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I love what the Geek republicans are doing at FFToday

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These poor guys have had eight really painfully bad years. Bush 2 isn't rated the 36th ( of 43 ) best Prez of all-time for nothing. Starting a War for the wrong reason, blaming it on the CIA; never catching bin Laden, sacrificing nearly 5,000 US soldiers and more than 100,000 innocent people, borrowing 10 billion dollars a month from China for it, Abu Ghraib torture, Katrina, doubling the US Debt in just eight years, gas prices, calling global warming a lie when 99.8 % of all scientists disagree due to CO2 emissions over the last 100 years MORE than the 36,000 years prior.

And I could go on and on and on and on but the points is the Geek republicans have been slammed so much and so often that they are trying to even things up with the Obama presidency. In just two months of trying to clean up the Cheney/Bush mess, the Geek republicans are screaming bloody murder.


It is just so darn funny to watch you guys try this. Every open minded independent thinking person is laughing right in your face. Yous guys are so immature. You try to show how smart you are by posting these political threads and all you're doing is dividing this great country. I know many of you are the same person but there's enough of you to make our board look pathetic.


If Obama fails even 3/4 as much as Bush 2, I'll stand up and admit it. But for chrissake, give him a chance.

Why do you republicans hate the American way?


And I'm not even touching the racist angle. Although it's palinly visible oft times.


And if you are dissatisfied with the course of things in four years, then vote for Palin. :music_guitarred:

But until then, get aboard with America. Or get off and try somewhere else.




Oh and when I say 'love' in the subject line, I mean 'embarrassed by'.

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I can see your point. been a lot of CHANGE going on. :music_guitarred:



WELL if nothing has changed from Bush 2, what are yous guys b!tching about?

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WELL if nothing has changed from Bush 2, what are yous guys b!tching about?


link me to anyone who was happy about Bush spending beyond our means?


funny how you bitched about that but have nothing to say about the spending going on now. hack.

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link me to anyone who was happy about Bush spending beyond our means?


funny how you bitched about that but have nothing to say about the spending going on now. hack.




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Pretty good post gutter. You make some good points. I'll give Obama his 4 years and judge how we are doing then. Too early in the game right now to make a decision.

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Pretty good post gutter. You make some good points. I'll give Obama his 4 years and judge how we are doing then. Too early in the game right now to make a decision.

It's what I've been saying all along.


These Republicans are still licking their wounds from teh ass-whooping their party's been taking lately. They are worse than a woman-scorned. They are hate-filled and will stop at nothing to try to turn the country against Obama. It's funny, but sad at teh same time watching how they're acting.


Funny, for a guy who's been dubbed a 'liar' and has apparently been failing at everything he's tried, he sure has a great approval rating.

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exactly. its ok if democrats are doing the spending. pathetic.



Excuse me. This admin's spending is trying to clean up an inherited mess. NOT for war and greed.


The baseball game isn't over if you walk in a run in the 2nd inning.


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They are worse than a woman-scorned.



Why you want to bring THAT up for! :P











I'm over it.


It's all good.

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link me to anyone who was happy about Bush spending beyond our means?


funny how you bitched about that but have nothing to say about the spending going on now. hack.


link to recliner pilot and other neo-con apologists starting anti-bush threads every single day.


yeah, i'll wait.

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link to recliner pilot and other neo-con apologists starting anti-bush threads every single day.


yeah, i'll wait.

Swamp found somebody to love and be loved by!! :thumbsdown:

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These poor guys have had eight really painfully bad years. Bush 2 isn't rated the 36th ( of 43 ) best Prez of all-time for nothing. Starting a War for the wrong reason, blaming it on the CIA; never catching bin Laden, sacrificing nearly 5,000 US soldiers and more than 100,000 innocent people, borrowing 10 billion dollars a month from China for it, Abu Ghraib torture, Katrina, doubling the US Debt in just eight years, gas prices, calling global warming a lie when 99.8 % of all scientists disagree due to CO2 emissions over the last 100 years MORE than the 36,000 years prior.

And I could go on and on and on and on but the points is the Geek republicans have been slammed so much and so often that they are trying to even things up with the Obama presidency. In just two months of trying to clean up the Cheney/Bush mess, the Geek republicans are screaming bloody murder.

But Obama is going to take away your guns and gays will be able to marry.

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But Obama is going to take away your guns and gays will be able to marry.


obama's not taking away my guns...as for gays, i don't give a fock if they marry or not. neither should anyone else.

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link to recliner pilot and other neo-con apologists starting anti-bush threads every single day.


yeah, i'll wait.


you don't think that was covered by you and the rest of the crybabies on the bored?


now that the shoe is on the other foot, none of you guys want to say a word about the lies nor the spending which by the end of the year will prob surpass the spending during the whole Bush administration.

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you don't think that was covered by you and the rest of the crybabies on the bored?


now that the shoe is on the other foot, none of you guys want to say a word about the lies nor the spending which by the end of the year will prob surpass the spending during the whole Bush administration.



Lies? Let's wait and see, shall we? There's only 2 outs in the top of the first inning.



I'd much prefer my spending go for infrastructure and jobs and strengthening our banking institutions that have failed in the last 8 years rather than War and bridges to nowhere. But that's just me.

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Obama is the anti-christ. He is leading us down the path of destruction to our inevitable doom on December 21, 2012.



That makes about as much sense as the rest of that repub BS.

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That makes about as much sense as the rest of that repub BS.


The Mayans and Nostradamus beg to differ.


You're embracing the policies that will destroy everything we once stood for...I figured you'd be a little more receptive.

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The Mayans and Nostradamus beg to differ.


You're embracing the policies that will destroy everything we once stood for...I figured you'd be a little more receptive.





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What makes it worse is that bush didn't have the iraq war on the budget. He doubled the debt excluding the cost of the Iraq war.


I don't think it helps to keep looking back. Yes, most of us can agree that the country is a mess right now. Most of us will agree that bush had a hand in that, but how much is debatable. But the thing is, looking back wont change anything. We should be looking at what obama is doing to get us out of a recession. If he can't, we can't just say, well its bush's fault. Obama knew what he was getting into when he became president. Whether mccain, obama, or any other candidate one, they will be judged by what they do to fix the economy. Quit saying, well bush left him a mess. Thats not going to change.

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What makes it worse is that bush didn't have the iraq war on the budget. He doubled the debt excluding the cost of the Iraq war.


I don't think it helps to keep looking back. Yes, most of us can agree that the country is a mess right now. Most of us will agree that bush had a hand in that, but how much is debatable. But the thing is, looking back wont change anything. We should be looking at what obama is doing to get us out of a recession. If he can't, we can't just say, well its bush's fault. Obama knew what he was getting into when he became president. Whether mccain, obama, or any other candidate one, they will be judged by what they do to fix the economy. Quit saying, well bush left him a mess. Thats not going to change.


yeah, he cooked the books and (again) neo cons looked the other way. how the fock don't you account for iraq and afghanistan in your federal budget? it's a like a couple sitting down with a budget counselor and not accounting for their mortgage payment.


but it's typical of the way the gops treat americans like idiots.

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yeah, he cooked the books and (again) neo cons looked the other way. how the fock don't you account for iraq and afghanistan in your federal budget? it's a like a couple sitting down with a budget counselor and not accounting for their mortgage payment.


but it's typical of the way the gops treat americans like idiots.

Well the Bush-is-our-Messiah idiots fall for it hook, line, and sinker. They are sheep. :overhead:

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Boooooooooooring. Tell us more tales of the inner geek circle.

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What makes it worse is that bush didn't have the iraq war on the budget. He doubled the debt excluding the cost of the Iraq war.


I don't think it helps to keep looking back. Yes, most of us can agree that the country is a mess right now. Most of us will agree that bush had a hand in that, but how much is debatable. But the thing is, looking back wont change anything. We should be looking at what obama is doing to get us out of a recession. If he can't, we can't just say, well its bush's fault. Obama knew what he was getting into when he became president. Whether mccain, obama, or any other candidate one, they will be judged by what they do to fix the economy. Quit saying, well bush left him a mess. Thats not going to change.


I can agree with that.




WON :overhead:

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What makes it worse is that bush didn't have the iraq war on the budget. He doubled the debt excluding the cost of the Iraq war.


I don't think it helps to keep looking back. Yes, most of us can agree that the country is a mess right now. Most of us will agree that bush had a hand in that, but how much is debatable. But the thing is, looking back wont change anything. We should be looking at what obama is doing to get us out of a recession. If he can't, we can't just say, well its bush's fault. Obama knew what he was getting into when he became president. Whether mccain, obama, or any other candidate one, they will be judged by what they do to fix the economy. Quit saying, well bush left him a mess. Thats not going to change.


but given the magnitude of the mess, is it really fair to throw obama under a bus after 2 months in office? again, the country was in worse shape TWO YEARS INTO reagan's first term--and that even from carter standards.


there is no magic wand (as much as the neo cons would have you believe the answer is to simply cut taxes and step out of the way and let darwinism win the day--oh, and make sure all the money the government does have is spent on planes, bombs, and missiles).

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I don't know if the Dems are doing the right thing regarding the economy. But put me on the record as thinking they aren't. Seeing how poorly designed the bailout bill was, with all that taxpayer money unaccounted for and nothing to show for it means what I suspected all along, they weren't looking out for the taxpayers, they were looking out for the banking interests. Say one thing, do another- a game the GOP loves to play as well.


So now the two biggest things the Dems have done... the stimulus bill and the bailout (from the tail end of the Bush years) I didn't support. My default position is probably the Republican one, if it were to be articulated ... let the fockers fail, then pick up the pieces. Although, I'm not confident that's the right approach either, it makes a lot more sense to me at this point.


I've supported and been pleased with pretty much everything else Obama has done so far as president. He's getting high marks everywhere else. Some of these ideas floating around though -like this cap on executive compensation and the Fairness Doctrine-also make me really concerned. I use to be opposed to the idea of government Health Care but I could come around depending on what it looks like. Specifically, I'll be paying attention to cost containment and potential areas for fraud, waste, and abuse of money.


All in all for Obama and the Dems- good for the most part, concerned about other things, and very suspicious of the money/budgetary aspects.


For the GOP - I still have a massive case of BDS and I see no reason to trust these people any time soon. A void of ideas and solutions. If the liberals start to get carried away, hopefully enough moderates split off and join with these otherwise useless a$$holes to stop things.

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I don't know if the Dems are doing the right thing regarding the economy. But put me on the record as thinking they aren't. Seeing how poorly designed the bailout bill was, with all that taxpayer money unaccounted for and nothing to show for it means what I suspected all along, they weren't looking out for the taxpayers, they were looking out for the banking interests. Say one thing, do another- a game the GOP loves to play as well.


So now the two biggest things the Dems have done... the stimulus bill and the bailout (from the tail end of the Bush years) I didn't support. My default position is probably the Republican one, if it were to be articulated ... let the fockers fail, then pick up the pieces. Although, I'm not confident that's the right approach either, it makes a lot more sense to me at this point.


I've supported and been pleased with pretty much everything else Obama has done so far as president. He's getting high marks everywhere else. Some of these ideas floating around though -like this cap on executive compensation and the Fairness Doctrine-also make me really concerned. I use to be opposed to the idea of government Health Care but I could come around depending on what it looks like. Specifically, I'll be paying attention to cost containment and potential areas for fraud, waste, and abuse of money.


All in all for Obama and the Dems- good for the most part, concerned about other things, and very suspicious of the money/budgetary aspects.


For the GOP - I still have a massive case of BDS and I see no reason to trust these people any time soon. A void of ideas and solutions. If the liberals start to get carried away, hopefully enough moderates split off and join with these otherwise useless a$$holes to stop things.


Interesting. The bolded part seems to be the only positive thing you have to say about Obama/Dem leadership. :blink:

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Interesting. The bolded part seems to be the only positive thing you have to say about Obama/Dem leadership. :blink:


I like the changes in foreign policy, the environmental concerns, lifting the stem cell research ban, the commitment to clean, transparent and ethical government for the most part (but he's actually being too zealous IMO). He's handling the Guantanimo sh*tstain situation well for now. Energy policy for the most part is acceptable but backing off from the nuclear waste dump site in Nevada is reversing one of the very few things The Bushtard got right.


I worried the liberal loonies would have their way more often and am still concerned but overall - other than economics and budgetary matters- pretty good.

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calling global warming a lie when 99.8 % of all scientists disagree due to CO2 emissions over the last 100 years MORE than the 36,000 years prior.


You still believe in that crap? :blink:

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It's what I've been saying all along.


These Republicans are still licking their wounds from teh ass-whooping their party's been taking lately. They are worse than a woman-scorned. They are hate-filled and will stop at nothing to try to turn the country against Obama. It's funny, but sad at teh same time watching how they're acting.


Funny, for a guy who's been dubbed a 'liar' and has apparently been failing at everything he's tried, he sure has a great approval rating.



Reminds me of the 1994 elections. The one where the Republicans took over. The end of liberals were talked about constantly. It's cyclical. Isnt it. the libs acted like total fawking crybabies when they lost power. They will lose it again, just like the republicans did. The Republicans are doing what the Democrats do....get back power however they can!


That approval rating is dropping faster than W's did, by the way. People like you detested Bush 2 for the spending. Now, Obama, is out spendind him 4-1 on the defecit, and you wouldn't know it listening to your bull-shat!

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yeah, he cooked the books and (again) neo cons looked the other way. how the fock don't you account for iraq and afghanistan in your federal budget? it's a like a couple sitting down with a budget counselor and not accounting for their mortgage payment.


but it's typical of the way the gops treat americans like idiots.


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The Mayans and Nostradamus beg to differ.


So? There is probably some asshat prophecy that calls for the end of the world in every year. Nostradamus is a fraud, and the Mayans should have worried less about 2012, and more about those white guys getting out of the boats. :thumbsup:

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Instead of saying "they" or "all republicans", why don't you actually call out the geeks you are talking about instead of lumping everyone together based on a few geeks threads/posts.


There are quite a few people (i.e. Brad GL, bushy, Saint Elistan, and many more) that post in the political threads that do not just spout the latest repub media talking points. Why do their posts and threads rarely break the two page mark or even replied to? Yet a RP thread may go for three pages? It's because for some reason that is all a lot of you guys (Newbie, gutterslut, swamp dog, Flashover, ect.) focus on. Those posters constantly argue with RP pushing the thread to the top for days, and then whine about it the next day.

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So? There is probably some asshat prophecy that calls for the end of the world in every year. Nostradamus is a fraud, and the Mayans should have worried less about 2012, and more about those white guys getting out of the boats. :thumbsdown:




i've never understood that logic: the local sorcerer predicts the world will end in 500 years (but fails to mention NEXT YEAR the mayan world will END).

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Obama inherited a mess. That is a given.


But just because he inherited a crappy situation, does not mean that anything he does is ok...because he's trying to fix the situation.

Many people think what he is doing will make matters worse, for us, but mostly for future generations.


Just because Bush was a bad President, does not mean Obama is or will be a great one just because he is the opposite. If he does something people disagree with or think is bad for the country, are they supposed to be silent because Bush was a bad President? I don't see the connection.


Bush was bad. We get it. That doesn't mean Obama cannot be criticized. No President should be considered untouchable.


Some people will rail against Obama simply because he's not on their "team" and they didn't vote for him.

Others genuinely disagree with his policies and criticize him accordingly.


For me, I'm ok with his foreign policy so far.

But I fear his economic policies area faulted. From the lack of accountability in the bailouts, the wasted money in the stimulus, cap and trade, and card check...I find it impossible to support him on these. His protectionist ideology with EU and Mexico and his eventual backtracking makes me think not only am I scared that he would insert such policies, but I fear his failure to understand the backlash it causes means he's in over his head.

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Obama inherited a mess. That is a given.


But just because he inherited a crappy situation, does not mean that anything he does is ok...because he's trying to fix the situation.

Many people think what he is doing will make matters worse, for us, but mostly for future generations.


Just because Bush was a bad President, does not mean Obama is or will be a great one just because he is the opposite. If he does something people disagree with or think is bad for the country, are they supposed to be silent because Bush was a bad President? I don't see the connection.


Bush was bad. We get it. That doesn't mean Obama cannot be criticized. No President should be considered untouchable.


Some people will rail against Obama simply because he's not on their "team" and they didn't vote for him.

Others genuinely disagree with his policies and criticize him accordingly.


For me, I'm ok with his foreign policy so far.

But I fear his economic policies area faulted. From the lack of accountability in the bailouts, the wasted money in the stimulus, cap and trade, and card check...I find it impossible to support him on these. His protectionist ideology with EU and Mexico and his eventual backtracking makes me think not only am I scared that he would insert such policies, but I fear his failure to understand the backlash it causes means he's in over his head.



I agree with your post, but basically you're one of the only ones actually saying anything of substance rather than posting a link then saying "He sucks!!" or calling him the Messiah.


Is he the best president ever? No. Has he made some mistakes? Sure. Am I nervous about his economic policies? You'd have to be crazy not to be. But I also voted for him so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

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But until then, get aboard with America. Or get off and try somewhere else.


welcome aboard there gs. nice to see you jump on the bandwagon finally. got some steeler gear this year too?


let's say sarah palin had won and not your boy barry. what if she had been the leader while the markets got slaughtered, or if she asked for and got 2 stimulus bills totaling over a trillion dollars, then said that wasn't enough. then said she would end the war, but can't. then backtracked on the tax promises during the campaign. hmmm, what else? oh...it doesn't matter does it? you'd have raked her over the coals. maybe it's time to admit this cat had no clue what he was in for, and frankly can't handle it. it's more of the liberal blame game while nothing gets done. instead of fixing a flat tire, they'd rather see who's fault it was, as long as it was the mean republicans.


still, glad to see you're part of america now. you prolly should buy a gun sooner than later.

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Obama inherited a mess. That is a given.


But just because he inherited a crappy situation, does not mean that anything he does is ok...because he's trying to fix the situation.

Many people think what he is doing will make matters worse, for us, but mostly for future generations.


Just because Bush was a bad President, does not mean Obama is or will be a great one just because he is the opposite. If he does something people disagree with or think is bad for the country, are they supposed to be silent because Bush was a bad President? I don't see the connection.


Bush was bad. We get it. That doesn't mean Obama cannot be criticized. No President should be considered untouchable.


Some people will rail against Obama simply because he's not on their "team" and they didn't vote for him.

Others genuinely disagree with his policies and criticize him accordingly.


For me, I'm ok with his foreign policy so far.

But I fear his economic policies area faulted. From the lack of accountability in the bailouts, the wasted money in the stimulus, cap and trade, and card check...I find it impossible to support him on these. His protectionist ideology with EU and Mexico and his eventual backtracking makes me think not only am I scared that he would insert such policies, but I fear his failure to understand the backlash it causes means he's in over his head.


Excellent post. I could have typed the same thing. I never realized how much we had in common. :o


Also this new bailout plan is the last straw, Tim Geithner's clear, unequivicable willingness to screw the taxpayers to help out the bankers makes me sick. Since it's now clear that Obama is standing by him, I'm done giving him a chance. I'm totally off the Obama economic plan bandwagon. Now, I'm no expert and I hope I'm wrong. I hope it works. But it looks to me like a big assfocking of the US taxpayers. Combined with the massive increase in printing money ... I dunno ... I'm real pessimistic.

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