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Anyone here have anxiety attacks, or on meds?

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Not anymore, no... but I used to.


They can be pretty scary. Almost like a suffocating feeling. I would have to get outdoors into the fresh air before I felt like I could finally breathe.


When it happens, you just need to completely put your mind over the matter and be as calm as possible... realizing you are going to be fine. Slow, deep breathing helps get you through it if you allow yourself to be calm enough.


Hope you're okay.

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They can be scary. Your heart beats really fast, your face gets flushed, you get tunnel vision, maybe your throat closes up a bit. I know people that have gotten them.


Typical med is Xanax, usually 3x/day. But I've known people to not take them for days or weeks but just use them when stressed or when they think an attack is coming on.

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I get anxiety attacks, but I self-medicate by attacking the dog with a Garden Weasel when I feel it coming on.

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Mrs. DaveBG has them. For a while she was on Xanex, but she's not big on the drugs. These days the counselor is teaching her some new age way to hypnotize herself (or, as I refer to it "chill the fock out".)


But I agree w/Recidivist and think Mrs. DaveBG should just toke up once in a while.

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I have been on Lexapro (10mg) for almost 2 years now. It has worked wonders. I used to get worked up about everything. I would grind my teeth at night, worrying about everything from work, bills, family, etc. Now, when I start thinking about things that used to get my heart racing and that pit feeling in my stomach...I think of it and then my brain tells me that it will be ok and I immediately feel fine and breath normally. Seriously, it is the best thing that has happened to me. It takes almost 2 solid weeks in the beginning for it to take effect but you will know the minute it does. It is 100% better. I don't know you but trust me, it helped me tremendously. I haven't had any side effects at all. I take one pill before I go to sleep. The only negative thing is that if I don't fill my prescription up and go 4 or 5 days without it, I get a weird, dizzy feeling. No big deal. Anyhow, good luck.

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I have been on Lexapro (10mg) for almost 2 years now.

Were you diagnosed w/depression or anxiety or both? I've always found the link between the two to be a bit confusing (mostly b/c I don't suffer from either, so I have a hard time understanding it all.) I guess I could see where the two would feed off of one another.

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what if I'm just the cause?

In Florida you can be shot and killed, no questions asked.

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Were you diagnosed w/depression or anxiety or both? I've always found the link between the two to be a bit confusing (mostly b/c I don't suffer from either, so I have a hard time understanding it all.) I guess I could see where the two would feed off of one another.



Neither one. I am kinda like you. I don't understand it. I just went to my doctor and told him that I get these "panic attack" type feelings once in a while. I was working at a very stressful job and I used to just think about having to deal with certain clients and it gave me this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Or I would be worried about money and think about bills coming in and my son needs money for school trip or whatever and I would just get this horrible anxiety feeling. I was living with it for years and just figured that was how life was. But I started really grinding my teeth at night, worrying about this and that and I would wake up with a headache and toothache. I went to the doctor and told him what was going on. He prescribed me Lexapro and that was that. Not sure what my diagnosis was. He gave me some Xanax for the first two weeks before the Lexapro kicked in. I think Lexapro is kinda like Xanax on a quasi permanent basis. It doesn't make me any different to people or lazy or anything like that. It just takes that panic/edge off. Who knows? It is real though. It has definitely helped.

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Neither one. I am kinda like you. I don't understand it. I just went to my doctor and told him that I get these "panic attack" type feelings once in a while. I was working at a very stressful job and I used to just think about having to deal with certain clients and it gave me this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Or I would be worried about money and think about bills coming in and my son needs money for school trip or whatever and I would just get this horrible anxiety feeling. I was living with it for years and just figured that was how life was. But I started really grinding my teeth at night, worrying about this and that and I would wake up with a headache and toothache. I went to the doctor and told him what was going on. He prescribed me Lexapro and that was that. Not sure what my diagnosis was. He gave me some Xanax for the first two weeks before the Lexapro kicked in. I think Lexapro is kinda like Xanax on a quasi permanent basis. It doesn't make me any different to people or lazy or anything like that. It just takes that panic/edge off. Who knows? It is real though. It has definitely helped.


Too bad it didn't cure you of being a Jets fan

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Too bad it didn't cure you of being a Jets fan



If loving the Jets is wrong, I don't wanna be right. :thumbsup:


By the way, 3-3 is very decent for this young team. Take a look at the schedule. The combined record of the teams we have left is someting like 8-32 or something ridiculous like that. If we win 8 games, it was a very successful year. So,,,,,bite me. :thumbsdown:

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Guest Black Label Society

I, like Jets24 took Lexapro for a while, but it gave me the sexual side effects (couldn't uh hum....'climax').



I then went on Effexor, and it's funny that Jets24 mentioned it, because if I missed them for a couple of days, I would feel really wierd, dizzy, almost like I was going to pass out, but never got that far.


It definately has helped. I used to be just like Jets24. I would lay in bed thinking about Bills, family members with problems, myself, work, you name it. I used to remember looking over at the clock at like 4am, still not having slept, and of course would be late for work. Got me in alot of trouble too.


Until I started taking the meds, I used to self-medicated with a bottle of captain and a 12 pack of coke.

I quit doing that when I woke up one morning and I drank almost an entire 1.75liter of Captain and don't remember it. There was like an inch left in the bottom :thumbsup:

I had, of course, a MASSIVE hangover. I slept like a baby, but woke up feeling like poo.

So I finally went to the DR and they put me on the meds. Works great.

I'm not big on drugs in general, but I can't deny the positive effects.

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I was going to say that I have only had 2 panic attacks in my life. They were both when I was stoned and happened about 5 years apart. I just told myself it was the drugs but I can remember thinking that it was the worst fear I had ever had. Not paranoia, because trust me as a lifelong pot smoker I understand paranoia.

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Neither one. I am kinda like you. I don't understand it. I just went to my doctor and told him that I get these "panic attack" type feelings once in a while. I was working at a very stressful job and I used to just think about having to deal with certain clients and it gave me this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Or I would be worried about money and think about bills coming in and my son needs money for school trip or whatever and I would just get this horrible anxiety feeling. I was living with it for years and just figured that was how life was. But I started really grinding my teeth at night, worrying about this and that and I would wake up with a headache and toothache. I went to the doctor and told him what was going on. He prescribed me Lexapro and that was that. Not sure what my diagnosis was. He gave me some Xanax for the first two weeks before the Lexapro kicked in. I think Lexapro is kinda like Xanax on a quasi permanent basis. It doesn't make me any different to people or lazy or anything like that. It just takes that panic/edge off. Who knows? It is real though. It has definitely helped.

I asked b/c the drug you are taking is for depression and anxiety...I think it's pretty much a later-day version of Prozac (w/out the stigma of being on Prozac.)

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I asked b/c the drug you are taking is for depression and anxiety...I think it's pretty much a later-day version of Prozac (w/out the stigma of being on Prozac.)


Lexapro and Prozac are both SSRI's but Lexapro is like two generations ahead of Prozac--more targeted at the serotonin centers in the brain and therefore less side effects.


SSRI's are used to treat a whole array of mood disorders (depression, anxiety, OCD, addictions, eating disorders, even bipolar I think) that are all basically the same thing. Your mind can't get comfortable with your surroundings so you seek comfort in ways that you shouldn't.

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I've had anxiety and panic attacks for almost 15 years now.


I've taken Paxil, Lexapro, Zoloft, Restoril, Klonopin, Xanax, and on and on and on.


They all make your cack soft, give you the runs, cold sweats, or mess up your sleep.


One day about 4 or 5 years ago I just said "f it" I'm not going to take all these stupid meds anymore. At first the problem got worse but slowly it got better and better. I finally got on a plane for the first time about 2 years ago and have not had any attacks for over a year.


It's all about controlling your breathing and relaxation techniques. Meds are the devil.

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I've had anxiety and panic attacks for almost 15 years now.


I've taken Paxil, Lexapro, Zoloft, Restoril, Klonopin, Xanax, and on and on and on.


They all make your cack soft, give you the runs, cold sweats, or mess up your sleep.


One day about 4 or 5 years ago I just said "f it" I'm not going to take all these stupid meds anymore. At first the problem got worse but slowly it got better and better. I finally got on a plane for the first time about 2 years ago and have not had any attacks for over a year.


It's all about controlling your breathing and relaxation techniques. Meds are the devil.



Speak for yourself. I doesn't make my cack soft. I don't get the runs. I don't get the cold sweats and it hasn't messed up my sleep. Perhaps the fact that you have taken so many in your life, you are focked up. Anyhow, like I said, speak for yourself. Meds are not the devil. Torrid is. :thumbsdown:

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I would lay in bed thinking about Bills,

If I was a Buffalo fan I would worry too.

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Speak for yourself. I doesn't make my cack soft. I don't get the runs. I don't get the cold sweats and it hasn't messed up my sleep. Perhaps the fact that you have taken so many in your life, you are focked up. Anyhow, like I said, speak for yourself. Meds are not the devil. Torrid is. :lol:


There's probably a med for Torrid being the devil too. Afterall, there's a medication for everything isn't there? It's the latest US epidemic making some smug old focks billions of $$$.

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I have been on Lexapro (10mg) for almost 2 years now. It has worked wonders. I used to get worked up about everything. I would grind my teeth at night, worrying about everything from work, bills, family, etc. Now, when I start thinking about things that used to get my heart racing and that pit feeling in my stomach...I think of it and then my brain tells me that it will be ok and I immediately feel fine and breath normally. Seriously, it is the best thing that has happened to me. It takes almost 2 solid weeks in the beginning for it to take effect but you will know the minute it does. It is 100% better. I don't know you but trust me, it helped me tremendously. I haven't had any side effects at all. I take one pill before I go to sleep. The only negative thing is that if I don't fill my prescription up and go 4 or 5 days without it, I get a weird, dizzy feeling. No big deal. Anyhow, good luck.



Lexapro is great I am on it. You just have to take the medication and realize it works for you. I would recommend it to anyone. It sucks having a chemical imbalance but the way I see it almost everyone has something mentally or physically wrong with them so I will bear my cross. I could be handicapped or blind or something else

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Thanks for the respsonses.


I am not a "meds" type of person, but mine are so out of control and I jsut want it to stop. I am also getting into the agoraphobic phase, and I can't have that happen either.


Anxiety/Depression can go hand in hand, and I have been diagnosed with depression in the past (about 7 or 8 years ago).


I just need this to stop. I have tried the Cognitive Thinking, deep breathing, taking a walk, etc, anything to essentially take my mind off of what's going on. It's not working and is just getting worse.


I saw a doctor for anxiety in 2004, and I would guess that it started some time in 2003. So, I have been dealing with this for a LONG time, and it's gotten worse since my baby was born.


Thanks for the replies, everyone. I called my doc and hopefully can get this taken care of.

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Thanks for the respsonses.


I am not a "meds" type of person, but mine are so out of control and I jsut want it to stop. I am also getting into the agoraphobic phase, and I can't have that happen either.


Anxiety/Depression can go hand in hand, and I have been diagnosed with depression in the past (about 7 or 8 years ago).


I just need this to stop. I have tried the Cognitive Thinking, deep breathing, taking a walk, etc, anything to essentially take my mind off of what's going on. It's not working and is just getting worse.


I saw a doctor for anxiety in 2004, and I would guess that it started some time in 2003. So, I have been dealing with this for a LONG time, and it's gotten worse since my baby was born.


Thanks for the replies, everyone. I called my doc and hopefully can get this taken care of.



Best of luck! :doublethumbsup:

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Thanks for the respsonses.


I am not a "meds" type of person, but mine are so out of control and I jsut want it to stop. I am also getting into the agoraphobic phase, and I can't have that happen either.


Anxiety/Depression can go hand in hand, and I have been diagnosed with depression in the past (about 7 or 8 years ago).


I just need this to stop. I have tried the Cognitive Thinking, deep breathing, taking a walk, etc, anything to essentially take my mind off of what's going on. It's not working and is just getting worse.


I saw a doctor for anxiety in 2004, and I would guess that it started some time in 2003. So, I have been dealing with this for a LONG time, and it's gotten worse since my baby was born.


Thanks for the replies, everyone. I called my doc and hopefully can get this taken care of.



I hope you are ok. It can be a scary thing. please ask about lexapro, I highly recommend it. Lay off caffeine especially after 6pm. also ask about ambien if you are having trouble with insomnia. you can take this at night and take your lexapro in the morning or at lunch. Good luck. remember its not a weakness and it is something you can live with.

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Scariest thing in the world.


Initially my doctor gave me buspar for anxiety, and paxil for depression, also xanax for anxiety attacks.


I no longer take buspar, and only take 5 mg. a day of paxil. (which is pretty much like taking none at all)

The paxil was a life saver for me :rolleyes:


Now I can go up to 5 miles out of the house versus just 3 miles :thumbsup:

Actually, I hate being "dependant" on anything (other than pizza, beer and kats, of course), but when I was going through some bad sh1t many years ago, It did the trick :rolleyes:


Anyways, good luck with whatever course of action you decide to take. If you ever feel like talking, you know how to get ahold of me.



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Thanks for the respsonses.


Thanks for the replies, everyone. I called my doc and hopefully can get this taken care of.

You're welcome. This thread was dead an buried on the bottom of page 2 before I resurrected it.

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Scariest thing in the world.


Initially my doctor gave me buspar for anxiety, and paxil for depression, also xanax for anxiety attacks.


I no longer take buspar, and only take 5 mg. a day of paxil. (which is pretty much like taking none at all)

The paxil was a life saver for me :wub:


Now I can go up to 5 miles out of the house versus just 3 miles :lol:

Actually, I hate being "dependant" on anything (other than pizza, beer and kats, of course), but when I was going through some bad sh1t many years ago, It did the trick :wacko:


Anyways, good luck with whatever course of action you decide to take. If you ever feel like talking, you know how to get ahold of me.




:thumbsup: I took 20 mg of Paxil a day after my dad died in '99. I was having full blown panic attacks. I couldn't drive, or do anything. After I started taking the Paxil for a couple of weeks, I got my life back. It knocked the panic/anxiety righ tout of me. The doc weaned me off slowly, after about a year. I had some weird side effects coming off of it, but they were gone after a few months.

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:wub: I took 20 mg of Paxil a day after my dad died in '99. I was having full blown panic attacks. I couldn't drive, or do anything. After I started taking the Paxil for a couple of weeks, I got my life back. It knocked the panic/anxiety righ tout of me. The doc weaned me off slowly, after about a year. I had some weird side effects coming off of it, but they were gone after a few months.

what were the side effects?

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what were the side effects?

Good from what I heard. Sometimes it may cause a small part of the people on it to to have a complete psychotic break. But thats only a few and they cover that up quick. :banana:

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Salvia divinorum is a sprawling perennial herb which grows wild only in the Sierra Mazatec region of Mexico. It's leaves contain the extremely potent salvinorin-A. It has a history of use as a divinatory psychedelic for oral use and has been widely available since the mid 1990s primarily as a smoked herb. Its effects are considered unpleasant by many people.


Hmm. Not sure if that is the drug for me. Thanks for the rec though.

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Good from what I heard. Sometimes it may cause a small part of the people on it to to have a complete psychotic break. But thats only a few and they cover that up quick. :pointstosky:


The incidence of psychosis induced by paroxetine is less than the chance of winning the lottery.

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