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My wife is due in December with our first baby boy. I've read that doctors are no longer recomending this procedure, and that the hygene rumors are nothing but urban legend. I was not planning on having it done, but my wife's father said he was not circumcised and that he had problems with infections. (A little more than we wanted to know, but it did make me think twice.) So, any thoughts on whether I should have it done?

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Look at some of the more recent studies that indicate that circumcision helps prevent AIDS. Add in some of the social issues (many women don't like an uncut peanus) and I would recommend it. Both of my boys are cut.


Some folks will say that it cuts down on sensitivity. Well, that is a dumb argument. Most guys will shoot off when the wind blows, so I can't imagine what it would be like if it were more sensitive. Would I be making a mess of my pants while walking down the street? :clap:

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The strongest argument I've heard for circumcision was from a buddy of mine who is uncut and apparently the skin is very tight. One of his ex's had a pretty tight bagina and he said it hurt like hell to fock her. I wouldn't want to be in that spot. I'm sure cases like that are pretty rare but I haven't heard anyone who's cut ###### about it, and given that some girls are freaked out by uncut guys it seems like a pretty easy decision. It's like, do you name your kid William or Englebert. Englebert might be a cool name, but it's easier to pick on.

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I vote strongly 'for' circumcision.


If nothing else, I think you and your wife should consider strongly the physical side of this.


Your son will at some point be picked on and made to question why he is 'different'. Now you'll hear a lot of arguments here that you should teach your son to not let it bother him if others ridicule him, but let's face it - kids already have enough peer pressure and acceptance issues to deal with as it is. I don't understand why a parent would choose not to have this procedure done as choosing against it will most likely cause emotional issues for their son as he grows up.


Some parents choose to let their sons decide for themselves when they are adults if they want to be circumcised or not. :bench: Still, they are letting them go through not only the stress and embarrasment of ridicule from friends and girlfriends as well as having to deal with the 'physical' pain of being circumcised as an adult!!!


How many of you guys here would want to face a procedure like this at your age? :cry:

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I vote strongly 'for' circumcision.


If nothing else, I think you and your wife should consider strongly the physical side of this.


Your son will at some point be picked on and made to question why he is 'different'. Now you'll hear a lot of arguments here that you should teach your son to not let it bother him if others ridicule him, but let's face it - kids already have enough peer pressure and acceptance issues to deal with as it is. I don't understand why a parent would choose not to have this procedure done as choosing against it will most likely cause emotional issues for their son as he grows up.


Some parents choose to let their sons decide for themselves when they are adults if they want to be circumcised or not. :dunno: Still, they are letting them go through not only the stress and embarrasment of ridicule from friends and girlfriends as well as having to deal with the 'physical' pain of being circumcised as an adult!!!


How many of you guys here would want to face a procedure like this at your age? :cheers:


Lamest argument ever

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it's true, they've linked the reason for the high incidence of AIDS in africa over other regions is due to the peenie being uncircumcised. however, if the men were using condoms this would be a non-issue.


i personally feel it is mutilation and we just need to train men to clean themselves better. nothing can be more gross than a dirty vagina and somehow women manage to keep themselves clean.


cirmcumcisions are done without anesthesia, which makes the birth experience for the child terribly traumatic. somehow we can point fingers at african cultures that perform clitordectomies, but we feel male circumcision is okay.


as a woman i have no preference between a cut or uncut man.

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I vote strongly 'for' circumcision.


If nothing else, I think you and your wife should consider strongly the physical side of this.


Your son will at some point be picked on and made to question why he is 'different'. Now you'll hear a lot of arguments here that you should teach your son to not let it bother him if others ridicule him, but let's face it - kids already have enough peer pressure and acceptance issues to deal with as it is. I don't understand why a parent would choose not to have this procedure done as choosing against it will most likely cause emotional issues for their son as he grows up.


Some parents choose to let their sons decide for themselves when they are adults if they want to be circumcised or not. :unsure: Still, they are letting them go through not only the stress and embarrasment of ridicule from friends and girlfriends as well as having to deal with the 'physical' pain of being circumcised as an adult!!!


How many of you guys here would want to face a procedure like this at your age? :wub:

wtf are you talking about? ridicule? emotional issues? :wacko:

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1) It's a barbaric religious ritual that has been outdated due to a little common knowledge about personal hygiene. It is parallel to having a newborn's appendix & tonsils removed at birth as a precautionary measure, or having a cross branded into their lower abdomen.


2) Is is a socially acceptable deformity that is so common that those that do not get it are seen as different and unclean. I personally think it's because we wanted to differentiate ourselves more from other animal species because in God's eyes we are some sort of higher being or something. Having a weiner that looks like a dog's doesn't really give off that 'holier than thou' vibe like we were hoping.


The tough part is, even if you want to make a stament against it, you don't want to at your son's expense. You have to put yourself in his eyes: if you could go back and choose, would you want to be cut or uncut? That is your answer.

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We recently had a boy and we had the foreskin lopped off. I didn't buy into the new wave bullsh!t. I didn't want him to be teased and whatnot, plus there are little to no downside to leaving it on. Beware, after it's cut off, it's pretty tough to look at until it's fully healed, poor lil guy.

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I vote strongly 'for' circumcision.


If nothing else, I think you and your wife should consider strongly the physical side of this.


Your son will at some point be picked on and made to question why he is 'different'. Now you'll hear a lot of arguments here that you should teach your son to not let it bother him if others ridicule him, but let's face it - kids already have enough peer pressure and acceptance issues to deal with as it is. I don't understand why a parent would choose not to have this procedure done as choosing against it will most likely cause emotional issues for their son as he grows up.


Some parents choose to let their sons decide for themselves when they are adults if they want to be circumcised or not. ;) Still, they are letting them go through not only the stress and embarrasment of ridicule from friends and girlfriends as well as having to deal with the 'physical' pain of being circumcised as an adult!!!


How many of you guys here would want to face a procedure like this at your age? :rolleyes:


Wow, what in incredibly poorly reasoned argument. First of all, the assumption that not being circumcised will inevitable lead to ridicule and exclusion is completely faulty. I think you are vastly overestimating the potential for emotional abuse that results from not being circumcised. Is there any particular reason that you feel that being uncircumcised is an obvious forerunner to mockery? Second, even if we do take it as true that is a truly bad reason to have your child circumcised. I mean should we be advocating nose jobs for infants if their huge noses are going to leade to ridicule? Maybe black parents should have their children undergo skin pigmentation changes so they don't feel different for being black while were at it? I don't know what sort of social circles you run in, or were raised in, where this was as big an issue as it seems to be for you, but I think that's what's at fault, not whether or not a chile is circumcised. I know when I have children I'm going to try and avoid unneccesary surgical procedures being performed on them, but I guess to each their own.

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Look at some of the more recent studies that indicate that circumcision helps prevent AIDS.



I'm guessing these were correlational studies which are incapable of demonstrating causation.


For example, having lots of electrical appliances has been "shown to reduce the chances of unwanted pregnancy" and men who shave everyday live longer than men who don't.

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I'm guessing these were correlational studies which are incapable of demonstrating causation.


Bullsh1t. It is a documented FACT that global warming has been linked through correlational studies to the decline of the existance of pirates. Look it up.

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The act of circumcision was once based on a need to address the medical issues that tend to accompany the presence of foreskin, it eventually evolved into a cultural and religious act. In recent years the cultural and religious aspect of this act was viewed by wannabe intellectuals as being too rogueish and antiquated.


A good number of these morons pretending to be so very intelligent didnt circumcise their kids. When my wife and I were debating this with regard to our new son we found that many of those who went without the cut experienced constant infections, and the cultural aspect made them feel like outcasts as well. As a result, our doctors would tell of of many teenagers comign in to have it snipped off....

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Bullsh1t. It is a documented FACT that global warming has been linked through correlational studies to the decline of the existance of pirates. Look it up.



Wait a sec....

global warming

high gas prices

my fantasy team sucks


It all because of pirates. Well, and ninjas, I mean, where have all the ninjas gone?

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I have also heard that circumcision may help cut down on cervical cancer...non-circ'd men may be more susceptible to genital warts, in turn passing them onto female partners...gential warts linked to cervical cancer, etc.


While I do agree with some of BEG's comment, I dont' think that getting it done just so your kid isn't ridiculed isn't a strong enough argument. Kids will find SOMETHING to ridicule other kids about; hair, height, weight, intact peenis...etc.


I am not really sure how to advise someone in this situation, as I think it's between you and your wife.


When I was pregnant with my son and the topic came up, I said, "Are we going to circumcise?" Hubby said, "Yes." I was okay with that, but wanted to know his reasoning. His reasoning was that he wants his son to look "just like Daddy" and not have differences in that area.


GL with your choice.

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I'm guessing these were correlational studies which are incapable of demonstrating causation.


For example, having lots of electrical appliances has been "shown to reduce the chances of unwanted pregnancy" and men who shave everyday live longer than men who don't.


While I agree with your skepticism (I am the same way), this has been studied quite a bit by reputable people.


For example:


French and South African AIDS researchers have called an early halt to a study of adult male circumcision to reduce HIV infection after initial results reportedly showed that men who had the procedure dramatically lowered their risk of contracting the virus.


The study's preliminary results, disclosed Tuesday by the Wall Street Journal, showed that circumcision reduced the risk of contracting HIV by 70 percent -- a level of protection far better than the 30 percent risk reduction set as a target for an AIDS vaccine.


or another example:





A randomized controlled trial (RCT) has shown that male circumcision (MC) reduces sexual transmission of HIV from women to men by 60% (32%−76%; 95% CI) offering an intervention of proven efficacy for reducing the sexual spread of HIV. We explore the implications of this finding for the promotion of MC as a public health intervention to control HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.

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I chose not to have my son circumsized. Regardless of what you have heard from the intelligent people on this forum, do your own research. I spent hours upon hours researching it and found no medical study done that says it is necessary. On the contrary. Regarding the "teasing" aspect of it, that seems a bit silly to me. People are just supposed to continue cutting of the tips of their ###### because everybody else does it? The numbers are beginning to change over the last few years in favor of not circumsizing. Eventually, it will be the norm not to have it done and the ones that are cut will be in the minority. Do what you think is right. All I can tell you is that my son is the sweetest, most well behaved kid. He is a well mannered, straight A student. I can honestly tell you that in the 12 years of his life, I have never once had to "ground" him or punish him ever. He seems happy that I didn't cut the tip of his cack off. I could have used the extra 1/4" :banana:

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While I agree with your skepticism (I am the same way), this has been studied quite a bit by reputable people.


For example:


or another example:






I read part of the first article and it appears to be a non-correlational, experimental study. Interesting.

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A randomized controlled trial (RCT) has shown that male circumcision (MC) reduces sexual transmission of HIV from women to men by 60% (32%−76%; 95% CI) offering an intervention of proven efficacy for reducing the sexual spread of HIV. We explore the implications of this finding for the promotion of MC as a public health intervention to control HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.


I think this study just shows that sub-Saharan African men need to wash their junk better.


And maybe use a condom. Maybe.

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I chose not to have my son circumsized. Regardless of what you have heard from the intelligent people on this forum, do your own research. I spent hours upon hours researching it and found no medical study done that says it is necessary. On the contrary. Regarding the "teasing" aspect of it, that seems a bit silly to me. People are just supposed to continue cutting of the tips of their ###### because everybody else does it? The numbers are beginning to change over the last few years in favor of not circumsizing. Eventually, it will be the norm not to have it done and the ones that are cut will be in the minority. Do what you think is right. All I can tell you is that my son is the sweetest, most well behaved kid. He is a well mannered, straight A student. I can honestly tell you that in the 12 years of his life, I have never once had to "ground" him or punish him ever. He seems happy that I didn't cut the tip of his cack off. I could have used the extra 1/4" :banana:


Do you even know what a circumcision is? They don't cut off the tip of your peanus!

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Do you even know what a circumcision is? They don't cut off the tip of your peanus!



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I read part of the first article and it appears to be a non-correlational, experimental study. Interesting.


Keep reading. These are only a few of the studies that I found with a simple Google search. I was concerned about the "sensitivity" issue myself when considering things with my 2nd son, but the indications are that there is no difference in sensitivity and there is evidence of reduced risk of certain diseases. The only issue I see is the trauma of the act, but frankly I have a hard time thinking that a circumcision is any more traumatic than birth itself and I don't think that you can prove that act causes harm in infants. :cry:

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my wife's grandfather had to be circumcised last year...I can't imagine having to go through that as an adult.....have them cut it early.




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Look at some of the more recent studies that indicate that circumcision helps prevent AIDS.



Also, chopping off the whole thing is even more effective.

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All I can tell you is that my son is the sweetest, most well behaved kid. He is a well mannered, straight A student. I can honestly tell you that in the 12 years of his life, I have never once had to "ground" him or punish him ever. He seems happy that I didn't cut the tip of his cack off. I could have used the extra 1/4" :pointstosky:


You're likening non-circumciscion to your sons great behavior? :cry:

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Cut it so it looks decent and feels good for the ladies or gay dudes if your little man will swing that way.

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We recently had a boy and we had the foreskin lopped off. I didn't buy into the new wave bullsh!t. I didn't want him to be teased and whatnot, plus there are little to no downside to leaving it on. Beware, after it's cut off, it's pretty tough to look at until it's fully healed, poor lil guy.

:blink: yup, same here.

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I don't understand why a parent would choose not to have this procedure done as choosing against it will most likely cause emotional issues for their son as he grows up.

We did not circumcize our now 10 yr old. I was leaning towards doing it because I was snipped and I didn't know much personally about the hygiene maintenance of an unsnipped one. But, my wife went through a 33 hour labor where he was under severe physical stress. My wife lost a lot of blood as well, and after he was born she didn't have the strength to argue and said it was my call. I looked down at him and decided the little guy had been through enough.


Some day he may be upset that it wasn't done, and I'll tell him why. If he chooses to have it done I'll have no problem with it.


This doesn't really address the initial question, IMO that is for you and your wife to decide. I just wanted to respond to BEG's comment.

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We recently had a boy and we had the foreskin lopped off. I didn't buy into the new wave bullsh!t. I didn't want him to be teased and whatnot, plus there are little to no downside to leaving it on. Beware, after it's cut off, it's pretty tough to look at until it's fully healed, poor lil guy.


Usually Gutter is utterly full of sh!t, but I agree 100% :pointstosky:

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the articles i've read that find a relationship between the spread of AIDS due to lack of circumcision are from Science, there is no journal in higher authority besides Nature for publication of scientific research.


i still support not having the procedure done.

(doesn't it look the same erect anyway?)

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the articles i've read that find a relationship between the spread of AIDS due to lack of circumcision are from Science, there is no journal in higher authority besides Nature for publication of scientific research.


i still support not having the procedure done.

(doesn't it look the same erect anyway?)


What does the first sentence mean?


As far as whether they look the same, I think that you have to ask the Curlies (or MDC) that one :D

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You're likening non-circumciscion to your sons great behavior? :D



Yes. I am. We all pretend that it's no big deal but I believe it is traumatic for the baby. I don't care what you say, it focking hurts them big time. I believe not putting a baby through this barbaric, unnecessary ritual has a positive influence on his life. Do you have any friends that are circumsized?

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Yes. I am. We all pretend that it's no big deal but I believe it is traumatic for the baby. I don't care what you say, it focking hurts them big time. I believe not putting a baby through this barbaric, unnecessary ritual has a positive influence on his life. Do you have any friends that are circumsized?


Man I hope you're serious!!! :huh:

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Yes. I am. We all pretend that it's no big deal but I believe it is traumatic for the baby. I don't care what you say, it focking hurts them big time. I believe not putting a baby through this barbaric, unnecessary ritual has a positive influence on his life. Do you have any friends that are circumsized?



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Man I hope you're serious!!! :ninja:


I am pretty sure he is.... :(

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