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Plaxico Burress Sentencing Poll

Burress goes to Riker's Island  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Was the Plaxico 2 year jail sentence to harsh for the crime he committed?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Rat's Ass

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Plaxico Burress plea bargained down from a 3 year sentence to a 2 year jail sentence for carrying a concealed, unregistered in NY, firearm into a nightclub in which he accidently shot himself in the leg. Do you think that is too harsh a penalty?

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I voted yes, but in reality, it's neither. Unregistered and concealed handguns in NY ARE a big deal, and he's an idiot for carrying it into a club in the 1st place. But all things considered, based on what guys like Stallworth, Ray Lewis, Jamal Lewis and the like have done, and the punishment they've received, it's overly harsh by those standards. I just know that he and Marshawn Lynch killed my dynasty team this year, and I want them imprisoned for that. :unsure:

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New York's gun laws are excessive IMO and if Plaxico had got caught simply carrying a concealed weapon I would say "Yes, it's too harsh." without question. But my problem is that he handled the weapon so carlessly that he needlessly put himself and others in danger. As a gun owner and proponent of concealed carry this makes me angry, as it gives the whole concept a black eye. I really didn't give a crap what they did to him... until I saw the picture of him and his kids.


He was stupid, not malicious. I'm betting he learned his lesson and he's not a threat to society. He's being made an example of due to his fame, IMO, and the punishment is excessive.

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I voted Yes but I don't feel like I can simply vote without explaining my position.


If you take this incident and don't look at punishments other prominent athletes have been given for worse crimes and if you turn a blind eye to similar incidents that have happened to regular citizens then NO I do NOT feel the punishment is too harsh.


But I cant help but look at guys like Stallworth and feel that Plax got the short end of the stick. I also can't help but take into account that similar incidents to Plaxico's actually happen more than you think and the punishments are not as extreme. I do think NY is making an example out of a star athlete to some degree.

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Mike, since KSB2424 has decided to become helpful with this poll, he deserves a T-shirt. A blank, plain, wife beater. No logo or decal. That'll learn him.

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2 people took Stallworth's punishment into consideration?


His sentence has nothing to do with theirs.

Yes...in comparison, his sentence was too harsh.

On its own...it was right...and Stallworth's was not enough.


Why compare the 2...2 different states and their sentencing have nothing to do with each other?

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2 people took Stallworth's punishment into consideration?


His sentence has nothing to do with theirs.

Yes...in comparison, his sentence was too harsh.

On its own...it was right...and Stallworth's was not enough.


Why compare the 2...2 different states and their sentencing have nothing to do with each other?


Actually........comparing the Sentences of Plaxico and Dante is not appropriate.......Plax plead guilty to a felony.....Dante to a misdemeanor. The states' case against Plax was slam dunk........in Dante's case the State would have had an extremely difficult time proving felony vehicular manslaughter or whatever Fla calls it. Basically, Staworth had the equivalent of a couple beers......guy runs out in front of him, at night, at a non-intersection. Plax carried carried a loaded gun, with the safety off, in a pair of sweat pants, into a crowded nightclub. Not only stupid.....but extremely reckless......penalty sound about right to me.

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Plaxico Burress plea bargained down from a 3 year sentence to a 2 year jail sentence for carrying a concealed, unregistered in NY, firearm into a nightclub in which he accidently shot himself in the leg. Do you think that is too harsh a penalty?



Why is this so important to you?

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Why is this so important to you?

It's not. You've posted just as much in the Plaxico threads as me or anyone else. :first: Shonuff, not me, bumped both these threads this morning. I was willing to let sleeping dogs lie.


It's a message board where we talk about topics. I don't know Plaxico personlly and could really care less, I just find the topic intresting. Something relevant to discuss besides answering 'Who should I start?' questions. Doesn't mean I "care". I'm discussing a topic, covered nationally, about a football player, on a football message board. Is that okay with you?


Oh, and thanks for the thread bump!@#!

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It's not. You've posted just as much in the Plaxico threads as me or anyone else. :first: Shonuff, not me, bumped both these threads this morning. I was willing to let sleeping dogs lie.


It's a message board where we talk about topics. I don't know Plaxico personlly and could really care less, I just find the topic intresting. Something relevant to discuss besides answering 'Who should I start?' questions. Doesn't mean I "care". I'm discussing a topic, covered nationally, about a football player, on a football message board. Is that okay with you?


Oh, and thanks for the thread bump!@#!


Umm...you posted 19 times in the other thread...phurfur has posted 7.

You have posted 2 times here...him, once.

I posted 10 times in the other.


Yet, you keep claiming you don't care.


No, he has not posted as much in those threads.

I responded this morning to more ignorance and idiocy...my mistake.


If you "could care less"...you obviously care some given how you said that, plus the amount of times you post.

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Umm...you posted 19 times in the other thread...phurfur has posted 7.

You have posted 2 times here...him, once.

I posted 10 times in the other.


Yet, you keep claiming you don't care.


No, he has not posted as much in those threads.

I responded this morning to more ignorance and idiocy...my mistake.


If you "could care less"...you obviously care some given how you said that, plus the amount of times you post.

Okay, that's wonderful.


What's your point? :unsure:


Mark that 20 times for me now on your spreadsheet

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Was he sentenced to harsh? Is "harsh" some sort of punishment? "I hereby sentence you to.....harsh!"


WTF does that mean?


Why knot pole "was he sentenced two harsh?"



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Was he sentenced to harsh? Is "harsh" some sort of punishment? "I hereby sentence you to.....harsh!"


WTF does that mean?


Why knot pole "was he sentenced two harsh?"



The question was: Was the Plaxico 2 year jail sentence to harsh for the crime he committed?


Not sure what you are even talking about or quoting. :banana:

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Okay, that's wonderful.


What's your point? :unsure:


Mark that 20 times for me now on your spreadsheet


Obviously the point you made that he posts in these threads as much as you do is complete and total BS.

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Obviously the point you made that he posts in these threads as much as you do is complete and total BS.

I hearby declare you the title of Captain Literal.


Hey Captain, I just saw a guy in a thread say that Frank Gore rushed for 200 yards last week. You might want to go in there and tell him that it was actually 207. And his statement was total BS.

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I hearby declare you the title of Captain Literal.


Hey Captain, I just saw a guy in a thread say that Frank Gore rushed for 200 yards last week. You might want to go in there and tell him that it was actually 207. And his statement was total BS.



Do you even read what you post?


According to you 19 vs 7 is the same as 207 vs 200. I guess math is not one of your strong points either.


If you wanted to be a little more accurate you should have said a Guy posted that gore gained 75 yards last week. Telling him it was 207 is very relevant.

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What are you even arguing about? You guys are funny. :banana:


Okay so instead of saying "Phurfur has posted as much as anybody else" I should have said "I've posted the most in this thread but Phurfur has posted quite a bit as well". Thanks for the clarification Seargant Literal.


Next time I will be more exact instead of making a general statement. Hopefully that keeps you guys from totally derailing a thread based on post count. :Mr-T:


Any more thoughts on the thought that more people think Plaxico got what he deserved, or does the poll results speak for itself? :banana:

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I voted Yes.


but then again, the weapon actually firing is a scary thought. That club must have been crowded. He's lucky he's not in jail for 10 years for manslaughter.


I still have nightmares from my hunting trip where I didn't have the safety on with my riffle loaded. That was an honest mistake that still haunts me. Plaxico's ordeal was just stupid. Gun safety is a must.



Can I change my vote?

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What are you even arguing about? You guys are funny. :doublethumbsup:


Okay so instead of saying "Phurfur has posted as much as anybody else" I should have said "I've posted the most in this thread but Phurfur has posted quite a bit as well". Thanks for the clarification Seargant Literal.


Next time I will be more exact instead of making a general statement. Hopefully that keeps you guys from totally derailing a thread based on post count. :unsure:


Any more thoughts on the thought that more people think Plaxico got what he deserved, or does the poll results speak for itself? :o


Nothing to do with being literal...your post was not even freaking close.

No amount of spin and backpedal will change it.


The poll results, followed by comments appear people are still comparing it to stallworth to make a decision.

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Nothing to do with being literal...your post was not even freaking close.

No amount of spin and backpedal will change it.


The poll results, followed by comments appear people are still comparing it to stallworth to make a decision.

Is this the point where I say: "I know you are but what am I"?

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Is this the point where I say: "I know you are but what am I"?


I guess its the part where you again try to convince everyone you don't care...while posting more and more and more about the topic.

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I guess its the part where you again try to convince everyone you don't care...while posting more and more and more about the topic.

You just can't help yourself from responding can you? :doublethumbsup:


I'll tell you what, since this topic has been decided long ago with around a 65% to 35% split in my favor, I'll let you get the last word in since this will go on and on about nothing until you do.



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I voted yes, and I think it is fair to compare Plax's case with drunken driving. In both cases someone is knowingly endangering the lives of themselves as well as the public. Yet for a first time DWI offense in New York the maximum penalty if convicted is only 1 year jail time, and usually way less. Not condoning what he did, but his punishment seems either way to harsh or at the very least inconsistent with other NY laws.

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Not as harsh as making him read the sh1t fur fur and slo nuff argue about.

slo nuff?

Pretty sad when you have to rip off RP for insults.

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ok, even if you don't want to compare Plaxico and Stallworth what about the tons of other cases, similar to Pllaxico's that happen each year and result in much less severe punishment? If you don't think his status as a prominent athlete has anything to do with it, well....


Also I wouldn't compare Plax to Stallworth in terms of their specific crime, more in terms of how they were treated.

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I do not like mandatory sentencing. I know he could have killed someone. I know the law was there prior to him bringing a gun into NYC. I just think the judge, who gets paid a bunch of money should have some say as to how much of an idiot PB is or isn't have be able to make a call on how much time he or anyone else in the same situation should get. We are all human and mistakes will be made.

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ok, even if you don't want to compare Plaxico and Stallworth what about the tons of other cases, similar to Pllaxico's that happen each year and result in much less severe punishment? If you don't think his status as a prominent athlete has anything to do with it, well....


Also I wouldn't compare Plax to Stallworth in terms of their specific crime, more in terms of how they were treated.


How they were treated was similar...til the point where Plax decided to not take the first offer and fight it...then realized he was screwed.

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How they were treated was similar...til the point where Plax decided to not take the first offer and fight it...then realized he was screwed.

Yeah, I'm sure they offered Plax 30 days and he was holding out for a better deal. :cheers:

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Yeah, I'm sure they offered Plax 30 days and he was holding out for a better deal. :cheers:


He was offered better than he got from what I originally read.

The difference, as mentioned in the other thread, is in how stalworth pled his down, and the facts that came out in that case.

But you have 2 other things...FL laws are pretty easy in regards to the dui...and ny's gun laws are tough.


and I don't think anyone is saying Stalworth should not have gotten more for what he did.

Does not change that Plax got what he should have.

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voted yes.


his dumbass brain got himself into this mess.......his ego got him 2 years when he could of taken less.

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Yeah, nice source.


Back in March, ESPN's Sal Paolantonio reported Plaxico Burress had declined a couple of plea bargains his lawyer had worked out for him. (Sorry, I can't find a link and I'm not sure it was ever written, though I know Paolantonio reported it on-air.) Then, last month, ProFootballTalk.com delivered a similar report.


Now, Bob Papa, the Giants' radio play-by-play man (as well as a Sirius/XM Radio host and the voice of NFL Network's live games) has the details of what he's heard Burress has turned down.


"This is what I've been told and what I've heard," Papa said this morning on Sirius NFL Radio's "Morning Drive" program. "They worked out something where they had it down to about a three-month jail term with actually only two months served and about 1,500 hours of community service. And I think his lawyers felt that they had a pretty good deal


Yeah, that sounds like a some pretty hard facts.

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Is this the same link about a morning radio host that says he "heard" that's what happened?


You do understand the difference between a fact and unsubstaniated rumor correct?


Yeah, nice source.


Back in March, ESPN's Sal Paolantonio reported Plaxico Burress had declined a couple of plea bargains his lawyer had worked out for him. (Sorry, I can't find a link and I'm not sure it was ever written, though I know Paolantonio reported it on-air.) Then, last month, ProFootballTalk.com delivered a similar report.


Now, Bob Papa, the Giants' radio play-by-play man (as well as a Sirius/XM Radio host and the voice of NFL Network's live games) has the details of what he's heard Burress has turned down.


"This is what I've been told and what I've heard," Papa said this morning on Sirius NFL Radio's "Morning Drive" program. "They worked out something where they had it down to about a three-month jail term with actually only two months served and about 1,500 hours of community service. And I think his lawyers felt that they had a pretty good deal


Yeah, that sounds like a some pretty hard facts.


Link to the FACTS that state otherwise. Thanks.

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