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I know you guys can somehow say this isn't racist

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Part of the story

With a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face outside a Columbia bar, Republican S.C. Sen. Jake Knotts called Lexington Rep. Nikki Haley, an Indian-American Republican woman running for governor, a “raghead” several times while explaining how he believed she was hiding her true religion from voters.


“She’s a f#!king raghead,” Knotts said.


He later clarified his statement. He did not mean to use the F-word.


Knotts says he believed Haley has been set up by a network of Sikhs and was programmed to run for governor of South Carolina by outside influences in foreign countries. He claims she is hiding her religion and he wants the voters to know about it.


“We got a raghead in Washington; we don’t need one in South Carolina,” Knotts said more than once. “She’s a raghead that’s ashamed of her religion trying to hid it behind being Methodist for political reasons.”


Full article


Just to make sure you guys will be as insensitive as possible, i'm a sikh man myself. Not very religious at all, but i do rock a turban and a beard.


Another golden quote

“We’re at war over there,” Knotts said.


Asked to clarify, he said he did not mean the United States was at war with India, but was at war with “foreign countries.”


So apparently, we're at war with all foreign countries. Or is it just countries whose primary religion doesn't fall under the christian umbrella? How does "we're at war over there" have any impact whatsoever on haley? I don't get it.


To me, its clear he's racist and these are racist remarks. I know you guys can pile on and say i'm pulling the race card for no reason. I just want to hear what white peoples opinion is.

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That most definitely is racist, but remember it is south Carolina, they still openly fly a confederate flag all the time.


Why would she even run? I highly doubt most south carolinians would vote for her just because.

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He is attacking somebody's religion, not race. Therefore, he is not racist, but not fond of somebody's faith.


Many people bash Christians, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, etc nowadays, especially assh0le atheists, so he is playing within the rules of the game.

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Raghead is too nonspecific to.... i mean, it could mean Indian, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, even African.....


He should have been more clear for starters, and he could have simply noted this person was a female if he wanted to identify the factor that should disqualify her....


It was really over the top.

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Not racist on account of technicalities, but a bigot/conspiracy theorist/moron? Absolutely.



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I'll reserve judgment until I see whether or not she is actually a raghead.


For it....... :thumbsup:

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He is attacking somebody's religion, not race. Therefore, he is not racist, but not fond of somebody's faith.


Many people bash Christians, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, etc nowadays, especially assh0le atheists, so he is playing within the rules of the game.


Ok. How is he not a bigot and prejudiced? He's saying she's not fit for office because she's not christian. Also, i would love to see quotes from sitting congresspeople bashing christins, jews, muslims, mormans, etc. And for every quote you find, there will be a huge backlashed that followed.


Why do you choose to 'rock the turban and beard'?


Wrong topic. Its been discussed in the pic post.



Ok, so its not racist. Just bigotry and prejudice? And i don't really care about semantics. I'm just glad people realize what an idiot he is.

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He's not racist because he's from South Carolina. Retards can't be racist.

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Ok. How is he not a bigot and prejudiced? He's saying she's not fit for office because she's not christian. Also, i would love to see quotes from sitting congresspeople bashing christins, jews, muslims, mormans, etc. And for every quote you find, there will be a huge backlashed that followed.


I didn't say he wasn't prejudiced. I am simply saying it's not racism, which I think the thread consensus is agreeing with the semantics.


I'm saying there is more forgiveness for prejudice against a religious belief. Bill Maher can put out a movie skewering religion without backlash, among other examples. Does that same tolerance apply to a man in Congress? Beats me, but KKK Robert Byrd is a member of Congress, so I guess it's up to a voting public. I'm not going to rip the guy. Let the voters decide. I don't have to defend a dummy but i certainly will defend a dummy's freedom to say whatever the fock he wants.

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I didn't say he wasn't prejudiced. I am simply saying it's not racism, which I think the thread consensus is agreeing with the semantics.


I'm saying there is more forgiveness for prejudice against a religious belief. Bill Maher can put out a movie skewering religion without backlash, among other examples. Does that same tolerance apply to a man in Congress? Beats me, but KKK Robert Byrd is a member of Congress, so I guess it's up to a voting public. I'm not going to rip the guy. Let the voters decide. I don't have to defend a dummy but i certainly will defend a dummy's freedom to say whatever the fock he wants.


Fair enough. You've always been pretty consistent when it comes to things like this.


Its clear he's not against her religious beliefs though. It has just as much to do with her skin color. She's christian. She's waaay more conservative than many conservatives. She's so conservative that palin and the tea party have endorsed her. But because she has brown skin, she can't be a governor. It seems like Knotts seems to believe people who aren't fully white (as he also accused of being a raghead, which makes me think knotts has no idea that sikhism and islam are two separate religions that have nothing in comon) can't be christian. So saying he's only against religion isn't being honest. She's christian.


He says, south carolina needs a christian governor. Haley is christian.

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Its clear he's not against her religious beliefs though. It has just as much to do with her skin color. She's christian. She's waaay more conservative than many conservatives. She's so conservative that palin and the tea party have endorsed her. But because she has brown skin, she can't be a governor. It seems like Knotts seems to believe people who aren't fully white (as he also accused of being a raghead, which makes me think knotts has no idea that sikhism and islam are two separate religions that have nothing in comon) can't be christian. So saying he's only against religion isn't being honest. She's christian.


He says, south carolina needs a christian governor. Haley is christian.


Either he's accusing her of hiding her 'true faith' because that should align people against her and he knows it's bunk himself, or he actually perceives that she's just pandering for the Christian vote. In the latter case maybe some religious ethnocentrism (as opposed to just being a liar) is involved in him drawing that conclusion, and obviously that's retarded. I can't stand the fact other people call each other out on this note...and it's all simply motivated by bs. (To clarify, I pay attention to the whole arch of a candidates worldview if it's discernible, but it's only appropriate to go by their own words and actions, not what someone is saying about them).


It sounds like because she got the Sarah Palin endorsement he's scared she's going to run away with the election, so he's pulling really dumbass blows.

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you can call yourself nikki haley, marry a gora, become a christian, and you're still just a raghead to members of your own political party. Maybe she thought they'd respect the great lengths she's gone to distance herself from us...but mirrors don't lie, and her stubborn skin won't change.


A facebook quote from my friend. "Marry a gora" - gora means white guy in our language.

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We have plenty of idiots like this in the deep south. Most of the ones that get elected are at least smart enough to keep their yapper shut.

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when you clowns realize islam is not a race, you will then enable your simple minds to stop playing the race card with regards to islam.


thank you, thats all

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outside a Columbia bar


There's a shocker. :headbanger:

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There is no racial bigotry here! I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops, or greasers. Here you are all equally worthless!

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I just want to hear what white peoples opinion is.


How come you only want to hear from the white people?



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Why do you choose to 'rock the turban and beard'?


Sweet deals at 7-11, can pose as Dell Tech Support, gets all the hairy chicks :unsure:

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when you clowns realize islam is not a race, you will then enable your simple minds to stop playing the race card with regards to islam.


thank you, thats all


First off, her parents are sikh, not musliim. And second, like i clearly stated, she's focking christian. He's being racist, prejudiced, and a bigot.


Also, please tell me how anyone played the race card with regards to islam.

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First off, her parents are sikh, not musliim. And second, like i clearly stated, she's focking christian. He's being racist, prejudiced, and a bigot.


Also, please tell me how anyone played the race card with regards to islam.


While its not truly your fault, you are inadvertently assigning racism to misanthrope. But the media, and unscrupulous activists, have taught you to seize upon any infraction against any one and blurt out the term racism.


It's a shame, and a disservice to those who actually do have to face the true specter of racism, you can change if you see through the propaganda.....

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While its not truly your fault, you are inadvertently assigning racism to misanthrope. But the media, and unscrupulous activists, have taught you to seize upon any infraction against any one and blurt out the term racism.


It's a shame, and a disservice to those who actually do have to face the true specter of racism, you can change if you see through the propaganda.....


Whats a shame is the fact that you guys continue to discuss the semantics instead of the issue. I have not once heard anyone here call anything racist. Any time a race topic comes up, the argument you just made comes up every time. "This isn't racist, this takes away from all the truly racist things going on."


Besides that, i do believe it has a lot to do with her race. She's christian. But because she's indian, she can't be "one of us. she's one of them." She has to be whatever religion they have in india. So it has a lot to do with the color of her skin, not just the religion her parents are.


Being racist isn't any better/worse than being a bigot. Its ridiculous that he would call me a raghead.

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Besides that, i do believe it has a lot to do with her race. She's christian. But because she's indian, she can't be "one of us. she's one of them." She has to be whatever religion they have in india. So it has a lot to do with the color of her skin, not just the religion her parents are.

That's what I talked about in my post earlier, it's possibly what he's actually thinking. Or he's saying she isn't one simply because he knows she'll lose favor on that note. Maybe a mix of both.


If it's the first, I think of that as religious ethnocentrism. If someone expresses hate of "a" race then I think of what's understood as racism.


Considering everything he was saying he sounded derisive of Indians. Hateful, that fits the bill.


It's hard to talk about racism when you believe there's only one race amongst humans. But the gravity of it as 'ethnicism' (which I can connect to), is the same to me as what strikes people when they hear racism.


Anyway, he was bashing Indians since it sounded derisive thanks to the expletives and pejorative "raghead."

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