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Little Billy got beat up and his parents bailed him out

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cliff notes: boy gets beat up by bullies in elementry and middle school, as a freshman he gets beat up again and so his parents take the bullie to court because they say the school or bullie's parents dont do anything....


That father needs to either teach his son to fight or enroll him in the Cobra Kai karate school. C'mon man, you have to feel like you failed as a father if you have to resort to the courts. Heck, send your son to the new D!ck Nose movie (owen wilson) where the kid hires a bodyguard.......

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cliff notes: boy gets beat up by bullies in elementry and middle school, as a freshman he gets beat up again and so his parents take the bullie to court because they say the school or bullie's parents dont do anything....


That father needs to either teach his son to fight or enroll him in the Cobra Kai karate school. C'mon man, you have to feel like you failed as a father if you have to resort to the courts. Heck, send your son to the new D!ck Nose movie (owen wilson) where the kid hires a bodyguard.......


I'd actually sue the school as well. Fighting is for pussies. Attack with the mind. It hurts worse for longer. :dunno:

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Not that I expect to have a wuss when I do have a boy one fine day, but if ever someone pwnes my kid for an extended time period without letting it go ill confront the father first. If the situation does not change ill sprawl that motherfocker out, that should send the message.


Fatherless child? Moms get the biitch didnt have my money treatment

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Not that I expect to have a wuss when I do have a boy one fine day, but if ever someone pwnes my kid for an extended time period without letting it go ill confront the father first. If the situation does not change ill sprawl that motherfocker out, that should send the message.


Fatherless child? Moms get the biitch didnt have my money treatment


exactly what I was thinking this morning when they were on the today show. They kept beating this kid over and over at some point I go find the dad and kick the shiot out of him. screw the lawyers and stuff, why cant we handle things like men anymore?



I see its bc of sissies like hoyt, yea that will work. :dunno:

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Little Billy has BEEN getting beat up for years. If this was a one time deal then whatever, but I don't blame the parents at all since this has been going on for so long.

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Not that I expect to have a wuss when I do have a boy one fine day, but if ever someone pwnes my kid for an extended time period without letting it go ill confront the father first. If the situation does not change ill sprawl that motherfocker out, that should send the message.


Fatherless child? Moms get the biitch didnt have my money treatment



Internet tuff guys.


You forgot to add you'd do it in front of his/her family for maximum effect.

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More or less...the bullying occurs on school grounds. The school at that point is responsible for the kids. If the parent has followed up with the school after YEARS of bullying, then yes, I can see how the school would be at fault for this. If it's been going on for this long, the bully should indeed have been suspended or expelled, etc.

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I'd just tell my son to make sure that the fockers that are beating him up are the first ones on his "hit list" when he goes to school in a trench coat pack'n heat :bandana:

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Internet tuff guys.


You forgot to add you'd do it in front of his/her family for maximum effect.


you should introduce your wife to him, she could prob use a real man. :bandana:

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I'd feel like a lot more of a failure as a parent if my kid was going around beating up weaker kids for sh!ts and giggles.

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I would expect the school to step in and take some action here. When i send my kids to school it is to learn in a safe environment and it is incumbent upon the school system to ensure a safe environment. If a child is being singled out for bullying then the school needs to take action to mitigate this.....this is important for the bully as well as perhaps it will be possible to prevent this clown from selling his house more than it is worth one day.....bet you didnt see that coming didya :bandana: :P

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You forgot to add you'd do it in front of his/her family for maximum effect.



Sometimes I forget things


I'd feel like a lot more of a failure as a parent if my kid was going around beating up weaker kids for sh!ts and giggles.


Exactly. I wouldnt respect any father who had absolutely no control over his kid wreaking havoc, particularily with something as easy to control as violence, its not an addiction.

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Did anyone acutally read the article? The parents tried working with the parents of the offenders, the school admin. and district before ever even hiring a lawyer.


He also does not get beaten unless he is alone and none of his freinds are around.


Exactly WTF do you tuff guys expect the parents to do, other than beat someone else up? :bandana:

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you should introduce your wife to him, she could prob use a real man. :bandana:


Which naturally excludes you.

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I absolutely sympathize with the bullies. What kind of sissy lets his parents sue other kids because he is fruity enough to get his ass kicked over and over again. The kid is a failure at life in every sense of the word. I never met him, and I want to kick his girly ass.

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Gentelmen, let me direct you back to my origional post: His pvssy father should have either taught him to fight or sent him somewhere to learn to take care of himself. This kid will be a legal adult in 3 or 4 years and not be able to take care of himself, or later on, his own family. His father has done him a great injustice by not teaching him how to take care of himself. I posted this as a "ha-ha" joke but in reality, there is a serious problem developing for this young adult, he is turning into a man who will not be able to handle difficult situations that arrise in his life. AND I BLAME IT ALL ON HIS FATHER.

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Gentelmen, let me direct you back to my origional post: His pvssy father should have either taught him to fight or sent him somewhere to learn to take care of himself. This kid will be a legal adult in 3 or 4 years and not be able to take care of himself, or later on, his own family. His father has done him a great injustice by not teaching him how to take care of himself. I posted this as a "ha-ha" joke but in reality, there is a serious problem developing for this young adult, he is turning into a man who will not be able to handle difficult situations that arrise in his life. AND I BLAME IT ALL ON HIS FATHER.


You base success in life on the ability to fight? ;)

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Gentelmen, let me direct you back to my origional post: His pvssy father should have either taught him to fight or sent him somewhere to learn to take care of himself. This kid will be a legal adult in 3 or 4 years and not be able to take care of himself, or later on, his own family. His father has done him a great injustice by not teaching him how to take care of himself. I posted this as a "ha-ha" joke but in reality, there is a serious problem developing for this young adult, he is turning into a man who will not be able to handle difficult situations that arrise in his life. AND I BLAME IT ALL ON HIS FATHER.


I would rather my kid not grow up thinking its OK to beat up others, but that it is entirely OK to defend oneself.... ;)

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You base success in life on the ability to fight? :wave:


Where do you think bullies emerge from? Moronic parents glorifying physical violence and attributing their social standing to their ability to use violence, and to gouge people with their home prices...yeah, i did it again.... ;)

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You base success in life on the ability to fight? ;)

nope, success can be measured in taking care of one's own problems with running to mommy though......

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Gentelmen, let me direct you back to my origional post: His pvssy father should have either taught him to fight or sent him somewhere to learn to take care of himself. This kid will be a legal adult in 3 or 4 years and not be able to take care of himself, or later on, his own family. His father has done him a great injustice by not teaching him how to take care of himself. I posted this as a "ha-ha" joke but in reality, there is a serious problem developing for this young adult, he is turning into a man who will not be able to handle difficult situations that arrise in his life. AND I BLAME IT ALL ON HIS FATHER.


Yeah, like when he gets to college and has that big report due, he should definitely go punch the professor in the face in front of his family. Couple years later, the boss doesn't give him that promotion... That's an ass-kickin'. That's certainly how the successful adults I know handle difficult situations in life. ;)

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As a yoof (around 10-ish) my younger bro came to me crying and said that Billy (not his real name), the neighborhood bully, had picked on him. I and my friends told him to suck it up. Then he showed us his arm with a big gash, apparently from a hatchet. :huh: Uh oh, we better tell Dad about this.


Dad has that look on his face that children don't like to see, when it is intended for them. He asks where Billy is, bro tells him, and Dad says to stay here. We of course ignore him and stealthily follow. We were concerned because Billy was a ginormous mutant of a teen, and my Dad was maybe 5'8". We thought he was going to get killed.


Dad walks straight towards Billy, who is sitting defiantly on his bike with his arms crossed. Without saying a word, my Dad walked up to the bike, grabbed the front tire, heaved it upward and sent Billy sprawling on the ground with a :mad: look on his face. Dad gets in Billy's face and says something like, "if you ever touch my son again, I will rip off your head and shiot down the focking stump!" Billy got the memo, and was never a problem again.


These situations were easier to fix back in the good old days. :dunno:

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Bullies are the ones you are afraid of at school - and the ones you make fun of at the reunions.

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count down till this kid gets an gun and shoots up the school.




1. Parents, if it is that big of an issue, move your kid to another school.

2. Dumbass schools should come to reality that this could explode in their face if they don't do something.

3. Bullies are often the kids with the lowest self esteem. They pick on others to make them feel better about their pathetic lives.

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uhh...hitting someone is assault. Assault is a crime. You report crimes to the authorities. The authorities investigate and charge the offenders. The offenders are prosecuted. How hard is this to understand? Do you idiots really advocate some kind of vigilantism because you think you are some sort of avatar for "manliness?" Dolts.


Civics 101 over



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uhh...hitting someone is assault. Assault is a crime. You report crimes to the authorities. The authorities investigate and charge the offenders. The offenders are prosecuted. How hard is this to understand? Do you idiots really advocate some kind of vigilantism because you think you are some sort of avatar for "manliness?" Dolts.


Civics 101 over




You can talk about assault all you want when you have adults involved. Kids beat the crap out of each other. This way they don't grow up to be pussies who whine about their entitlement; typically, these kids end up dying with no friends nor family, but 84 sickly cats in an apartment. I dished out some beatings, and I took some beatings.


Reality 101.

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uhh...hitting someone is assault. Assault is a crime. You report crimes to the authorities. The authorities investigate and charge the offenders. The offenders are prosecuted. How hard is this to understand? Do you idiots really advocate some kind of vigilantism because you think you are some sort of avatar for "manliness?" Dolts.


Civics 101 over




so basically you run from people screaming "i'm telling".

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You can talk about assault all you want when you have adults involved. Kids beat the crap out of each other. This way they don't grow up to be pussies who whine about their entitlement; typically, these kids end up dying with no friends nor family, but 84 sickly cats in an apartment. I dished out some beatings, and I took some beatings.


Reality 101.


The laws make no distinction re. age and assault cases. If you walk up to someone on the street and, unprovoked, punch him in the face, as these people have video evidence of, that's assault. This is not arguable from any logical position.

What if these kids walk into a school and start shooting other kids? Well, they're just kids and that's they way adolescence goes. :wall:


They're old enough to be tried as adults in many cases for crimes they commit. Why not this one?

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so basically you run from people screaming "i'm telling".


if the alternative is to get jumped and beat up, you're damn right. Although, I'm not going to scream anything.


Look, there's a distinction between playful, or at least somewhat good natured bullying and teasing that's part of growing up. Kids are hard on each other. But, if you read the article, that is not what's going on here.

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if the alternative is to get jumped and beat up, you're damn right. Although, I'm not going to scream anything.


Look, there's a distinction between playful, or at least somewhat good natured bullying and teasing that's part of growing up. Kids are hard on each other. But, if you have someone read the article to you, that is not what's going on here.




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Look, there's a distinction between playful, or at least somewhat good natured bullying and teasing that's part of growing up. Kids are hard on each other. But, if you read the article, that is not what's going on here.


That's cause the kid is a poosay. Look, if you let kids beat you up other kids know you're easy prey and then they do it too. Kick the crap out of one of those kids after he blind sides you and I guaranfockingtee you the other kids will think twice about bullying you next time.

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There is actually hilarity in this thread the like of which has not been observed in months and months.... :dunno: :headbanger:

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The laws make no distinction re. age and assault cases. If you walk up to someone on the street and, unprovoked, punch him in the face, as these people have video evidence of, that's assault. This is not arguable from any logical position.

What if these kids walk into a school and start shooting other kids? Well, they're just kids and that's they way adolescence goes. :dunno:


They're old enough to be tried as adults in many cases for crimes they commit. Why not this one?


There is a big difference between a fight and real violence like shooting somebody with a gun.


My point is that any faggity family that actually sues somebody for bullying their kid is just silly beyond comprehension. I want to go down to Buttfock, Arkansas and punch that kid in the throat. That would be better parenting that what kid is exposed to now.

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These situations were easier to fix back in the good old days. :dunno:

That's the key to this entire situation. You can not just have your kid learn to fight and beat the shit out of everybody that has focked with him, at least not anymore in todays society. If this kid did beat the shit out of the others, he would probably be the one punished and left with a record.


Back in the day, things were different. Nowadays, people sue for virtually anything, and these parents who have the monsters bulling kids around would probably welcome the chance to sue anybody for anything. So Unfortunately, you can't do this anymore.

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didn't some 14 year old just kick the shiot out of you for being a dirty mexican?



:o :dunno: :headbanger: :mad:

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Jesus, you guys are cold-hearted. Its not as if this was some kind of one time thing. It would be an entirely different manner if this kid got picked on some bullies once and his parents decided to sue over it. But if you read the article (how many actually did that? my guess is only a few of you), you would know that this was an ongoing problem that the parents had tried to fix through other channels first. What is the little kid supposed to do in that situation? Bring a gun and shoot some mofos? :dunno:

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That's it. I feel like brawling with somebody. Where's my boss?

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That's it. I feel like brawling with somebody. Where's my boss?


YEAH! :pointstosky:


And one time my father spanked me, I am going to head over there now and kick the sh!t out of him.....beating his ass makes me right after all.... :pointstosky:

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