are not suppossed to talk about fraternity hazing :wall:

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We are not suppossed to talk about fratenrity hazing :first:

The first rule of Fight Club is not to talk about Fight Club... <_<

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Funny Torrid should talk about "willful denial" -


I'm not a big fan of Bush. Even LESS of a fan of the Iraq debacle. Yet, I'm not some frothing at the mouth hater that just posts flat-out lies to make my point. He posts something that he knows to be a lie, - but hopes to GOD nobody will call him on it. - Least of all, someone who is a vocal critic of the administration.


- Pretty bad when the guys on your own side of the issue are calling you out Torrid. You've gotten a lot weaker since I came back.

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This is insane.


Humiliation=Beheading to the focked up liberals


And some of you question if liberalism is a mental disorder :D :wall: :wall:


There ain't a day that goes by...my stomach wells up...at the brutal atrocities committed there.

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its only fitting that torrid gets his arse handed to him on the anniversary of 9/11.



its only fitting that torrid gets his arse handed to him on the anniversary of 9/11.


In case some were absent during the Abu Ghraib stuff, torrid basically knew everything there was to know about the place. We all assumed the red cross sent him there to investigate. He had every solider in Iraq convicted of crimes against humanity. This led to him generalizing that every american solider was a piece of trash. He is a great father figure to his children I tell ya!!!

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RE: The bolded part: No, that's why I listed them in THREE SEPARATE SENTENCES! :wall:

You - Listed yours in ONE. - And now your crawfishing your way out of it - because you know that didn't happen at Abu Giraffe and I called you on it.


You still haven't given me one documented example of someone who was "raped and beaten to death in front of their family" at Abu Giraffe. You haven't shown me ANYBODY who was EITHER raped OR beaten to death in front of their family there.


You should get your facts straight on al-Jamadi. At BEST, you can say the position he was in contributed to his death. NO ONE was convicted of "murder" or "rape" in that case. Nor did the autopsy indicate he died from beating.


...furthering your red herring: He more than likely died from the result of the ass-kicking he got BEFORE he even GOT to the prison by the nine Navy Seals who apprehended him for bombing a red cross office that killed 12 people.

So again, where's your backup for what you posted? I wasn't aware they had a "family" section in the prison. I challenged you to ONE THING: Support what you posted. And you bring NOTHING to the table. :banana:

Where's the rape and beaten prisoner in front of his family story?

Where's the INTENTIONAL killing story?


So why the FOCK did you post this?


You just posted the intentional killing story, dumbass. al-Jamadi's death was ruled a homicide by the military, indicated by blunt force trauma complicated by compromised respiration. The autopsy showed he died EXACTLY from being beaten. He walked into Abu-Ghraib under his own power, and died after being beaten in US custody.


You're trying to cover up your mistake by creating a strawman of some raped AND beaten AND in front of their family when it occurred. It won't work.


People were beaten at Abu Ghraib.

People were raped at Abu Ghraib.

That you want to distract from those facts, raised by military officials, Congress and eyewitness accounts, says you'd rather not simply own up to those facts and admit that panty raids and fake electrocutions were not the problem at Abu Ghraib, and the other detention centers in Iraq and Afghanistan (not to mention the secret prisons).





Funny Torrid should talk about "willful denial" -


I'm not a big fan of Bush. Even LESS of a fan of the Iraq debacle. Yet, I'm not some frothing at the mouth hater that just posts flat-out lies to make my point. He posts something that he knows to be a lie, - but hopes to GOD nobody will call him on it. - Least of all, someone who is a vocal critic of the administration.


- Pretty bad when the guys on your own side of the issue are calling you out Torrid. You've gotten a lot weaker since I came back.


You're not on my side of the issue if you make the hapless denial that homicides and rapes occurred at Abu Ghraib, as elsewhere.


If you're not a frothing at the mouth hater that just posts flat-out lies to make your point, why are you frothing at the mouth and posting flat-out lies like "the autopsy didn't indicate he died from beating" when that's EXACTLY what it said?

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You're trying to cover up your mistake by creating a strawman of some raped AND beaten AND in front of their family when it occurred. It won't work.


The way I read this thread YOU are the one who made accusations of rape and murder in front of family members.


Tubinspin at warp speed coming up!

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You know, it would have been really simple to deal with Abu Gharib. If we had never prosecuted any of our military then everything would have been fine, because we all know that if noone is prosecuted then no laws are broken and noone has committed a crime, right Muhammad? Isn't that the way it works?

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You know, it would have been really simple to deal with Abu Gharib. If we had never prosecuted any of our military then everything would have been fine, because we all know that if noone is prosecuted then no laws are broken and noone has committed a crime, right Muhammad? Isn't that the way it works?


Winner! :)





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I read about half this thread, saw where it was going and quit. Just going to say that the Iraqis are barbarians and I could give a fock all what happened to them under Saddam or what happens now. And even if you have no moral problem with torture, the stuff that went on at Abu Ghraib was still counterproductive from a tactical and PR perspetive.

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I don't remember anyone getting beaten to death and raped in front of their family? :unsure:

oh dont let that bother you, torrid likes to make up outlandish dog crap all the time......whatever it takes to make our men in uniform look bad with torrid.


Stick around, you'll get used to it

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oh dont let that bother you, torrid likes to make up outlandish dog crap all the time......whatever it takes to make our men in uniform look bad with torrid.


Stick around, you'll get used to it



Nice. He's one of those. :banana:


Accountability is one thing, but I can't stand anyone who doesn't give our soldiers the benefit of the doubt in issues like this.

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Nice. He's one of those. :banana:


Accountability is one thing, but I can't stand anyone who doesn't give our soldiers the benefit of the doubt in issues like this.


Benefit of the doubt? This is the documented truth.

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Nice work here making this thread about torrid rather than the fact that we clearly engaged in some practices well below the standards we claim to stand for fellas. :thumbsup:


Whether torrid's imagery was quite correct or not, there's really no question that some pretty nasty sh!t went on behind those walls and pretending that listening to loud music and playing twister was the sum total of it is either completely disingenuous or dangerously naive. Like it or not we are fighting for hearts and minds in Iraq and practices like these might help explain why we have been welcomed with less than open arms. Maybe when our actions echo our words in regard to liberty, human dignity, and rule of law, yadda, yadda, yadda... some of the sh!t we spew might be taken a little more seriously.

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Nice. He's one of those. :headbanger:


Accountability is one thing, but I can't stand anyone who doesn't give our soldiers the benefit of the doubt in issues like this.


I give the soldiers the benefit of the doubt, actually. I blame leadership, all the way up.


Not a good idea to rely on drobeski for much of anything.


Just remember, a prominent Republican Senator agrees murder and rape occurred at Abu Ghraib.

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