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Casual Observer

Do you think this Priest was right ...

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People of faith don't usually think of it as a "choice".


But I'll take your expertise on this matter from Wikipedia. :lol:

their all christians, some take communion kneeling down around the altar, some stand up in line, some sing one psalm vs another. Not sure why someone would choose to half heartedly follow a group that is fundamentally against their way of life...



Maybe its just habit having been brought up in a certain parish, certain denomination, seems strange though.

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Then don't waste your time wondering in the first place.


You're sure you're not Mensa? Cuz you're a real fockin' jagoff.

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I'm not Mensa, already told you that.


Did you really just type that the priest "should put aside his beliefs"?


Again, you just can't stop.


Hmmmm....21 of 28 search results for secularism involve either you or Mensa. And if you're really not Mensa, then where were you during the Creationism thread where secularism was a prevalent issue? Or the Mock the Christians thread? Or the Rapture thread? Why would you lurk for 10 years, then show up and post almost exclusively in political/religious threads, and get all bent at the mention of secularism?


Then again, I'd be pretty naive if I believed Mensa was one of a kind. Probably a lot of casual chris....I mean, casual observers out there.


Speaking of beliefs, the priest has a ton of 'em. We all do. I'm sure this priest believes women are beautiful, but he doesn't act on that belief because it counters other beliefs he holds more strongly. Evidently this priest's belief that lesbians be denied sacrament during their mothers' funerals usurped his belief that as a man of God, he could help a family in need find peace.


Besides, priests put aside their beliefs all the time when they sodomize altar boys. It's probably more common than you think Mmmmmmiiister Lawyer.

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Hmmmm....21 of 28 search results for secularism involve either you or Mensa. And if you're really not Mensa, then where were you during the Creationism thread where secularism was a prevalent issue? Or the Mock the Christians thread? Or the Rapture thread? Why would you lurk for 10 years, then show up and post almost exclusively in political/religious threads, and get all bent at the mention of secularism?


Then again, I'd be pretty naive if I believed Mensa was one of a kind. Probably a lot of casual chris....I mean, casual observers out there.


Speaking of beliefs, the priest has a ton of 'em. We all do. I'm sure this priest believes women are beautiful, but he doesn't act on that belief because it counters other beliefs he holds more strongly. Evidently this priest's belief that lesbians be denied sacrament during their mothers' funerals usurped his belief that as a man of God, he could help a family in need find peace.


Besides, priests put aside their beliefs all the time when they sodomize altar boys. It's probably more common than you think Mmmmmmiiister Lawyer.


Your obsession with Mensa is bordering on mental illness. I can't help you there.


Your second paragraph is a projection of your view of what you think the Priest should have done. Bizarre for an Atheist that looks down on religion (except for Islam). You could have stated your view that you didn't think the Priest was acting properly at all in one post. But like I said, you can't stop.


Your last comment? I can't believe you didn't make that one sooner. But you still can't keep your focus on the Priest in question can you?


Since you can't wrap your mind around the fact that I've lurked for 10 years or so before obtaining a user name, I guess your mind just jumps to the "Mensa Conspiracy". The truth is I'd start and join these threads just to f around with people back then, as I do now. That OK with you (bored Nazi No 1) Mmmmmister (whateverthefockyoudoforaliving)?

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Apparently his Church agrees that he's a giant frigging doosh?


The Archdiocese said he behaved improperly. When the church concedes that, you just might be a doosh.

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The Archdiocese said he behaved improperly. When the church concedes that, you just might be a doosh.


You atheists sure do stick together. Note that the question I asked was what do "you" think, not the archdiocese.

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You atheists sure do stick together. Note that the question I asked was what do "you" think, not the archdiocese.


I answered that question. Then you asked me if or why I think the church concluded this priest is a doosh. See Page 1. I answered that question too. I'm not necessarily an atheist, I just don't believe most of what's taught by the Catholic church.

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I answered that question. Then you asked me if or why I think the church concluded this priest is a doosh. See Page 1. I answered that question too. I'm not necessarily an atheist, I just don't believe most of what's taught by the Catholic church.


No, I asked you whether the Church said that he was a giant doosh. Seemed like you were embellishing on the Church statement a bit. But, I guess you can't restrain yourself, either.

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No, I asked you whether the Church said that he was a giant doosh. Seemed like you were embellishing on the Church statement a bit. But, I guess you can't restrain yourself, either.


I never claimed the church literally said he's a doosh. Do you have any other questions, troll?

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Your obsession with Mensa is bordering on mental illness. I can't help you there.


Mensa is a badass, like Jesus.


Your second paragraph is a projection of your view of what you think the Priest should have done. Bizarre for an Atheist that looks down on religion (except for Islam). You could have stated your view that you didn't think the Priest was acting properly at all in one post. But like I said, you can't stop.


Your last comment? I can't believe you didn't make that one sooner. But you still can't keep your focus on the Priest in question can you?


I don't know what else to say other than the priest behaved wrongly. Evidently the Church agrees. Most people with an ounce of humanity would agree. His belief that the gay lifestyle is wrong took precedent over his belief that a family needed his help in finding peace in their time of need. Dunno how else you can explain his actions.


Since you can't wrap your mind around the fact that I've lurked for 10 years or so before obtaining a user name, I guess your mind just jumps to the "Mensa Conspiracy". The truth is I'd start and join these threads just to f around with people back then, as I do now. That OK with you (bored Nazi No 1) Mmmmmister (whateverthefockyoudoforaliving)?


How can you start and join these threads just to f around with people back then, when you just joined 2 weeks ago? :unsure:



Also, it was just last week when you said the following.....which happened to be in a thread discussing Islam:



Thank God for people like you who are so far above the debate that you can see things as they really are.



I mention secularism, and suddenly I'm atheistic and a religion hater. I hope you're more unflappable when it comes to commercial litigation.


Also, you wanna avoid the Mensa comparisons, quit acting like Mensa.

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No sh!t.


When are you coming out of the closet?


You are really floundering now. I liked it better when you were sort of reasonable back on Tuesday. :(

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Mensa is a badass, like Jesus.




I don't know what else to say other than the priest behaved wrongly. Evidently the Church agrees. Most people with an ounce of humanity would agree. His belief that the gay lifestyle is wrong took precedent over his belief that a family needed his help in finding peace in their time of need. Dunno how else you can explain his actions.




How can you start and join these threads just to f around with people back then, when you just joined 2 weeks ago? :unsure:



Also, it was just last week when you said the following.....which happened to be in a thread discussing Islam:






I mention secularism, and suddenly I'm atheistic and a religion hater. I hope you're more unflappable when it comes to commercial litigation.


Also, you wanna avoid the Mensa comparisons, quit acting like Mensa.


Maybe the point is that the Church has rules, which in its view, are correct and are to be followed, notwithstanding what anyone else thinks.


I was saying that I would post no differently had I signed up ten years ago.


The comment in the Islam thread was sarcasm. Sorry you didn't catch that.


I'm not worried about Mensa comparisons. You're the one obsessed with him.


I do quite well with my practice. How about you?

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Maybe the point is that the Church has rules, which in its view, are correct and are to be followed, notwithstanding what anyone else thinks.


Exactly. Here are the Church rules regarding the matter:


In a written statement, the Archdiocese of Washington conceded that Father Marcel acted improperly, saying, “Any issues regarding the suitability of an individual to receive communion should be addressed by the priest with that person in a private, pastoral setting.”


The Church has rules, which in its view are correct and are to be followed, notwithstanding what some renegade priest or some casual christian thinks.


I was saying that I would post no differently had I signed up ten years ago.


Oh, I was asking where you were at when Christianity was being assailed by secularism on these here boreds. Obviously you have strong feelings on the matter. Doesn't make sense that you'd continue to remain on the sidelines while your belief system was being attacked. :dunno:



The comment in the Islam thread was sarcasm. Sorry you didn't catch that.


Damn. I thought that was the start of a beautiful relationship. Seems odd that someone whom I've never had an exchange with would come out swinging like that. I must have said some pretty awful things over the years...but not so awful to compel you to sign up before.


What's even more odd is that your comment was in response to me noting the irony of people blasting religion because other religions were intolerant. We can extend that irony further to include your brand of Christianity which shares a trait with radical Islam. You see, in radical Islam, individuals do not denounce the actions of fundamentalists. Much like you here. You will not denounce the behavior of a priest who was clearly wrong the way he handled the situation. Bear in mind that we're not talking about the Church's stance on homosexuality. We're talking about if this priest was right? You want to defend him based on Church rules....just like fundamentalist Muslims.


Now I won't put this priest's behavior on the same plane as ragheads killing in the name of Allah. But to defend the indefensible is pure lunacy. Funny how you talk the talk, but won't walk the walk when it comes to your religion. Hypocrite.


I'm not worried about Mensa comparisons. You're the one obsessed with him.


Right. And that's why you had to start a thread announcing you weren't Mensa. :rolleyes:


Fock if I care who you are. Mensa, Jesus, whoever. You're a hardline rightie zealot who can't argue for sh!t. You think everyone here is a board nazi, yet you're the one telling people they've thought wrongly on this matter simply because it doesn't jibe with your fundamentalism. Too funny.


Just tip your cap buddy, and move on.



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I'm really sorry to disappoint you.


I'm not disappointed. I figured the mask would slip eventually and your "Exactly like RP or Mensa, only slightly more reasonable" persona would go away sooner or later. I'm only surprised that you broke character so soon.

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I'm not disappointed. I figured the mask would slip eventually and your "Exactly like RP or Mensa, only slightly more reasonable" persona would go away sooner or later. I'm only surprised that you broke character so soon.

At first I didn't think it was Mensa, but as the days go by, it's looking more and more likely. I bet if we started in on the insults, it would only be a matter of time before he flies off the handle.


If I remember correctly, he's got a little Puerto Rico in him and he just isn't able to help himself.

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Exactly. Here are the Church rules regarding the matter:




The Church has rules, which in its view are correct and are to be followed, notwithstanding what some renegade priest or some casual christian thinks.




Oh, I was asking where you were at when Christianity was being assailed by secularism on these here boreds. Obviously you have strong feelings on the matter. Doesn't make sense that you'd continue to remain on the sidelines while your belief system was being attacked. :dunno:





Damn. I thought that was the start of a beautiful relationship. Seems odd that someone whom I've never had an exchange with would come out swinging like that. I must have said some pretty awful things over the years...but not so awful to compel you to sign up before.


What's even more odd is that your comment was in response to me noting the irony of people blasting religion because other religions were intolerant. We can extend that irony further to include your brand of Christianity which shares a trait with radical Islam. You see, in radical Islam, individuals do not denounce the actions of fundamentalists. Much like you here. You will not denounce the behavior of a priest who was clearly wrong the way he handled the situation. Bear in mind that we're not talking about the Church's stance on homosexuality. We're talking about if this priest was right? You want to defend him based on Church rules....just like fundamentalist Muslims.


Now I won't put this priest's behavior on the same plane as ragheads killing in the name of Allah. But to defend the indefensible is pure lunacy. Funny how you talk the talk, but won't walk the walk when it comes to your religion. Hypocrite.




Right. And that's why you had to start a thread announcing you weren't Mensa. :rolleyes:


Fock if I care who you are. Mensa, Jesus, whoever. You're a hardline rightie zealot who can't argue for sh!t. You think everyone here is a board nazi, yet you're the one telling people they've thought wrongly on this matter simply because it doesn't jibe with your fundamentalism. Too funny.


Just tip your cap buddy, and move on.




The rules I had in mind are found in the Canon Law. But you're frothing at the mouth and can't stop with your rant to consider something like that. Try the comments following the story in the link.


And where did I come out swinging at you? Point it out. A thread with a religious subject is posted and a bored Nazi like you just has to goosestep right in with ridicule and smarmy comments. Like I said, you could have stopped with one comment, or even avoided the thread, but you had to keep going. But I'm the doosh, right?


The irony of this thread is that you assume that I practice a form of Christianity that has something in common with fundamentalist Muslims. You don't know if I'm a Catholic, Episcopalian, whatever denomination you wish. For all you really know, I'm a lapsed Catholic that really doesn't have a high opinion of the Catholic Church, who posted this story to put an areligious, psychotic bigot like you on tilt. And the analaogy between the false brand of Christianity I supposedly practice (which you don't really know about)and fundamentalist Islam was just brilliant. I knew you had it in you to one day criticize Islam.


Again, your obsession with Mensa, as you continue to expose, is absolutely sick. You don't care who I am? Then stop accusing me of being him. If you don't care, why do you keep doing that?


You're a straight up a-hole. Tip your hat and move on. It's my thread. Go take your lithium and maybe you can regain some balance or call 911 and maybe they can put a 24 hour hold on you.

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Try the comments following the story in the link.




And where did I come out swinging at you? Point it out. A thread with a religious subject is posted and a bored Nazi like you just has to goosestep right in with ridicule and smarmy comments. Like I said, you could have stopped with one comment, or even avoided the thread, but you had to keep going.


You were sarcastic when there was no need to be. I was trying to make a valid point. Evidently it countered your brand of extremism. Sorry.


The secularism jab was to provoke Mensa. :unsure:


But I'm the doosh, right?


I'll drink to that. :cheers:



The irony of this thread is that you assume that I practice a form of Christianity that has something in common with fundamentalist Muslims. You don't know if I'm a Catholic, Episcopalian, whatever denomination you wish. For all you really know, I'm a lapsed Catholic that really doesn't have a high opinion of the Catholic Church, who posted this story to put an areligious, psychotic bigot like you on tilt. And the analaogy between the false brand of Christianity I supposedly practice (which you don't really know about)and fundamentalist Islam was just brilliant. I knew you had it in you to one day criticize Islam.


What I said has nothing to do with your brand of Christianity Mr. Lawyer. It has to do with your unwillingness to denounce a fellow Christian who acted improperly. Seems as if your rationale for failing to do so is that the Church has Rules (Cannon Law) which justify the priest's behavior. Tell me how that's different than a fundamentalist Muslim using some passage in the Koran to justify their behavior toward the infidels? The two religions aren't being compared so much as the failure of some of the followers to denounce improper behavior. Commercial Littigation must be really, super easy compared to this stuff.


Again, your obsession with Mensa, as you continue to expose, is absolutely sick. You don't care who I am? Then stop accusing me of being him. If you don't care, why do you keep doing that?


If you're not him, then why does it bother you so much? Hate being compared to a freak? Understandable. Actually, the more I put you on tilt, the more I'm convinced you're not IMMatureMind. Mensa had skewed beliefs, but he could articulate them pretty well. I think he'd be somewhat proud of you though. Yer a feisty one. Though not so feisty as to jump in a year ago when there were several threads criticizing Christianity....yet you're really agitated I couldn't just give my opinion without mentioning secularism. You're conspicuously avoiding that topic too. Hmmm, wonder why.


You're a straight up a-hole. Tip your hat and move on. It's my thread. Go take your lithium and maybe you can regain some balance or call 911 and maybe they can put a 24 hour hold on you.


I sense some real tension here. When I'm feeling tense I like to go play pool with NFL players. It really does the trick.



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FeelingMN, MDC, Casual Observer - Why don't you guys stop the personal BS and I won't have to ban anybody this week. It's up to you.

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You were sarcastic when there was no need to be. I was trying to make a valid point. Evidently it countered your brand of extremism. Sorry.


The secularism jab was to provoke Mensa. :unsure:




I'll drink to that. :cheers:





What I said has nothing to do with your brand of Christianity Mr. Lawyer. It has to do with your unwillingness to denounce a fellow Christian who acted improperly. Seems as if your rationale for failing to do so is that the Church has Rules (Cannon Law) which justify the priest's behavior. Tell me how that's different than a fundamentalist Muslim using some passage in the Koran to justify their behavior toward the infidels? The two religions aren't being compared so much as the failure of some of the followers to denounce improper behavior. Commercial Littigation must be really, super easy compared to this stuff.




If you're not him, then why does it bother you so much? Hate being compared to a freak? Understandable. Actually, the more I put you on tilt, the more I'm convinced you're not IMMatureMind. Mensa had skewed beliefs, but he could articulate them pretty well. I think he'd be somewhat proud of you though. Yer a feisty one. Though not so feisty as to jump in a year ago when there were several threads criticizing Christianity....yet you're really agitated I couldn't just give my opinion without mentioning secularism. You're conspicuously avoiding that topic too. Hmmm, wonder why.




I sense some real tension here. When I'm feeling tense I like to go play pool with NFL players. It really does the trick.




So you picked this thread to rail against Catholics' failure to denounce this Priest or mine, without knowing for sure whether I'm a Christian and, if so, which denomination (some are pretty hostile to Catholics). OK. Good dodges in there too champ.


I'm not at all bothered by your mention of secularism. I'm bothered by your arrogant approach to the topic. But, you're on that track, so ride the rails.


The Mensa stuff, that's your problem. It's kind of like accusing someone of committing a crime, when they didn't commit it. But since it's you doing the accusing, it's OK.


Go grab that game of pool with NFL players coolio.

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FeelingMN, MDC, Casual Observer - Why don't you guys stop the personal BS and I won't have to ban anybody this week. It's up to you.


I didn't post any personal stuff, all I did was answer the OP's question and he starts throwing around insults. I'm done with this thread anyway. :dunno:

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So you picked this thread to rail against Catholics' failure to denounce this Priest or mine, without knowing for sure whether I'm a Christian and, if so, which denomination (some are pretty hostile to Catholics).


I'm not railing against anything. You asked me if I thought the priest was right...I've said no.


The 4 cardinal virtues are: Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude. I'd say this priest violated the virtue of Prudence which says to do the right thing at the right time. Father Marcel failed in my estimation. Apparently the archdiocese agrees.


I'm not at all bothered by your mention of secularism.


Why take the thread into secularism, you're gonna lose followers direction? You've already said you don't care, why waste time commenting on it?



See ya' around buddy.



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Positive. And you're a real prince (and a bored Nazi).

A bored Nazi? What's a bored Nazi? I'm not saying I'm not one, I just need a definition so I know just how proud of it I should be. TIA.

To clarify my position; I would have liked to have more information to help me decide whether this priest was a highly principled man of the cloth who made it a practice to deny communion to congregation members he regarded as living a sinful lifestyle, or whether he was just being a bigot toward a lesbian. This kind of information would have helped me answer your question whether I thought he was right to do what he did or not. Unfortunately that information wasn't forthcoming and your suggestion that I should call the priest and ask him or not bother wondering was a jagoffy suggestion. HTH.

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Ends up the lesbian is actually Buddhist, not Catholic. Or sorta Buddhist-Catholic. But more Buddhist than Catholic.


My link

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