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Yep, this guy deserves to be beaten to death slowly and violently

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PITTSBURGH, Nov. 10 (UPI) -- A Pennsylvania man has been accused of violently abusing his newborn daughter, including breaking a leg and using an electric cattle prod on her.


Somerset Borough police say Brandon Alan Austill, a 21-year-old construction worker, began the abuse shortly after Candice was brought home by her mother, four days after her birth, and it continued over a 7-week period, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.


He was accused of smashing her head into a bathroom sink and onto a dining room table, bending her leg over his shoulder until he heard it break and twice using the cattle prod.


Candice, currently in foster care, suffered broken shin and thigh bones, a broken forearm, facial injuries and two separate skull fractures. Authorities discovered her condition Oct. 31, after she was hospitalized.


Austill was charged with aggravated assault, endangering the welfare of a child and possession of an incapacitation device. He was held under $75,000 bail.


The mother, Briana Dawn Clark, has not been charged. :thumbsup:


Who the fock could defend this guy? How the fock could you ever let this sick fock back into society? How does somebody get THAT focking twisted & evil?

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slow and violent? :dunno:

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Went to post this yesterday but these wonderful boards timed out on me so I said fock it.

Hope this bastage dies a slow, painful death.

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At least even criminals have a code of ethics so when this POS gets to jail, he'll have a grand time. On i think MetaCafe.com they have some clips of child molesters getting stabbed by inmates. Maybe he'll break a few bones, get a ripped a$$-hole, and a few skull fractures. We can only hope.

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Members of the Jury.... My client was abused as a child and he was under a lot of stress at the time of the alleged "abuse". Also, there isn't sufficient evidnece to prove that my client is responsible for all of the injuries - kids scrape their knees all the time! Finally, the person who turned my client into authorities happens to be a known rascist. My client is merely a victim of these false accusations and I will be filing a defamation lawsuit on his behalf. Thank you.



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yeah, he'll get his justice in the prisons. Those inmates dont look too kindly on child abusers/rapists (even though I know he didn't rape her).

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Can't believe the mother hasn't been charged. The story doesnt' give enuf details, but it's hard to believe (okay, impossible) that this abuse that occured over 7 weeks wasn't witnessed by the mother repeatedly.

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Members of the Jury.... My client was abused as a child and he was under a lot of stress at the time of the alleged "abuse". Also, there isn't sufficient evidnece to prove that my client is responsible for all of the injuries - kids scrape their knees all the time! Finally, the person who turned my client into authorities happens to be a known rascist. My client is merely a victim of these false accusations and I will be filing a defamation lawsuit on his behalf. Thank you.



so what you're saying is this POS is a white guy and the arresting officer was a black dude? (cause let's not sugar coat it, 99% of blacks are racist against whites, but seeing they are in the "minority" they are given a free pass to be so without any reprucussions)

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I, too, am against beating up newborn babies. :banana:

whoa whoa whoa, slow down there tiger. no need to rush to judgement, you might say something you'll regret later. this is a controversial topic, i think it's better to maintain a modicum of objectivity and see how this all plays out before choosing a side.

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$75,000 bail? I was thinking something like $250,000-500,000.It should be made so expensive that he can't afford it, is left in jail and has an accident while there.

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so what you're saying is this POS is a white guy and the arresting officer was a black dude? (cause let's not sugar coat it, 99% of blacks are racist against whites, but seeing they are in the "minority" they are given a free pass to be so without any reprucussions)


I'm saying my client (a well respected Christian and great humanitarian) is of one ethnisity, while the accuser (a known rascist and flaming homosexual) is of another ethnisity.



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$75,000 bail? I was thinking something like $250,000-500,000.It should be made so expensive that he can't afford it, is left in jail and has an accident while there.

I was picturing him living in a rundown house/trailer, so $75k is proably like a million dollars to him.

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(cause let's not sugar coat it, 99% of blacks are racist against whites, but seeing they are in the "minority" they are given a free pass to be so without any reprucussions)
:banana: i didn't realize this!

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I'm saying my client (a well respected Christian and great humanitarian) is of one ethnisity, while the accuser (a known rascist and flaming homosexual) is of another ethnisity.



he must belong to that new life church. even though I guess that just clouds the whole mystery seeing it wasn't a little boy being abused :dunno:

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I thought baby beating would be okay, even encouraged, now that the Democrats control both houses of Congress.

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Maybe he thought it was a doll? :dunno:

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$75,000 bail? I was thinking something like $250,000-500,000.It should be made so expensive that he can't afford it, is left in jail and has an accident while there.



I'm guessing for white trash like that, $75,000 might as well be a Gajillion dollars. It's not like they're gonna be able to cash in their collection of Dale Earnhart collectible plates.

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I hereby call to order the FF Geek League of Justice Superheroes. From now one we seek out evil and do justice.


And we get to wear capes! :dunno:


Didn't you see The Incredibles?!?!




(BTW - I'm totally in :) )

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I was picturing him living in a rundown house/trailer, so $75k is proably like a million dollars to him.


Plus he's 21 and a construction worker...probably lives with mom and dad still...maybe they are child beaters too :dunno: Could be hereditary :)

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I still have four more spots in my BatJeep if anyone wants to join my League of Justice Superheroes? I'm Crazy Eggbeater Head.


I'm Crazy Eggbeater head! I got an eggbeater on my head! Now give me some candy!!



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I'll be The Sandman.


I can at will disintegrate into a billion grains of sand, allowing me to get into any enclosed space.


Especially bikinis at the beach. :wacko:

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Plus he's 21 and a construction worker...probably lives with mom and dad still...maybe they are child beaters too :lol: Could be hereditary :banana:



Or his parents might have smoked in the car with him when he was younger. :wacko:





as a father of 4, this story makes me hurt

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whoa whoa whoa, slow down there tiger. no need to rush to judgement, you might say something you'll regret later. this is a controversial topic, i think it's better to maintain a modicum of objectivity and see how this all plays out before choosing a side.


Yeah maybe I'm being a little bit of an "extremist" or a "whack job" on this issue, but I don't know. I tend to lead with my heart and sort out the questions later. Sometimes it gets so easy to fall into a trap of imposing your views and your morality on other people, but maybe that's just what makes us human. If I can't be against smashing infant's heads into sinks, then what on earth is there that I can be for?


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Or his parents might have smoked in the car with him when he was younger. :clap:

as a father of 4, this story makes me hurt

agreed onboth accounts

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We had this argument at work the other day. Do you just kill the basturd or send him to jail to be asspounded by every John Holmes focker in prison?


I voted prison as long as there is never a chance for parol. The problem is a life sentence without parol is not likely in these situations so you send the guy to prison for 25 years. He gets out when he is 46 or 47 and now you have a guy who was focked in the head going in and after 25 years of abuse by other inmates is even more of a sociopath and is free to walk the streets and repeat this sh!t.


So no they must be killed. Sentence them to death. But in these cases there needs to be a more suitable death than lethal injection. That's way to easy for a sick fock like this. Stoned to death...public hanging...castration and then death (what was the Mel Gibson movie??) Sentence them to death and let them spend 2 years in general pop untill the deqaath day. I can't think of enough evil sh!t to do to sick fockers like this.


This makes me sick to my stomach.

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:mad: disgusting.


I hereby call to order the FF Geek League of Justice Superheroes. From now one we seek out evil and do justice.


And we get to wear capes! :banana:

Sounds good, but do we have to wear our underwear outside our pants?

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Was his name Zen? :banana:


Seriously, as a father of 3, there were times early in the kids' lives where they wouldn't stop crying and there was maybe a small part of you that wanted to slap the kid. But to actually do the stuff he did, so many times, I can't even fathom.

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Sounds good, but do we have to wear our underwear outside our pants?

It goes with the territory.

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No good can come of geeks in tights. :cry:

Juts put a zucchini in your pants. It'll draw attention away from the flab.

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Juts put a zucchini in your pants. It'll draw attention away from the flab.

I'd be a bit concerned about just WHO would give attention to a guy in tights with a giant package.



Thread hijack complete.

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I'd be a bit concerned about just WHO would give attention to a guy in tights with a giant package.

Thread hijack complete.

Jessy thinks tights are hot.


Or was that eyeliner?


Women confuse me.

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Jessy thinks tights are hot.


Or was that eyeliner?


Women confuse me.

that was panty liners

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