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Recommend a book

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I will be in between classes next month and have to travel twice. I can use something for the plane flights.


Throw some good recommendations for a book my way. music_guitarred.gif

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I will be in between classes next month and have to travel twice. I can use something for the plane flights.


Throw some good recommendations for a book my way. music_guitarred.gif


The Stand

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"The dark tower" series by stephen king.


Its 7 books, but its the best epic ever written imo(mainly cause its not a fantasy epic, but more of a horror/dark drama epic)




If you are looking for just one book, and want it to be easy reading, i recomend "Good omens" by terry pratchet, its a comedy.

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"The dark tower" series.


Its 7 books, but its the best epic ever written imo.

If you are looking for just one book, and want it to be easy reading, i recomend "Good omens" by terry pratchet,

Is that really that good? Always wanted to read it, LOVE Stephen King

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The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand. YWIA.

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The Road


Especially as a father of a new boy.

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Letters From a Nut

I had forgotten this book. Read it in like 5th grade. Pretty funny still, though.

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Slash autobiography...good read.


I READ THAT! :music_guitarred:


I've never read Catcher in the Rye so I'm thinking I'll pick that one up over the weekend.

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Scratch Beginnings



Tony Dungy: Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life



Gregg Easterbrook: Beside Still Waters: Searching for Meaning in an Age of Doubt



Living the Martial Way : A Manual for the Way a Modern Warrior Should Think


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I READ THAT! :pointstosky:


I've never read Catcher in the Rye so I'm thinking I'll pick that one up over the weekend.

It's good. I'm sure you've heard that, but it really does a good job of examining the typical teenage psyche. If you're not 16 when reading it though, may just seem like a whiny kid in New York. :overhead:

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I've never read Catcher in the Rye so I'm thinking I'll pick that one up over the weekend.

Read it a few years ago, thought it sucked ass. There are plenty of classics which are way better, if you want to go that way. :pointstosky:

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Read it a few years ago, thought it sucked ass. There are plenty of classics which are way better, if you want to go that way. :pointstosky:


I'm telling Lenny.

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Last of the Breed by Louis L'Amour


It takes place during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The main character is an American Pilot who must try to survive both the wilderness and the enemy in Siberia......


It's really good.

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The Road


Especially as a father of a new boy.



Just finished reading this today. Wow...GREAT book. Totally engrossing.

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"The dark tower" series by stephen king.


Its 7 books, but its the best epic ever written imo(mainly cause its not a fantasy epic, but more of a horror/dark drama epic)

If you are looking for just one book, and want it to be easy reading, i recomend "Good omens" by terry pratchet, its a comedy.

I am a huge king fan and I will tell ya. I was impressed with the series up untill the end. I think the last book was a POS. I waited years for him to finally finish off the dark tower series and he drops that POS? Whatever, fock him.



Anything from Anne Rice.



Atlas Shrugged

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tipping point



The alchemist

Tom Clancy


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i am america (and so can you!) by stephen colbert.


dood, it.HAS.STICKERS. nuff said. :dunno:

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Has anyone else but me read the "Tom Clancy" Splinter Cel series ????????



I gots questions...........

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I am a huge king fan and I will tell ya. I was impressed with the series up untill the end. I think the last book was a POS. I waited years for him to finally finish off the dark tower series and he drops that POS? Whatever, fock him.


Terrible ending. Didn't even make sense. Although King sticking himself into the storyline earlier might have been even more annoying.........





American Gods - Neil Gaiman

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The Family by Mario Puzo


His last book I believe...about the Borgias whom he considers "The Original Crime Family"...part Clintons, part Kennedys, and part Sopranos (according to amazon). Probably one of my favorite books I've ever read.


"The Family" on Amazon


Wikipedia on the Borgia Family


The Borgias or Borjas were an Italian noble family of Spanish origin remembered today for their corrupt rule of the Papacy during the Renaissance. They are in fact thought to be "history's first criminal family", and a forerunner to the Italian Mafia.[1] The patriarch of the family, Rodrigo Borgia, "became a bishop, cardinal and vice-chancellor of the church."[2] He was later elected Pope, taking the name Alexander VI and kept that position for at least eleven years. Other members of the Borgia family were Lucrezia Borgia and Cesare Borgia, daughter and son of Rodrigo Borgia, respectively. Among the many accusations against the Borgia family, some are of incest, adultery, murder, and scandal.[1]

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Eye of The Needle - Ken Follett

- WWII historical fiction. What if a Nazi spy uncovered the D-Day plans? They made a movie out of this in the late 70s/early 80s.

Fun, easy read. A bit thriller. A bit spy/espionage. A bit history.


The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini

- never thought I'd read a book about Afghanistan and like it but this one's pretty good. Afghanistan has been in the news for most of our lives: from the Soviet invasion that was all over the news when we were kids to the Taliban which is all over the news now. It's fiction, but it's worth reading to gain some perspective on the incredibly foreign yet always newsworthy Afghanistan.

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The Road


Especially as a father of a new boy.


I put that on hold at the library. I am hoping to get the whacky one with the dude who writes about the future technology (time travel, teleporting, etc.), but I am not sure if I will be off the hold list in time.

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American Gods - Neil Gaiman


I read that a little while back based on a recommendation here. Meh.

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Not really a recommendation cause I'm only halfway through it, but....



My Mom reads more books then anybody I know, but rarely sends me a book to read (in fact I can't really remember her ever sending me a book). Anyway, she sent me this book, 'Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover's Story of Joy and Anguish'. Pretty easy read...read half of it on the train ride to work. By the title it is for Dog Lovers. My mom said, she got it cause the author is one of her favorite writers. What's weird about that is as far as I knew my mom was or is a life long democrat...involved big time in labor unions back in the late 60's early 70s. The author of this book is Mark Levin, a conservative author, lawyer, and radio talk show host. Guess mom is getting conservative in her old age. :pointstosky: I guess cause I got a dog a year and a half ago she thought I would enjoy it. It's pretty good but kind of sad. :headbanger:


insert mom joke here

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Terrible ending. Didn't even make sense. Although King sticking himself into the storyline earlier might have been even more annoying.........

American Gods - Neil Gaiman

Had he stuck himself in earlier I would have stopped reading right then and there. He waited till the last book to do it. After reading the entire series it seemed to me that he just gave up on the last book. It was like he HAD to produce one more book and he did not really care if it was good or it fit with the storyline. I don't know if he has written any more books because after the last book of the dark tower series I swore I would not read any more of his books.

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The Road


Especially as a father of a new boy.


Just asked for that as a B-Day gift. Is it as good as what people/critics are saying? Heard a critic a couple of months ago say it was the best book he's ever read.

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Had he stuck himself in earlier I would have stopped reading right then and there. He waited till the last book to do it. After reading the entire series it seemed to me that he just gave up on the last book. It was like he HAD to produce one more book and he did not really care if it was good or it fit with the storyline. I don't know if he has written any more books because after the last book of the dark tower series I swore I would not read any more of his books.


hah, me too, that was the last king book i read.

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Had he stuck himself in earlier I would have stopped reading right then and there. He waited till the last book to do it. After reading the entire series it seemed to me that he just gave up on the last book. It was like he HAD to produce one more book and he did not really care if it was good or it fit with the storyline. I don't know if he has written any more books because after the last book of the dark tower series I swore I would not read any more of his books.



Did he write that before or after his head got bounced like a basketball on the pavement? :banana:

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I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell - Tucker Max


This should be required reading for ALL males age 18-39.


If you have no idea what I'm talking about, or who Tucker Max is, you owe it to yourself to find out.

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