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P Manning possibly to retire?

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Update: Manning will have another X-ray/checkup on his neck Wednesday, the Indianapolis Star reports. “I’ll probably check in with y’all this week,” he said.


Recommendation: The Colts still hope Manning can return to practice in December. While he hasn’t been placed on IR, there seems little chance he plays in a game. However, his next checkup should be a big milestone as the Colts face a big decision in the offseason whether to keep Manning for next season and pay a $28 million roster bonus in early March. There’s also been speculation that Manning may be leaning toward retirement, so this medical update should also help us figure out how much that is playing into his thinking.


Does anyone recall the hit/play that damaged Peyton's neck, or was it an accumulation of injuries over time?

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I don't remember Manning ever taking a lot of hits and rarely a big hit. He's probably one of the least sacked QBs per dropback in NFL history. Ironic if his career is cut short by an injury.

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I'd walk away. Sitting out this season actually improved his overall career standing. Probably 10-6 to 12-4 with Manning, 0-16 without.

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Bring Manning to the New York Jets.



Texans will ###### a goat on national tv if they think that will improve their chances to get manning. get in line. :)

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Texans will ###### a goat on national tv if they think that will improve their chances to get manning. get in line. :)


I don't think he's going to the Jets but I think it's even less likely that he goes to a division rival.


###### now that I think about it it could be pretty freaking cool to have both Eli and him here in New York. The media would eat that ###### up.


And the rematches with Brady. All of it would be epic.

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I don't think he's going to the Jets but I think it's even less likely that he goes to a division rival.


###### now that I think about it it could be pretty freaking cool to have both Eli and him here in New York. The media would eat that ###### up.


And the rematches with Brady. All of it would be epic.



that maybe, but they have a contender in houston with that offense and defense. Would be pretty hard to turn it down, specially if he thinks he could win another SB.

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that maybe, but they have a contender in houston with that offense and defense. Would be pretty hard to turn it down, specially if he thinks he could win another SB.


Contender and a dome.

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If Manning can play, there is no way he doesn't stay with the Colts. He has said in the past, he wants to stay here. If he wanted to go somewhere else, even with his neck issues, he would have left this year.


This isn't new news. He said this at the beginning of November that Dec 1st was the day we would know a lot more. Which is why we have all been waiting to hear. I know a bunch of you would love for him to retire, only because you wouldn't have to face him anymore, but if you are a true football fan, you would like to see him play a few more seasons.

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I'm just hoping and praying that he will soon be announced as the head coach of the Tennessee Volunteers. Who cares if he can coach or not, his recruiting on offense would be sick!

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I have maintained all along that manning is going to have to retire. The insurance company will buy out his contract and he will become the QB's coach/coach in waiting for the colts.

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I have maintained all along that manning is going to have to retire. The insurance company will buy out his contract and he will become the QB's coach/coach in waiting for the colts.


Yup. Didn't his older brother miss out on a career because of a neck issue? I don't see how he'll come back. :(

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every good thing has to come to an end sometime. Look on the bright side, Andrew luck could be in your future. :)

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If Manning can play, there is no way he doesn't stay with the Colts. He has said in the past, he wants to stay here. If he wanted to go somewhere else, even with his neck issues, he would have left this year.


This isn't new news. He said this at the beginning of November that Dec 1st was the day we would know a lot more. Which is why we have all been waiting to hear. I know a bunch of you would love for him to retire, only because you wouldn't have to face him anymore, but if you are a true football fan, you would like to see him play a few more seasons.


I can think of about 28 million reasons to disagree. Colt's will have to make that decision and there are no guarantees. Things have changed since the beginning of the season. I imagine the Colt's never, in their wildest dreams, envisioned an 0-16 season and the first pick of the draft. If Manning wants to play he could easily leave.

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If Manning can play, there is no way he doesn't stay with the Colts. He has said in the past, he wants to stay here. If he wanted to go somewhere else, even with his neck issues, he would have left this year.


This isn't new news. He said this at the beginning of November that Dec 1st was the day we would know a lot more. Which is why we have all been waiting to hear. I know a bunch of you would love for him to retire, only because you wouldn't have to face him anymore, but if you are a true football fan, you would like to see him play a few more seasons.


If he can still play, I would argue that it would be in the best interest of the Colts to trade him (assuming teams are not scared of his recent health issues and are willing to throw a 1st rounder at them - all pure speculation).


The team is on the decline (this is not the former talent-stacked Colts) and it will not be getting better anytime soon. Why have an aging QB who you do not know whether he can stay healthy take over for a crappy team. Even if they can get more for trading the #1 pick, by the time those picks turn into something Manning will be on the way out (assuming his neck doesn't give out on him sooner).


Draft Luck, start to build a new team around him with (hopefully) some help from a Manning trade. I really think this is the best move for the Colts.


I don't think anyone wants Manning to retire, but it would be awfully interesting to see him on another team.

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every good thing has to come to an end sometime. Look on the bright side, Andrew luck could be in your future. :)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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If Manning can play, there is no way he doesn't stay with the Colts. He has said in the past, he wants to stay here. If he wanted to go somewhere else, even with his neck issues, he would have left this year.



Huh :wacko: :blink: Yeah he was going to sign with another team this year knowing he wasnt going to play a down.

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If he can still play, I would argue that it would be in the best interest of the Colts to trade him (assuming teams are not scared of his recent health issues and are willing to throw a 1st rounder at them - all pure speculation).


No team is going to give a first rounder for a QB of Manning's age and injury history. If the Colts like Luck as much as everyone else seems to, they should draft him even if Manning comes back and let him learn from the bench until Peyton calls it a career.

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Teams would absolutely give up a 1st for manning


Peyton will be 36 years old, possibly 37 (I'd have to look it up) next season, coming off a down year followed by a season lost to injury. What team is so stacked everywhere else that they'd give up a first rounder for him? San Fran? I just don't see it happening. Terrible PR for the Colts and a very risky move for any potential trade partner.

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I can think of about 28 million reasons to disagree. Colt's will have to make that decision and there are no guarantees. Things have changed since the beginning of the season. I imagine the Colt's never, in their wildest dreams, envisioned an 0-16 season and the first pick of the draft. If Manning wants to play he could easily leave.


Team owner Jim Irsay is incredibly loyal to his players. Almost his entire billion+ fortune is wrapped up in the Colts and he has shown over the years a propensity to lavish money on players (i.e. overspend to keep key players). He was ready to break the bank to make Manning the highest piad player in histry before the end of the season last year. I doubt the $$$ will figure into the decision. Maybe not the wisest football move, but if Manning wants to come back and play, he will be a Colt. You can take that to the bank.

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Peyton will be 36 years old, possibly 37 (I'd have to look it up) next season, coming off a down year followed by a season lost to injury. What team is so stacked everywhere else that they'd give up a first rounder for him? San Fran? I just don't see it happening. Terrible PR for the Colts and a very risky move for any potential trade partner.


I never would have thought anyone would give up two first rounders for Carson Palmer either.

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I think there is a good chance he won't come back. After a few neck surgeries... holy focking hell. I'm no doctor, but I have had a chronic neck/back problem for a few years and it's nothing to be focked with.


That said... if he does come back I think there is about a -25% chance the Colts trade him anywhere. Manning will retire as a Colt and will probably become very active in the management of that team after he does. Much like Elway. Unlike Favruh.

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I never would have thought anyone would give up two first rounders for Carson Palmer either.


I thought it was just one. And the Raiders already blew their stupid load. Snyder still has his 1st round pick doesnt he?

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What is the best news the doctors can give Manning? Yes, you can play but ...


It's likely going to be a lengthy list of "buts." A ton of "buts" in exchange for what? One, maybe two more years in the NFL knowing he might never get up from the next hit he takes? He's financially set for life. He's in the HOF. He has a career in football off the field, either coaching or in the booth. He gets to go out on top and on his own terms. Standing up.


If he returns, the fans will be expecting the Manning they once knew. They likely won't get it. Fans have short memories. The NFL is all about "what have you done for me lately?" And who's that kid on the sidelines?


Problem is, this is Manning. "I miss playing, I really do. If I get cleared to play and I'm good enough, would I play? Absolutely," he said. "I'd love to because that's how I'm wired, that's my job and I love my job."


It's anybody's guess. Irsay has said all the politically correct things when it comes to Manning. The era isn't over, etc. But then we get this: "I'm more interested in getting back to greatness and having a chance to sustain it. I'm not interested in middling around at 8-8 or 9-7 and sneaking into the playoffs for the next decade."


You get the feeling he's not talking about Manning.

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Peyton will be 36 years old, possibly 37 (I'd have to look it up) next season, coming off a down year followed by a season lost to injury. What team is so stacked everywhere else that they'd give up a first rounder for him? San Fran? I just don't see it happening. Terrible PR for the Colts and a very risky move for any potential trade partner.


Jets, Oakland, Miami, Redskins, Buf, Minn to name a few.


Irsay knows what Manning has meant to the Colts. He would have no problem letting him play next year if Manning and the Colts think he can.


You are correct though, we don't know how the surgeries might affect his playing abilities, but hopefully some changes they make looking at how aweful this team is without him, will help. Like a running game again. Maybe some bigger defensive players.


And...a new coach! haha

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I'd be curious to know (seriously) how many other NFL players have entire hospitals named after them..that they helped build.

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Peyton will be 36 years old, possibly 37 (I'd have to look it up) next season, coming off a down year followed by a season lost to injury. What team is so stacked everywhere else that they'd give up a first rounder for him? San Fran? I just don't see it happening. Terrible PR for the Colts and a very risky move for any potential trade partner.

Isn't it funny how 4,500 yards, 33 TD's, 450 completions (NFL record) - and leading a team to another division title (which is followed by a potential 0-16 season without him) is considered a down year? I can't imagine any other QB in the history of the NFL that has had such a productive "down year".

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Jets, Oakland, Miami, Redskins, Buf, Minn to name a few.


You can take Oakland, Minny and Buffalo off the list - they all either drafted a 1st round QB, traded for a quarterback or signed one to a long-term deal.


I don't think Miami is crazy / stupid enough to trade a Top 5 pick for Manning. They have too many needs to spend that kind of pick on a 2-3 year (atmost) stopgap.


Redskins have the right kind of crazy ownership, but I just don't see it - I think they learned their lesson with McNabb. Shanny may get fired and a new coach won't want to rebuild with a 37 year old QB.


Jets actually make some sense but the point is moot - the Colts aren't shopping Manning, especially not to a former division rival in the AFC.


You can forget about it.

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He's accomplished everything there is in the NFL....why risk more injury.


Exactly. Probably in the top 3 QBs of all time, maybe even the best ever as far as pure quarterback criteria are concerned. I think his value to his team has been fully realized this year. Teams with other "top" QBs have had their starters fill-ins do almost or just as good. You take Manning away from the Colts though - its like taking the V12 out of a Lambo Murcielago....you got NOTHING now.

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Exactly. Probably in the top 3 QBs of all time, maybe even the best ever as far as pure quarterback criteria are concerned. I think his value to his team has been fully realized this year. Teams with other "top" QBs have had their starters fill-ins do almost or just as good. You take Manning away from the Colts though - its like taking the V12 out of a Lambo Murcielago....you got NOTHING now.




Very well said!

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Agreed he has nothing else to prove. I've never been a big fan of the Mannings, but as a football fan you have to respect Peyton's greatness. He's the kind of player that's so good you almost take him for granted.


It would be a shame to watch him go out on the sidelines like this. Hopefully he can suit up for at least another season or two.

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You can take Oakland, Minny and Buffalo off the list - they all either drafted a 1st round QB, traded for a quarterback or signed one to a long-term deal.


I don't think Miami is crazy / stupid enough to trade a Top 5 pick for Manning. They have too many needs to spend that kind of pick on a 2-3 year (atmost) stopgap.


Redskins have the right kind of crazy ownership, but I just don't see it - I think they learned their lesson with McNabb. Shanny may get fired and a new coach won't want to rebuild with a 37 year old QB.


Jets actually make some sense but the point is moot - the Colts aren't shopping Manning, especially not to a former division rival in the AFC.


You can forget about it.


Why would they care who their division rival was 10 years ago? :wacko:

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I'd be curious to know (seriously) how many other NFL players have entire hospitals named after them..that they helped build.


Joe General. Joe Memorial. Joe Veterans. Just to name a few.

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Team owner Jim Irsay is incredibly loyal to his players. Almost his entire billion+ fortune is wrapped up in the Colts and he has shown over the years a propensity to lavish money on players (i.e. overspend to keep key players). He was ready to break the bank to make Manning the highest piad player in histry before the end of the season last year. I doubt the $$$ will figure into the decision. Maybe not the wisest football move, but if Manning wants to come back and play, he will be a Colt. You can take that to the bank.


We'll see what we see. The whole situation is a potential PR nightmare... Assuming they draft Luck, how long can he sit behind Peyton? Rodgers is one thing... Cam Newton and Andy Dalton another... I imagine they BOTH want to play and about one year is the sweet spot before it gets dicey.

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