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How does one go about turning over a new leaf?

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I know that many of you have gone through rough times. I look at sawilson's struggle with alcohol. I see so many of you lamenting the demise of marriages or the deaths of loved ones.


I'm the perfect storm of so many problems right now.


I'm so tired of waking up in the morning with a screaming hangover and a stranger in my bed. I have trouble piecing together events from the night before.


Every morning, I wake up with the intention of doing things right, being emotionally and physically healthy, getting myself on a new road, but then as the day wears on, I find new ways to rationalize another evening of self-destructive behavior.


My friends and even some family members are distancing themselves from me. I've hurt so many around me.


I'm at rope's end.


How can I turn all this around?



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Get off the message bored and find serious help!

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I know that many of you have gone through rough times. I look at sawilson's struggle with alcohol. I see so many of you lamenting the demise of marriages or the deaths of loved ones.


I'm the perfect storm of so many problems right now.


I'm so tired of waking up in the morning with a screaming hangover and a stranger in my bed. I have trouble piecing together events from the night before.


Every morning, I wake up with the intention of doing things right, being emotionally and physically healthy, getting myself on a new road, but then as the day wears on, I find new ways to rationalize another evening of self-destructive behavior.


My friends and even some family members are distancing themselves from me. I've hurt so many around me.


I'm at rope's end.


How can I turn all these around?





Didn't you die? Can't you stay that way?

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Didn't you die? Can't you stay that way?


You seem like a pretty nice guy. No need to resort to cruelty.



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Didn't you die? Can't you stay that way?


Must have that pet cemetary, they come back all bitchy and whatnot there

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By shaving their persian pubic mound balder than Tim Hardway's dome and mailing the clippings C.O.D. to Mike FF Today.


You must provide proof via executed return receipt.

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Never easy. First off, try and make the change before you smack face first into the wall. Unfortunately, most people have to have the "incident" that makes them finally say enough is enough. At least you recognize.


Im not sure how to say this so here goes, quit being an inner poosay. You have to have self respect and strength enough to start TODAY and deal with it one day at a time. Find a hobby. Fock, post here, watch movies, surround yourself with people that have interests other than drinking. Its not exactly any guarantee, but its a place to start.


I meditate, it allows my head to clear and for me to visualize my way to seriously solid perspectives and put plans of action into effect. Try and put positive thoughts on the forefront and things will inevitably start changing for the better, eliminate negative thoughts as much as possible as that will only cause the snowball effect of negativity.



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By shaving their persian pubic mound balder than Tim Hardway's dome and mailing the clippings C.O.D. to Mike FF Today.


You must provide proof via executed return receipt.

I often wonder about persian pubic mounds and how they differ from, say paraguayen pubic mounds :unsure:

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have you tried calling your good friends at FFtoday? you know the ones that know what a good person you really are.

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I often wonder about persian pubic mounds and how they differ from, say paraguayen pubic mounds :thumbsdown:


I'm thinking the foliage is comparable.

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I often wonder about persian pubic mounds and how they differ from, say paraguayen pubic mounds :thumbsdown:



Same as camels. One hump vs. Two.

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Let yet another person use your handle who isn't so focked up, if you know such a person? :thumbsdown:

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Go on intervention, I love that show :thumbsdown:



I thought about going to AA or whatever that one is for drugs, but I don't want to sit around and cry with a bunch of people who are probably more messed up than I am.


I don't want to have to give up alcohol for good. I just want to control it and kick the idea of doing drugs every now and then.

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I'm so tired of waking up in the morning with a screaming hangover and a stranger in my bed. I have trouble piecing together events from the night before.


- If you're waking up with a hangover, you didn't drink enough. You should drink enough to be still drunk until approximately lunch time. Then, eat a hearty lunch of salt, grease and starch. You'll be right as rain by the time you get to the bar. As far as the blackouts, that's The Booze taking care of you. Trust me, you don't WANT to know what you can't remember. It's better this way.



Every morning, I wake up with the intention of doing things right, being emotionally and physically healthy, getting myself on a new road, but then as the day wears on, I find new ways to rationalize another evening of self-destructive behavior.


The problem is the first part, not the second. Face it, you're a drunk. You enjoy drinking. There's nothing wrong with that. Enough with the resolutions. It's like vowing not to masterbate. That's just stupid. - And you end up hating yourself for breaking a vow you know full well you can't keep. Then, you feel so bad, you drink to feel better. - And it starts all over again. Stop with the vows. Embrace your inner Otis.


My friends and even some family members are distancing themselves from me. I've hurt so many around me.


Admit it, your family annoys the shiit outta you. And the truth is, you don't have any friends. You have acquantainces, you have coworkers, you have bar buddies. But not a single one of the fothermockers would be there in the pinch - As evidenced by what you've just posted. Fock 'em. The only one that will be there for you in the end is you - and the drink. The drink doesn't judge. The drink doesn't remind you of the stupid shiit you did last night. The drink is there for you time and time again. Can you name ANYone else in your life as dependable as booze?




I don't care if it IS an alias. There's not a MF on the PLANET better qualifed to address this than me. :thumbsdown:

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I see this is getting me nowhere.


One mistake and I'm suddenly the Geek Club black sheep.


I hope none of you ever make a mistake.



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I see this is getting me nowhere.


One mistake and I'm suddenly the Geek Club black sheep.


I hope none of you ever make a mistake.




What? Can't you take a joke? :dunno:

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I see this is getting me nowhere.


One mistake and I'm suddenly the Geek Club black sheep.


I hope none of you ever make a mistake.




Can Size???? :mad:

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post of the day. :lol:


:D Woo-Hoo! I am racking up all KINDS of awards today! :mad:






...Employee of the month will NOT be one of them...

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...Employee of the month will NOT be one of them...


so close too...if only you hadn't forgotten to wear your paper hat, you'd a been a lock.
















no one makes fries as crispy and delicious as you

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I know that many of you have gone through rough times. I look at sawilson's struggle with alcohol. I see so many of you lamenting the demise of marriages or the deaths of loved ones.


I'm the perfect storm of so many problems right now.


I'm so tired of waking up in the morning with a screaming hangover and a stranger in my bed. I have trouble piecing together events from the night before.


Every morning, I wake up with the intention of doing things right, being emotionally and physically healthy, getting myself on a new road, but then as the day wears on, I find new ways to rationalize another evening of self-destructive behavior.


My friends and even some family members are distancing themselves from me. I've hurt so many around me.


I'm at rope's end.


How can I turn all this around?




I'll give you a serious reply.


I might be the only one here who didn't follow the CurlyNight dies (or whatever) thread. It was too much information for me to keep track of with my feeble mind. I understand that you apparently conned everyone into thinking that you were in a car accident or something. Who cares? Not me.


The first thing I'll tell you is that there isn't much advice you can get on this subject. In order to change, you have to truly want it for yourself. Only a genuine desire to change your innerperson and expose your true soul can lead to ultimate change.


Having said that, there are a couple bits of advice I'll give. First, accept yourself for having shortcomings. You aren't perfect and never will be, but you don't have to hate yourself for it. Even the most self-righteous person is no better than you in the eyes of God.


Second thing to consider is breaking ties with all your current friends. Identify the people who, either through inaction or participation, condone or support your self destructive behavior and make a complete and immediate break from them. This is critical. If you keep associating with people who validate your suicidal lifestyle, then you will backslide every time you try to change. You have to cut them off.


Lastly, try praying. Even if you are not a believer, pray anyway. Even if you think you are talking to yourself, people tend to be more honest during prayer and prayer focuses you much like meditation. Remember that a key component of prayer is thanksgiving. The more you talk to God about the blessings in your life, the more you will be motivated to protect them by correcting your dangerous lifestyle. Plus, when you talk honestly to God you are also talking honestly with yourself. For some people, prayer is the only time they're really honest about themselves. :D

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I'll give you a serious reply.


I might be the only one here who didn't follow the CurlyNight dies (or whatever) thread. It was too much information for me to keep track of with my feeble mind. I understand that you apparently conned everyone into thinking that you were in a car accident or something. Who cares? Not me.


The first thing I'll tell you is that there isn't much advice you can get on this subject. In order to change, you have to truly want it for yourself. Only a genuine desire to change your innerperson and expose your true soul can lead to ultimate change.


Having said that, there are a couple bits of advice I'll give. First, accept yourself for having shortcomings. You aren't perfect and never will be, but you don't have to hate yourself for it. Even the most self-righteous person is no better than you in the eyes of God.


Second thing to consider is breaking ties with all your current friends. Identify the people who, either through inaction or participation, condone or support your self destructive behavior and make a complete and immediate break from them. This is critical. If you keep associating with people who validate your suicidal lifestyle, then you will backslide every time you try to change. You have to cut them off.


Lastly, try praying. Even if you are not a believer, pray anyway. Even if you think you are talking to yourself, people tend to be more honest during prayer and prayer focuses you much like meditation. Remember that a key component of prayer is thanksgiving. The more you talk to God about the blessings in your life, the more you will be motivated to protect them by correcting your dangerous lifestyle. Plus, when you talk honestly to God you are also talking honestly with yourself. For some people, prayer is the only time they're really honest about themselves. :D

That's a beautiful message, honestly. Too bad it is wasted on a poster who either:

1. Hacked the CN handle to have fun with it, or

2. was given the handle by CN to have fun with it.



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That's a beautiful message, honestly. Too bad it is wasted on a poster who either:

1. Hacked the CN handle to have fun with it, or

2. was given the handle by CN to have fun with it.





Oh. :D

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Sweet Jesus, did you see the teeth on that Shark this thread just jumped :D

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Yep. I've spoken with her several months ago and don't believe this story. :D

Why not? :)

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