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Cutler Injury - the truth

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Just to be clear, I'm not giving Cutler a pass on his crappy performance. He sucked, plain and simple in a big game. I was more addressing what he needs to do and his prospects for the future.

Not quitting on his team would be a good place to start. :banana:

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This is all I'm saying here... let's find a happy medium.... Not his best game; but far from getting shut down...


Is it just me, or are critics particularly harsh on Rodgers?..... Going into this playoff season, I couldn't count all the people dogging him because he never won a playoff game (in two years....)

Now he has as many playoff victories this year as Favre did in his last 10 years with the Pack....



Can we say that Rodgers played a good game (not great), but made one big mistake?

Can we give credit to a very good Chicago D that was at home and played decent, too?



I've seen Favre get shut down many times(especially in the playoffs)....


This wasn't it...




Rodgers has critics? Well, so does Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Ben Roethlisberger, et al. Everyone has critics. It comes with the territory.


There's this weird dynamic with Rodgers. I think a lot of folks want to annoint him the next great QB. So called critics hear this and ask what has he ever done to be considered the next great QB. Is that really a criticism....to ask that a guy prove his mettle before putting him on a pedestal? I don't think so.


I think people agree that he's a good QB. Disagreement comes when assessing just how good he is.


And were people actually talking about Rodgers after the NFC Championship? Were they even talking about Green Bay? Seems like the only storyline from that game was Cutler.


Rodgers made enough plays to win that game...which is why, in part, Green Bay won the game. Not his best effort at all, but it's not like he was Cutler-esque either. Cutler had a chance to hit Hester for a score and failed. He was given a short field to put some points on the board just before halftime....and failed.

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Just to be clear, I'm not giving Cutler a pass on his crappy performance. He sucked, plain and simple in a big game. I was more addressing what he needs to do and his prospects for the future. For now, I am hopeful that he will get there and think he is better than 2\3 of the starting qbs today.


You also mentioned Romo, Schaub and Ryan as comparables. What have they accomplished? Schaub has never made the playoffs, Romo has 1 win and Ryan has done squat during clutch time. I'm not saying its their fault, but I wouldn't raise them up if the premise is grand stage performance and clutch play.

Fair enough...I too believe Cutler has the TALENT to succeed, but I don't know about his leadership/mentality.


Schaub & Romo, in my opinion, have proven more than Cutler has. I know Matt Ryan is still young and unproven, but I think any scout/GM would take Ryan over Cutler right now.


If you were to combine talent, leadership, track record, future prospects...I can't put Cutler ahead of Manning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Big Ben, Schaub, Romo, Eli Manning, McNabb, Ryan, and Vick. That's 12 of 32 starting QB's. Heck, even guys like Sanchez & Flacco have multiple playoff wins (although Flacco hasn't contributed at all to those). Guys like Sam Bradford, Matthew Stafford, and Josh Freeman seem to have extremely promising careers ahead of them.


As of right now, there really isn't much that differentiates Cutler from guys like Orton, Palmer, or Cassel.

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Rodgers made enough plays to win that game...which is why, in part, Green Bay won the game. Not his best effort at all, but it's not like he was Cutler-esque either. Cutler had a chance to hit Hester for a score and failed. He was given a short field to put some points on the board just before halftime....and failed.


Rodgers was phenomenal in the first half of the Bearsgame, as he had been in the two playoff games leading up to it. He stunk in the second half but I think it was because the Packers went conservative in their play-calling and that threw Rodgers' rhythm off. Also the Bears defense really stepped it up in the second half. Anyway, I'll think we'll see Rodgers return to form in the Superbowl, but that Steelers defense is certainly going to be a challenge for him.

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Yes, Rodgers 2nd half was like Cutlers first half.


If Rodgers 1st half was like his 2nd half....then people would be saying that he sucks, and choked and cant handle the big game.....all this talk is crazy about both qb's.....lets face it....they are both very good qb's or they would not be starters in the nfl.


The idiots on nfl network talking all the trash, need to do so...or they dont have a job....and some need to be jobless IMO....they are flippin terrible

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Fair enough...I too believe Cutler has the TALENT to succeed, but I don't know about his leadership/mentality.


Schaub & Romo, in my opinion, have proven more than Cutler has. I know Matt Ryan is still young and unproven, but I think any scout/GM would take Ryan over Cutler right now.


If you were to combine talent, leadership, track record, future prospects...I can't put Cutler ahead of Manning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Big Ben, Schaub, Romo, Eli Manning, McNabb, Ryan, and Vick. That's 12 of 32 starting QB's. Heck, even guys like Sanchez & Flacco have multiple playoff wins (although Flacco hasn't contributed at all to those). Guys like Sam Bradford, Matthew Stafford, and Josh Freeman seem to have extremely promising careers ahead of them.


As of right now, there really isn't much that differentiates Cutler from guys like Orton, Palmer, or Cassel.


rankings are obviously going to have alot of personal opinion built in, but let's look at some of the names you listed, keeping in mind you indicated future prospects as one of your criteria:


Eli - Fresh off a 25 INT season where he helped blow a lead against Philly and was destroyed by GB with the division and then playoffs on the line. career 80 QB rating. Other than the one playoff run in 2007, he is 0-3 in the playoffs.


Schaub - Good qb rating, but a 25-31 team record and has never made the playoffs. Essentially he is unproven as far as clutch games because he's never been in one. He's also had the benefit of Andre Johnson.


Romo - He's another guy that has received the ire of the average fan for his clutch play and whether he has "it". I think its a bad rap, but some Dallas fans think he doesnt have it and want someone else. They are likely suffering from Staubach and Aikmanites who won championships in the past. I would put Romo ahead of Cutler for now.


McNabb - great career, but the guy is unemployed. I can't understand why you would include him now


Ryan - Interesting player. 0-2 in the playoffs with a 71 post season rating. Like other 1st overall picks, some young players get credit before its earned as the next big thing. The Matty Ice label is BS imo and created by the media that wants the young high picks to be the next Brady or manning. I have no issue if people want to rate him ahead of Cutler based on his regular season play and potential. Time will tell on anything more.


Stafford, Bradford, Freeman, next high pick qb - These guys have just not accomplished a thing yet, so its silly to rate them higher on a list. They could be the next big thing or the next Ryan leaf for all we know. The young prospects need to prove it. of the 3 Freeman has proven the most. Cutler has 22 100+ QB rating games. Freeman (8), Bradford (3), Stafford (1). ranking these guys high is just based on a maybe or a hope rather than anything they have done to date.


Anyway, lots of opinions on rankings. I dont care really - in the end each qb needs to produce in their own environment and help their team win games. Whether someone is ranked 3rd, 15th or 37th on message boards or the media is irrelavent.

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Yes, Rodgers 2nd half was like Cutlers first half.


If Rodgers 1st half was like his 2nd half....then people would be saying that he sucks, and choked and cant handle the big game.....all this talk is crazy about both qb's.....lets face it....they are both very good qb's or they would not be starters in the nfl.


The idiots on nfl network talking all the trash, need to do so...or they dont have a job....and some need to be jobless IMO....they are flippin terrible


not as long as you keep watching.

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Yes, Rodgers 2nd half was like Cutlers first half.


If Rodgers 1st half was like his 2nd half....then people would be saying that he sucks, and choked and cant handle the big game.....all this talk is crazy about both qb's.....lets face it....they are both very good qb's or they would not be starters in the nfl.


The idiots on nfl network talking all the trash, need to do so...or they dont have a job....and some need to be jobless IMO....they are flippin terrible


Nope, you are wrong there. Rodgers is held and shoulders above Cutler. Rodgers is one of the top 4-5 QBs in the game right now (many would argue that he is even better than that); Cutler is maybe in the top 12.

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rankings are obviously going to have alot of personal opinion built in, but let's look at some of the names you listed, keeping in mind you indicated future prospects as one of your criteria:


Eli - Fresh off a 25 INT season where he helped blow a lead against Philly and was destroyed by GB with the division and then playoffs on the line. career 80 QB rating. Other than the one playoff run in 2007, he is 0-3 in the playoffs.


Schaub - Good qb rating, but a 25-31 team record and has never made the playoffs. Essentially he is unproven as far as clutch games because he's never been in one. He's also had the benefit of Andre Johnson.


Romo - He's another guy that has received the ire of the average fan for his clutch play and whether he has "it". I think its a bad rap, but some Dallas fans think he doesnt have it and want someone else. They are likely suffering from Staubach and Aikmanites who won championships in the past. I would put Romo ahead of Cutler for now.


McNabb - great career, but the guy is unemployed. I can't understand why you would include him now


Ryan - Interesting player. 0-2 in the playoffs with a 71 post season rating. Like other 1st overall picks, some young players get credit before its earned as the next big thing. The Matty Ice label is BS imo and created by the media that wants the young high picks to be the next Brady or manning. I have no issue if people want to rate him ahead of Cutler based on his regular season play and potential. Time will tell on anything more.


Stafford, Bradford, Freeman, next high pick qb - These guys have just not accomplished a thing yet, so its silly to rate them higher on a list. They could be the next big thing or the next Ryan leaf for all we know. The young prospects need to prove it. of the 3 Freeman has proven the most. Cutler has 22 100+ QB rating games. Freeman (8), Bradford (3), Stafford (1). ranking these guys high is just based on a maybe or a hope rather than anything they have done to date.


Anyway, lots of opinions on rankings. I dont care really - in the end each qb needs to produce in their own environment and help their team win games. Whether someone is ranked 3rd, 15th or 37th on message boards or the media is irrelavent.

I agree these rankings are very much a personal opinion, so it's not a matter of who's right and who's wrong...


Eli - Coming fresh off a 25 INT season...yet didn't even eclipse Cutler's 2009 mark of 26. Even if they have comparable stats, Eli has done it an extra 2 seasons...and oh yeah, that SuperBowl ring.


Schaub - Not a very impressive win/loss history, but Cutler's history ain't much better. He's 35-34 career, and 24-29 before this season. Cutler also spent most of his games in a weak AFC West, while Schaub has played in the (historically) tough AFC South. Schaub's numbers are also significantly better than Cutler, and while he has had Andre Johnson, Cutler certainly benefitted from having Brandon Marshall in Denver.


Romo - Again, MUCH better stats, and a better win% than Cutler. Not much of an argument.


McNabb - I'll be the first to say that I think he's very overrated, but you can't deny the continued success he's had throughout his career. 5 NFC Championship games, I believe, and a SuperBowl appearance, most of his career with virtually no weapons.


Matt Ryan - I agree, he's a very interesting player. It's a bit concerning that he hasn't played well in the playoffs, but I'd still give him the slight edge based on his potential, and he's already shown the ability to be a leader...something Cutler hasn't shown.


I agree Stafford may not belong quite as high. But watch tape, ask scouts - Sam Bradford will be a star. As a rookie, with no weapons around him he had a very very successful rookie season - one of the best ever, in fact. Josh Freeman? Oh, you know...just put up 25 TD's, 6 INT's, a 96 QB rating on a very mediocre, young football team...IN HIS 2ND SEASON. If I'm starting a franchise today, I take Freeman and Bradford over Cutler hands down...and it's not even close at this point.


But again, a lot of this comes down to personal opinion. I know you will continue to stand in Jay's corner, but I have nothing against Cutler, nor am I trying to bash him...but just as an avid football fan (especially of the QB position), I'm just callin it like I see it...Cutler hasn't shown anything special in his 5 seasons in the NFL...except an extremely strong arm.

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He was injected with a painkiller at halftime. Jeez, why didn't the media pick up on this behind closed doors with their cameras and pawns on the sidelines? That's right, because it was a private matter and the media really had no clue whatsoever. The fact is, nobody knew what went on behind closed doors. Yet everybody is quick to judge :thumbsdown:




Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler was criticized when he appeared unwilling to play after suffering a knee injury in an NFC Championship Game loss to the Green Bay Packers.



But a source close to the situation told the Chicago Sun-Times on Wednesday that Cutler received a painkiller shot at halftime in an effort to finish the Jan. 23 game.


Cutler injured his left knee during the first half and left for good after the first series of the third quarter. He was replaced by Todd Collins, who was later supplanted by Caleb Hanie in the Bears' 21-14 loss.


In the locker room at halftime, the Bears planned to play the remainder of the game without Cutler, according to the source, but he insisted on trying the painkiller and playing in the second half.After Collins entered the game, Cutler's toughness was questioned by players around the league, while his teammates spent the days after the loss defending their quarterback.


An MRI revealed that Cutler suffered a Grade II tear of his medial collateral ligament.


The Associated Press contributed to this report




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Fock Cutler


You know what, he could have played. He should have played. He quit and the Bears organization is playing cover-up.


:cry: Bwaaaah, but walking around shopping is a different range of motion then playing football bwaaaah :cry:


Fock that! Stop being a phaggot and covering for this poosay. I dont give two sh!ts about anybody on here's "expert" medical analysis.


Sh!t QB with no heart. BTW, nice Back to the Future vest you got on there Jay. :rolleyes: Focking toolbag

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Fock Cutler


You know what, he could have played. He should have played. He quit and the Bears organization is playing cover-up.


:cry: Bwaaaah, but walking around shopping is a different range of motion then playing football bwaaaah :cry:


Fock that! Stop being a phaggot and covering for this poosay. I dont give two sh!ts about anybody on here's "expert" medical analysis.


Sh!t QB with no heart. BTW, nice Back to the Future vest you got on there Jay. :rolleyes: Focking toolbag


How many times as Hasabadback quit on his team? Too many times to remember, that's how many! Don't you have a hooker to kill to take out your anger on or somethin' to smoke at least? :lol:

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Cutler played behind perhaps the worst O-line performances of any team this season. And he kept lining back up despite taking a serious pounding almost every game.


To say Cutler pulled himself out that game because he isn't tough or whatever is total junk.

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How many times as Hasabadback quit on his team? Too many times to remember, that's how many! Don't you have a hooker to kill to take out your anger on or somethin' to smoke at least? :lol:


Hasselbeck could have had his leg snapped clean off and he would have taped that focker back on and been back on the field in time to throw a costly redzone interception.


You would NOT see him pull himself from the NFC championship game (back when he was good enough to take a team there)with a bogus injury to stand on the sidelines lifelessly. You also wouldnt see him being dragged around LA shopping by some horse-faced spooge-rag.


The 'Beck chooses to spend his free time supporting causes like this


Also, WTF is Cutler's skank looking at?!

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Cutler played behind perhaps the worst O-line performances of any team this season. And he kept lining back up despite taking a serious pounding almost every game.


To say Cutler pulled himself out that game because he isn't tough or whatever is total junk.


Horsesh!T. Cutler has 10 million reasons a year to keep his ass on the field. It's clear from his play and demeanor that he doesn't give a fock about the outcomes of the games.

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Horsesh!T. Cutler has 10 million reasons a year to keep his ass on the field. It's clear from his play and demeanor that he doesn't give a fock about the outcomes of the games.


Dude...you need to take a chill pill....seriously.


You are like many others...."CLUELESS".....NUFF SAID :thumbsdown:

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This thread is further proof the internet is full of r-tards.


3-6 week injury and took a shot to try to play.

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How many times as Hasabadback quit on his team? Too many times to remember, that's how many! Don't you have a hooker to kill to take out your anger on or somethin' to smoke at least? :lol:


Hasselbeck played the 2nd half of the season with a broken left wrist in a cast. He had the fluid on his hip drained, got shot up, and hobbled around in the playoff win over New Orleans. Hasselbeck was visibly upset on the sidelines when Carroll made the decision to bench him just before the game vs St Louis for a playoff spot. He doesn't quit on his team.


Hasselbeck > Cutler.

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This thread is further proof the internet is full of r-tards.


I agree.


It shows that mindless sheep can be led to believe that Cutler was really seriously injured and didn't quit. I love how all of this comes out 2 weeks after the incident.

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I can't believe this thread is still going? A bunch of you guys are complaining about Jay Cutler just to complain. If you aren't a Bear fan then don't worry about it.


I would stick to worrying about your own teams, cause as a Bear fan, I'm happy that in his 2nd year in Chicago and 1st year with Martz we got in a NFC championship.


"Jay is our quarterback"

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I agree.


It shows that mindless sheep can be led to believe that Cutler was really seriously injured and didn't quit. I love how all of this comes out 2 weeks after the incident.


Thanks for confirming my point.

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Thanks for confirming my point.

Cutler was standing on the sidelines. Trainers weren't trying to "fix" his knee. And he was walking around days later shopping for Tampax.


I'll believe what I saw, you can believe whatever they tell you to believe.

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If you're too hurt to finish the NFC Championship game you're too hurt to stroll around LA a week later. The saddest part is that Cutler doesn't even care or respect that his teammates, coach and fans are reaching to cover for him. He's laughing at you all.

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If you're too hurt to finish the NFC Championship game you're too hurt to stroll around LA a week later. The saddest part is that Cutler doesn't even care or respect that his teammates, coach and fans are reaching to cover for him. He's laughing at you all.


I really don't care how big a doosh he is or if he is laughing at us. Have you ever seen a list of previous Bears QBs? "Bad" Cutler is still a lot better than a "Good" Rex.


We mortgaged our future for this guy, and if you asked me if I would still make this trade again...I would in a heartbeat.

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I won't go into a player-by-player ranking but I'd probably put Cutler somewhere just outside the Top 10 among NFL quarterbacks. The guy he most reminds me of is actually Eli Manning. Both QBs will go through stretches where they look like the best OR the worst in the league, sometimes within the same game. I'd say Cutler is more physically talented than Eli but a slightly worse overall QB.


Far as the injury thing, the PR fallout wouldn't be nearly as bad if Cutler didn't already have a reputation for immaturity and poor leadership skills. This goes back to his silly feud with Rivers, his claim that he has a better arm than Elway, his petulent little temper tantrum when McDaniels was interested in Cassell, his backhanded slap at Broncos fans by saying Bears fans are more passionate after he was traded, etc.


Simply put the guy seems like an @ss hole. So when the fans saw him comfortably walking up and down on the sideline during the NFCCG, not getting treatment and apparently not trying to convince the coach to let him back into the game, it sort of looked like Jay being Jay: a petulent little @ss hole with no leadership skills.


Maybe that's unfair, but it's a reputation that Cutler earned.

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I won't go into a player-by-player ranking but I'd probably put Cutler somewhere just outside the Top 10 among NFL quarterbacks. The guy he most reminds me of is actually Eli Manning. Both QBs will go through stretches where they look like the best OR the worst in the league, sometimes within the same game. I'd say Cutler is more physically talented than Eli but a slightly worse overall QB.


Far as the injury thing, the PR fallout wouldn't be nearly as bad if Cutler didn't already have a reputation for immaturity and poor leadership skills. This goes back to his silly feud with Rivers, his claim that he has a better arm than Elway, his petulent little temper tantrum when McDaniels was interested in Cassell, his backhanded slap at Broncos fans by saying Bears fans are more passionate after he was traded, etc.


Simply put the guy seems like an @ss hole. So when the fans saw him comfortably walking up and down on the sideline during the NFCCG, not getting treatment and apparently not trying to convince the coach to let him back into the game, it sort of looked like Jay being Jay: a petulent little @ss hole with no leadership skills.


Maybe that's unfair, but it's a reputation that Cutler earned.



Also - he could've at least acted interested in the game from the sidelines. Instead of sitting on the bench 10 yards away from your team, sitting by yourself fully engulfed in a jacket to keep you warm...maybe cheer on teammates, show some emotion, offer some encouragement beyond the likes of, "trust yourself" to the 3rd string QB who greatly outplayed you...Ya know, just a suggestion though.

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Also - he could've at least acted interested in the game from the sidelines. Instead of sitting on the bench 10 yards away from your team, sitting by yourself fully engulfed in a jacket to keep you warm...maybe cheer on teammates, show some emotion, offer some encouragement beyond the likes of, "trust yourself" to the 3rd string QB who greatly outplayed you...Ya know, just a suggestion though.


He obviously had his mind on other things.....like shopping!

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Also - he could've at least acted interested in the game from the sidelines. Instead of sitting on the bench 10 yards away from your team, sitting by yourself fully engulfed in a jacket to keep you warm...maybe cheer on teammates, show some emotion, offer some encouragement beyond the likes of, "trust yourself" to the 3rd string QB who greatly outplayed you...Ya know, just a suggestion though.


I try not to get too hung up on a player's body language. I think fans seriously overrate the whole "rah rah" types who are always shouting and giving high-fives. There are lots of different kinds of leadership and many different kinds of leaders. But Cutler has not earned a reputation for toughness and leadership, and that's why the fans question the extent of his injury.


Peyton Manning got his jaw broken, had it wired shut and played the next week. Donovan McNabb played a game on a stress fracture and half a year with a sports hernia. Ben Roethlisberger has played a large part of this year with a re-aggrevated foot fracture. He got his nose broken in a game a few weeks back, spit out some blood and went back out there.


If any one of these guys left a game, NOBODY would be questioning their toughness because they've already proven they'll play through pain. The reason Cutler takes all kinds of ch1t is cause he's known as being a thin-skinned, immature little poosay.

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I try not to get too hung up on a player's body language. I think fans seriously overrate the whole "rah rah" types who are always shouting and giving high-fives. There are lots of different kinds of leadership and many different kinds of leaders. But Cutler has not earned a reputation for toughness and leadership, and that's why the fans question the extent of his injury.


Peyton Manning got his jaw broken, had it wired shut and played the next week. Donovan McNabb played a game on a stress fracture and half a year with a sports hernia. Ben Roethlisberger has played a large part of this year with a re-aggrevated foot fracture. He got his nose broken in a game a few weeks back, spit out some blood and went back out there.


If any one of these guys left a game, NOBODY would be questioning their toughness because they've already proven they'll play through pain. The reason Cutler takes all kinds of ch1t is cause he's known as being a thin-skinned, immature little poosay.

Manning actually went back in on the next play or series. I believe his backup fumbled the next snap, and Manning walked away from the coaches/training staff on the sideline and put himself back in.


But you're right - players earn their perception. Big Ben is one of the toughest QB's I've ever seen play. Same with Manning. Same with Brees. Hell, didn't Rivers play in a playoff game a few years ago with a torn ACL?


But my point about Cutler's body language was this: Reputation aside - when a player is taken out of the game, he's abandoning his team. I don't mean that in a degrading way, but it's the truth. From my point of view, players should be giving their all to their team. Healthy or not, playing or sitting, practice or SuperBowl. If I'm a backup - I'm pushing the starters every practice to get better. Offering any piece of advice. If I'm a CB - I'm helping my teams' WRs if they are tipping their routes, and vice versa. So the fact that Cutler didn't even offer any advice to Collins, and offered very little 'advice' to Hanie, wasn't speaking with Mike Martz/Lovie Smith, wasn't right on the sideline to congratulate Urlacher on a potential game-changing INT, speaks volumes about who Cutler is as a teammate. Some people say, "well, he's just an introvert, people handle situations differently than others...he's quiet, upset, etc.". To that, I say Bullsh!t. I'm a very reserved, quiet person in real life - but as I said earlier...a few weeks ago I shattered my elbow in a flag football playoff game, and ya know what? I became a coach, a coordniator, a motivator, and I'm not afraid to say it, a cheerleader. I even saw something in the opposing DEF, called TO, suggested a play, and it worked for a TD. Now I know it's not THAT easy for Cutler, but you can't convince me that he couldn't have done more on the sideline. Especially given his reputation, you'd think he wouldn't fuel the flame. Maybe he couldn't control his body/injury, he couldn't go back in the game. But he could've controlled how he reacted once being out of the game.

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This may have already been posted, but just in case it wasn't...


Jay Cutler Was Still Into The Game After Knee Injury, Bears' Caleb Hanie Says

Jan 25 11:50a

by Joel Thorman


At this point, it may be easier to come up with a list of teammates who haven't defended Jay Cutler after he suffered an MCL injury in the Chicago Bears loss to the Green Bay Packers in the NFC Championship game. From Brian Urlacherto Chris Harris to head coach Lovie Smith, the Bears are in full-on damage control after a lot of folks bashed Cutler for coming out of the game.


The latest? QB Caleb Hanie who, after Todd Collins got hurt replacing Cutler, came into the game. Hanie talked with Dan Patrick and said Cutler was into the game -- even if his sideline demeanor suggested he wasn't.



"He talked to me a lot coming off the field," Hanie said during his appearance. "Trying to calm me down. Telling me to trust my line. Trust my reads. I thought he was well into the game. He told me what blitzes they were bringing. What coverages they were running."

Clearly, questioning Cutler's toughness is a way to get the Bears attention. They had all hands on deck once the media, fans and former and current players started to question his toughness. Hanie is the latest in that long line of players who didn't think the reaction was fair.


For at least a moment, one of the most overplayed stories in the NFL this year is starting to die down.

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