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Anyone gonna buy one of these?

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No fockin way I buy one


I don't care what gas costs in a couple years. No way will I get one.

These can't be safe.

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While I was in Italy, I stood next to one. My arms reached from bumper to bumper. I'm 5'11''. I would rather drive a golf cart. No really, golf carts are a lot of fun to drive.

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No fockin way I buy one


I don't care what gas costs in a couple years. No way will I get one.

These can't be safe.



Are you serious? of course i'd buy one. They have to be safer than a motorcycle and just as easy to park. Imagine the spot you could squeeze into with parallel parking?


if nothing else, i can use it on the golf course.


Sign me up! :banana:

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I was at a wedding this past spring in NJ. One of the guests drove one of those things from Toronto!!! :banana:


That could NOT have been a comfortable trip.

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Imagine the spot you could squeeze into with parallel parking?


I think these would be great for living in the city, especially considering parking.


I was talking about these with someone from work this morning and apparently they are so short you can just pull in head first into a spot with the back sticking out towards the street. Thats pretty cool.

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No fockin way I buy one


I don't care what gas costs in a couple years. No way will I get one.

These can't be safe.


If you hit a squirrel you would flip it and be killed.



It looks like a gag prize on the price is right!

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I think these would be great for living in the city, especially considering parking.


I was talking about these with someone from work this morning and apparently they are so short you can just pull in head first into a spot with the back sticking out towards the street. Thats pretty cool.



Perpendicular parking :banana:

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I'd get one and put some spreewells on that biatch.


Rolling on dubs.

How you feelin', hoopty hoop, nigga whaaaaaa?

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thats whats so rediculous about all these cars. they get 40mpg... big deal, so do alot of 4-6 cyl cars. so why do a tiny 3 cyl car if it only gets the same mileage?

show me a smart car that gets 100+ mpg and I'll buy it.

Instead of finding ways to make a smaller engine have the same mpg, start researching how to get better mpg with what we got. If they keep making these engines smaller and smaller, they wont get any better mpg cause they'll have to rip through fuel to have enough power to move the car plus the fat azzes who buy them ;)

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I though this thread was going to be about robot hookers! :banana:




Gutterboy could reach the pedals

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thats whats so rediculous about all these cars. they get 40mpg... big deal, so do alot of 4-6 cyl cars. so why do a tiny 3 cyl car if it only gets the same mileage?
that's what i was thinking. don't the compact japanese cars get that kind of mileage? and they can fit 4-5 people, plus their crap in the trunk.

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thats whats so rediculous about all these cars. they get 40mpg... big deal, so do alot of 4-6 cyl cars. so why do a tiny 3 cyl car if it only gets the same mileage?

show me a smart car that gets 100+ mpg and I'll buy it.

Instead of finding ways to make a smaller engine have the same mpg, start researching how to get better mpg with what we got. If they keep making these engines smaller and smaller, they wont get any better mpg cause they'll have to rip through fuel to have enough power to move the car plus the fat azzes who buy them :banana:



The 3 cyl car also produces less emissions & probably uses smaller quantities of lubricant, etc... I would think that's better for everyone in the long-run ;)

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The 3 cyl car also produces less emissions & probably uses smaller quantities of lubricant, etc... I would think that's better for everyone in the long-run :wub:

I dont know about you, but I'm thinking it'd probably produce the same emmisions as say a 4 cylinder saturn that gets like 40+ mpg.... but thats just my way of thinking.

3cyl would have to work harder than a 4cyl engine, thus probably more emissions... :first:

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I dont know about you, but I'm thinking it'd probably produce the same emmisions as say a 4 cylinder saturn that gets like 40+ mpg.... but thats just my way of thinking.

3cyl would have to work harder than a 4cyl engine, thus probably more emissions... :rolleyes:

and it only seats 2! if you need to transport 4 people, you'd need two of them vs. one of the saturn.

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I suppose it won't get the same gas mileage here because it doesn't make min weight safety limits

for autos in this country as it is now. It's not just that it would be crushed in an accident but semis

would blow it off the road. good luck in the snow



didn't they threaten to send another version of this thing here like a year ago?

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I agree with the above. In order for that car to be desireable, it should either retail for under 9K, or get like 60-70MPG. Both would be better.


What is the 0-60 speed on that with 2 people in it? If it were too high that would make the car unsafe in my opinion - especailly on my local highway. Also, with that little weight and those tiny tires, I think it would be practically useless in the winter where it snowed.

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I agree with the above. In order for that car to be desireable, it should either retail for under 9K, or get like 60-70MPG. Both would be better.


What is the 0-60 speed on that with 2 people in it? If it were too high that would make the car unsafe in my opinion - especailly on my local highway. Also, with that little weight and those tiny tires, I think it would be practically useless in the winter where it snowed.


I agree with this. After thinking about it, why pay 15k for a toy that gets 40 MPG?


It should be less than 10k and get 50 - 60 MPG

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From the owner's manual...


Now, this vehicle is easily operated using four flexigrip handles. Two of them are on each side. Left side for throttle, right side for steering. The third flexigrip is gently inserted into the anus, to keep the driver in place....there we go. Now, the final flexigrip is directly in front of the driver so that its small switches can be operated with the mouth, as such. Put the four together and we're ready to go.

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i would buy one in a minute...if we could keep our other car.


i drive mine 5 miles to work and 5 miles to the train each day...do the math and that's about 2500 miles/year. add an extra 500 for miscellaneous errands at lunch time.


i could get through the year on 75 gallons of gas and park it in my cubicle.



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i couldnt imagine having that out in Wyoming...


this thing would blow off the road...


pot holes?...yeah right...



how did the couple get through us customs going from TO to nj? that mustve been a sight!!..rolling up the tolls and not tall enough for the camera to zap your EZPass toll thingy..


but u could still pull over and rock your gf in it...sort of.. :wacko:

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