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Cutler is officially done in Denver

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Everyone's killed McNabb in this town, and you have to give him credit, he's put up with it well for the past decade.


I had this same thought of McNabb. While he says a few things here or there...he has generally acted with class in these situations and its night and day to how Cutler is handling it.

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Bus Cook


This is what we call boiling a problem down to its essence.

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I had this same thought of McNabb. While he says a few things here or there...he has generally acted with class in these situations and its night and day to how Cutler is handling it.


IMO, Cutler is immature. No one can dispute his physical talent. Mentally, though, I don't think he's quite there yet. He may be a nice guy, and he may mean well in what he does and tries to do, but he comes across as not being quite there.


I don't blame him for this situation. Not at all. However, he handled it very poorly, and did it acting kinda like a child.

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Before he organizes his first practice or calls his first play, Josh McDaniels has an indelible Denver legacy: In his first three months on the job, he drove away the franchise quarterback.


Perhaps he'll be around long enough to overshadow that legacy with brilliant successes of his own. Perhaps not. But in the colorful history of audacious rookie coaches, McDaniels just made the top 10.


The character traits are entirely different, but for Jay Cutler, McDaniels turned himself into Frank Kush, the coach John Elway refused to play for in Baltimore, prompting the trade that launched the Broncos' golden age.


Blame Cutler for immaturity if you like. Blame him for overreacting to trade talks. But know this: Cutler's refusal to communicate with Broncos brass over the past 10 days was not a fit of pique. It was the result of a calculated decision that he doesn't want to play for this guy.


McDaniels may never have wanted him to. We really don't know. The young coach's mealy-mouthed assurances — "Jay Cutler is our quarterback" — were reminiscent of Bill Clinton. They actually depended on what the meaning of "is" is. They made it impossible to know what he really thinks. Cutler may have been petulant, but at least he was honest.


McDaniels' power play in his first few weeks as an NFL head coach was as audacious as it was puzzling. Did no one ever tell him that the first priority of a rookie coach should be to develop good working relationships with his key veterans?


The notorious trade talks for Matt Cassel did not ruin this relationship all by themselves. McDaniels might have overcome those with a concerted effort he never made. Rather, it was pride, and it was arrogance.


McDaniels refused to clue Cutler in before those talks, refused to come clean afterward and refused to the end to be the bigger man, to admit he had fumbled the ball and try to make it right.


Assuming this is not a reflection of rank incompetence, you have to conclude he wanted this outcome. You have to assume he believes he's better off with another quarterback, whoever that might turn out to be.


And so you are left to choose between the football acumen of McDaniels and Mike Shanahan, the man who saw Cutler as a franchise player.


Owner Pat Bowlen put the onus on Cutler in his statement Tuesday night, much as McDaniels did last week at the owners' meetings.


In a certain myopic sense, they're right. Cutler could have shrugged it all off and returned. But when you're counting on a 25-year-old player to be the bigger man than your head coach, your organization has the usual dynamic backward. (the downside to the young HC trend)


Just as McDaniels cannot admit his mistakes in dealing with Cutler, Bowlen is unwilling to consider that his whirlwind romance of McDaniels might have been a tad hurried.


A generation ago, forced to choose between a coach and a franchise quarterback, Bowlen chose the quarterback, firing Dan Reeves. A generation later, he chose the coach. You may say Cutler is no Elway, but there's another difference, too: Reeves wasn't Bowlen's hire. McDaniels was. For Bowlen, too, this looks all about pride.


For Broncos fans, it is no longer about who did what. It is about the good of the team. And the Broncos are about to lose the only asset that distinguished them from a bad football team.


This is not to re-engage the Cutler argument. Yes, he had a losing record as a starter. Yes, the Broncos had two of the worst defenses in their history over that span. Yes, when the defense performed, Cutler's record was stellar. We know all this. Everyone is entitled to an opinion about Cutler's ability and potential.


But given Shanahan's opinion, which carried a lot of weight in this town until three months ago, Cutler's replacement becomes the crucial question. Generally speaking, you don't disparage a player before trying to trade him.


So now we'll see how McDaniels picks up the pieces. He can demand a veteran quarterback as part of the Cutler deal or he can prepare to draft a quarterback later this month and go with Chris Simms for now.


Maybe this is the way he wanted it — to be rid of Cutler and able to blame him for the split at the same time. But that will work for fans only if McDaniels manages to build a competitive team around his new guy.


In his first three months on the job, the Broncos' new coach has driven off the franchise quarterback and made it difficult to believe anything he says. Give him this: Dude works fast.



Good article from the Denver Post. It pretty much sums up my opinions about the matter. I've been a lifelong Bronco fan. Today, I find myself hoping this team sucks the biggest suck in suckville. - Just to punish McDaniels. A rookie HC who has proven absolutely NOTHING - and who focked up one of the few decent players on that team.


Mark Schlereth (former Bronco) said it best about the Broncos today. "They've got a bunch of jouneyman players who should be coming in for 7 or 8 plays - as their starters. - Enjoy guys. Why don't you go out and grab Jeff Garcia while you're at it.

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Cutler sounds like a head case. I can almost guarantee the first sign that the media starts to beat him up publicly, or the first time the fans start to get on him, he will retaliate in such a manner where he will never win back either.


Everyone's killed McNabb in this town, and you have to give him credit, he's put up with it well for the past decade.


IMO, Cutler won't survive. I think NY would be a horrible place for him, too.


I could see Minnesota. Hell, the Titans could pony up a stop gap in Kerry Collins and their first round pick and another pick for him.

No question. I commend Mcnabb for putting up with a decade of second guessing and all the BS that comes with being a high profile sports figure in Philly. He's been classy through it all, even when he's made some questionable comments, I've never said to myself "that guy needs to grow up". That being said, Cutler seems like he might be a bit childish. He might be torn a new a-hole here. But all this comes with two caveats: 1. McNabb came into this town under major scrutiny after being taken ahead of Ricky. That has (right or wrong) followed him his whole career as a chunk of fans never accepted it. It wasn't long ago that even Donovan apologists were starting to question the future.

2. As well as mcNabb has played for the last ten years, he's never brought us a ring. As such he gets no passes for any minor crap. Cutler could be a whiny effing ######. If he brings a championship to this town he is automatically elevated to near flawlessness. (read: Charlie Manuel)


The question boils down to whether or not you think Cutler is/can be better than Donovan when it counts?


I think as a pure QB, he probably can be.

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Denver had a chance to keep Cutler. Don't hire a new young schmuck (sp?) of a coach that tries to replace him with a lesser player. Also, Bowlen shouldn't have promised Cutler that his o-c and/or qb coach would remain with the team and then allow little pioli to fire them.


I'm with you on this one. McDaniels rolls in there with zero experience at being the man, and decides he's going to wreck shop and leave his mark on things. He screwed the pooch multiple times in this one.


- tried to trade for a lesser player

- didn't have the common sense to give Cutler a heads up that talks had happened

- ran his mouth, AGAIN, when they had their sit down


And I'm not buying the 'Cutler is a crybaby' stuff either. He's not spouting off to the media. If McDaniels can toss his weight around, why can't Cutler?

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I'm with you on this one. McDaniels rolls in there with zero experience at being the man, and decides he's going to wreck shop and leave his mark on things. He screwed the pooch multiple times in this one.


- tried to trade for a lesser player

- didn't have the common sense to give Cutler a heads up that talks had happened

- ran his mouth, AGAIN, when they had their sit down


And I'm not buying the 'Cutler is a crybaby' stuff either. He's not spouting off to the media. If McDaniels can toss his weight around, why can't Cutler?


Don't forget the real killer. Remember that when the news of the potential trade talks came out, Cutler was cool with it. His comments were entirely professional. It wasn't until McDaniels lied about the trade talks afterward that Cutler decided that he couldn't trust the guy. And, like the author of the article I posted said, Cutler hasn't changed his position since. I mean, M&M couldn't even keep a straight face when they tried to report McDaniel's initial "there were only incoming calls" bullshiit. Then, a few days later, we find - shockingly - that wasn't true. - And that's when Cutler said F it, I can't trust this guy.


The Broncos used to be one of the most professional, stand-up organizations in football. Now, it's pure lying Patriots-wannabe keystone cops scenario.

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And I'm not buying the 'Cutler is a crybaby' stuff either. He's not spouting off to the media. If McDaniels can toss his weight around, why can't Cutler?


Exactly. Remember all the shiit guys were saying about Elway when he refused to play for Balt? Hell, some dooshes are still saying that. At this point, I'll be rooting for Cutler and against McDaniels. I'd like to see the JETS get him, but with that sleazy Patriots connection, I doubt McDaniels will let that happen to his boy Beli. :headbanger:

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And I'm not buying the 'Cutler is a crybaby' stuff either. He's not spouting off to the media. If McDaniels can toss his weight around, why can't Cutler?


While "he" is not...his mouthpiece in Bus Cook has told "his side" of the story several times. Ive seen far more of Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have McDaniels in the national media.

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yeah, i meant the 12-for-5 pick. the issue with the bucs and the jets is they don't have a quinn to trade. in fact, very few (if any) teams have a quinn to trade back to denver. that does give cleveland a bit of leverage, especially if denver likes quinn.


but the other teams without a viable qb to give back will have to, no doubt, pay a lot more.


i do think that denver can maximize the most value by playing the nfc teams off each other.


absolutely, and Quinn, coming from Romeo's system, is likely familiar with McDaniel's terminology and such. i think the browns will play into this regardless because of Quinn. I think there's going to be a 3-way deal done here involving Quinn. I don't see Denver making a deal that doesn't net them a QB with some experience, so I think a trade with Detroit for the top pick is probably out. Oddly, I have a feeling that Philly enters the mix here. They've got McNabb or Kolb and 2 1st round picks to dangle. This promises to be a fun ordeal that Denver and Cutler have created now...

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While "he" is not...his mouthpiece in Bus Cook has told "his side" of the story several times. Ive seen far more of Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have McDaniels in the national media.


Wouldn't surprise me if McDaniels has been given a gag order with the way he's focked everything up thus far. Just my opinion tho, I'm not really a Cutler fan either.

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While "he" is not...his mouthpiece in Bus Cook has told "his side" of the story several times. Ive seen far more of Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have McDaniels in the national media.



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How about Buffalo? Trent Edwards + 1st rounder or 2nd rounder.


Cutler to TO...

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No question. I commend Mcnabb for putting up with a decade of second guessing and all the BS that comes with being a high profile sports figure in Philly. He's been classy through it all, even when he's made some questionable comments, I've never said to myself "that guy needs to grow up". That being said, Cutler seems like he might be a bit childish. He might be torn a new a-hole here. But all this comes with two caveats: 1. McNabb came into this town under major scrutiny after being taken ahead of Ricky. That has (right or wrong) followed him his whole career as a chunk of fans never accepted it. It wasn't long ago that even Donovan apologists were starting to question the future.

2. As well as mcNabb has played for the last ten years, he's never brought us a ring. As such he gets no passes for any minor crap. Cutler could be a whiny effing ######. If he brings a championship to this town he is automatically elevated to near flawlessness. (read: Charlie Manuel)


The question boils down to whether or not you think Cutler is/can be better than Donovan when it counts?


I think as a pure QB, he probably can be.


I know this thread is about Cutler, but this post strikes at the heart of a fundamental difference of opinion I have with regards to McNabb.


Sure, McNabb may have never brought you a "ring" per se, but he's been a big part of a team that's won several NFC East championships, a host of playoff games, and an NFC title. I know it's disappointing to lose a Super Bowl, but a conference title means that amongst 16 teams all trying for the same goal...you're the best. All championships in football should be applauded and celebrated...the bigger ones more than others, obviously. But, the Eagles' success over the past decade has been significant. Don't reduce yourself to the idea that the Eagles haven't accomplished anything no matter what a bunch of dumb Cowboys fans might say. It's been a successful, meaningful decade for the Eagles and McNabb has been a big part of that.

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While "he" is not...his mouthpiece in Bus Cook has told "his side" of the story several times. Ive seen far more of Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have McDaniels in the national media.


Please link to Cutler talking to the national media about this. Thanks.

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Please link to Cutler talking to the national media about this. Thanks.


Just missed the whole first part of what I said huh?


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No question. I commend Mcnabb for putting up with a decade of second guessing and all the BS that comes with being a high profile sports figure in Philly. He's been classy through it all, even when he's made some questionable comments, I've never said to myself "that guy needs to grow up". That being said, Cutler seems like he might be a bit childish. He might be torn a new a-hole here. But all this comes with two caveats: 1. McNabb came into this town under major scrutiny after being taken ahead of Ricky. That has (right or wrong) followed him his whole career as a chunk of fans never accepted it. It wasn't long ago that even Donovan apologists were starting to question the future.

2. As well as mcNabb has played for the last ten years, he's never brought us a ring. As such he gets no passes for any minor crap. Cutler could be a whiny effing ######. If he brings a championship to this town he is automatically elevated to near flawlessness. (read: Charlie Manuel)


The question boils down to whether or not you think Cutler is/can be better than Donovan when it counts?


I think as a pure QB, he probably can be.


Talent wise, it's possible he can be.


But the more and more I think about it, the more and more Cutler's starting to look like Jeff George to me.


He makes plays, he can throw the rock, and he can lead an offense. But sometimes, his natural ability gets in the way of his decision making (kinda like a young Brett Favre).


Lots of guys can handle the physical nature of the NFL, but very few can handle the mental aspects of being a pro.

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Just missed the whole first part of what I said huh?




Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have


Either Cutler's talking or he's not. Wow, a shocker - another worthless, unsubstantiated post by Sho Not.



Now, for a supported post:


McDaniels: Meeting with Cutler should not include agent


McDaniels 'trying ... every day' to communicate with Cutler


McDaniels on Cutler: 'He's our quarterback'


Broncos give up on Cutler, say they'll try to trade angry QB


Broncos owner denies telling Cutler he'd keep old coaches


Broncos owner: 'Disappointed that we might lose' Cutler


Broncos say Cutler going nowhere; QB to talk with McDaniels next week


Broncos, McDaniels suddenly at odds with Jay Cutler


McDaniels talked to the media Monday, a day prior to breaking bread with reporters during Tuesday morning's AFC coaches breakfast at the NFL owner's ...


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I know this thread is about Cutler, but this post strikes at the heart of a fundamental difference of opinion I have with regards to McNabb.


Sure, McNabb may have never brought you a "ring" per se, but he's been a big part of a team that's won several NFC East championships, a host of playoff games, and an NFC title. I know it's disappointing to lose a Super Bowl, but a conference title means that amongst 16 teams all trying for the same goal...you're the best. All championships in football should be applauded and celebrated...the bigger ones more than others, obviously. But, the Eagles' success over the past decade has been significant. Don't reduce yourself to the idea that the Eagles haven't accomplished anything no matter what a bunch of dumb Cowboys fans might say. It's been a successful, meaningful decade for the Eagles and McNabb has been a big part of that.



The local media also adds fuel to the fire when it comes to McNabb as well. As soon as the this discord with Cutler began, you would see an occassional blurb pop up about the Eagles possibly trading for Cutler. Absolutely zero reality behind the premise, but what they do is continue to throw fuel on the fire known as the McNabb/Eagle fan relationship.


I do have to say that some Eagle fans aren't very bright, and they buy into this crap. Whadyagonnado?

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I know this thread is about Cutler, but this post strikes at the heart of a fundamental difference of opinion I have with regards to McNabb.


Sure, McNabb may have never brought you a "ring" per se, but he's been a big part of a team that's won several NFC East championships, a host of playoff games, and an NFC title. I know it's disappointing to lose a Super Bowl, but a conference title means that amongst 16 teams all trying for the same goal...you're the best. All championships in football should be applauded and celebrated...the bigger ones more than others, obviously. But, the Eagles' success over the past decade has been significant. Don't reduce yourself to the idea that the Eagles haven't accomplished anything no matter what a bunch of dumb Cowboys fans might say. It's been a successful, meaningful decade for the Eagles and McNabb has been a big part of that.

Again, I am not speaking personally, because i like McNabb and always have. I get annoyed at times, but I have no qualms with what he has given this team. I am speaking from a broader "from the teams relationship with their fans" standpoint. I think that jettisoning McNabb is tricky business, and is likely to piss off a large percentage of fans, while making another large percentage very happy. The only way to do it without completely alienating one side or the other is to walk away with an answer at QB for the next decade (rather than hand the reins over to Kolb).


Now is Cutler that guy? I don't know. I think he might be. But if the Eagles FO believes so, than I think this provides them with an out for moving McNabb with the least amount of angry backlash possible, while still maintaining a high level of quality at the most important position.


I personally would like to McNabb win a SB here. But if I can shore up QB for the next ten years than I'm willing to part with that


One mans opinion.

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The local media also adds fuel to the fire when it comes to McNabb as well. As soon as the this discord with Cutler began, you would see an occassional blurb pop up about the Eagles possibly trading for Cutler. Absolutely zero reality behind the premise, but what they do is continue to throw fuel on the fire known as the McNabb/Eagle fan relationship.


I do have to say that some Eagle fans aren't very bright, and they buy into this crap. Whadyagonnado?

hey I'm not buying into anything. These are my own thoughts about the situation as I see it. I don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell of this happening in reality. This is a fantasy site, and speaking completely in "what ifs". I am actually fairly bright. :unsure:

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I can see Cutler going to NYJ. They've proven they can do the "BIG" deal. - And Favre was a Bus Cook guy too. NYJ have a hotshot corner that would likely have to be part of the deal.


Cleveland's been having a lot of problems with Shaun Rogers - and they have a QB controversy. This one makes the most sense.


But the one that'd be really interesting is Romo+D player for Cutler. Can't see it happening, but it'd sure be interesting. Rumors are that Shanny might be in D after this year. But, seeing what they've done to make life easier on Romo (T.O. gone) and team chemistry, I can't see that happening.


Fricking straight up for Sage Rosenfalls and a D hotshot from HOU for Cutler would be great. Cutler with AJ? Fock me running. :unsure:

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I heard that it was an April Fool's joke and Cutler is staying in Denver!

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Either Cutler's talking or he's not. Wow, a shocker - another worthless, unsubstantiated post by Sho Not.

Now, for a supported post:


Again...just missed the whole first part didn't you.

When I say Cutler talking...its through his agent...as Cook has been his voice through this thing.

But keep ignoring that all you want.


but to play your game


Cutler on Broncos, I liked it Here


Cutler tells TV station


Cutler tells broncos...


Those 3 from right off your last link quite quickly...

Cook has been on ESPN at least 3-4 times telling "his side".

He loves to use the media to push out his agenda...and he does it well, no doubt about it.


Edit...and more from your link too


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Fricking straight up for Sage Rosenfalls and a D hotshot from HOU for Cutler would be great. Cutler with AJ? Fock me running. :banana:


Sage is in Minny.

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McDaniels sure brought the Bellichick arrogance along with him, huh? How does someone step in and fock things up so bad in so short a time?


I bet the Denver brass is kicking themselves in the ass right now about the whole Shanahan/McDaniels thing. The Broncos had three people in the entire organization in 2008 who could be considered amongst the elite at their position.....Brandon Marshall, Jay Cutler, and Mike Shanahan. They focked up with 2 of them and we all know how much character Marshall has.


Enjoy the Garcia or Leftwich era, guys. :banana:

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While "he" is not...his mouthpiece in Bus Cook has told "his side" of the story several times. Ive seen far more of Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have McDaniels in the national media.


Yeah, but we've actually seen McDaniels on TV talking about this. I actually saw him on TV and heard him say he texted Cutler. Seriously, that right there is all you need to know about the situaton.


And I've seen McDaniels, in front of cameras talking about Cutler's future with the team. To paraphrase, 'If Jay realizes he needs to do some things..........He's still under contract.....Blahblahblah'


I'm not saying Cutler and Cook aren't a couple of b!tches in this whole thing. But I've never seen a new NFL coach fock things up so quickly, and handle things so poorly. No matter what, you do not discuss this sh!t in front of a camera. And he's been doing exactly that for the past month.


I'd actually give the guy the benefit of the doubt if it was just a rookie coach's mistake. Something tells me though, that McDaniels thinks he's the second coming of Lombardi.


Players pop off every chance they get. That's part of the sterotypes of being a dumb jock: you speak with an air of self importance before actually thinking things through. But coaches should be above this back and forth sh!t, especially in front of the media.


I hope McDaniels fails horribly this year.

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hey I'm not buying into anything. These are my own thoughts about the situation as I see it. I don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell of this happening in reality. This is a fantasy site, and speaking completely in "what ifs". I am actually fairly bright. :huh:


I said some, not all. I'm sure you know "those guys", aka, The Dirty Thirty, who are just ignorant and will never ever change.


You have to admit, the local media feeds on this, and are sometimes the culprits when it comes to artificially made controversy.

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The Denver front office at the conclusion of last year:


"Hey, do you guys want to actually field a Defense next year so we can compete?"


"Nahhhh, let's fire our Super Bowl winning coach, hire a 32 year old rookie to replace him, and completely run our young Pro Bowl Qb out of town. Oh, and sign 3 part time tailbacks. That's the ticket!"


I bet they'd really like to hit RESET on this offseason.

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Ive seen far more of Bus Cook and Cutler talking than I have McDaniels in the national media.


Okay, so the "national media" has a pretty strong presence on the innerwebs these days. I'm sure you won't mind providing some kind of proof of Bus and Jay standing in front of the cameras/microphones nearly as much as McDaniels and Bowlen have, correct? Go ahead. 2nd request and all that. :huh:

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Yeah, but we've actually seen McDaniels on TV talking about this. I actually saw him on TV and heard him say he texted Cutler. Seriously, that right there is all you need to know about the situaton.


And I've seen McDaniels, in front of cameras talking about Cutler's future with the team. To paraphrase, 'If Jay realizes he needs to do some things..........He's still under contract.....Blahblahblah'


I'm not saying Cutler and Cook aren't a couple of b!tches in this whole thing. But I've never seen a new NFL coach fock things up so quickly, and handle things so poorly. No matter what, you do not discuss this sh!t in front of a camera. And he's been doing exactly that for the past month.


But coaches should be above this back and forth sh!t, especially in front of the media.


I hope McDaniels fails horribly this year.


:huh: :rolleyes:

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The Denver front office at the conclusion of last year:


"Hey, do you guys want to actually field a Defense next year so we can compete?"


"Nahhhh, let's fire our Super Bowl winning coach, hire a 32 year old rookie to replace him, and completely run our young Pro Bowl Qb out of town. Oh, and sign 3 part time tailbacks. That's the ticket!"


I bet they'd really like to hit RESET on this offseason.


Seriously. Bowlen made the move, so now he HAS to cover his boy's arse, but you know a guy like him can't stand the kind of keystone cops bullcrap that's been playing out. McDaniel's lying & mishandling of this resulted in losing a Pro-Bowl QB in a league that has a DEARTH of talent at that position. That team MIGHT have 5 decent players on its entire roster. Dude best hope he can pull a fockign rabbit out of his hat and at LEAST get deep into the playoffs or the fans will tear him apart. Whatever QB they get better be focking spectacular immediately. - But no pressure there.

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Okay, so the "national media" has a pretty strong presence on the innerwebs these days. I'm sure you won't mind providing some kind of proof of Bus and Jay standing in front of the cameras/microphones nearly as much as McDaniels and Bowlen have, correct? Go ahead. 2nd request and all that. :rolleyes:


I posted several from just the first page of your last link that were actually Cutler speaking to the media.

Care to link where I said they were standing in front of the cameras or mics?

I have heard Cook's side on ESPN radio several times now....they have been out there quite a bit.

Sorry you don't like it...sorry it does not fit in with your view...as usual you go off the deep end because someone posted something you disagree with.

Get over yourself and grow the fock up...you act like a little girl pissed off because I dared to question you in another thread. :huh:

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Jake Delhomme and Juluis Peppers for Cutler. Make it happen!@#!


No shiit. Seems like it'd be a perfect move.


That organization ain't exactly ground-breakers, but it'd be a decent move. :doublethumbsup:

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not a single link


So, you've still got nothing. Funny, the articles talking about the trade continue to say "Bus Cook could not be reached for comment..." :bandana:


Worthless POS you are. Worthless I tell you. :doublethumbsup:

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So, you've still got nothing. Funny, the articles talking about the trade continue to say "Bus Cook could not be reached for comment..." :bandana:


Worthless POS you are. Worthless I tell you. :doublethumbsup:


So...you still can't read...look up numbnuts...I posted 4 links from your USA today link all with quotes from Cutler.


Keep up the crying though...just still pissed anytime someone disagrees with you.


Maybe I should just give in and get it over with...would you shut up if everyone just annoints you king of the board.

Nah...fock off instead.

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April Fools



This entire thread and related links are a joke!











i wish! :doh:

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I was hoping Brett would come back for a stint with Minnesota. He wanted it last offseason, but the Packers made sure he never got the chance. But in 2009...


Jeff George is going to save the Vikes.

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The Washington Post reports that the Redskins are "actively pursuing" a trade for Jay Cutler and hope to swing a deal as soon as possible.

Owner Dan Snyder is pushing negotiations, but Denver will take its time. About half of the league has interest in Cutler and the Broncos will want to hear all offers. Washington has reportedly contacted an unnamed club about dealing Jason Campbell for a second-round pick, which the Skins would then use in a Cutler trade. Snyder is currently sitting on only four 2009 picks.


As someone that lives in the DC area... I can definitely see this happening. The Skins are just that dumb to sell their future for a jersey seller.


What is the record for the fewest draft picks in one year?

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