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My son turned 10 today

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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(

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Sweetie... he's 10. You have a lot of years before you're taking him off to college. :lol:


How many beers?

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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(


alright now you are trying a little too hard for dad of the year.



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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(



If you stop educating him now, he wont get into college, and will probably be living with you well into his 20's :music_guitarred:

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Sweetie... he's 10. You have a lot of years before you're taking him off to college. :lol:


How many beers?


I'm in the exact same boat as joc with my 9 year old daughter. It's flat out flying by.

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I'm in the exact same boat as joc with my 9 year old daughter. It's flat out flying by.

except you have the teenage daughter. Joc will be sharing conquest stories and beers with his son, and you'll be chasing away your daughter boyfriends with a buck shot

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I posted this at another board a few years ago...its one of seven completely honest, completely serious, completely heartfelt posts ive ever made on internet message boards in my entire internet life.


My kids are growing up too. My 11 year old is in the beginning stages of puberty. I know this is the first death knell of me being Cool Daddy. I know that all too soon he will all of a sudden be "too old" to give his old man a hug in public.


He fell asleep on the couch last night and i was watching him it occurred to me that i should carry him to his bed. I looked on my 5'5" 160 lb manchild and realized that this was not practical. Then the thought occurred to me that i couldnt remember the last time i had carried him to bed. I wondered if i had known if it was going to be the last time if i would have held him for a few seconds longer. Im sure i would have.


The son i was writing about is 14, and is 6' and 250 lbs now. I got a call from him last Friday night at 130 AM that he and two friends had been detained by the police at a convenience store after they walked there from a bowling alley 1/2 a mile away. The cops thought they looked suspicious and once they realized they were all 14 they wouldnt let them leave until a parent came and go them.


I still love him though. :D

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I'm in the exact same boat as joc with my 9 year old daughter. It's flat out flying by.

That's smart. I wouldn't leave my daughter alone in a boat with joc either. :thumbsup:

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I know. When he (they) turned nine me and the wife is like - "Wow they are half raised"

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It's a strange thing having kids... every day can be pretty long... get up early, get eveyone dressed/fed, commute to work, work a long day, get home, run a must-do-errand, get everyone dinner/pj's, play a game, do homework, get 'em to bed, rinse/repeate.

You don't have a second to yourself, but when you stop to consider where you're at in life, when you take a mental inventory of all you've seen and done, it's absolutely flying by... somehow the days are long and the years so short.

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I posted this at another board a few years ago...its one of seven completely honest, completely serious, completely heartfelt posts ive ever made on internet message boards in my entire internet life.




The son i was writing about is 14, and is 6' and 250 lbs now. I got a call from him last Friday night at 130 AM that he and two friends had been detained by the police at a convenience store after they walked there from a bowling alley 1/2 a mile away. The cops thought they looked suspicious and once they realized they were all 14 they wouldnt let them leave until a parent came and go them.


I still love him though. :D

You're heavy-set's dad?

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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(

He will likely drop out of high school and end up with a GED

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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(


A child arrived just the other day,

came to the world in the usual way,

But there were planes to catch

and bills to pay, he learned to walk while I was away

He was talking before I knew it and as he grew

he said I'm going to be like you Dad,

you know I'm going to be like you.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


My son turned 10 just the other day,

Said thanks for the ball now c'mon let's play

Will you teach me to throw, I said not today,

I've got a lot to do, he said that's ok

And he walked away and he smiled and he said

You know I'm going to be like you, Dad,

you know I'm going to be like you.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


He came from college just the other day,

so much like a man I just had to say,

I'm proud of you, won't you sit for a while

He shook his head and said with a smile,


What I'm feeling like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys

See you later can I have them please.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


I've long since retired and my son's moved away

I called him up just the other day

I'd like to see you, if you don't mind

He said I'd love to Dad, if I could find the time

You see my new job's a hassle and the kids have the flu

But it's sure nice talking you Dad, it's been real nice talking to you.

And as I hung up the phone it occured to me

He'd grown up just like me, my boy was just like me.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.

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A child arrived just the other day,

came to the world in the usual way,

But there were planes to catch

and bills to pay, he learned to walk while I was away

He was talking before I knew it and as he grew

he said I'm going to be like you Dad,

you know I'm going to be like you.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


My son turned 10 just the other day,

Said thanks for the ball now c'mon let's play

Will you teach me to throw, I said not today,

I've got a lot to do, he said that's ok

And he walked away and he smiled and he said

You know I'm going to be like you, Dad,

you know I'm going to be like you.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


He came from college just the other day,

so much like a man I just had to say,

I'm proud of you, won't you sit for a while

He shook his head and said with a smile,


What I'm feeling like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys

See you later can I have them please.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


I've long since retired and my son's moved away

I called him up just the other day

I'd like to see you, if you don't mind

He said I'd love to Dad, if I could find the time

You see my new job's a hassle and the kids have the flu

But it's sure nice talking you Dad, it's been real nice talking to you.

And as I hung up the phone it occured to me

He'd grown up just like me, my boy was just like me.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.


And the cat's in the cradle, and the silver spoon,

Little Boy Blue, and the Man in the Moon,

When you coming home son, I don't know when

We'll get together then, you know we'll have a good time then.




Ohh the irony!!!

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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(

Well, look on the bright side. You can cover him under your insurance till he's like 25. So you'll have him that much longer. :cheers:

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ALMOST... but these lines:


he learned to walk while I was away


Will you teach me to throw, I said not today,


this is where it all goes wrong and since I taught my kids to walk and to throw, my entire life will be excellent, right? RIGHT? DAMMIT, it'll be perfect RIGHT!!

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It's going by so fast. My #1 and only son is more then 1/2 through his time in this house. Taking him to college will be one of the hardest days of my life. It will be here before I know it:(

dont worry, He will be back. either as a college dropout or as an unemployed grad.


congrats :cheers:

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I have four sons, and the oldest is turning twelve next month ... only one more year till he's a teenager. It's gone fast, but I wonder if after 5 years with him as a teenager I'll be ready to see him go away to college :unsure:

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My boys are 7 and 9. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. It seems like yesterday that they were toddling around in diapers.


They still believe in Santa Claus but are at the age where we can go to ballgames and amusement parks and camping and stuff.


But childhood is halfway over for one, and that makes me sad.


However, and I've heard this from numerous parents with older children, teen-agers apparently are biologically engineered to make you pray for the day when they finally, mercifully move out of the house.


There is a dillweed living next to me who is 25 and lives in a garage apartment at his parents' house, and I can seen the pain in their eyes.



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My daughter turns eleven this year. I do everything I can with her and it still doesn't feel like I'm doing enough. She thanks me every night and tells me she loves me more. I keep telling her that that's not possible and she just smiles. Seven more years and she's off to college to meet guys like medstudent. :cry:

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My daughter turns eleven this year. I do everything I can with her and it still doesn't feel like I'm doing enough. She thanks me every night and tells me she loves me more. I keep telling her that that's not possible and she just smiles. Seven more years and she's off to college to meet guys like medstudent. :cry:



Thats cool. My little baby girl gets here next wednesday.....cant wait. Will be my first one. Be neat to have those moments with her.


joc..i feel for ya...but you got a lot of time until they leave.....which in their teens...you may want em to leave...hah.

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Thats cool. My little baby girl gets here next wednesday.....cant wait. Will be my first one. Be neat to have those moments with her.





It's the GREATEST thing that will ever happen to you in your life. And the most fulfilling. Congatulations. :cheers:

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My daughter turns eleven this year. I do everything I can with her and it still doesn't feel like I'm doing enough. She thanks me every night and tells me she loves me more. I keep telling her that that's not possible and she just smiles. Seven more years and she's off to college to meet guys like medstudent. :cry:


Maybe medstudent will become a pediatric gynocologist, and your daughter will meet the real deal any day now.



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My oldest turns 10 in a couple of weeks. I am so worn out with baseball and other activities, that I don't know if I have enough time to enjoy it. Well, that and I drink a lot. ;)


Oh, well. Off to another game.

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Maybe medstudent will become a pediatric gynocologist, and your daughter will meet the real deal any day now.






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How many beers?



Ha, 10:38 pm - - I forgot I posted this until it popped back up :cheers:

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Aren't you from Alabama?


I'm guessing college won't be an issue



What schools have won the past 2 football National Championships? Damn, they have colleges in Alabama :doh:

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What schools have won the past 2 football National Championships? Damn, they have colleges in Alabama :doh:

I was thinking that he meant your kid would be too dumb to attend those bastions of education in Alabama.

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I do everything I can with her


ill bet u do

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I was thinking that he meant your kid would be too dumb to attend those bastions of education in Alabama.



We isn't smart enuff to undurstand mesages in Alabama. BTW did you know Huntsville is voted one of the smartest cities in the world? I didn't think so...

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We isn't smart enuff to undurstand mesages in Alabama. BTW did you know Huntsville is voted one of the smartest cities in the world? I didn't think so...

Ummm. A vote done in Alabama as to the smartest city in the world is sort if like a vote in India for the best smelling people in the world.



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Ummm. A vote done in Alabama as to the smartest city in the world is sort if like a vote in India for the best smelling people in the world.





I can't help it if you're that uninformed. Where do you think all those guided missles, patriot missle defense, and NASA, comes from ;)


We are the engineer capital of the world - hard to believe isn't it?

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I can't help it if you're that uninformed. Where do you think all those McDonald's, Burger Kings and NAMBLA comes from ;)


We are the janitorial engineer capital of the world - hard to believe isn't it?





I went to Ga. Tech.

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