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The Pats Fine and Forfeited Draft Pick(s)

750K in fines, 1st rounder if they make playoffs, 2nd and 3rd if they don't  

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People think this penalty is too low because they can't get it out of their heads that it's against the pats. I agree with you that this probably won't effect the pats as much as some other teams, but here's the deal: this punishment is also setting a precedent. That means any other team that gets caught doing this will be penalized at least just as much, but most likely harder. Think about taking a first round pick away from a troubled team that needs it, now it sounds a little bit harsher.

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Penalty is too low.

How will this affect them at all this season when apparently what they were doing has affected outcomes of games before?


Big deal..they lose a first round draft pick.....THEY HAVE 2 TO BEGIN WITH.

If they don't make the playoffs...so they lose the 2nd n 3rd...big deal, they still have 2 1ST ROUND PICKS.



Again...a fine is ###### in this day with the contracts and amount of money teams players and coaches make. Especially him.



Should be


both 1st round picks




coach suspended.

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Penalty is too low.

How will this affect them at all this season when apparently what they were doing has affected outcomes of games before?


Big deal..they lose a first round draft pick.....THEY HAVE 2 TO BEGIN WITH.

If they don't make the playoffs...so they lose the 2nd n 3rd...big deal, they still have 2 1ST ROUND PICKS.

Again...a fine is ###### in this day with the contracts and amount of money teams players and coaches make. Especially him.

Should be


both 1st round picks




coach suspended.


When did anyone in the Commisioners office state that this has happened before, noone ever caught them because their was no evidence. Don't come on here and present your opinions as fact. The commisioners office says they were vidoetaping games for future use, and it's still against the rules. Funny how the teams that lose to the Patriots are all coming out and saying how weird the Patriot victories seem now. Even the guys on offense sre jumping on it. Last year the Dolphins admitted to buying audio of Brady calling audibles and knew exactly where every audible was going. Sorry, forgot if it happens to the Patriots noone complains. The fact is the Patriots were doing what every team has done for years, ever wonder why coaches put the call sheet in front of their mouth when they're talking? But instead of a guy with binoculars going to check out the opponent weeks in advance they do it on game day and prepare for a future meeting. Funny how all the haters are on here acting like every other team is squeeky clean and full of Choir boys. Get down off your high horses people. Even in the face of all this Bellicheck will never whine about a punishment, a cheap hit, or a bad call. He's a true man and that carries alot of arrogance. That arrogance is what bit him this time. He thought simply going by the original letter of the rule was going to save him. Goodell isn't going to play word games with players or teams so everyone needs to wake up and take notice. Other teams will get caught cheating this year and they will suffer too.

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People think this penalty is too low because they can't get it out of their heads that it's against the pats. I agree with you that this probably won't effect the pats as much as some other teams, but here's the deal: this punishment is also setting a precedent. That means any other team that gets caught doing this will be penalized at least just as much, but most likely harder. Think about taking a first round pick away from a troubled team that needs it, now it sounds a little bit harsher.


I'm kinda on the fence IF they are open to more penalties based on future investigations - and it has nothing to do with it being the Pats.


In the league statement declaring the penalties, it indicates that they will be investigating the other reported cheating incidents like the improper use of radio frequencies and the mysterious loss of communications between visitors sidelines and their booth in Foxboro. If they turn up more stuff, there should be more penalties and I think it should start with at least an 8 game suspension to Belicheat.

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Link to commish accusations they did this before? :overhead:

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i think the loss of a 1st round pick was good but they should have replaced the fines with a 5 game suspension for belicheat. is the commish sending the message that a QB coach's personal use of HGH is worse than focking with the integrity of the game?

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I am a Pats fan -- I would of suspended BB for the season. That way it would ensure that would NEVER happen again by anyone.


To blatantly send a guy to an opponets sidelines and point a camera at the Defenses signals WOW -- I still think Bellicheat is a great coach but a total POS of a person now ! !

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Thought it was a bit harsh. First round pick? For something everyone prolly does? Ouch!


And no I'm not a patriot fan. But, I am a Belicheck fan.

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I know many people wanted a suspension of BB and I can't argue with that. The fine he recieved was the maximum fine and half a million $ is a lot of cash even to BB. Kraft is widely respected for being a very ethical, class guy and apparently had no idea of BB's shenanigans so a 250K fine is appropriate even if for Kraft it's like $100 to you or me. I think the embarrasment Kraft is feeling will definately strain his relationship with BB.


I think most people are not realizing the severity of losing a #1 draft pick. As a Pats fan that is just a brutal penalty considering the stupidity that resulted in it. I can't ever recall of any team losing a #1 pick for any rules violation so to me this is very harsh. I know come April I'm going to be :lol: as we get skipped over in the first round with a ton of talent sitting on the board. It will pi$$ me off even more if BB isn't around and dealing with it like the fans are.

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About right, though a suspension for at least a game was warranted IMO. Not from the severity of anything...but from the thought that this was warned about last year and they did it anyway.


I think the embarassment of it all for BB and Kraft is what makes it worth it I guess.


Though, I thought they should take away their higher of the two #1s rather than their #1 which is likely to be much better than the 9ers pick.

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I am a Pats fan -- I would of suspended BB for the season. That way it would ensure that would NEVER happen again by anyone.


To blatantly send a guy to an opponets sidelines and point a camera at the Defenses signals WOW -- I still think Bellicheat is a great coach but a total POS of a person now ! !


you're a patriots fan huh? :thumbsdown:


hey retard, the filming was done from the PATRIOTS sidelines.


That doesn't take away from what they did, but stop being a moron.

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I think the embarassment of it all for BB and Kraft is what makes it worth it I guess.


you hit the nail on the head and I'm pretty sure, BB left Kraft's office with a red azz last time they met.

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you hit the nail on the head and I'm pretty sure, BB left Kraft's office with a red azz last time they met.

how is that unusual?

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how is that unusual?



It used to be the other way around.

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Another Pats fan, I called it a two. Losing a first is a pretty heavy hit, but I would have understood if they added another pick and/or some suspension for BB. I really expected a first and a second or third.

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Penalty is too low.

How will this affect them at all this season when apparently what they were doing has affected outcomes of games before?


Big deal..they lose a first round draft pick.....THEY HAVE 2 TO BEGIN WITH.

If they don't make the playoffs...so they lose the 2nd n 3rd...big deal, they still have 2 1ST ROUND PICKS.

Again...a fine is ###### in this day with the contracts and amount of money teams players and coaches make. Especially him.

Should be


both 1st round picks




coach suspended.

This is moronic.... Whether or not the pats accumulated other draft picks through previous trades is COMPLETELY irrelevant.



They lost a FIRST ROUND PICK. Huge value to that, impact reverberates years down the road.


Suspending Belicheck made alot more sense to me (and im a homer) let the punishment fit the crime.



This is an absurdly harsh penalty, think about it without the PATS filter.

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The Patriots reportedly were warned about a previous use of a camera in a similar situation in Green Bay after the Packers escorted the cameraman from the field. A Boston Globe report also said the Buffalo Bills complained that the Patriots used a camera in a game against them last year.





Took me two seconds to google, so for all those hiding behind " link it " blah blah blah please now shut up.

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Hey "retard", it was done from the JETS sideline, you freakin idiot. :unsure:


"The videotaping came to light after a camera was confiscated from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella while he was on the New York Jets' sideline during New England's 38-14 win last Sunday at Giants Stadium.



"Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella was stationed on the New England sideline when he was approached by league security officials and had his camera and videotape seized in the middle of the first quarter Sunday. "


There seems to be some confusion on this, so I revert to logic; if I'm trying to steal signals being sent on to the field with hand signals, about the last place I want to be is on the opponent's sideline.

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I see Sean Salisbury and his 4 alias's voted. :rolleyes:



I thought the punishment was fine. Half a million bucks is a lot for anybody and a loss of a 1st round pick is significant. More importantly, his reputation is permanently tarnished. He'll always be Billicheat and now eveyone knows he has not ethics. And people will question the intergrity of his past accomplishments, whether it's warrented or not.

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If you are caught cheating in professional sports, a one year mandatory ban should be the minimum punishment. Blatant cheating is much worse than using performance enhancing substances.

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i think that the first round pick that was taken should have gone to the team that the pats cheated against. :rolleyes:


who was it again??

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If you are caught cheating in professional sports, a one year mandatory ban should be the minimum punishment. Blatant cheating is much worse than using performance enhancing substances.


The problem is there are degrees of cheating. Holding is technically cheating. Trying to knock a player out of the game is cheating. But those actions only results in penalties. What about contacting a player who's currently on another roster, even if it's only through the media... that's cheating.


I'm not a baseball fan, but I could never understand why they didn't kick Sammy Sosa out of the league for using a corked bat. Or ban pitchers who are caught using foreign substances on the ball. Apparently, that kind of cheating is somewhat accepted in that sport. That seems to be the case with what New England did.



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I HATE the Pats since I am an Indy homer. However, I think a first is absolutely crazy. This is another example of the commissioner trying to make a name for himself. I don't think this is an isolated incident - I'm sure other teams have cameras trained on the signal callers - Pats were guilty of being arrogant and not trying to conceal it.

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I'm a Pats fan, and I think he should have been suspended. He's not gonna pay the fine, the Pats will pay it for him. What has he lost? Nothing.


Suspend him for 3 games - no contact with the players and coaches for 3 weeks, watching the games from his living room couch - he'll go out of his mind.

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The punishment is appropriate given the fact the NFL wants this to go away. If they investigate the news story would be huge into just what all was being done and why the NFL and it's vaunted security team were clueless to it or outright ignored it. From a first offense (which we all know it wasn't an isolated incident) the punishment seems fitting.


Look for Pats' games to be close this year and hopefully that cheater Belichick dies of a massive heart attack when his genius is revealed as nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

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Look for Pats' games to be close this year and hopefully that cheater Belichick dies of a massive heart attack when his genius is revealed as nothing more than smoke and mirrors.



Lighten up, Francis.

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you're a patriots fan huh? :cheers:


hey retard, the filming was done from the PATRIOTS sidelines.


That doesn't take away from what they did, but stop being a moron.


Once again, edjr is INCORRECT!! Kudos though on staying true to form.


NFL security confiscated a video camera and tape from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella on Sunday when he was working on the New York Jets' sideline during New England's 38-14 victory. The league has confirmed that it is investigating whether the Patriots were taping the Jets' defensive coaches as they signaled to players on the field.

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Once again, edjr is INCORRECT!! Kudos though on staying true to form.


"Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella was stationed on the New England sideline when he was approached by league security officials and had his camera and videotape seized in the middle of the first quarter Sunday. "

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I think people underestimate the value of a 1st round pick even if it's late in the round, there is some valueable talent there. Losing that player can hurt a team.


For example the last 5 picks in the last 4 Drafts, I bet if you asked coaches if their team would take a huge hit if they were not able to select any of the following, I'd bet they say 100% "yes". It also should not matter if the Pats already had two 1st rounders, Goodell has set the standard that the penalty is what it is, you can't penalize a team more because a team has another bullet in the gun.



Joe Staley

Ben Grubbs

Craig Davis

Greg Olsen

Anthony Gonzalez



Mercedes Lewis

Nick Mangold

Joseph Addai

Kelly Jennings

Mathia Kiwanuka



Luis Castillo

Marlin Jackson

Heath Miller

Mike Patterson

Logan Mankins


Chris Gamble

Michael Jenkins

Kevin Jones

Rashaun Woods

Benjamin Watson

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In the realm of fining or penalizing teams.


This is clearly under penalized.



Where as the NBA penalization of the MN Timberwolves in 2000 for the Joe Smith (two contracts) debacle was too severe.

I think it was 5 years of first round picks lost. Which in the NBA terms is like no draft choices for 5 years. It killed that team and forced the eventual trade of Kevin Garnett among other lack luster moves


My point is this form of cheating has great implication to the effect of the game.

Part of the strategy is dealing with unknowns. Is one thing to know that a certain formation will likely mean pass 90% of the time. Is another to know they are going to pass.

Knowing the defensive call and then telling Brady where their CB's are going to be is definitely not good sportsmanship.


In a sense, they should have been stripped of playoff option this year.

a penalty, give were warned before directly and another indirectly is much deserving.

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He's a true man

:doublethumbsup: :first: :lol: He is an all around POS. He cheats on and off the field. He cheated on his wife and that is a POS by definition.


All this "They lost there 1st round pick is a big deal" nonsense needs too stop. They will have a ton of money to sigh a proven vet. instead of signing a guy that may or may not be able to play at the NFL level. A vet. is someone already proven what that can do. Losing that pick is NOTHING and Bilicheat should have been suspended if not banned from the NFL. The NFL just sent a message to all teams that this is no big deal to them and you will just get a slap on the wrist for this horrendous behavior by this known cheat.


MLB banned Pete Rose for far less.

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I'm a Pats fan, and I think he should have been suspended. He's not gonna pay the fine, the Pats will pay it for him. What has he lost? Nothing.


Suspend him for 3 games - no contact with the players and coaches for 3 weeks, watching the games from his living room couch - he'll go out of his mind.


I'd rather they rip the 1st rounder than a 3 game suspension. The Pats are good team in a weak division. They can overcome the loss of the coach for 3 games without missing a beat. Maybe it costs them one game at the most. Losing a 1st rounder theoretically takes away a player who has a chance to contribute for a lot of years.


More than anything, the league is wise to his actions now, and will be watching him like a hawk. I think that hurts the Patriots more than anything. They won't have these advantages anymore, unless he's even more arrogant and foolish than I thought and continues to try stuff like this.

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