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Spinoff: How often do you change your razor blade? *UPDATED*

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One shave :huh:


If I don't use a fresh blade my face is a mess. It's getting so expensive I have actually considered laser treatment...in the long run it would be cheaper.

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edjr uses a blade for 4-5 weeks.


I change mine every week on Monday morning.


How often do the rest of you yahoos change your blade?



someone else in the same thread said they chane it every 5 to 6 weeks.


I only shave every other day and I don't have very thick hair. I'd say every 4 weeks to be safe.

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One shave :D



I shave in the shower, so the blade does not get affected as bad as shaving at the sink.

Please explain how this makes sense. TIA

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Please explain how this makes sense. TIA

I do it too. Shaving in the shower softens your beard, which makes it an easier shave.

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I do it too. Shaving in the shower softens your beard, which makes it an easier shave.


Bingo. I was skeptical myself many years ago, but it is true. I used to go through the motors on electric razors and went through disposables like they were water. As soon as I put a mirror in the shower, I got a closer shave and the blades last longer.

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Bingo. I was skeptical myself many years ago, but it is true. I used to go through the motors on electric razors and went through disposables like they were water. As soon as I put a mirror in the shower, I got a closer shave and the blades last longer.



do you use shaving cream or attack it raw?

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do you use shaving cream or attack it raw?


Shaving cream. That is another advantage of being in the shower. You can make a big mess and cleanup is easy.

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Every 4-5 weeks


I shave every morning except Sunday right after my shower. I use shaving oil instead of cream. Only towards the end of week 3-4 does it get rough from time to time.

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Shaving cream. That is another advantage of being in the shower. You can make a big mess and cleanup is easy.



do they make non fogging mirrors? if no, how do you keep it clear?

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do they make non fogging mirrors? if no, how do you keep it clear?

Yes, they make fogless mirrors. You can get them at places like Bed Bath & Beyond.


There are two types, the ones that are a regular mirror and have been treated w/something to keep them fogless and the ones that hook up into the shower head and run water behind the mirror to keep it fogless.


If you can, go w/the one that hooks into your shower head...it works much better than the other ones and they're really not difficult to install.

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Yes, they make fogless mirrors. You can get them at places like Bed Bath & Beyond.


There are two types, the ones that are a regular mirror and have been treated w/something to keep them fogless and the ones that hook up into the shower head and run water behind the mirror to keep it fogless.


If you can, go w/the one that hooks into your shower head...it works much better than the other ones and they're really not difficult to install.





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I shave my head/face every Monday.


Mach 3 blade lasts me about 5-6 shaves, so 5-6 weeks.


You shave once a week?

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From gillette.com:



How many shaves will I get with a MACH3®Turbo cartridge? When should I change the blades?



Many factors come into play when deciding the number of uses per cartridge, such as shave prep, thickness of hair, direction of growth and shaving routine. While you're really in the best position make this decision, MACH3Turbo has an advanced Indicator® lubricating strip to help as a guide. It provides a visual aid to signal when you are no longer receiving the optimal MACH3Turbo shaving experience. We recommend changing the cartridge when the Indicator Strip fades to white, or when the shave becomes uncomfortable.




I've been using MACH3Turbo blades for years and I never knew there was an "indicator strip" :wub:

Guess I'll start going by that instead of once a week!

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You shave once a week?


yeah. So I look like Mr. Clean on Mondays. By Wed I have a little scruff. I think I look best on Saturday personally.


I have et to find a set of clippers that keeps me at the length I like, so I just do the Monday morning shave thing and let it go all week.

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I think I look best on Saturday personally.

Yes. Based on your description, Saturday is when you look the most metrosexual.

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As for 'fogless mirrors', here's a tip: get a regular shower mirror, put some soap on your finger, rub it on the mirror and rinse - voila! no more fog.

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I shave with the blue throwaways and only use them 2 times then pitch it.

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I'm with edjr on this one. :rolleyes:


I change mine, seriously, like three times a year.


The fockers cost about 2 bucks each.


Screw The Man! :bandana:


I also shave in the shower, so my beard, which is light to begin with, is super well prepped.

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See now, this is one of those questions like when my barber* says "when was the last time you got your haircut?"


- I don't focking know. It's not a big moment in my life. I'm not so anal that I keep track of these things. When my hair is too focking long, I cut it. Same with the damn blade - but I'll tell you it's weeks, not days. Basically, I use the damn thing (Mach3) until it's pulling the stubble out by the root. Then, I toss it and get a new one. Those freaking blades are expensive!







*okay, I don't actually have a 'barber' anymore, but I'm not metrosexual enough to say "hair stylist".

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usually once a week...i shave 6 days a week with an old-school safety razor. so the blades are dirt cheap when you compare them to those uber-expensive facial hatchets that everyone else uses.

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- I don't focking know. It's not a big moment in my life. I'm not so anal that I keep track of these things. When my hair is too focking long, I cut it. Same with the damn blade - but I'll tell you it's weeks, not days. Basically, I use the damn thing (Mach3) until it's pulling the stubble out by the root. Then, I toss it and get a new one. Those freaking blades are expensive!

This sums up my thoughts quite concisely.

*okay, I don't actually have a 'barber' anymore, but I'm not metrosexual enough to say "hair stylist".

You've got the razor situation down. Now you're ready for the next step: Electric Clippers (twice a year is sufficient).


A quick trip to Wal-Mart or your local pet shop and you'll make the leap from "Screw The Man Acolyte" to "Screw The Man Journeyman".


The Force is strong in this one. :mellow:

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Shaving cream. That is another advantage of being in the shower. You can make a big mess and cleanup is easy.

I shave in the shower as well but don't even bother with shaving cream. Still get a much better shave then I do out of the shower at the sink with shaving cream.


I shave about every other day, sometimes I'll go two days without shaving. I use the shick quattro and change the blade every 2-3 weeks. I find that the quattro blades last much longer than the mach 3's. The

"indicator strip" is gone after two shaves.

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First 3 shaves on a new blade get it perfect. The next 3 are perfect. The next 3 wind it down. So about 8-10.

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This sums up my thoughts quite concisely.


You've got the razor situation down. Now you're ready for the next step: Electric Clippers (twice a year is sufficient).



FlowBEE!!!!!! <_<

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Bought a fogless/lighted mirror at bed bath and BEYOND last evening.


Shaved in the shower this morning.. GOOD STUFF! :P

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Just changed mine today(Mach 5), we'll see how long it lasts....I'm expecting to change it in early Dec.

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Couple months. I shave every other day and don't use lotion or cream. I don't need to, nor do I understand, the need to change them sooner.

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I put on a new blade on Monday, and the "indicator strip" (Mach3 Turbo) still appears largely intact. I can see some white, but it is pretty much all blue after 3 shaves (I shave every day).


I'll keep everyone posted as to how long the indicator strip shows the blade to be good.

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I sharpen mine before every shave...................thats right A real man uses a straight edge. oh yea , my other user name is scareface. :dunno:

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