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Reign Over Me (Adam Sandler's Latest Craptastic Movie)

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What happened to the man who made "Billy Madison" or "Happy Gilmore"? What happened to the guy who struck comic gold with the cd's "They're All Gonna Laugh At you" or the now ironically named "What The Hell Happened To Me?"...that's a good question Adam. :cry:


Is this what's it's really come to, making bad movies with even worse hair? The Adam Sandler we all knew and loved truely died around the same time Chris Farely did...he just doesn't know it yet.


End of rant. :dunno:

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I'm not familiar with this new movie, but it seems like Sandler got derailed when he tried to become a "serious" actor after Punch Drunk Love and then Spanglish. Same thing happened with Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon, then Eternal Sunshine and now Number 23. At least Carrey got one of them right (Eternal Sunshine). Sandler is also ridiculously overexposed - the guy just is not so talented that he deserves a star vehicle every six months.


It could be worse. He could be Ben Stiller. :dunno:

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I'm not familiar with this new movie, but it seems like Sandler got derailed when he tried to become a "serious" actor after Punch Drunk Love and then Spanglish. Same thing happened with Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon, then Eternal Sunshine and now Number 23. At least Carrey got one of them right (Eternal Sunshine). Sandler is also ridiculously overexposed - the guy just is not so talented that he deserves a star vehicle every six months.


It could be worse. He could be Ben Stiller. :cry:

what's worse is that his movies for what ever reason still have box office success. he could film himself taking a crap, as long as rob schneider is there to wipe it up the movie will make 100 million. so he's got no real reason to go back to his roots. :dunno:

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I think Kids dig his movies. Personally, I think everything after Happy Gilmore sucks.

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I liked The Wedding Singer and Big Daddy.


I hated everything else.

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I liked The Wedding Singer and Big Daddy.


I hated everything else.

big daddy seriously? with that ridiculous courtroom melodrama?

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The first three times I saw the trailer (in passing, not paying attention) I thought, hey, he'll make a great Bob Dylan! I've always thought they should do a film about him!


Then I actually listened to a bit of the dialogue and reached the same conclusion as the op. :P

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I think Kids dig his movies. Personally, I think everything after Happy Gilmore sucks.

:P And even that IMO had just moments of hilarity. He just is not a good movie actor; skits like SNL were his strength.


I agree with MDC (I think) on Ben Stiller as well. Was he ever funny?

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big daddy seriously? with that ridiculous courtroom melodrama?



Not that part, but in general, I thought it was a cute/funny movie. Happy Gilmore and the Waterboy were jsut wastes of time, IMO, as well as Mr. Deeds.


ITA that his skits on SNL were pretty good.

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People ask me all time.."What is the worst movie you have ever seen?" I always respond the same answer.........Punch Drunk Love.


I love movies, all kinds of movies. I enjoy stupid comedies, dramas, chick flicks, scary, deep, dark comedies, etc. But I swear to God, this was the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen. This is the truth....when the movie ended, people in the theatre started cracking up. We all felt this great bond that we had just sat through the very worst movie of all time. We were just staring at the screen in awe. Truly, Adam Sandler cannot act and this was the very worst movie of all time.

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I agree with MDC (I think) on Ben Stiller as well. Was he ever funny?


I thought his short-lived sketch comedy show (Fox, c. 1992) was pretty good :pointstosky:

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:) And even that IMO had just moments of hilarity. He just is not a good movie actor; skits like SNL were his strength.


I agree with MDC (I think) on Ben Stiller as well. Was he ever funny?



Not very often on Stiller for me. I must admit though I thought Zoolander was hysterical.


Meet the Parents is more the situations and interactions with DeNero, probably 1000 actors could of played his part in that movie.

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I'm not familiar with this new movie, but it seems like Sandler got derailed when he tried to become a "serious" actor after Punch Drunk Love and then Spanglish. Same thing happened with Jim Carrey in Man on the Moon, then Eternal Sunshine and now Number 23. At least Carrey got one of them right (Eternal Sunshine). Sandler is also ridiculously overexposed - the guy just is not so talented that he deserves a star vehicle every six months.


It could be worse. He could be Ben Stiller. :sleep:



or will farrell... :)

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or will farrell... :banana:

will ferrell does some stupid movies but he is definitely funny.

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Little Nicky wasn't bad. The one thing he does well is surround himself with funny sidekicks in every one of his 'good' movies.

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The movie isn't even out yet. How can you have an opinion on a movie that you havn't actually seen? :(


Nevermind, I forgot this was the geek club. :doh:

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Little Nicky wasn't bad. The one thing he does well is surround himself with funny sidekicks in every one of his 'good' movies.


That had to be one of the worst fockin movies I have ever seen. I know, I know, different strokes for different folks, but my God did that movie suck ass.


I like Sandler, but when he goes into those goofy voices I want to gouge out my own eyes and stick dynamite in my ears and if I live after that I'd like to beat him up with a brick.

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Every actor mentioned herein is officially 'ovah'. Soon enough, they're be somebody else that all the 15 y.o. boys (and the GeekBored) will name as the king of comedic genius.


...and 6 years from now we'll be having this same discussion about him.

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Every actor mentioned herein is officially 'ovah'. Soon enough, they're be somebody else that all the 15 y.o. boys (and the GeekBored) will name as the king of comedic genius.

Dave Chappel seemed like he was about to reach Richard Pryor type comedian status. But not anymore.

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Little Nicky was just........... :banana: WTF?


Sandlers over, and his role in this new film seems likes a miscast.

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How about Cheadle, who appears to select his next role in direct opposition to the credibility and critical acclaim of his last one?


From Boogie Nights to Bulworth & Mission To Mars...Traffic to Manic, Swordfish and United States Of Leland...Crash & Rwanda (he had to take two good ones to make up for "Leland") to Oceans 12 & Reign Over Me...


Take him right now in your 2009 Oscar pool! He's fixin' to make one hell of a movie!

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will ferrell does some stupid movies but he is definitely funny.


IF he makes you laugh...then its all funny...


and i love dumb humor....


he just doesnt do much for me....



hes no redtodd....

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Little Nicky wasn't bad. The one thing he does well is surround himself with funny sidekicks in every one of his 'good' movies.

little nicky? are you focking kidding me?? worst movie EVAH!!!

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Little Nicky wasn't bad. The one thing he does well is surround himself with funny sidekicks in every one of his 'good' movies.


is that the movie where he talked liked an idiot the whole time, cause if it is that is his worst movie of all time.


Pretty much agreed Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore classic


Waterboy was decent, I really have only seen it 2-3 times, and probably have not seen it in 5-6 years


wedding singer meh, decent


Big Daddy meh


Little Nicky awful


Mr. Deeds never saw


Anger Management meh


Spanglish not good


50 first dates decent


havent seen anything else

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or will farrell... :dunno:



Sandler has done some stinkers, but big daddy, mr. deeds, wedding singer, and waterboy are all solid. They are not happy gilmore or billy madison, but solid.

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big daddy, mr. deeds, wedding singer, and waterboy are all solid. They are not happy gilmore or billy madison, but solid.



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That had to be one of the worst fockin movies I have ever seen. I know, I know, different strokes for different folks, but my God did that movie suck ass.


I like Sandler, but when he goes into those goofy voices I want to gouge out my own eyes and stick dynamite in my ears and if I live after that I'd like to beat him up with a brick.



Holy Shat! How the fock could anybody like that movie? Wow, I just don't understand people. That was a terrible focking movie. Not as bad as Punch Drunk Love but it was bad.

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claasic what? classic you are to good to like adam sandler cause its cooler to hate him or classic somethign else?

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Little Nicky was the only movie I've ever seen that actually made me leave the theater halfway through (if I even made it that far). It was, and quite possibly still is, the stupidest movie of all time. Anyone that liked that must be at least half retarded. :pointstosky:

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claasic what? classic you are to good to like adam sandler cause its cooler to hate him or classic somethign else?


Classic that Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison are being used as some benchmark for comedy.


In my case, it has nothing to do with being 'too good', or concerned with any 'cool' cred I might get for disliking him. I just don't find those movies funny for anything more than a random scene or two. Sandler was very funny on SNL, and I enjoy plenty of empty-headed comedies. His just aren't among them.

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Goosfrabba people. Goosfrabba.


1. Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore rocked.

2. Wedding Singer, Click, and Fifty 1st Dates were good movies that I can watch with the wife.

3. Anger Management made me laugh several time.

4. Any movie with football in it is good enough for me so Waterboy and The Longest Yard were good.

5. Mr Deeds and Big Daddy are Sat afternoon nothing to do watchable movies.

6. Airheads was stupid.

7. Never saw Little Nicky, Bulletproof, or Spanglish




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What happened to the man who made "Billy Madison" or "Happy Gilmore"? What happened to the guy who struck comic gold with the cd's "They're All Gonna Laugh At you" or the now ironically named "What The Hell Happened To Me?"...that's a good question Adam. :D


Is this what's it's really come to, making bad movies with even worse hair? The Adam Sandler we all knew and loved truely died around the same time Chris Farely did...he just doesn't know it yet.


End of rant. :ninja:



There's a time --- and for some people it happens when your 25, some 30... for sandler it was 40 -- that men realize that they need to grow up. Find purpose in their life. It's a tough transition when all you know is slapstick. That's what sandler is going through.


Nothing is funnier than Medium Pace, but we won't be seeing anything like that again


Spit on your hand and stroke my ######

At a medium pace

Play with my balls and tell me

How big they are

Honey, rub your beaver

Up and down my face

Sit on the corner of the bed

And watch me whack off


You see that shampoo bottle

Now stick it up my ass

Push it in and out

At a medium pace

Talk about your old boyfriends ######

And how big it was

Now shave off my pubes

And punch me in the face

Whoa darlin

Make me push my ###### and balls

Back between my legs

Call me an ugly woman

And take my picture to show

All the people you work with


Now pull up my scrotum

And take the shampoo bottle

Out of my ass

Pretend Im the pizza delivery guy

And watch me whack off


Strap on a ######

And make me give you head

Tell me to slow down

And do it at a medium pace

I feel so humiliated

Im about to blow my load

You tell me its time to make love

But now I cant

cause I spewed all over myself

Then you look into my eyes

And you realize

How much I enjoy lovin you

Im so sorry I spunked on my stomach

Maybe next time Ill be better at lovin you

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There's a time --- and for some people it happens when your 25, some 30... for sandler it was 40 -- that men realize that they need to grow up. Find purpose in their life. It's a tough transition when all you know is slapstick. That's what sandler is going through.


Nothing is funnier than Medium Pace, but we won't be seeing anything like that again


Spit on your hand and stroke my ######

At a medium pace

Play with my balls and tell me

How big they are

Honey, rub your beaver

Up and down my face

Sit on the corner of the bed

And watch me whack off


You see that shampoo bottle

Now stick it up my ass

Push it in and out

At a medium pace

Talk about your old boyfriends ######

And how big it was

Now shave off my pubes

And punch me in the face

Whoa darlin

Make me push my ###### and balls

Back between my legs

Call me an ugly woman

And take my picture to show

All the people you work with


Now pull up my scrotum

And take the shampoo bottle

Out of my ass

Pretend Im the pizza delivery guy

And watch me whack off


Strap on a ######

And make me give you head

Tell me to slow down

And do it at a medium pace

I feel so humiliated

Im about to blow my load

You tell me its time to make love

But now I cant

cause I spewed all over myself

Then you look into my eyes

And you realize

How much I enjoy lovin you

Im so sorry I spunked on my stomach

Maybe next time Ill be better at lovin you

and "Toll Booth Willy"



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Wow...looking back at Sandler's movies, they're pretty craptastic (at least the ones I've seen):



Billy Madison...pretty funny for a first attempt

The Wedding Singer...pretty funny, does a good job of lampooning the 80s

Punch-Drunk Love...underated, decent acting and very interesting directorial work by PT Anderson



Happy Gilmore...couple of funny parts but overrated


The Waterboy...REALLY overrated

Big Daddy...awful

Little Nicky...awful

Mr. Deeds...awful

Eight Crazy Nights...pretty bad

Anger Management...REALLY awful

50 First Dates...pretty bad comedic spin on Memento

Spanglish...pretty bad

The Longest Yard...REALLY awful remake of a pretty good movie


Most of Sandler's "funny" movies are just the same tired jokes from his previous films. I actually liked Punch-Drunk Love to a certain extent. I thought Sandler did a decent job as the utterly depressed Barry Egan; and Philip Seymour Hoffman & Emily Watson both did a great job. Plus, I thought that the film used colors and symbols in an interesting way...


But, yeah...for the most part, Sandler's movies are bad. But somewhere out there, people keep paying $8 or whatever to see them in the theater, so he'll keep making them (and making a lot of $$$).



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8mil over the weekend. I'm not sure how many screens it played nationwide. Surprisingly (or not) I've read three or four good reviews for it.

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