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Commissioner's Behavior

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I lost Sunday 142.9 - 141.2. Cowboys forgot there run game. I'm still POed, not because of the Cowboys, not because I had people on the bench who could have made the difference. Because I was screwed by a potential unethical decision by the Commissioner.

During the week I picked up both Gerhart and Todman as potential fill ins for ABrown against Seattle and A Jeffrey against Haden in the snow with a rusty Cutler. Once the picture cleared on who was what I dropped Gerhart on Fri and Todman around noon Sat. I'll admit I kept Todman long enough to push the Waiver availability back to Mon. My playoff opponent had MJD and I didn't want him to then get Todman. I looked at the waiver wire around 8:00 pm Sat night and it said he would be available Mon 12/16.

Sun when the games start I look at the matchups and see my opponent has Todman. When I contact the Commish he hems and haws with a couple of lame excuses but finally admits that my opponent contacted him Sun morning about Todman and so Commish let him obtain him. We argued bacj and forth and (texting) and Commish finally said he thought what I did wasn't right and that his decision was made (obviously) and he wouldn't change anything. He said I should have played better people. Todman got 19 pts. None of the other RBs available got more than 11 other than Asiata, who wouldn't have been selected.

In hindsight, sure, I should've kept Todman. My question to all.....was I wrong in trying to block my opponent from getting Todman once I knew I wouldn't use him or was my Commish unethical in breaking the rules for his friend. Since, I have realized Commish did this sort of things a number of times (3-4) during the season for others I was just gullible enough to believe his explanations when I called him on it. This was my first year (and last) in the league and it is made up of his college buds which I am far from being.

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I'd say both.


but I guess if that is the precedent that was set previously


(ie. if the commish has done this in the past when people picked up potential waiver wire pickups and then droped them shortly thereafter so others cant pick them up)


that being said, if these guys have been on your roster for more than a few days, the commish should have left well enough alone.


I dont like the move on his part, but at the same time if you did pick this guy up, hold him a day or less and dropped him I do at least understand the move.


what it comes down to is whether this is common knowledge in the league?


I'd be somewhat choked if I were you.

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The commish is bullsh!t.


What you did was perfectly fine IMO.


Now if your league has a problem with the practice, well that's OK, but then they need to have a rule in place to prevent it. For example if a team picks up and drops a player within the same week, that player goes straight to free agency rather than waivers. Plenty of leagues have a rule like that.


Since your league apparently doesn't have that rule, it was absolutely wrong of the commish to go ahead and do it for one owner on an ad hoc basis. ESPECIALLY in the playoffs.

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its shady on your part, but commish did overstep his bounds.


It is what it is. Should have kept todman on your roster honestly. Depending on how pissed you are, I would find another league as you guys have different philosophies, him valuing sportsmanship higher than you.


If it happened in my league, it would be a long discussion with the co-commish but we'd probably not make the move and put in a rule that players picked up and dropped in the same week are FA's the following season, but i'm not worried about it

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Ouch!! Sportsmanship? I'm not so sure his action was in response a to his high regard for sportsmanship or just catering to a buddy who wanted an edge? Was breaking the rules numerous time for his friends through the season sportsmanship?


It's funny how we all read into a situation differently. We read into it the way we would be thinking if it was us in the situation.

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Yeah I think FF is about gamesmanship. There is nothing that says what you did was illegal. I wouldn't do it but I don't think commish..

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I'm not sure how anyone is getting on the OP. That is just a smart tactical move on his part. It isn't close to being shady. He played by the rules, the commish broke them. Is picking up a bunch of QB's when your opponent needs one shady? What is wrong with some of you posters on here?

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I'm not sure how anyone is getting on the OP. That is just a smart tactical move on his part. It isn't close to being shady. He played by the rules, the commish broke them. Is picking up a bunch of QB's when your opponent needs one shady? What is wrong with some of you posters on here?

I agree nothing shady at all on the OPs part. The commish is a focktard!

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Our league has a rule in place that you can't drop someone in the same week as you pick him up. We view it as the same as colluding on a trade. It sounds like that is the intent of your league, even though it may not be a written rule. In my eyes the commish did the right thing and you wouldn't be welcome in our league. Neither would Tonya Harding..

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The MJD owner is a whiny b!tch. He saw Todman "available" and instead of trying to make the best out of a bad situation and pick up another back, he complains to the commish....who caters to this b!tch's wish.


Shoulda just kept Todman. I have no problem cockblocking another owner....but I'll burn the roster space in doing so and keep that player on my bench for a week.


Commish was wrong to circumvent the rules.

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Our league has a rule in place that you can't drop someone in the same week as you pick him up. We view it as the same as colluding on a trade. It sounds like that is the intent of your league, even though it may not be a written rule. In my eyes the commish did the right thing and you wouldn't be welcome in our league. Neither would Tonya Harding..

That's really stupid. I can understand why you have that rule even though I think it's a little dumb. But to say that the commissioner should enforce an unwritten "rule" like that on an ad hoc basis? Just beyond dumb.


The only real solution here, if any was even necessary, was to enact a rule for next season and do nothing in the meanwhile.

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The commish is bullsh!t.


What you did was perfectly fine IMO.


Now if your league has a problem with the practice, well that's OK, but then they need to have a rule in place to prevent it. For example if a team picks up and drops a player within the same week, that player goes straight to free agency rather than waivers. Plenty of leagues have a rule like that.


Since your league apparently doesn't have that rule, it was absolutely wrong of the commish to go ahead and do it for one owner on an ad hoc basis. ESPECIALLY in the playoffs.


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Why do people say moves like this are shady? The OP's move was not shady at all. Hello... The dude is trying to get into the finals. Picking up a guy and dropping him is his own prerogative. How is that shady? Seriously way to many pu$$ies out there.


Back to the original question. Yes.... That is terrible that the commish did that and I would be furious. I would be demanding my money back at the least.

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Our league has a rule in place that you can't drop someone in the same week as you pick him up. We view it as the same as colluding on a trade. It sounds like that is the intent of your league, even though it may not be a written rule. In my eyes the commish did the right thing and you wouldn't be welcome in our league. Neither would Tonya Harding..

What the pot in your christian league? 20 pesos in next weeks offering? Fock off

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FYI..........The Commish is now the "projections favorite" in the Yahoo league. I was before the situation arose.



I don't think I'll be invited back next year. Wouldn't accept, anyway. The group is a bunch of college buddies just out of school. I'm a lot older but got involved through work relationships and I've know the Commish's family for 5-6 years.

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I think the move you made was strategic and completely legal and I would have tried the same if I could.

What the commish did was completely uncalled for and he should step down or better yet, I would look for a new league.

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signing FA's and releasing them the same week b4 gametime has been used as a strategy by almost everyone that could take advantage from it. Until...a few years back leagues that frowned upon that changed the rule....so if you release a guy in same week he DOES NOT HAVE TO CLEAR WAIVERS.


So if the league didnt have this implemented, then the POS commish had no fvcking right to override it.


Change the rule next year...not in the middle of year or week to favor a team in need. It is plain ole CHEATING :thumbsdown:

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Your move was just fine. The commish and the dumbass who complained to him to get Todman should be kicked out of the league.

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Just because these folks are BFFs with your commish, it doesn't mean they've all sold their souls to the guy. Unless they've all stopped paying attention, you might tend to think a few of them might have sniffed the turd their commissioner pal dropped on you and made a small stink of their own. Considering they're college guys, they likely have the smarts to know that if the commish can get away with doing onto you, the day will likely come when he does onto them. Which, if you had sent out an email blast, would have been the approach to take.


And if cockblocking your opponent is a sin, particularly in a balls out championship game, then I'm headed for hell.

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I agree with most here...

just want to add:


as a commish I feel like I have to 'honor' whatever rules are in place at all times. Regardless about how I feel about your behavior (I would establish that you can either drop and add anyone at will, unless they have played, OR make it so you can't drop guys the same week you pick them up)...


The commish is at fault and shouldn't have did what he/she did.


If I were you I wouldn't play with that league any more.


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There are no rules in this league other than the Yahoo Scoring and Settings.


I did send out an email to the league briefly describing what had been done. One league member responded, "At least you made the playoffs!".


I am now blocked from the league email as well as having my ability to manage my team for the always rewarding consolation games.

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There are no rules in this league other than the Yahoo Scoring and Settings.


I did send out an email to the league briefly describing what had been done. One league member responded, "At least you made the playoffs!".


I am now blocked from the league email as well as having my ability to manage my team for the always rewarding consolation games.

You play with a bunch of losers. Consider this a blessing and look for a different league next year

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The only way I see that a move similar to this is shady would be if your opponent has his kicker get injured & you add/drop any available kicker until there's none left.


That would be shady. What the OP was normal gamesmanship. A commish circumventing the WW setup is shady.

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I don't think I'd play in a league where you can 'churn the waiver wire' and make guys unavailable that week. If you drop that guy prior to the start of the game he is playing in, he should be available for THAT game.


If you did that purposely to doosh the other guy, welcome to Karma. If not, sorry to hear that. Either way the commish overstepped his bounds by either undoing your dooshy move (if intended) or hooking up a friend/caving in to someone complaining.

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I don't think I'd play in a league where you can 'churn the waiver wire' and make guys unavailable that week. If you drop that guy prior to the start of the game he is playing in, he should be available for THAT game.


If you did that purposely to doosh the other guy, welcome to Karma. If not, sorry to hear that. Either way the commish overstepped his bounds by either undoing your dooshy move (if intended) or hooking up a friend/caving in to someone complaining.



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I don't think I'd play in a league where you can 'churn the waiver wire' and make guys unavailable that week. If you drop that guy prior to the start of the game he is playing in, he should be available for THAT game.

There's a big difference between 'churning the waiver wire' and holding onto a player longer than you would have normally for a strategic reason. The OP mentioned that he had picked up Todman as a possible fill in for his own roster. He simply chose to hold on to him a bit longer before dropping him. I see nothing wrong with that what so ever. He used the rules of the league to time the player drop based on free agent clearing, and in doing so he tied up one of his own roster spots while he could have been picking someone else up.


The commish then broke the rules by breaking the waiver period. If there's no rule in place saying that he can so that, that's a big no no. And now locking the O from being able to post to the league? That's just the commish being a big baby. "I don't like what you're saying, so I'm going to gag you". No way would I play in that league again next year. Unfortunately, since the rest of the league are all friends, they'll probably all convince themselves that the OP is at fault. Until the commish screws someone else.


Either way, my two cents is that the OP did nothing but play strategically using the rules of the league, and the commish acted like a and doesn't like being called out on it.

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There's a big difference between 'churning the waiver wire' and holding onto a player longer than you would have normally for a strategic reason. The OP mentioned that he had picked up Todman as a possible fill in for his own roster. He simply chose to hold on to him a bit longer before dropping him. I see nothing wrong with that what so ever. He used the rules of the league to time the player drop based on free agent clearing, and in doing so he tied up one of his own roster spots while he could have been picking someone else up.


The commish then broke the rules by breaking the waiver period. If there's no rule in place saying that he can so that, that's a big no no. And now locking the O from being able to post to the league? That's just the commish being a big baby. "I don't like what you're saying, so I'm going to gag you". No way would I play in that league again next year. Unfortunately, since the rest of the league are all friends, they'll probably all convince themselves that the OP is at fault. Until the commish screws someone else.


Either way, my two cents is that the OP did nothing but play strategically using the rules of the league, and the commish acted like a ###### and doesn't like being called out on it.


Exactly nothin doosh just strategy !

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I don't think I'd play in a league where you can 'churn the waiver wire' and make guys unavailable that week. If you drop that guy prior to the start of the game he is playing in, he should be available for THAT game.

Maybe I grew up sheltered or whatever, but there's something here I'm not getting. In the OP's situation, he can claim a player from the WW, drop that player a day or so later, and then nobody else can grab the guy? He's locked? Even if the WW is still open? What's the reasoning?

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There are no unwritten rules in fantasy football. Not if you play in a money league. Seriously, you need to demand they reverse ruling. Since there was no game last night you have time to get this reversed. I swear I'd pitch the biggest fit, become the biggest a-hole until they came clean. Obviously your time in this league is over anyway. Business is business.


Unless you're just play playing? The cost to small claims in Texas is like $50. I'd at least threaten the clown with it, maybe get your entrance fee back.

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@ chroniciguana; I don't get it either. Why set up the league where a viable player won't be available despite being dropped prior to the game he's playing in?


That's focking stupid if you ask me and just opens the door for azzhattery; the kind of which intentionally or unintentionally has been displayed here.

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@ Chronic & Filthy:


Setting the Stage: In the standard Yahoo settings, every player is "locked" once their game begins, be it Thursday, Sunday or Monday. They remain "locked" until the waiver claims are processed the following Tuesday night, so as to give every league member a shot at acquiring them (rather than just the "active" owner who watches non-stop). After the waiver process takes place, everybody left is a free agent.


If you acquire a waiver claim or pick up a free agent during the week, and then drop them for a different player, they again enter "Waiver Status" rather than immediate free agency; in our league, the "waiver status" is again two days, so as to allow any owner the opportunity to acquire them.


Does it allow for azzhatery? Certainly, and it goes on every week all year long! Somebody willing to burn their waiver priority will take a player to keep somebody else from getting them, only to turn around and drop them on Sunday morning for a bye week kicker! It adds another dimension of strategy to the game...


The OP got screwed by a commish who over-rode the system and manually moved a "frozen" player onto another teams roster. It simply can't happen and the commish is a cheater...

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You got focked (although it was douchey to drop him given your opponent had MJD).


I picked up Cutler and Todman precisely to block my playoff opponents from grabbing them. It's part of the game.


Should be noted that we only allow 3 transactions per team per week, and have a seasonal cap of 39 transactions per team.

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